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Created April 27, 2023 14:37
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Targets compare: Rust to Zig
//! ref:
//! updated to v0.11.0
// at attemp to convert between rust and zig targets.
// rustc must be in the path.
// compile with `zig build-exe RustToZigTgarets.zig
const std = @import("std");
const CrossTarget = std.zig.CrossTarget;
var general_purpose_allocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const Target = std.Target;
const Arch = std.Target.Cpu.Arch;
const Cpu = std.Target.Cpu;
const Model = std.Target.Cpu.Model;
const Feature = std.Target.Cpu.Feature;
const Set = std.Target.Cpu.Feature.Set;
const Os = std.Target.Os;
const Abi = std.Target.Abi;
const eqlIgnoreCase = std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase;
const builtin = std.builtin;
const FindTarget = struct {
arch: ?Arch = null,
model: ?*const Model = null,
os: ?Os.Tag = null,
abi: ?Abi = null,
pub fn main() !void {
const gpa = general_purpose_allocator.allocator();
defer if (general_purpose_allocator.deinit() == .leak) std.process.exit(1);
const o_file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("mapping.text", .{});
defer o_file.close();
const out = o_file.writer();
const rustc = try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{ .allocator = gpa, .argv = &.{
} });
defer {;;
// make a unique list from rustc as well
// has the hard-coded targets from repr-c
var rust_targets = std.StringArrayHashMap(void).init(gpa);
defer rust_targets.deinit();
// mutiple rust targets can map to the same
// zig target. Keep track of the mappings
// so we can find and eliminate these rust
// targets
var mapping = std.StringArrayHashMap(std.ArrayList([]const u8)).init(gpa);
defer mapping.deinit();
var rust_t = std.mem.tokenize(u8, rustc.stdout, "\n");
while ( |target| {
try rust_targets.put(target, {});
for (static_list) |target| {
try rust_targets.put(target, {});
var it = rust_targets.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
const key = entry.key_ptr.*;
var z_target = try gpa.alloc(u8, 128);
var strm =;
if (try resolveTarget(key, strm.writer())) {
const ent = try mapping.getOrPut(strm.getWritten());
if (!ent.found_existing) {
ent.value_ptr.* = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(gpa);
} else {;
try ent.value_ptr.append(key);
} else {;
std.debug.print("no target for {s}\n", .{key});
var k_itr = mapping.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
const k = entry.key_ptr.*;
const v = entry.value_ptr.*;
if (v.items.len > 1) {
std.debug.print("multi {s} : ", .{k});
for (v.items) |i| {
std.debug.print(" {s}", .{i});
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
for (v.items) |t| {
// safe to output
try out.print("{s}:{s}\n", .{ t, k });
// std.debug.print("single {s} : {s}\n", .{ k.*, v.items[0] });
fn resolveTarget(target: []const u8, writer: anytype) !bool {
var fill: FindTarget = .{};
// std.debug.print("{s} || ", .{target});
var ittr = std.mem.split(u8, target, "-");
var last: []const u8 = undefined;
while ( |part| {
last = part;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(last, "none")) {
fill.abi = .none;
while ( |part| {
if (eqlIgnoreCase(part, "unknown") or eqlIgnoreCase(part, "none")) continue;
if (isUnknown(part)) {
fill.arch = null;
searchArch(part, &fill);
searchModel(part, &fill);
searchOs(part, &fill);
searchAbi(part, &fill);
// ok. see if we can make a useful target out of all of this.
if (fill.arch) |arch| {
fill.os = fill.os orelse Os.Tag.other;
fill.model = fill.model orelse Model.baseline(arch);
const end_os: Os = .{
.tag = fill.os.?,
.version_range = .{ .none = {} },
fill.abi = fill.abi orelse Abi.default(arch, end_os);
try writer.print("{s}-{s}-{s}-{s}", .{
return true;
return false;
fn isUnknown(text: []const u8) bool {
for (unknown_zig) |u| {
if (eqlIgnoreCase(text, u)) return true;
return false;
fn searchAbi(text: []const u8, res: *FindTarget) void {
if (res.abi != null) return;
res.abi = std.meta.stringToEnum(Abi, text);
fn searchOs(text: []const u8, res: *FindTarget) void {
if (res.os != null) return;
if (eqlIgnoreCase("darwin", text) or eqlIgnoreCase("macosx", text)) {
res.os = .macos;
// if (res.arch.? == .i386) {
// // i686 etc is ambgious. can be both 32 or 64 bit
// // but macos is only 64 bit.
// res.arch = Arch.x86_64;
// }
} else {
res.os = std.meta.stringToEnum(Os.Tag, text);
fn searchModel(raw: []const u8, res: *FindTarget) void {
const text = if (eqlIgnoreCase(raw, "i386")) "x86" else raw;
if (res.model != null or res.arch == null) return;
for (res.arch.?.allCpuModels()) |mod| {
if (mod.llvm_name) |ll| {
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ll, text)) {
res.model = mod;
fn searchArch(raw: []const u8, res: *FindTarget) void {
const text = if (eqlIgnoreCase(raw, "i386")) "x86" else raw;
if (res.arch != null) return;
// look for an exact match.
if (std.meta.stringToEnum(Arch, text)) |a| {
res.arch = a;
// sometimes the first part of the triplet is a cpu model
// like i686
// because i386 comes before x86_64 in the enum,
// i686 etc will default to 32-bit (i386)
// it's ambgious.. so.. seems safe?
for (std.enums.values(Arch)) |a| {
for (a.allCpuModels()) |mod| {
const ll = mod.llvm_name orelse continue;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(text, ll)) {
res.arch = a;
res.model = mod;
// rust targets like armebv7r-none-eabi have both the arch and the cpu
// in the "arch" part of the string. Walk the string backwards and see
// if ther is a arch in the front
var end = text.len - 1;
// no arch less than 3 long
while (end > 2) : (end -= 1) {
if (std.meta.stringToEnum(Arch, text[0..end])) |a| {
// fount it.
res.arch = a;
var maybeModel = text[end..];
if (maybeModel.len <= 0) return;
// rust has targeets like mipsisa32r, which zig is misp32r
// so trip the isa
if (a == Arch.mips and std.mem.startsWith(u8, maybeModel, "isa")) {
maybeModel = maybeModel[3..];
} else if (Arch.isRISCV(a)) {
// strip off leading "i" if exists
// zig doesn't support expiremtnal ISA's ATM.
if (maybeModel[0] == 'i') {
maybeModel = maybeModel[1..];
searchRiscV(maybeModel, a, res);
// search for CPU model in the end of the string.
for (a.allCpuModels()) |mod| {
const ll = mod.llvm_name orelse continue;
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ll, maybeModel)) {
res.model = mod;
// sometines only the end part is a feature
res.model = searchFeatures(maybeModel, a);
fn searchRiscV(sub: []const u8, arch: Arch, fill: *FindTarget) void {
if (sub.len == 0 or eqlIgnoreCase(sub, "gc")) {
fill.arch = arch;
fill.model = Model.generic(arch);
var f_union: Feature.Set = std.mem.zeroes(Feature.Set);
const allFeat = arch.allFeaturesList();
const has64 = allFeat[@enumToInt(std.Target.riscv.Feature.@"64bit")];
for (sub, 0..) |_, idx| {
const check = sub[idx .. idx + 1];
for (allFeat) |hay| {
if (eqlIgnoreCase(, check) or
eqlIgnoreCase(hay.llvm_name orelse "", check))
std.debug.print("rv-{s}-{s} ", .{ @tagName(arch), sub });
var iter = featureIndexIterator(f_union);
while ( |i| {
std.debug.print("{s}:", .{allFeat[i].name});
var min_count: usize = std.math.maxInt(usize);
for (arch.allCpuModels()) |mod| {
if (arch == .riscv64 and !hasFeature(mod, has64, .riscv64, null)) continue;
var m_union: Feature.Set = std.mem.zeroes(Feature.Set);
featuresUnion(mod, arch, &m_union);
var match = true;
for (m_union.ints, 0..) |_, idx| {
const mi = m_union.ints[idx];
const fi = f_union.ints[idx];
if (mi & fi != fi) {
match = false;
const f_count = count(m_union);
if (f_count < min_count) {
fill.arch = arch;
fill.model = mod;
min_count = f_count;
std.debug.print(" {s} {s}\n", .{ @tagName(arch), fill.model.?.name });
fn searchFeatures(sub: []const u8, arch: Arch) ?*const Model {
var ret: ?*const Model = null;
// all the armeb cpu modles/features called "armxxxx" so strip the eb
const m_arch = if (arch == Arch.armeb) Arch.arm else arch;
const full = @tagName(m_arch);
const flen = full.len;
for (arch.allFeaturesList()) |feat| {
const ll = feat.llvm_name orelse "";
// a bunch of these names are like 'mips64r6' and sub is just '64rlr'
// so strip off the arch name from the front if it exists
const lloff = if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, ll, full)) flen else 0;
const noff = if (std.mem.startsWith(u8,, full)) flen else 0;
// std.debug.print("b:{s}:{s}:{s}:{s}:{s}\n", .{ sub, @tagName(arch), @tagName(m_arch), ll[lloff..],[noff..] });
if (eqlIgnoreCase(ll[lloff..], sub) or
eqlIgnoreCase([noff..], sub))
// std.debug.print("a:{s}:{s}:{s}:{s}:{s}\n", .{ sub, @tagName(arch), @tagName(m_arch), ll[lloff..],[noff..] });
var max: usize = std.math.maxInt(usize);
for (arch.allCpuModels()) |mod| {
var f_count: usize = 0;
if (hasFeature(mod, feat, arch, &f_count)) {
if (f_count < max) {
ret = mod;
max = f_count;
// std.debug.print("set:{s}={s}\n", .{ sub, mod.llvm_name });
if (ret == null) {
std.debug.print("No cpu has feature {s}\n", .{sub});
return ret;
const FeatureIterator = struct {
const Self = @This();
set: *const Set,
ints_indx: usize,
current: usize,
pub fn next(self: *Self) ?Set.Index {
// no ffs, so ctz+1
const ffs = @intCast(usize, @ctz(self.current));
if (ffs >= @bitSizeOf(usize)) {
// have we checked the whole array?
if (self.ints_indx == 0) return null;
// load the next one and try again
self.ints_indx -= 1;
self.current = self.set.ints[self.ints_indx];
return @call(.always_tail, next, .{self});
// clear the bit we're about to return
self.current &= (self.current - 1);
const ret = ffs + (@bitSizeOf(usize) * (self.ints_indx));
return @intCast(Set.Index, ret);
pub fn featureIndexIterator(set: Set) FeatureIterator {
return FeatureIterator{
.set = &set,
.ints_indx = set.ints.len - 1,
.current = set.ints[set.ints.len - 1],
/// how many features in this set
pub fn count(set: Set) usize {
var ret: usize = 0;
for (set.ints) |i| {
ret += @popCount(i);
return ret;
/// a union of all the features and their dependencies.
pub fn featuresUnion(model: *const Model, arch: Arch, result: *Feature.Set) void {
// start empty
std.mem.set(usize, &result.ints, 0);
walkFeatures(model.features, arch, result);
fn walkFeatures(node: Feature.Set, arch: Arch, result: *Feature.Set) void {
for (&result.ints, 0..) |*item, idx| {
item.* |= node.ints[idx];
var itr = featureIndexIterator(node);
while ( |f_index| {
const next_node = arch.allFeaturesList()[f_index];
if (!next_node.dependencies.isEmpty()) {
// if there is a loop in this graph, this will
// blow the stack. But 'zig targets' runs, and that
// dumps the whole graph.
walkFeatures(next_node.dependencies, arch, result);
pub fn hasFeature(model: *const Model, feature: Feature, arch: Arch, f_count: ?*usize) bool {
if (model.features.isEnabled(feature.index)) return true;
var feat_union: Feature.Set = undefined;
featuresUnion(model, arch, &feat_union);
if (f_count) |c| {
c.* = count(feat_union);
return feat_union.isEnabled(feature.index);
// these Os and Abi are not supported by zig
// don't bother mapping
const unknown_zig = [_][]const u8{
"linuxkernel", // some day
// "elf", // can't map obj formats to a target
"uclibc", // to bad. this seems like a zig thing
"gnullvm", // this makes no sense to me
"arm64", // no 64bit arm yet.
const static_list = [_][]const u8{
test "while" {
var c: usize = 0;
while (c < 100) : (c += 1) {
if (c == 22) break;
std.debug.assert(c == 22);
test "enums" {
var found = false;
inline for (@typeInfo(Abi).Enum.fields) |fld| {
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{});
if (eqlIgnoreCase(, "eabi")) found = true;
std.debug.assert(std.meta.stringToEnum(Abi, "eabi") == Abi.eabi);
// zig test - output
// Test [2/2] test.enums... none
// gnu
// gnuabin32
// gnuabi64
// gnueabi
// gnueabihf
// gnuf32
// gnuf64
// gnusf
// gnux32
// gnuilp32
// code16
// eabi
// eabihf
// android
// musl
// musleabi
// musleabihf
// muslx32
// msvc
// itanium
// cygnus
// coreclr
// simulator
// macabi
// pixel
// vertex
// geometry
// hull
// domain
// compute
// library
// raygeneration
// intersection
// anyhit
// closesthit
// miss
// callable
// mesh
// amplification
// All 2 tests passed.
// zig run - output
// no target for aarch64-apple-ios-sim
// no target for aarch64-apple-watchos-sim
// no target for aarch64-kmc-solid_asp3
// no target for aarch64-pc-windows-gnullvm
// no target for aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu_ilp32
// no target for aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat
// no target for aarch64-unknown-redox
// no target for aarch64-uwp-windows-msvc
// no target for aarch64-wrs-vxworks
// no target for aarch64_be-unknown-linux-gnu_ilp32
// no target for arm-linux-androideabi
// no target for armv5te-unknown-linux-uclibceabi
// no target for armv7-linux-androideabi
// no target for armv7-sony-vita-newlibeabihf
// no target for armv7-unknown-linux-uclibceabi
// no target for armv7-wrs-vxworks-eabihf
// no target for armv7a-kmc-solid_asp3-eabi
// no target for armv7a-kmc-solid_asp3-eabihf
// No cpu has feature v7k
// No cpu has feature v7s
// no target for asmjs-unknown-emscripten
// no target for i686-uwp-windows-gnu
// no target for i686-uwp-windows-msvc
// no target for i686-wrs-vxworks
// no target for mips-unknown-linux-uclibc
// no target for mips64-openwrt-linux-musl
// no target for mips64-unknown-linux-muslabi64
// no target for mips64el-unknown-linux-muslabi64
// no target for mipsel-sony-psp
// no target for mipsel-sony-psx
// no target for mipsel-unknown-linux-uclibc
// no target for powerpc-unknown-linux-gnuspe
// no target for powerpc-wrs-vxworks
// no target for powerpc-wrs-vxworks-spe
// no target for powerpc64-wrs-vxworks
// rv-riscv32-m m: riscv32 generic
// rv-riscv32-mac a:c:m: riscv32 generic
// rv-riscv32-mac a:c:m: riscv32 generic
// rv-riscv32-mc c:m: riscv32 generic
// rv-riscv32-mc c:m: riscv32 generic
// rv-riscv64-mac a:c:m: riscv64 generic_rv64
// no target for thumbv7a-uwp-windows-msvc
// no target for thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi
// no target for x86_64-apple-watchos-sim
// no target for x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx
// no target for x86_64-pc-windows-gnullvm
// no target for x86_64-unknown-illumos
// no target for x86_64-unknown-l4re-uclibc
// no target for x86_64-unknown-redox
// no target for x86_64-uwp-windows-gnu
// no target for x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc
// no target for x86_64-wrs-vxworks
// no target for arm64-apple-ios
// no target for arm64-apple-ios-macabi
// no target for arm64-apple-tvos
// no target for armv5te-unknown-linux-uclibcgnueabi
// no target for armv6-unknown-netbsdelf-eabihf
// no target for armv7-unknown-netbsdelf-eabihf
// no target for i686-unknown-netbsdelf
// no target for x86_64-rumprun-netbsd
// multi aarch64-generic-macos-none : aarch64-apple-darwin aarch64-apple-macosx
// error(gpa): Allocation size 128 bytes does not match free size 26. Allocation:
// error [..]
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