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Last active July 23, 2020 06:52
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Code for speech and audio experiments. - DEPRECATED! See
# License: BSD 3-clause
# Authors: Kyle Kastner,
# Pierre Luc Carrier
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
import scipy.signal as sg
from scipy import linalg, fftpack
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
def rolling_mean(X, window_size):
w = 1.0 / window_size * np.ones((window_size))
return np.correlate(X, w, 'valid')
def voiced_unvoiced(X, window_size=256, window_step=128, copy=True):
Voiced unvoiced detection from a raw signal
Based on code from:
Other references:
X : ndarray
Raw input signal
window_size : int, optional (default=256)
The window size to use, in samples.
window_step : int, optional (default=128)
How far the window steps after each calculation, in samples.
copy : bool, optional (default=True)
Whether to make a copy of the input array or allow in place changes.
X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
if len(X.shape) < 2:
X = X[None]
n_points = X.shape[1]
n_windows = n_points // window_step
# Padding
pad_sizes = [(window_size - window_step) // 2,
window_size - window_step // 2]
# TODO: Handling for odd window sizes / steps
X = np.hstack((np.zeros((X.shape[0], pad_sizes[0])), X,
np.zeros((X.shape[0], pad_sizes[1]))))
clipping_factor = 0.6
b, a = sg.butter(10, np.pi * 9 / 40)
voiced_unvoiced = np.zeros((n_windows, 1))
period = np.zeros((n_windows, 1))
for window in range(max(n_windows - 1, 1)):
XX = X.ravel()[window * window_step + np.arange(window_size)]
XX *= sg.hamming(len(XX))
XX = sg.lfilter(b, a, XX)
left_max = np.max(np.abs(XX[:len(XX) // 3]))
right_max = np.max(np.abs(XX[-len(XX) // 3:]))
clip_value = clipping_factor * np.min([left_max, right_max])
XX_clip = np.clip(XX, clip_value, -clip_value)
XX_corr = np.correlate(XX_clip, XX_clip, mode='full')
center = np.argmax(XX_corr)
right_XX_corr = XX_corr[center:]
prev_window = max([window - 1, 0])
if voiced_unvoiced[prev_window] > 0:
# Want it to be harder to turn off than turn on
strength_factor = .29
strength_factor = .3
start = np.where(right_XX_corr < .3 * XX_corr[center])[0]
# 20 is hardcoded but should depend on samplerate?
start = np.max([20, start[0]])
search_corr = right_XX_corr[start:]
index = np.argmax(search_corr)
second_max = search_corr[index]
if (second_max > strength_factor * XX_corr[center]):
voiced_unvoiced[window] = 1
period[window] = start + index - 1
voiced_unvoiced[window] = 0
period[window] = 0
return np.array(voiced_unvoiced), np.array(period)
def lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=128, window_size=2 * 128,
emphasis=0.9, voiced_start_threshold=.9,
voiced_stop_threshold=.6, truncate=False, copy=True):
Extract LPC coefficients from a signal
Based on code from:
X : ndarray
Signals to extract LPC coefficients from
order : int, optional (default=8)
Order of the LPC coefficients. For speech, use the general rule that the
order is two times the expected number of formants plus 2.
This can be formulated as 2 + 2 * (fs // 2000). For approximately signals
with fs = 7000, this is 8 coefficients - 2 + 2 * (7000 // 2000).
window_step : int, optional (default=128)
The size (in samples) of the space between each window
window_size : int, optional (default=2 * 128)
The size of each window (in samples) to extract coefficients over
emphasis : float, optional (default=0.9)
The emphasis coefficient to use for filtering
voiced_start_threshold : float, optional (default=0.9)
Upper power threshold for estimating when speech has started
voiced_stop_threshold : float, optional (default=0.6)
Lower power threshold for estimating when speech has stopped
truncate : bool, optional (default=False)
Whether to cut the data at the last window or do zero padding.
copy : bool, optional (default=True)
Whether to copy the input X or modify in place
lp_coefficients : ndarray
lp coefficients to describe the frame
per_frame_gain : ndarray
calculated gain for each frame
residual_excitation : ndarray
leftover energy which is not described by lp coefficents and gain
voiced_frames : ndarray
array of [0, 1] values which holds voiced/unvoiced decision for each
D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
Web resource, available:
X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
if len(X.shape) < 2:
X = X[None]
n_points = X.shape[1]
n_windows = n_points // window_step
if not truncate:
pad_sizes = [(window_size - window_step) // 2,
window_size - window_step // 2]
# TODO: Handling for odd window sizes / steps
X = np.hstack((np.zeros((X.shape[0], pad_sizes[0])), X,
np.zeros((X.shape[0], pad_sizes[1]))))
pad_sizes = [0, 0]
X = X[0, :n_windows * window_step]
lp_coefficients = np.zeros((n_windows, order + 1))
per_frame_gain = np.zeros((n_windows, 1))
residual_excitation = np.zeros(
((n_windows - 1) * window_step + window_size))
# Pre-emphasis high-pass filter
X = sg.lfilter([1, -emphasis], 1, X)
# stride_tricks.as_strided?
autocorr_X = np.zeros((n_windows, 2 * window_size - 1))
for window in range(max(n_windows - 1, 1)):
XX = X.ravel()[window * window_step + np.arange(window_size)]
WXX = XX * sg.hanning(window_size)
autocorr_X[window] = np.correlate(WXX, WXX, mode='full')
center = np.argmax(autocorr_X[window])
RXX = autocorr_X[window,
np.arange(center, window_size + order)]
R = linalg.toeplitz(RXX[:-1])
solved_R = linalg.pinv(R).dot(RXX[1:])
filter_coefs = np.hstack((1, -solved_R))
residual_signal = sg.lfilter(filter_coefs, 1, WXX)
gain = np.sqrt(np.mean(residual_signal ** 2))
lp_coefficients[window] = filter_coefs
per_frame_gain[window] = gain
assign_range = window * window_step + np.arange(window_size)
residual_excitation[assign_range] += residual_signal / gain
# Throw away first part in overlap mode for proper synthesis
residual_excitation = residual_excitation[pad_sizes[0]:]
return lp_coefficients, per_frame_gain, residual_excitation
def lpc_synthesis(lp_coefficients, per_frame_gain, residual_excitation=None,
voiced_frames=None, window_step=128, emphasis=0.9):
Synthesize a signal from LPC coefficients
Based on code from:
lp_coefficients : ndarray
Linear prediction coefficients
per_frame_gain : ndarray
Gain coefficients
residual_excitation : ndarray or None, optional (default=None)
Residual excitations. If None, this will be synthesized with white noise.
voiced_frames : ndarray or None, optional (default=None)
Voiced frames. If None, all frames assumed to be voiced.
window_step : int, optional (default=128)
The size (in samples) of the space between each window
emphasis : float, optional (default=0.9)
The emphasis coefficient to use for filtering
overlap_add : bool, optional (default=True)
What type of processing to use when joining windows
copy : bool, optional (default=True)
Whether to copy the input X or modify in place
synthesized : ndarray
Sound vector synthesized from input arguments
D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
Web resource, available:
# TODO: Incorporate better synthesis from
window_size = 2 * window_step
[n_windows, order] = lp_coefficients.shape
n_points = (n_windows + 1) * window_step
n_excitation_points = n_points + window_step + window_step // 2
random_state = np.random.RandomState(1999)
if residual_excitation is None:
# Need to generate excitation
if voiced_frames is None:
# No voiced/unvoiced info, so just use randn
voiced_frames = np.ones((lp_coefficients.shape[0], 1))
residual_excitation = np.zeros((n_excitation_points))
f, m = lpc_to_frequency(lp_coefficients, per_frame_gain)
t = np.linspace(0, 1, window_size, endpoint=False)
hanning = sg.hanning(window_size)
for window in range(n_windows):
window_base = window * window_step
index = window_base + np.arange(window_size)
if voiced_frames[window]:
sig = np.zeros_like(t)
cycles = np.cumsum(f[window][0] * t)
sig += sg.sawtooth(cycles, 0.001)
residual_excitation[index] += hanning * sig
residual_excitation[index] += hanning * 0.01 * random_state.randn(
n_excitation_points = residual_excitation.shape[0]
n_points = n_excitation_points + window_step + window_step // 2
residual_excitation = np.hstack((residual_excitation,
if voiced_frames is None:
voiced_frames = np.ones_like(per_frame_gain)
synthesized = np.zeros((n_points))
for window in range(n_windows):
window_base = window * window_step
oldbit = synthesized[window_base + np.arange(window_step)]
w_coefs = lp_coefficients[window]
if not np.all(w_coefs):
# Hack to make lfilter avoid
# ValueError: BUG: filter coefficient a[0] == 0 not supported yet
# when all coeffs are 0
w_coefs = [1]
g_coefs = voiced_frames[window] * per_frame_gain[window]
index = window_base + np.arange(window_size)
newbit = g_coefs * sg.lfilter([1], w_coefs,
synthesized[index] = np.hstack((oldbit, np.zeros(
(window_size - window_step))))
synthesized[index] += sg.hanning(window_size) * newbit
synthesized = sg.lfilter([1], [1, -emphasis], synthesized)
return synthesized
def soundsc(X, copy=True):
Approximate implementation of soundsc from MATLAB without the audio playing.
X : ndarray
Signal to be rescaled
copy : bool, optional (default=True)
Whether to make a copy of input signal or operate in place.
X_sc : ndarray
(-1, 1) scaled version of X as float32, suitable for writing
X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
X = (X - X.min()) / (X.max() - X.min())
X = 2 * X - 1
return X.astype('float32')
def lpc_to_frequency(lp_coefficients, per_frame_gain):
Extract resonant frequencies and magnitudes from LPC coefficients and gains.
lp_coefficients : ndarray
LPC coefficients, such as those calculated by ``lpc_analysis``
per_frame_gain : ndarray
Gain calculated for each frame, such as those calculated
by ``lpc_analysis``
frequencies : ndarray
Resonant frequencies calculated from LPC coefficients and gain. Returned
frequencies are from 0 to 2 * pi
magnitudes : ndarray
Magnitudes of resonant frequencies
D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
Web resource, available:
n_windows, order = lp_coefficients.shape
frame_frequencies = np.zeros((n_windows, (order - 1) // 2))
frame_magnitudes = np.zeros_like(frame_frequencies)
for window in range(n_windows):
w_coefs = lp_coefficients[window]
g_coefs = per_frame_gain[window]
roots = np.roots(np.hstack(([1], w_coefs[1:])))
# Roots doesn't return the same thing as MATLAB... agh
frequencies, index = np.unique(
np.abs(np.angle(roots)), return_index=True)
# Make sure 0 doesn't show up...
gtz = np.where(frequencies > 0)[0]
frequencies = frequencies[gtz]
index = index[gtz]
magnitudes = g_coefs / (1. - np.abs(roots))
sort_index = np.argsort(frequencies)
frame_frequencies[window, :len(sort_index)] = frequencies[sort_index]
frame_magnitudes[window, :len(sort_index)] = magnitudes[sort_index]
return frame_frequencies, frame_magnitudes
def sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate, resample_block=128, copy=True):
Contruct a sinusoidal model for the input signal.
X : ndarray
Input signal to model
input_sample_rate : int
The sample rate of the input signal
resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model
frequencies_hz : ndarray
Frequencies for the sinusoids, in Hz.
magnitudes : ndarray
Magnitudes of sinusoids returned in ``frequencies``
D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
Web resource, available:
X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
resample_to = 8000
if input_sample_rate != resample_to:
if input_sample_rate % resample_to != 0:
raise ValueError("Input sample rate must be a multiple of 8k!")
# Should be able to use resample... ?
# resampled_count = round(len(X) * resample_to / input_sample_rate)
# X = sg.resample(X, resampled_count, window=sg.hanning(len(X)))
X = sg.decimate(X, input_sample_rate // resample_to)
step_size = 2 * round(resample_block / input_sample_rate * resample_to / 2.)
a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=step_size,
window_size=2 * step_size)
f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a, g)
f_hz = f * resample_to / (2 * np.pi)
return f_hz, m
def slinterp(X, factor, copy=True):
Slow-ish linear interpolation of a 1D numpy array. There must be some
better function to do this in numpy.
X : ndarray
1D input array to interpolate
factor : int
Integer factor to interpolate by
X_r : ndarray
sz = np.product(X.shape)
X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
X_s = np.hstack((X[1:], [0]))
X_r = np.zeros((factor, sz))
for i in range(factor):
X_r[i, :] = (factor - i) / float(factor) * X + (i / float(factor)) * X_s
return X_r.T.ravel()[:(sz - 1) * factor + 1]
def sinusoid_synthesis(frequencies_hz, magnitudes, input_sample_rate=16000,
Create a time series based on input frequencies and magnitudes.
frequencies_hz : ndarray
Input signal to model
magnitudes : int
The sample rate of the input signal
input_sample_rate : int, optional (default=16000)
The sample rate parameter that the sinusoid analysis was run with
resample_block : int, optional (default=128)
Controls the step size of the sinusoidal model
synthesized : ndarray
Sound vector synthesized from input arguments
D. P. W. Ellis (2004), "Sinewave Speech Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab",
Web resource, available:
rows, cols = frequencies_hz.shape
synthesized = np.zeros((1 + ((rows - 1) * resample_block),))
for col in range(cols):
mags = slinterp(magnitudes[:, col], resample_block)
freqs = slinterp(frequencies_hz[:, col], resample_block)
cycles = np.cumsum(2 * np.pi * freqs / float(input_sample_rate))
sines = mags * np.cos(cycles)
synthesized += sines
return synthesized
def compress(X, n_components, window_size=128):
Compress using the DCT
X : ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
The input signal to compress. Should be 1-dimensional
n_components : int
The number of DCT components to keep. Setting n_components to about
.5 * window_size can give compression with fairly good reconstruction.
window_size : int
The input X is broken into windows of window_size, each of which are
then compressed with the DCT.
X_compressed : ndarray, shape=(num_windows, window_size)
A 2D array of non-overlapping DCT coefficients. For use with uncompress
if len(X) % window_size != 0:
append = np.zeros((window_size - len(X) % window_size))
X = np.hstack((X, append))
num_frames = len(X) // window_size
X_strided = X.reshape((num_frames, window_size))
X_dct = fftpack.dct(X_strided, norm='ortho')
if n_components is not None:
X_dct = X_dct[:, :n_components]
return X_dct
def uncompress(X_compressed, window_size=128):
Uncompress a DCT compressed signal (such as returned by ``compress``).
X_compressed : ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
Windowed and compressed array.
window_size : int, optional (default=128)
Size of the window used when ``compress`` was called.
X_reconstructed : ndarray, shape=(n_samples)
Reconstructed version of X.
if X_compressed.shape[1] % window_size != 0:
append = np.zeros((X_compressed.shape[0], window_size - X_compressed.shape[1] % window_size))
X_compressed = np.hstack((X_compressed, append))
X_r = fftpack.idct(X_compressed, norm='ortho')
return X_r.ravel()
def apply_kaiserbessel_window(X, alpha=6.5):
Apply a Kaiser-Bessel window to X.
X : ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
Input array of samples
alpha : float, optional (default=6.5)
Tuning parameter for Kaiser-Bessel function. alpha=6.5 should make
perfect reconstruction possible for MDCT.
X_windowed : ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
Windowed version of X.
beta = np.pi * alpha
win = sg.kaiser(X.shape[1], beta)
row_stride = 0
col_stride = win.itemsize
strided_win = as_strided(win, shape=X.shape,
strides=(row_stride, col_stride))
return X * strided_win
def halfoverlap(X, window_size):
Create an overlapped version of X using 50% of window_size as overlap.
X : ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
Input signal to window and overlap
window_size : int
Size of windows to take
X_strided : shape=(n_windows, window_size)
2D array of overlapped X
if window_size % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("Window size must be even!")
window_step = window_size // 2
# Make sure there are an even number of windows before stridetricks
append = np.zeros((window_size - len(X) % window_size))
X = np.hstack((X, append))
num_frames = len(X) // window_step - 1
row_stride = X.itemsize * window_step
col_stride = X.itemsize
X_strided = as_strided(X, shape=(num_frames, window_size),
strides=(row_stride, col_stride))
return X_strided
def invert_halfoverlap(X_strided):
Invert ``halfoverlap`` function to reconstruct X
X_strided : ndarray, shape=(n_windows, window_size)
X as overlapped windows
X : ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
Reconstructed version of X
# Hardcoded 50% overlap! Can generalize later...
n_rows, n_cols = X_strided.shape
X = np.zeros((((int(n_rows // 2) + 1) * n_cols),))
start_index = 0
end_index = n_cols
window_step = n_cols // 2
for row in range(X_strided.shape[0]):
X[start_index:end_index] += X_strided[row]
start_index += window_step
end_index += window_step
return X
def overlap_compress(X, n_components, window_size):
Overlap (at 50% of window_size) and compress X.
X : ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
Input signal to compress
n_components : int
number of DCT components to keep
window_size : int
Size of windows to take
X_dct : ndarray, shape=(n_windows, n_components)
Windowed and compressed version of X
X_strided = halfoverlap(X, window_size)
X_dct = fftpack.dct(X_strided, norm='ortho')
if n_components is not None:
X_dct = X_dct[:, :n_components]
return X_dct
# Evil voice is caused by adding double the zeros before inverse DCT...
# Very cool bug but makes sense
def overlap_uncompress(X_compressed, window_size):
Uncompress X as returned from ``overlap_compress``.
X_compressed : ndarray, shape=(n_windows, n_components)
Windowed and compressed version of X
window_size : int
Size of windows originally used when compressing X
X_reconstructed : ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
Reconstructed version of X
if X_compressed.shape[1] % window_size != 0:
append = np.zeros((X_compressed.shape[0], window_size -
X_compressed.shape[1] % window_size))
X_compressed = np.hstack((X_compressed, append))
X_r = fftpack.idct(X_compressed, norm='ortho')
return invert_halfoverlap(X_r)
def lpc_to_lsf(all_lpc):
if len(all_lpc.shape) < 2:
all_lpc = all_lpc[None]
order = all_lpc.shape[1] - 1
all_lsf = np.zeros((len(all_lpc), order))
for i in range(len(all_lpc)):
lpc = all_lpc[i]
lpc1 = np.append(lpc, 0)
lpc2 = lpc1[::-1]
sum_filt = lpc1 + lpc2
diff_filt = lpc1 - lpc2
if order % 2 != 0:
deconv_diff, _ = sg.deconvolve(diff_filt, [1, 0, -1])
deconv_sum = sum_filt
deconv_diff, _ = sg.deconvolve(diff_filt, [1, -1])
deconv_sum, _ = sg.deconvolve(sum_filt, [1, 1])
roots_diff = np.roots(deconv_diff)
roots_sum = np.roots(deconv_sum)
angle_diff = np.angle(roots_diff[::2])
angle_sum = np.angle(roots_sum[::2])
lsf = np.sort(np.hstack((angle_diff, angle_sum)))
if len(lsf) != 0:
all_lsf[i] = lsf
return np.squeeze(all_lsf)
def lsf_to_lpc(all_lsf):
if len(all_lsf.shape) < 2:
all_lsf = all_lsf[None]
order = all_lsf.shape[1]
all_lpc = np.zeros((len(all_lsf), order + 1))
for i in range(len(all_lsf)):
lsf = all_lsf[i]
zeros = np.exp(1j * lsf)
sum_zeros = zeros[::2]
diff_zeros = zeros[1::2]
sum_zeros = np.hstack((sum_zeros, np.conj(sum_zeros)))
diff_zeros = np.hstack((diff_zeros, np.conj(diff_zeros)))
sum_filt = np.poly(sum_zeros)
diff_filt = np.poly(diff_zeros)
if order % 2 != 0:
deconv_diff = sg.convolve(diff_filt, [1, 0, -1])
deconv_sum = sum_filt
deconv_diff = sg.convolve(diff_filt, [1, -1])
deconv_sum = sg.convolve(sum_filt, [1, 1])
lpc = .5 * (deconv_sum + deconv_diff)
# Last coefficient is 0 and not returned
all_lpc[i] = lpc[:-1]
return np.squeeze(all_lpc)
def test_lpc_to_lsf():
# Matlab style vectors for testing
# lsf = [0.7842 1.5605 1.8776 1.8984 2.3593]
# a = [1.0000 0.6149 0.9899 0.0000 0.0031 -0.0082];
lsf = [[0.7842, 1.5605, 1.8776, 1.8984, 2.3593],
[0.7842, 1.5605, 1.8776, 1.8984, 2.3593]]
a = [[1.0000, 0.6149, 0.9899, 0.0000, 0.0031, -0.0082],
[1.0000, 0.6149, 0.9899, 0.0000, 0.0031, -0.0082]]
a = np.array(a)
lsf = np.array(lsf)
lsf_r = lpc_to_lsf(a)
assert_almost_equal(lsf, lsf_r, decimal=4)
a_r = lsf_to_lpc(lsf)
assert_almost_equal(a, a_r, decimal=4)
lsf_r = lpc_to_lsf(a[0])
assert_almost_equal(lsf[0], lsf_r, decimal=4)
a_r = lsf_to_lpc(lsf[0])
assert_almost_equal(a[0], a_r, decimal=4)
def test_lpc_analysis_truncate():
# Test that truncate doesn't crash and actually truncates
[a, g, e] = lpc_analysis(np.random.randn(85), order=8, window_step=80,
window_size=80, emphasis=0.9, truncate=True)
assert(a.shape[0] == 1)
def test_feature_build():
from import wavfile
samplerate, X ='ae.wav')
# MATLAB wavread does normalization
X = X.astype('float64') / (2 ** 15)
wsz = 256
wst = 128
a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=8, window_step=wst,
window_size=wsz, emphasis=0.9,
v, p = voiced_unvoiced(X, window_size=wsz,
c = compress(e, n_components=64)
# First component of a is always 1
combined = np.hstack((a[:, 1:], g, c[:a.shape[0]]))
features = np.zeros((a.shape[0], 2 * combined.shape[1]))
start_indices = v * combined.shape[1]
start_indices = start_indices.astype('int32')
end_indices = (v + 1) * combined.shape[1]
end_indices = end_indices.astype('int32')
for i in range(features.shape[0]):
features[i, start_indices[i]:end_indices[i]] = combined[i]
def test_all():
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ae.wav is from
# Partially following the formant tutorial here
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import wavfile
samplerate, X ='ae.wav')
# MATLAB wavread does normalization
X = X.astype('float64') / (2 ** 15)
c = overlap_compress(X, 200, 400)
X_r = overlap_uncompress(c, 400)
wavfile.write('tmp.wav', samplerate, soundsc(X_r))
print("Calculating sinusoids")
f_hz, m = sinusoid_analysis(X, input_sample_rate=16000)
Xs_sine = sinusoid_synthesis(f_hz, m)
orig_fname = 'orig.wav'
sine_fname = 'sine_synth.wav'
wavfile.write(orig_fname, samplerate, soundsc(X))
wavfile.write(sine_fname, samplerate, soundsc(Xs_sine))
lpc_order_list = [8, ]
dct_components_list = [200, ]
window_size_list = [400, ]
# Seems like a dct component size of ~2/3rds the step
# (1/3rd the window for 50% overlap) works well.
for lpc_order in lpc_order_list:
for dct_components in dct_components_list:
for window_size in window_size_list:
# 50% overlap
window_step = window_size // 2
a, g, e = lpc_analysis(X, order=lpc_order,
window_size=window_size, emphasis=0.9,
print("Calculating LSF")
lsf = lpc_to_lsf(a)
# Not window_size - window_step! Need to implement overlap
print("Calculating compression")
c = compress(e, n_components=dct_components,
co = overlap_compress(e, n_components=dct_components,
block_excitation = uncompress(c, window_size=window_step)
overlap_excitation = overlap_uncompress(co,
a_r = lsf_to_lpc(lsf)
f, m = lpc_to_frequency(a_r, g)
block_lpc = lpc_synthesis(a_r, g, block_excitation,
overlap_lpc = lpc_synthesis(a_r, g, overlap_excitation,
v, p = voiced_unvoiced(X, window_size=window_size,
noisy_lpc = lpc_synthesis(a_r, g, voiced_frames=v,
if dct_components is None:
dct_components = window_size
noisy_fname = 'lpc_noisy_synth_%iwin_%ilpc_%idct.wav' % (
window_size, lpc_order, dct_components)
block_fname = 'lpc_block_synth_%iwin_%ilpc_%idct.wav' % (
window_size, lpc_order, dct_components)
overlap_fname = 'lpc_overlap_synth_%iwin_%ilpc_%idct.wav' % (
window_size, lpc_order, dct_components)
wavfile.write(noisy_fname, samplerate, soundsc(noisy_lpc))
wavfile.write(block_fname, samplerate,
wavfile.write(overlap_fname, samplerate,
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