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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save kassi/9611886 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
LoadModule passenger_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
<IfModule mod_passenger.c>
PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/locations.ini
PassengerDefaultRuby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.1.1/bin/ruby
PassengerMaxPoolSize 10
PassengerMinInstances 1
PassengerDebugLogFile /var/log/passenger.log
PassengerFriendlyErrorPages off
PassengerRuby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.3-p545-railsexpress/bin/ruby
$ rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles --debug
Running(15): curl --fail --location --max-redirs 10 --max-time 1800 --connect-timeout 30 --retry-delay 2 --retry 3 -s
Turning on auto dotfiles mode.
Running(1): Selected RVM branch stableDownloading
Running(1): Running(15): curl --fail --location --max-redirs 10 --connect-timeout 30 --retry-delay 2 --retry 3 -sS -o /usr/local/rvm/archives/rvm-stable.tgzRunning(1): Running(6): tar xzf /usr/local/rvm/archives/rvm-stable.tgz --no-same-owner --strip-components 1step> 'system_installation_check' started
step< 'system_installation_check' finished with status 0 in 0.001801878 seconds
step> 'setup_rvm_group_and_users' started
Group 'rvm' already exists
step< 'setup_rvm_group_and_users' finished with status 0 in 0.003417875 seconds
step> 'print_install_header' started
Upgrading the RVM installation in /usr/local/rvm/
step< 'print_install_header' finished with status 0 in 0.001770972 seconds
step> 'cleanse_old_entities' started
step< 'cleanse_old_entities' finished with status 0 in 0.001545436 seconds
step> 'create_install_paths' started
step< 'create_install_paths' finished with status 0 in 0.001886187 seconds
step> 'load_custom_flags' started
step< 'load_custom_flags' finished with status 0 in 0.001480081 seconds
step> 'save_custom_flags' started
step< 'save_custom_flags' finished with status 0 in 0.014344314 seconds
step> 'install_rvm_directories' started
step< 'install_rvm_directories' finished with status 0 in 0.018350552 seconds
step> 'install_rvm_files' started
step< 'install_rvm_files' finished with status 0 in 126.157054231 seconds
step> 'install_rvm_scripts' started
step< 'install_rvm_scripts' finished with status 0 in 189.037583829 seconds
step> 'cleanup_old_help_and_docs_files' started
step< 'cleanup_old_help_and_docs_files' finished with status 0 in 0.005847111 seconds
step> 'install_rvm_hooks' started
step< 'install_rvm_hooks' finished with status 0 in 3.270346456 seconds
step> 'remove_old_hooks' started
step< 'remove_old_hooks' finished with status 0 in 0.001617104 seconds
step> 'install_binaries' started
step< 'install_binaries' finished with status 0 in 1.931108244 seconds
step> 'install_gemsets' started
step< 'install_gemsets' finished with status 0 in 0.014943045 seconds
step> 'install_patchsets' started
step< 'install_patchsets' finished with status 0 in 0.161921097 seconds
step> 'install_man_pages' started
step< 'install_man_pages' finished with status 0 in 0.533030623 seconds
step> 'setup_configuration_files' started
step< 'setup_configuration_files' finished with status 0 in 0.507995100 seconds
step> 'setup_etc_profile' started
step< 'setup_etc_profile' finished with status 0 in 0.002012786 seconds
step> 'setup_etc_bashrc' started
step< 'setup_etc_bashrc' finished with status 0 in 0.001628565 seconds
step> 'setup_etc_rvmrc' started
step< 'setup_etc_rvmrc' finished with status 0 in 0.011964346 seconds
step> 'cleanse_old_environments' started
step< 'cleanse_old_environments' finished with status 0 in 0.005612076 seconds
step> 'migrate_old_gemsets' started
step< 'migrate_old_gemsets' finished with status 0 in 0.004653527 seconds
step> 'migrate_defaults' started
step< 'migrate_defaults' finished with status 0 in 0.001637440 seconds
step> 'migrate_environments_and_wrappers' started
step< 'migrate_environments_and_wrappers' finished with status 0 in 0.008812777 seconds
step> 'record_ruby_configs' started
step< 'record_ruby_configs' finished with status 0 in 0.002173277 seconds
step> 'update_gemsets_install_rvm' started
step< 'update_gemsets_install_rvm' finished with status 0 in 0.047088635 seconds
step> 'configure_autolibs' started
step< 'configure_autolibs' finished with status 0 in 0.005343997 seconds
step> 'update_yaml_if_needed' started
step< 'update_yaml_if_needed' finished with status 0 in 0.023723812 seconds
step> 'cleanup_tmp_files' started
step< 'cleanup_tmp_files' finished with status 0 in 0.006980676 seconds
step> 'record_installation_time' started
step< 'record_installation_time' finished with status 0 in 0.535571906 seconds
step> 'setup_rvm_path_permissions_root' started
step< 'setup_rvm_path_permissions_root' finished with status 0 in 21.348255930 seconds
step> 'setup_rvm_path_permissions_check_group' started
step< 'setup_rvm_path_permissions_check_group' finished with status 0 in 0.316495514 seconds
step> 'setup_rvm_path_permissions_check_dirs' started
step< 'setup_rvm_path_permissions_check_dirs' finished with status 0 in 0.284669805 seconds
step> 'setup_rvm_path_permissions_check_files' started
step< 'setup_rvm_path_permissions_check_files' finished with status 0 in 0.293658095 seconds
step> 'print_install_footer' started
Upgrade of RVM in /usr/local/rvm/ is complete.
step< 'print_install_footer' finished with status 0 in 0.002025841 seconds
step> 'display_thank_you' started
# Administrator,
# Thank you for using RVM!
# We sincerely hope that RVM helps to make your life easier and more enjoyable!!!
# ~Wayne, Michal & team.
step< 'display_thank_you' finished with status 0 in 0.004943482 seconds
step> 'display_notes' started
In case of problems: and
Upgrade Notes:
* No new notes to display.
step< 'display_notes' finished with status 0 in 0.986148850 seconds
RVM reloaded!
__rvm_rm_rf already gone: /usr/local/rvm/tmp/618*
App 19826 stderr: mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545-railsexpress@mygemset'
App 19826 stderr: : Permission denied
App 19826 stdout: ruby-1.9.3-p545-railsexpress - #gemset created /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545-railsexpress@mygemset
App 19826 stderr: mkdir:
App 19826 stderr: cannot create directory `/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545-railsexpress@mygemset': Permission denied
App 19826 stderr: mkdir:
App 19826 stderr: cannot create directory `/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545-railsexpress@mygemset'
App 19826 stderr: : Permission denied
... continuing forever
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