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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Flowtype definition for immutable.js
declare module "immutable" {
declare class Iterable<K, V> {
static isIterable(maybeIterable: any): boolean;
static isKeyed(maybeKeyed: any): boolean;
static isIndexed(maybeIndexed: any): boolean;
static isAssociative(maybeAssociative: any): boolean;
static isOrdered(maybeOrdered: any): boolean;
toArray(): Array<V>;
toIndexedSeq(): IndexedSeq<V>;
toJS(): any;
toKeyedSeq(): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
toMap(): Map<K, V>;
toObject(): { [key: string]: V };
toOrderedMap(): Map<K, V>;
toOrderedSet(): Set<V>;
toSet(): Set<V>;
toSetSeq(): SetSeq<V>;
toSeq(): Seq<K, V>;
toStack(): Stack<V>;
toList(): List<V>;
toString(): string;
concat(...valuesOrIterables: any[]): Iterable<K, V>;
contains(value: V): boolean;
entries(): Iterator<Array<any>>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): boolean;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): Iterable<K, V>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any,
notSetValue?: V
): V;
sideEffect: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => any,
context?: any
): number;
join(separator?: string): string;
keys(): Iterator<K>;
mapper: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => M,
context?: any
): Iterable<K, M>;
reducer: (reduction?: R, value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => R,
initialReduction?: R,
context?: any
): R;
reducer: (reduction?: R, value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => R,
initialReduction?: R,
context?: any
): R;
reverse(): Iterable<K, V>;
slice(begin?: number, end?: number): Iterable<K, V>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): boolean;
sort(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): Iterable<K, V>;
values(): Iterator<V>;
butLast(): Iterable<K, V>;
count(): number;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): number;
grouper: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => G,
context?: any
): Map<G, number>;
equals(other: Iterable<K, V>): boolean;
entrySeq(): IndexedSeq<Array<any>>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): Iterable<K, V>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any,
notSetValue?: V
): V;
first(): V;
flatMap<MK, MV>(
mapper: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => Iterable<MK, MV>,
context?: any
): Iterable<MK, MV>;
flatMap<MK, MV>(
mapper: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => any,
context?: any
): Iterable<MK, MV>;
flatten(depth?: number): Iterable<any, any>;
flatten(shallow?: boolean): Iterable<any, any>;
get(key: K, notSetValue?: V): V;
getIn(searchKeyPath: Array<any>, notSetValue?: any): any;
getIn(searchKeyPath: Iterable<any, any>, notSetValue?: any): any;
grouper: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => G,
context?: any
): KeyedSeq<G, Iterable<K, V>>;
has(key: K): boolean;
isSubset(iter: Iterable<any, V>): boolean;
isSubset(iter: Array<V>): boolean;
isSuperset(iter: Iterable<any, V>): boolean;
isSuperset(iter: Array<V>): boolean;
keySeq(): IndexedSeq<K>;
last(): V;
max(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): V;
comparatorValueMapper: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => C,
comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
): V;
min(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): V;
comparatorValueMapper: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => C,
comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
): V;
rest(): Iterable<K, V>;
skip(amount: number): Iterable<K, V>;
skipLast(amount: number): Iterable<K, V>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): Iterable<K, V>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): Iterable<K, V>;
comparatorValueMapper: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => C,
comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
): Iterable<K, V>;
take(amount: number): Iterable<K, V>;
takeLast(amount: number): Iterable<K, V>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): Iterable<K, V>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Iterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): Iterable<K, V>;
valueSeq(): IndexedSeq<V>;
size: number;
declare class IndexedIterable<T> extends Iterable<number, T> {
static <T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): IndexedIterable<T>;
static <T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): IndexedIterable<T>;
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): IndexedIterable<any>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): IndexedIterable<T>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): IndexedIterable<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): IndexedIterable<T>;
toSeq(): IndexedSeq<T>;
predicate: (value?: T, index?: number, iter?: IndexedIterable<T>) => boolean,
context?: any
): number;
indexOf(searchValue: T): number;
lastIndexOf(searchValue: T): number;
index: number,
removeNum: number,
...values: any[]
): IndexedIterable<T>;
predicate: (value?: T, index?: number, iter?: IndexedIterable<T>) => boolean,
context?: any
): number;
fromEntrySeq(): KeyedSeq<any, any>;
get(index: number, notSetValue?: T): T;
interpose(separator: T): IndexedIterable<T>;
declare class KeyedIterable<K, V> extends Iterable<K, V> {
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): KeyedIterable<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iter: Iterable<any, any>): KeyedIterable<K, V>;
static <K, V>(array: Array<any>): KeyedIterable<K, V>;
static <K, V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): KeyedIterable<string, V>;
static <K, V>(iterator: Iterator<any>): KeyedIterable<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iterable: Object): KeyedIterable<K, V>;
toSeq(): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
flip(): KeyedIterable<V, K>;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: KeyedIterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): K;
predicate: (value?: V, key?: K, iter?: KeyedIterable<K, V>) => boolean,
context?: any
): K;
keyOf(searchValue: V): K;
lastKeyOf(searchValue: V): K;
mapEntries<KM, VM>(
mapper: (entry?: Array<any>, index?: number, iter?: KeyedIterable<K, V>) => Array<any>,
context?: any
): KeyedIterable<KM, VM>;
mapper: (key?: K, value?: V, iter?: KeyedIterable<K, V>) => M,
context?: any
): KeyedIterable<M, V>;
declare class SetIterable<T> extends Iterable<T, T> {
static isSeq(maybeSeq: any): boolean;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): SetIterable<T>;
static <T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): SetIterable<T>;
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): SetIterable<any>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): SetIterable<T>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): SetIterable<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): SetIterable<T>;
toSeq(): SetSeq<T>;
toKeyedSeq(): KeyedSeq<T, T>;
declare class Collection<K, V> extends Iterable<K, V> {
size: number;
declare class IndexedCollection<T> extends Collection<number, T>, IndexedIterable<T> {
toSeq(): IndexedSeq<T>;
declare class KeyedCollection<K, V> extends Collection<K, V>, KeyedIterable<K, V> {
toSeq(): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
declare class SetCollection<T> extends Collection<T, T>, SetIterable<T> {
toSeq(): SetSeq<T>;
declare class Seq<K, V> extends Iterable<K, V> {
static isSeq(maybeSeq: any): boolean;
// this method should be here, however it breaks flow typesystem
// if added in version 0.13.1
// static of<T>(...values: T[]): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <K, V>(): Seq<K, V>;
static <K, V>(seq: Seq<K, V>): Seq<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iterable: Iterable<K, V>): Seq<K, V>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): KeyedSeq<string, V>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): IndexedSeq<T>;
cacheResult(): Seq<K, V>;
size: number;
declare class KeyedSeq<K, V> extends Seq<K, V>, KeyedIterable<K, V> {
static <K, V>(): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
static <K, V>(seq: KeyedIterable<K, V>): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
static <K, V>(seq: Iterable<any, any>): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
static <K, V>(array: Array<any>): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
static <V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): KeyedSeq<string, V>;
static <K, V>(iterator: Iterator<any>): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iterable: Object): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
toSeq(): KeyedSeq<K, V>;
declare class IndexedSeq<T> extends Seq<number, T>, IndexedIterable<T> {
static of<T>(...values: T[]): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <T>(): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <T>(seq: IndexedIterable<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <T>(seq: SetIterable<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): IndexedSeq<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): IndexedSeq<T>;
toSeq(): IndexedSeq<T>;
declare class SetSeq<T> extends Seq<T, T>, SetIterable<T> {
static of<T>(...values: T[]): SetSeq<T>;
static <T>(): SetSeq<T>;
static <T>(seq: SetIterable<T>): SetSeq<T>;
static <T>(seq: IndexedIterable<T>): SetSeq<T>;
static <K, V>(seq: KeyedIterable<K, V>): SetSeq<any>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): SetSeq<T>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): SetSeq<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): SetSeq<T>;
toSeq(): SetSeq<T>;
declare class Stack<T> extends IndexedCollection<T> {
static isStack(maybeStack: any): boolean;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): Stack<T>;
static <T>(): Stack<T>;
static <T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): Stack<T>;
static <T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): Stack<T>;
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): Stack<any>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): Stack<T>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): Stack<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): Stack<T>;
clear(): Stack<T>;
unshift(...values: T[]): Stack<T>;
unshiftAll(iter: Iterable<any, T>): Stack<T>;
unshiftAll(iter: Array<T>): Stack<T>;
shift(): Stack<T>;
push(...values: T[]): Stack<T>;
pushAll(iter: Iterable<any, T>): Stack<T>;
pushAll(iter: Array<T>): Stack<T>;
pop(): Stack<T>;
peek(): T;
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: List<T>) => any): List<T>;
asMutable(): List<T>;
asImmutable(): List<T>;
declare class Set<T> extends SetCollection<T> {
static isSet(maybeSet: any): boolean;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): Set<T>;
static fromKeys<T>(iter: Iterable<T, any>): Set<T>;
static fromKeys(obj: {[key: string]: any}): Set<string>;
static <T>(): Set<T>;
static <T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): Set<T>;
static <T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): Set<T>;
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): Set<any>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): Set<T>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): Set<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): Set<T>;
add(value: T): Set<T>;
remove(value: T): Set<T>;
delete(value: T): Set<T>;
clear(): Set<T>;
merge(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>;
merge(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>;
union(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>;
union(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>;
intersect(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>;
intersect(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>;
subtract(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>;
subtract(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>;
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: Set<T>) => any): Set<T>;
asMutable(): Set<T>;
asImmutable(): Set<T>;
declare class OrderedSet<T> extends Set<T> {
static isOrderedSet(maybeOrderedSet: any): boolean;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): OrderedSet<T>;
static fromKeys<T>(iter: Iterable<T, any>): OrderedSet<T>;
static fromKeys(obj: {[key: string]: any}): OrderedSet<string>;
static <T>(): OrderedSet<T>;
static <T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): OrderedSet<T>;
static <T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): OrderedSet<T>;
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): OrderedSet<any>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): OrderedSet<T>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): OrderedSet<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): OrderedSet<T>;
declare class Map<K, V> extends KeyedCollection<K, V> {
static <K, V>(): Map<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): Map<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iter: Iterable<any, Array<any>>): Map<K, V>;
static <K, V>(array: Array<Array<any>>): Map<K, V>;
static <V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): Map<string, V>;
static <K, V>(iterator: Iterator<Array<any>>): Map<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iterable: Object): Map<K, V>;
set(key: K, value: V): Map<K, V>;
setIn(keyPath: Array<any>, value: V): Map<K, V>;
setIn(KeyPath: Iterable<any, any>, value: V): Map<K, V>;
remove(key: K): Map<K, V>;
delete(key: K): Map<K, V>;
removeIn(keyPath: Array<any>): Map<K, V>;
removeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>): Map<K, V>;
clear(): Map<K, V>;
update(updater: (value: Map<K, V>) => Map<K, V>): Map<K, V>;
update(key: K, updater: (value: V) => V): Map<K, V>;
update(key: K, notSetValue: V, updater: (value: V) => V): Map<K, V>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
updater: (value: any) => any
): Map<K, V>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
notSetValue: any,
updater: (value: any) => any
): Map<K, V>;
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,
updater: (value: any) => any
): Map<K, V>;
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,
notSetValue: any,
updater: (value: any) => any
): Map<K, V>;
merge(...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>;
merge(...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]): Map<string, V>;
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V) => V,
...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>;
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V) => V,
...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]
): Map<string, V>;
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,
...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]
): Map<string, V>;
mergeDeep(...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>;
mergeDeep(...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]): Map<string, V>;
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V) => V,
...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>;
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V) => V,
...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]
): Map<string, V>;
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,
...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]
): Map<string, V>;
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: Map<K, V>) => any): Map<K, V>;
asMutable(): Map<K, V>;
asImmutable(): Map<K, V>;
declare class OrderedMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
static isOrderedMap(maybeOrderedMap: any): boolean;
static <K, V>(): OrderedMap<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): OrderedMap<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iter: Iterable<any, Array<any>>): OrderedMap<K, V>;
static <K, V>(array: Array<Array<any>>): OrderedMap<K, V>;
static <K, V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): OrderedMap<string, V>;
static <K, V>(iterator: Iterator<Array<any>>): OrderedMap<K, V>;
static <K, V>(iterable: Object): OrderedMap<K, V>;
declare class RecordType {
(): Map<string, any>;
(values: {[key: string]: any}): Map<string, any>;
declare function Record(
defaultValues: {[key: string]: any}, name?: string
): RecordType;
declare class List<T> extends IndexedCollection<T> {
static <T>(): List<T>;
static <T>(array: Array<T>): List<T>;
static <T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): List<T>;
static <K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): List<any>;
static <T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): List<T>;
static <T>(iterable: Object): List<T>;
static isList(maybeList: any): bool;
static of<T>(...values: T[]): List<T>;
set(index: number, value: T): List<T>;
setIn(keyPath: Array<any>, value: T): List<T>;
setIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, value: T): List<T>;
remove(index: number): List<T>;
delete(index: number): List<T>;
removeIn(keyPath: Array<any>): List<T>;
removeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>): List<T>;
clear(): List<T>;
push(...values: T[]): List<T>;
pop(): List<T>;
unshift(...values: T[]): List<T>;
shift(): List<T>;
update(updater: (value: List<T>) => List<T>): List<T>;
update(index: number, updater: (value: T) => T): List<T>;
update(index: number, notSetValue: T, updater: (value: T) => T): List<T>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
updater: (value: any) => any
): List<T>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
notSetValue: any,
updater: (value: any) => any
): List<T>;
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,
updater: (value: any) => any
): List<T>;
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,
notSetValue: any,
updater: (value: any) => any
): List<T>;
merge(...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>;
merge(...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>;
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T) => T,
...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]
): List<T>;
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T) => T,
...iterables: Array<T>[]
): List<T>;
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,
...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]
): List<T>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]
): List<T>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
...iterables: Array<T>[]
): List<T>;
mergeDeep(...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>;
mergeDeep(...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>;
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T) => T,
...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]
): List<T>;
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T) => T,
...iterables: Array<T>[]
): List<T>;
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,
...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]
): List<T>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]
): List<T>;
keyPath: Array<any>,
...iterables: Array<T>[]
): List<T>;
setSize(size: number): List<T>;
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: List<T>) => any): List<T>;
asMutable(): List<T>;
asImmutable(): List<T>;
declare class Iterator<T> {
next(): { value: T; done: boolean; }
declare function Range(start?: number, end?: number, step?: number): IndexedSeq<number>;
declare function Repeat<T>(value: T, times?: number): IndexedSeq<T>;
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I haven't gotten that far into actually using it, but so far I haven't had any troubles with it (last used it with version 0.13.0, not sure how it behaves under 0.14.0 yet), besides the ones mentioned here: immutable-js/immutable-js#203

One thing to note though, flow currently has very weird behavior if you have both a library declaration file and the library itself installed as an npm package. Because of this, to get this to work, you have to use the dist file of immutable js (or move your node_modules to a non-standard location)

You can track that issue here facebook/flow#676

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