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Last active April 13, 2019 22:58
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A "better" mcts impl
# Author: Kyle Kastner
# License: BSD 3-Clause
# See similar implementation here
# changes from high level pseudo-code in survey
# expand all children, but only rollout one
# section biases to unexplored nodes, so the children with no rollout
# will be explored quickly
import numpy as np
def softmax(x):
assert len(x.shape) == 1
probs = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
probs /= np.sum(probs)
return probs
class CountingManager(object):
def __init__(self, rollout_limit=1000):
self.size = 5
self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(1999)
self.rollout_limit = rollout_limit
def get_next_state(self, state, action):
if action == state:
return state + 1
return 0
def get_valid_actions(self, state):
return tuple(range(self.size))
def get_init_state(self):
return 0
def _rollout_fn(self, state):
return self.random_state.choice(self.get_valid_actions(state))
def rollout_from_state(self, state):
s = state
w, e = self.is_finished(s)
if e:
return 1.
c = 0
while True:
a = self._rollout_fn(s)
s = self.get_next_state(s, a)
w, e = self.is_finished(s)
c += 1
if e:
return 1. / float(c)
if c > self.rollout_limit:
return 0.
def is_finished(self, state):
if state == self.size - 1:
return 1, True
return 0, False
class TreeNode(object):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
self.W_ = 0
# action -> tree node
self.children_ = {}
self.n_visits_ = 0
def expand(self, actions_and_probs):
for action, prob in actions_and_probs:
if action not in self.children_:
self.children_[action] = TreeNode(self)
def is_leaf(self):
return self.children_ == {}
def is_root(self):
return self.parent is None
def _update(self, value):
self.n_visits_ += 1
self.W_ += value
def update(self, value):
if self.parent != None:
# negative in the original code due to being the opposing player
def get_value(self, c_uct):
if self.n_visits_ == 0:
lp = 0.
lp = self.W_ / float(self.n_visits_)
if self.n_visits_ == 0:
rp = np.inf
rp = c_uct * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(self.parent.n_visits_) / float(self.n_visits_))
return lp + rp
def get_best(self, c_uct):
best = max(self.children_.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1].get_value(c_uct))
return best
class MCTS(object):
def __init__(self, state_manager, c_uct=1.4, n_playout=100, random_state=None):
if random_state is None:
raise ValueError("Must pass random_state object")
self.random_state = random_state
self.root = TreeNode(None)
# state manager must, itself have *NO* state / updating behavior
# internally. Otherwise we need deepcopy() in get_move_probs
self.state_manager = state_manager
self.c_uct = c_uct
self.n_playout = n_playout
self.tree_subs_ = []
self.warn_at_ = 10000
def playout(self, state):
node = self.root
while True:
if node.is_leaf():
winner, end = self.state_manager.is_finished(state)
if not end:
# uniform prior probs
actions = self.state_manager.get_valid_actions(state)
probs = np.ones((len(actions))) / float(len(actions))
actions_and_probs = list(zip(actions, probs))
value = self.state_manager.rollout_from_state(state)
# negative in the original code due to being the opposing player
return value
action, node = node.get_best(self.c_uct)
state = self.state_manager.get_next_state(state, action)
def get_action_probs(self, state, temp=1E-3):
# low temp -> nearly argmax
for n in range(self.n_playout):
act_visits = [(act, node.n_visits_) for act, node in self.root.children_.items()]
actions, visits = zip(*act_visits)
action_probs = softmax(1. / temp * np.log(visits))
return actions, action_probs
def sample_action(self, state, temp=1E-3, add_noise=True,
dirichlet_coeff1=0.25, dirichlet_coeff2=0.3):
vsz = len(self.state_manager.get_valid_actions(state))
act_probs = np.zeros((vsz,))
acts, probs = self.get_action_probs(state, temp)
act_probs[list(acts)] = probs
if add_noise:
act = self.random_state.choice(acts, p=(1. - dirichlet_coeff1) * probs + dirichlet_coeff1 * self.random_state.dirichlet(dirichlet_coeff2 * np.ones(len(probs))))
act = self.random_state.choice(acts, p=probs)
return act, act_probs
def get_action(self, state):
vsz = len(self.state_manager.get_valid_actions(state))
act_probs = np.zeros((vsz,))
# temp doesn't matter for argmax
acts, probs = self.get_action_probs(state, temp=1.)
act_probs[list(acts)] = probs
maxes = np.max(act_probs)
opts = np.where(act_probs == maxes)[0]
if len(opts) > 1:
# if 2 options are *exactly* equal, just choose 1 at random
act = opts[0]
return act, act_probs
def update_tree_root(self, action):
if action in self.root.children_:
self.tree_subs_.append((self.root, self.root.children_[action]))
if len(self.tree_subs_) > self.warn_at_:
print("WARNING: Over {} tree_subs_ detected, watch memory".format(self.warn_at_))
# only print the warning a few times
self.warn_at_ = 10 * self.warn_at_
self.root = self.root.children_[action]
self.root.parent = None
raise ValueError("Action argument {} neither in root.children_ {} and not == -1 (reset)".format(self.root.children_.keys()))
def reconstruct_tree(self):
# walk the list back to front, putting parents back in place
# should reconstruct tree while still preserving counts...
# this might be a bad idea for large state spaces
for pair in self.tree_subs_[::-1]:
self.root.parent = pair[0]
self.root = pair[0]
self.tree_subs_ = []
def reset_tree(self):
print("Resetting tree")
self.root = TreeNode(None)
self.tree_subs_ = []
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
cm = CountingManager()
mcts_random = np.random.RandomState(1110)
mcts = MCTS(cm, n_playout=100, random_state=mcts_random)
n_games = 20
all_game_timings = []
all_game_steps = []
for reset in [False, True]:
game_timings = []
game_steps = []
for g in range(n_games):
state = mcts.state_manager.get_init_state()
winner, end = mcts.state_manager.is_finished(state)
states = [state]
start_time = time.time()
steps = 0
while True:
if not end:
if g >= n_games - 5:
a, ap = mcts.get_action(state)
if steps < 10:
a, ap = mcts.sample_action(state, temp=1., add_noise=True)
a, ap = mcts.sample_action(state, temp=1E-3, add_noise=False)
if steps > 5000:
print("Game hard terminated after 5k steps")
state = mcts.state_manager.get_next_state(state, a)
winner, end = mcts.state_manager.is_finished(state)
steps += 1
print("step {}, state {}".format(steps, state))
end_time = time.time()
game_timings.append(end_time - start_time)
if reset:
print("Game {} finished in {} steps".format(g + 1, len(states)))
from IPython import embed; embed(); raise ValueError()
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