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Last active February 27, 2019 05:50
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# Author: Kyle Kastner
# License: BSD 3-Clause
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import wavfile
import scipy.signal as sg
from scipy import linalg, fftpack
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
def _raised_cosine_window(window_length, periodic, a, b):
even = 1 - window_length % 2
periodic = 1. if True else False
n = np.float64(window_length + periodic * even - 1)
count = np.arange(window_length).astype(np.float64)
cos_arg = 2 * np.pi * count / n
return a - b * np.cos(cos_arg)
def soundsc(X, gain_scale=.9, copy=True):
X = np.array(X, copy=copy)
X = (X - X.min()) / (X.max() - X.min())
X = 2 * X - 1
X = gain_scale * X
X = X * 2 ** 15
return X.astype('int16')
def halfoverlap(X, window_size):
if window_size % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("Window size must be even!")
window_step = window_size // 2
# Make sure there are an even number of windows before stridetricks
append = np.zeros((window_size - len(X) % window_size))
X = np.hstack((X, append))
num_frames = len(X) // window_step - 1
row_stride = X.itemsize * window_step
col_stride = X.itemsize
X_strided = as_strided(X, shape=(num_frames, window_size),
strides=(row_stride, col_stride))
return X_strided
def overlap(X, window_size, window_step, window=None, copy=True):
if not hasattr(X, "shape") or len(X.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError("X must be passed as 1D np array")
if copy:
X = np.array(X)
X = X.copy()
if window_size % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("Window size must be even!")
# Make sure there are an even number of windows before stridetricks
# need to window in here?
append = np.zeros((window_size - len(X) % window_size))
X = np.hstack((X, append))
overlap_sz = window_size - window_step
new_shape = X.shape[:-1] + ((X.shape[-1] - overlap_sz) // window_step, window_size)
new_strides = X.strides[:-1] + (window_step * X.strides[-1],) + X.strides[-1:]
X_strided = as_strided(X, shape=new_shape, strides=new_strides)
return X_strided
def stft(X, windowsize=None, fftsize=None, step="half", mean_normalize=True, real=False,
window_type="hann", periodic=True, compute_onesided=True):
if real:
raise ValueError("real=True needs debug")
local_fft = fftpack.rfft
cut = None
local_fft = fftpack.fft
cut = None
if fftsize == None:
assert windowsize is not None
enclosing_fftsize = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log(windowsize) / np.log(2.0)))
fftsize = enclosing_fftsize
windowsize = fftsize
if compute_onesided or real:
cut = fftsize // 2 + 1
if mean_normalize:
X -= X.mean()
if step == "half":
X = halfoverlap(X, windowsize)
X = overlap(X, windowsize, step)
size = fftsize
if window_type == "hann" and periodic:
win = _raised_cosine_window(size, True, 0.5, 0.5)
raise ValueError("No other windows currently supported")
#win = 0.54 - .46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(size) / (size - 1))
#win = 0.54 - .46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(size) / (size - 1))
X = X * win[None]
X = local_fft(X.astype(np.float64))[:, :cut]
return X
def calc_offset(x1, x2):
x1 = x1 - x1.mean()
x2 = x2 - x2.mean()
half = len(x2) // 2
#xcorrs = sg.fftconvolve(x1.astype("float32"), x2[::-1].astype("float32")) / (np.linalg.norm(x1) * np.linalg.norm(x2))
# on shorter sequences conv can be faster
xcorrs = np.convolve(x1.astype("float32"), x2[::-1].astype("float32")) / (np.linalg.norm(x1) * np.linalg.norm(x2))
# don't take from edges
xcorrs[:half] = -1E30
xcorrs[-half:] = -1E30
offset = xcorrs.argmax() - len(x1)
return offset
# matlab / octave hann divides by windowsize not windowsize - 1 as in numpy
def matlab_hann(windowsize):
return np.array([.5 * (1 - np.cos((2 * np.pi * n) / (windowsize))) for n in range(windowsize)])
def make_windual(win, step):
# calculate the canonical dual window
extra = np.zeros((step * (int(len(win) // step) + 1) - len(win),))
windual = np.concatenate([win, extra])
# matlab vs numpy order
windual = windual.reshape((-1, step)).T
windual = windual / np.sum(np.abs(windual) ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True)
windual = windual.T.ravel()[:len(win)]
return windual
def xcorr_istft(X_s, step, min_win_sum=1E-20):
size = int(X_s.shape[1] // 2)
wave = np.zeros((X_s.shape[0] * step + size))
wave = wave.astype('float64')
total_windowing_sum = np.zeros((X_s.shape[0] * step + size))
win = make_windual(matlab_hann(size), step)
#win = matlab_hann(size)
est_start = int(size // 2) - 1
est_end = est_start + size
for i in range(X_s.shape[0]):
wave_start = int(step * i)
wave_end = wave_start + size
spectral_slice = X_s[i]
wave_est = np.fft.ifft(spectral_slice).real
if i > 0:
offset_size = size - step
offset = calc_offset(wave[wave_start:wave_start + offset_size],
wave_est[est_start:est_start + offset_size])
offset = 0
wave[wave_start:wave_end] += win * wave_est[
est_start - offset:est_end - offset]
total_windowing_sum[wave_start:wave_end] += win
wave = wave / (total_windowing_sum + min_win_sum)
return wave
def linear(x):
return x
def relu(x):
return x * (x > 0)
def lrelu(x, alpha=.01):
return x * (x > 0) + alpha * x * (x <= 0)
def softplus(x):
beta = 1.
bx = beta * x
y = (np.fmax(bx, 0) +
np.log1p(np.exp(-np.fabs(bx)))) * (1. / beta)
return y
activation_map = {"linear": linear,
"relu": relu,
"lrelu": lrelu,
"softplus": softplus}
def power_invert_spectrogram_orig(X_s, fftsize, step, add_power=None, n_iter=10, activation_name="linear", verbose=False):
X_best = copy.deepcopy(X_s)
activation = activation_map[activation_name]
if activation_name != "linear":
print("This function is only for checking the original griffin lim against variants - use power_inver_spectrogram_gla instead!")
if add_power != None:
print("This function is only for checking the original griffin lim against variants - use power_inver_spectrogram_gla instead!")
for i in range(n_iter):
if verbose:
print("orig|add_pwr:{}|fn:{} runnning iter {}".format(add_power, activation.func_name, i))
X_t = xcorr_istft(X_best, step)
X_t = activation(X_t)
est = stft(X_t, fftsize=fftsize, step=step, compute_onesided=False)
X_best = X_s * (est / np.abs(est))
X_t = xcorr_istft(X_best, step)
return np.real(X_t)
def power_invert_spectrogram_gla(X, fftsize, step, add_power=1., n_iter=10, activation_name="linear", verbose=False):
A = copy.deepcopy(X)
X = copy.deepcopy(X)
activation = activation_map[activation_name]
def pc2(X_, cmplx=False):
if cmplx:
return A ** (1. + add_power) * (X_ / np.abs(X_))
#return A ** (1. + add_power) * np.sign(X_)
# A and X_ are the same in the first iteration
# which is where we set cmplx to False
return A
def pc1(X_):
p1 = xcorr_istft(X_, step)
p1 = activation(p1)
p2 = stft(p1, fftsize=fftsize, step=step, compute_onesided=False)
return p2
for i in range(n_iter):
if verbose:
print("gla|add_pwr:{}|fn:{} runnning iter {}".format(add_power, activation.func_name, i))
X = pc1(pc2(X, True if i > 0 else False))
X_t = xcorr_istft(X, step)
return np.real(X_t)
def power_invert_spectrogram_fgla(X, fftsize, step, alpha=.99, add_power=1., n_iter=10, activation_name="linear", verbose=False):
A = copy.deepcopy(X)
X = copy.deepcopy(X)
activation = activation_map[activation_name]
if activation_name != "linear":
print("This function only performs well with linear activation, use activation {} at your own risk!".format(activation_name))
def pc2(X_, cmplx=False):
if cmplx:
return A ** (1. + add_power) * (X_ / np.abs(X_))
#return A ** (1. + add_power) * np.sign(X_)
# A and X_ are the same in the first iteration
# which is where we set cmplx to False
return A
def pc1(X_):
p1 = xcorr_istft(X_, step)
p1 = activation(p1)
p2 = stft(p1, fftsize=fftsize, step=step, compute_onesided=False)
return p2
Y = X
for i in range(n_iter):
if verbose:
print("fgla|alpha:{}|add_pwr:{}|fn:{} runnning iter {}".format(alpha, add_power, activation.func_name, i))
Xold = X.copy()
X = pc1(pc2(Y, True if i > 0 else False))
Y = X + alpha * (X - Xold)
X_t = xcorr_istft(X, step)
return np.real(X_t)
def power_invert_spectrogram_admmgla(X, fftsize, step, rho=0., add_power=1., n_iter=10, activation_name="linear", verbose=False):
# admm one doesn't work well at smaller step sizes
A = copy.deepcopy(X)
X = copy.deepcopy(X)
activation = activation_map[activation_name]
def pc2(X_, cmplx=False):
if cmplx:
return A ** (1. + add_power) * (X_ / np.abs(X_))
#return A ** (1. + add_power) * np.sign(X_)
# A and X_ are the same in the first iteration
# which is where we set cmplx to False
return A
def pc1(X_):
p1 = xcorr_istft(X_, step)
p1 = activation(p1)
p2 = stft(p1, fftsize=fftsize, step=step, compute_onesided=False)
return p2
Z = X.copy()
U = 0. * X
for i in range(n_iter):
if verbose:
print("admmgla|rho:{}|add_pwr:{}|fn:{} runnning iter {}".format(rho, add_power, activation.func_name, i))
X = pc2(Z - U, True if i > 0 else False)
Y = X + U
Z = (rho * Y + pc1(Y)) / (1. + rho)
U = U + X - Z
X_t = xcorr_istft(X, step)
return np.real(X_t)
fs, d ="z_input_dirty.wav")
d = d.astype("float32").copy()
fftsize = 512
step = 32
gl_steps = 5
rw_s = np.abs(stft(d, fftsize=fftsize, step=step, real=False, compute_onesided=False))
#acts = ["linear", "softplus", "lrelu", "relu"]
#pwrs = [.75, 1., 1.25]
#acts = ["linear"]
#pwrs = [0., .25, .5, .75, 1., 1.25, 1.5, 2.0]
#acts = ["linear", "softplus"]
#pwrs = [1., 1.5, 2.]
acts = ["linear"]
pwrs = [1.]
for act in acts:
for pwr in pwrs:
rw = power_invert_spectrogram_gla(rw_s, fftsize, step, add_power=pwr, n_iter=gl_steps, activation_name=act, verbose=True)
wavfile.write("output_gla_{}_pwr{}_iter{}.wav".format(act, pwr, gl_steps), fs, soundsc(rw))
rw = power_invert_spectrogram_fgla(rw_s, fftsize, step, add_power=pwr, n_iter=gl_steps, activation_name=act, verbose=True)
wavfile.write("output_fgla_{}_pwr{}_iter{}.wav".format(act, pwr, gl_steps), fs, soundsc(rw))
rw = power_invert_spectrogram_admmgla(rw_s, fftsize, step, add_power=pwr, n_iter=gl_steps, activation_name=act, verbose=True)
wavfile.write("output_admmgla_{}_pwr{}_iter{}.wav".format(act, pwr, gl_steps), fs, soundsc(rw))
rw = power_invert_spectrogram_orig(rw_s, fftsize, step, add_power=pwr, n_iter=gl_steps, activation_name=act, verbose=True)
wavfile.write("output_orig_{}_pwr{}_iter{}.wav".format(act, pwr, gl_steps), fs, soundsc(rw))
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