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Created January 25, 2018 21:05
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public interface BaseRxValidator<T> extends Function<T, Boolean> {
public class StringValidator implements BaseRxValidator<String> {
public static final int EMPTY = 0;
public static final int TOO_SHORT = 1;
public @interface Error {}
public int error;
public Boolean apply(@NonNull String target) throws Exception {
if (target.isEmpty()) {
error = EMPTY;
return false;
} else if (target.length() < 2) {
error = TOO_SHORT;
return false;
return true;
class ReusableValidator {
abstract class Validator<in T> {
data class Result(val isValid: Boolean, val error: Long?)
abstract fun isValid(target: T): Result
class StringValidator : Validator<String>() {
companion object {
const val EMPTY = 0L
const val TOO_SHORT = 1L
annotation class Error
override fun isValid(target: String): Result {
return when {
target.isEmpty() -> Result(false, EMPTY)
target.length < 2 -> Result(false, TOO_SHORT)
else -> Result(true, null)
class NonReusableValidator {
abstract class Validator<out T>(val target: T) {
data class Result(val isValid: Boolean, val error: Long?)
abstract val isValid: Result
class StringValidator(target: String) : Validator<String>(target) {
companion object {
const val EMPTY = 0L
const val TOO_SHORT = 1L
annotation class Error
override val isValid: Result
get() {
return when {
target.isEmpty() -> Result(false, EMPTY)
target.length < 2 -> Result(false, TOO_SHORT)
else -> Result(true, null)
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