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Forked from anonymous/gist:543
Created July 22, 2008 01:00
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Joe's meta-programing for testing private stuff in PHP
class Foo
protected $user = null;
public function __construct($user)
$this->user = $user;
protected function test($name)
return "Hello $name!\n";
function getProxy($class, array $args = array())
if (!class_exists($class)) {
throw Exception('Class does not exist');
$code = <<< CODE
class Proxy_$class extends $class
public function __get(\$var)
static \$ref = null;
if (is_null(\$ref)) {
\$ref = new ReflectionClass('$class');
\$parts = explode('_', \$var);
\$type = array_shift(\$parts);
\$var = implode('_', \$parts);
\$prop = \$ref->getProperty(\$var);
\$func = 'is' . ucfirst(\$type);
if (!\$prop->\$func()) {
throw Exception(\$var . ' is not ' . \$type);
return \$this->\$var;
public function __call(\$function, array \$args = array())
static \$ref = null;
if (is_null(\$ref)) {
\$ref = new ReflectionClass('$class');
\$parts = explode('_', \$function);
\$type = array_shift(\$parts);
\$function = implode('_', \$parts);
\$method = \$ref->getMethod(\$function);
\$func = 'is' . ucfirst(\$type);
if (!\$method->\$func()) {
throw Exception(\$function . ' is not ' . \$type);
return call_user_func_array(array(\$this, \$function), \$args);
$ref = new ReflectionClass('Proxy_' . $class);
$obj = $ref->newInstanceArgs($args);
return $obj;
$obj = getProxy('Foo', array('joestump'));
echo $obj->protected_user . "\n";
echo $obj->protected_test($obj->protected_user) . "\n";
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