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Last active July 18, 2019 00:10
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MCTS with virtual loss parallelization for leaf selection (important for minibatch move and value estimates)
# Author: Kyle Kastner
# License: BSD 3-Clause
# based on minigo implementation
# Useful discussion of the benefits
# See survey
# See similar implementation here
# some changes from high level pseudo-code in survey
import numpy as np
import copy
import collections
empty_board = np.zeros((3, 3))
class TicTacToeManager(object):
def __init__(self, state=None, rollout_limit=1000):
self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(1999)
self.rollout_limit = rollout_limit
if state == None:
state = self.get_init_state()
self.state = state
def get_next_state(self, state, action):
p1_c = len(np.where(state == -1.)[0])
p2_c = len(np.where(state == 1.)[0])
shp = state.shape
s = state.flatten()
if np.sum(s) == 0:
s[action] = -1.
s[action] = 1.
return s.reshape(*shp)
def get_current_player(self, state):
if np.sum(state) == 0.:
# equal number of +1 and -1 means its player 0 turn
return 0
return 1
def get_action_space(self):
return list(range(len(empty_board.ravel())))
def get_valid_actions(self, state):
return list(np.where(state.ravel() == 0)[0])
def get_init_state(self):
return copy.deepcopy(empty_board)
def _rollout_fn(self, state):
return self.random_state.choice(self.get_valid_actions(state))
def rollout_from_state(self, state):
# score is state relative
# e.g. win or loss from random rollout on this state
s = state
w, e = self.is_finished(state)
if e:
if w == -1:
return 0.
return 1.
c = 0
while True:
a = self._rollout_fn(s)
s = self.get_next_state(s, a)
w, e = self.is_finished(s)
c += 1
if e:
if w == -1:
return 0
if c % 2 == 0:
return 1.
return -1.
if c > self.rollout_limit:
return 0.
def is_finished(self, state):
# returns 0 for player 0 win
# returns 1 for player 1 win
# returns -1 for tie or not finished
for i in range(3):
if np.sum(state[i]) == 3.:
return 1, True
elif np.sum(state[i]) == -3.:
return 0, True
elif np.sum(state[:, i]) == 3.:
return 1, True
elif np.sum(state[:, i]) == -3.:
return 0, True
if np.sum(state[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]) == 3.:
return 1, True
elif np.sum(state[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]) == -3.:
return 0, True
elif np.sum(state[[2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 2]]) == 3.:
return 1, True
elif np.sum(state[[2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 2]]) == -3.:
return 0, True
elif len(np.where(state == 0.)[0]) == 0:
return -1, True
return -1, False
class EmptyNode(object):
"""Empty node of MCTS tree, placeholder for root.
Code becomes simpler if all nodes have parents"""
def __init__(self):
self.parent = None
self.child_N = collections.defaultdict(float)
self.child_W = collections.defaultdict(float)
class MCTSNode(object):
"""Node of MCTS tree, can compute action scores of all children
state_manager: a state manager instance which correspnds to this node
parent: A parent MCTSNode (None means this is a "first action" node
action_to_here: action that led to this node, usually an integer but depends on state_manager implementation (see get_action_space / get_valid_actions)
def __init__(self, state_manager, parent=None, single_player=False, q_init=None, current_state=None, action_to_here=None, n_playout=1000, random_state=None):
# this assumes full observability?
if parent is None:
parent = EmptyNode()
action_to_here = None
current_state = state_manager.get_init_state()
self.single_player = single_player
self.q_init = q_init
if single_player and q_init is None:
raise ValueError("Single player nodes require q_init argument to be passed")
self.state_manager = state_manager
self.current_state = current_state
self.valid_actions = self.state_manager.get_valid_actions(self.current_state)
self.illegal_moves = np.array([0. if n in self.valid_actions else 1. for n in range(len(self.state_manager.get_action_space()))])
self.parent = parent
self.action_to_here = action_to_here
self.c_puct = 1.4
self.n_playout = n_playout
self.warn_at_ = 10000
if random_state is None:
raise ValueError("Must pass random_state object")
self.random_state = random_state
self.is_expanded = False
self.losses_applied = 0
# child_() allows vectorized computation of action score
self.child_N = np.zeros([len(self.state_manager.get_action_space())], dtype=np.float32)
self.child_W = np.zeros([len(self.state_manager.get_action_space())], dtype=np.float32)
# do we need child priors as in the minigo code
if q_init is None:
self.q_init = np.zeros([len(self.state_manager.get_action_space())], dtype=np.float32)
elif hasattr(q_init, "__len__"):
self.q_init = np.array(q_init).astype("float32")
# single float in
self.q_init = np.zeros([len(self.state_manager.get_action_space())], dtype=np.float32)
self.q_init += q_init
self.children = {} # move map to resulting node
def __repr__(self):
if self.single_player:
return "<MCTSNode move={}, N={}>".format(self.action_to_here, self.N)
this_player = self.state_manager.get_current_player(self.current_state)
return "<MCTSNode move={}, N={}, to_play={}>".format(self.action_to_here, self.N, this_player)
def is_leaf(self):
return self.children == {}
def child_Q(self):
child_N_nonzeros = np.where(self.child_N != 0.)[0]
# start out_buffer with q_init values
out_buffer = self.q_init
out_buffer[child_N_nonzeros] = self.child_W[child_N_nonzeros] / self.child_N[child_N_nonzeros]
return out_buffer
def child_U(self):
return self.c_puct * np.sqrt(self.N) / (self.child_N + 1)
def child_action_score(self):
return (self.child_Q + self.child_U)
def N(self):
return self.parent.child_N[self.action_to_here]
def N(self, value):
self.parent.child_N[self.action_to_here] = value
def W(self):
return self.parent.child_W[self.action_to_here]
def W(self, value):
self.parent.child_W[self.action_to_here] = value
def get_best(self, random_tiebreak=True):
scores = self.child_action_score
valid_actions = [pos for pos in np.argsort(scores)[::-1] if pos in self.children.keys()]
valid_scores = scores[valid_actions]
if random_tiebreak:
# random tiebreaker
max_score = max(valid_scores)
assert len(valid_actions) == len(valid_scores)
equivalent_valid_scores = [(vs, va) for (vs, va) in zip(valid_scores, valid_actions) if vs == max_score]
pair = random_state.choice(np.arange(len(equivalent_valid_scores)))
v_a = equivalent_valid_scores[pair][1]
child = self.children[v_a]
v_a = valid_actions[0]
child = self.children[v_a]
return v_a, child
def add_virtual_loss(self, up_to):
"""propagate virtual loss upward (to root)
up_to, node to propagate until (track this)
self.losses_applied += 1
if self.single_player:
# 1 player
# player == state related?
loss = 1
self.W += loss
if self.parent is None or self is up_to:
# 2 player
this_player = self.state_manager.get_current_player(self.current_state)
# use this to get alternating in 2 player
loss = -1 if this_player == 0 else 1
self.W += loss
if self.parent is None or self is up_to:
def revert_virtual_loss(self, up_to):
"""undo virtual losses
up_to, node that was propagated until
self.losses_applied -= 1
if self.single_player:
# 1 player
loss = 1
revert = -1 * loss
self.W += revert
if self.parent is None or self is up_to:
# 2 player
this_player = self.state_manager.get_current_player(self.current_state)
# use this to get alternating in 2 player
loss = -1 if this_player == 0 else 1
revert = -1 * loss
self.W += revert
if self.parent is None or self is up_to:
def multileaf_safe_backup_value(self, value, up_to):
# if for some reason we selected a leaf multiple times despite
# virtual loss, don't re-run it
if self.is_expanded:
self.is_expanded = True
self.backup_value(value, up_to=up_to)
def backup_value(self, value, up_to):
if self.parent != None:
if not (self is up_to):
if self.single_player:
self.parent.backup_value(value, up_to)
self.parent.backup_value(-value, up_to)
self.N += 1
self.W += value
def maybe_add_children(self, actions_and_probs):
for elem in actions_and_probs:
def maybe_add_child(self, action_and_prob):
action = action_and_prob[0]
prob = action_and_prob[1]
if action not in self.children:
# need the state itself
state = self.current_state
next_state = self.state_manager.get_next_state(state, action)
seed = self.random_state.randint(0, 1E6)
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
if self.single_player:
# this will come from a neural network at some point
q_init = self.child_Q
# assuming 2 player, 0 sum
q_init = 0.
self.children[action] = MCTSNode(self.state_manager, single_player=self.single_player, q_init=q_init, current_state=next_state, action_to_here=action, parent=self, random_state=rs)
return self.children[action]
class MCTSPlayer(object):
def __init__(self, state_manager, single_player=False, n_readouts=100, random_state=None):
self.state_manager = state_manager
self.root = MCTSNode(state_manager, parent=None, random_state=random_state)
self.single_player = single_player
if self.single_player:
# will come from NN eventually, for now set simply
# first state has default 0 value...
q_init = 0. * np.array(self.state_manager.get_valid_actions(self.state_manager.get_init_state()))
q_init = 0.
self.root = MCTSNode(state_manager, single_player=self.single_player, q_init=q_init, parent=None, random_state=random_state)
self.n_readouts = n_readouts
def select_leaf(self):
node = self.root
state = self.root.current_state
while True:
# if node has never been expanded, don't select a child
if node.is_leaf():
# this will need to do model evaluation
# can we cache the evaluations?
action, node = node.get_best()
state = node.state_manager.get_next_state(state, action)
return node
def tree_search(self):
# single leaf, non-parallel tree search
# useful sanity check / test case
node = self.select_leaf()
state = node.current_state
winner, end = node.state_manager.is_finished(state)
if not end:
actions = node.state_manager.get_valid_actions(state)
action_space = node.state_manager.get_action_space()
# uniform prior probs, zero out invalid actions
probs = np.zeros((len(action_space),))
probs[actions] = np.ones((len(actions))) / float(len(actions))
# only include valid actions to the child nodes!
actions_and_probs = list(zip(actions, probs[actions]))
# random rollout
value = node.state_manager.rollout_from_state(state)
node.backup_value(value, up_to=self.root)
return None
def parallel_tree_search(self, parallel_readouts):
assert parallel_readouts > 0
leaves = []
failsafe = 0
while len(leaves) < parallel_readouts and failsafe < (2 * parallel_readouts):
failsafe += 1
# leaf selection will be NN based eventually
leaf = self.select_leaf()
winner, end = leaf.state_manager.is_finished(leaf.current_state)
if end:
# value will be predicted from NN
value = leaf.state_manager.rollout_from_state(leaf.current_state)
leaf.backup_value(value, up_to=self.root)
# go back to getting leaves
if leaves:
# get move probs and values
# in original code, network predicted
# move_probs, values =
# [leaf.position for leaf in leaves])
action_space = self.root.state_manager.get_action_space()
move_probs = [np.zeros((len(action_space),)) for l in leaves]
values = []
for n, leaf in enumerate(leaves):
# handle per-position invalid moves
actions = leaf.state_manager.get_valid_actions(leaf.current_state)
# uniform probs (probs not currently used)
move_probs[n][actions] = np.ones((len(actions))) / float(len(actions))
# value will be predicted from NN
value = leaf.state_manager.rollout_from_state(leaf.current_state)
# only include valid actions in the child nodes
actions_and_probs = list(zip(actions, move_probs[n][actions]))
for leaf, move_prob, value in zip(leaves, move_probs, values):
leaf.multileaf_safe_backup_value(value, up_to=self.root)
return None
def simulate(self, parallel=0):
# not true parallelism yet, but batch evaluation should allow
# parallelism to be possible
assert parallel >= 0
current_readouts = self.root.N
while self.root.N < current_readouts + self.n_readouts:
if parallel == 0:
return None
def pick_move(self):
# pick a move from the set of the best
# currently based purely on visit count
illegal_moves = np.where(self.root.illegal_moves == 1.)[0]
argsort_best = np.argsort(self.root.child_N)[::-1]
valid_actions = [a for a in argsort_best if a not in illegal_moves]
return valid_actions[0]
def play_move(self, move):
self.root = self.root.maybe_add_child((move, 1.))
return True
human_opponent = False
parallel = 32
player_turn = 0
turn = 0
count = 0
# 100 readouts results in mostly player 0 wins, some ties
# 1,000 was enough with q_init=inf, but with q_init=0 ~20% lost games
# need a LOT more readouts if not using q_init=inf in each MCTSNode
# 5,000 is enough to tie all 10 games
# could preserve tree to reduce chance of game loss / combine experience
# (not feasible in large state spaces due to memory requirements)
readouts = 5000
n_games = 10
outcomes = []
for i in range(n_games):
start = True
if i == 0:
# deterministic first game for debug
random_state = np.random.RandomState(1234)
random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state.randint(100000))
# set up the MCTS player and game
sm = TicTacToeManager()
mcts = MCTSPlayer(state_manager=sm, n_readouts=readouts, random_state=random_state)
# play the game out
while True:
print("Player {}".format(turn))
# need to do noise injection to add randomness
# for collecting diverse games
if not human_opponent:
# for now, we don't have a noise injection function
# so skip this
move = mcts.pick_move()
if start:
moves = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
move = moves[0]
start = False
# for further game diversity, sample moves
# at some point down the game tree
# as in AlphaZero
if turn != player_turn:
turn = int(not (bool(turn) ^ bool(0)))
if human_opponent and turn == player_turn:
print("Input move action, 0-8:")
inp = raw_input()
if inp[0] == "d":
from IPython import embed; embed(); raise ValueError()
move = int(inp)
turn = int(not (bool(turn) ^ bool(0)))
turn = int(not (bool(turn) ^ bool(0)))
score, finished = mcts.root.state_manager.is_finished(mcts.root.current_state)
count += 1
if finished:
print("Game {} over".format(i))
if score == 0:
print("Winner, player 0")
elif score > 0:
print("Winner, player 1")
print("Tie game")
c = len(outcomes)
w_count = sum([o == "W" for o in outcomes])
l_count = sum([o == "L" for o in outcomes])
t_count = sum([o == "T" for o in outcomes])
print("Stats from player 0 perspective")
print("Wins (percentage): {} ({:.2f})".format(w_count, 100 * w_count / float(c)))
print("Losses (percentage): {} ({:.2f})".format(l_count, 100 * l_count / float(c)))
print("Ties (percentage): {} ({:.2f})".format(t_count, 100 * t_count / float(c)))
print("Total games: {}".format(c))
print("Games complete! Dropping to embed")
from IPython import embed; embed(); raise ValueError()
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