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Last active September 18, 2019 07:25
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CFR and follow-on improvements in Python
# Author: Kyle Kastner
# License: BSD 3-Clause
# Drectly lifted from the great blogpost by Justin Sermeno
# References:
import numpy as np
N_ACTIONS = 2 # call or bet
N_CARDS = 3 # 3 possible cards
N_ITERATIONS = 100 # number of iterations for CFR
EPS = 1E-3 # value below which to remove option
class InformationSet(object):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
self.regret_sum = np.zeros(N_ACTIONS)
self.strategy_sum = np.zeros(N_ACTIONS)
self.strategy = np.zeros(N_ACTIONS) + 1. / float(N_ACTIONS)
self.reach_pr = 0.
def next_strategy(self):
self.strategy_sum += self.reach_pr * self.strategy
self.strategy = self.calc_strategy(self.reach_pr)
self.reach_pr = 0.
def calc_strategy(self, pr):
strategy = np.where(self.regret_sum > 0, self.regret_sum, 0)
total = float(sum(strategy))
if total > 0:
strategy = strategy / total
strategy = np.zeros(N_ACTIONS) + 1. / float(N_ACTIONS)
return strategy
def get_average_strategy(self):
total = sum(self.strategy_sum)
if total > 0:
strategy = self.strategy_sum / float(total)
# remove low prob options
# called "purification"
strategy = np.where(strategy < EPS, 0., strategy)
total = sum(strategy)
strategy /= float(total)
strategy = np.zeros(N_ACTIONS) + 1. / float(N_ACTIONS)
return strategy
def __repr__(self):
strategies = ['{:03.2f}'.format(x)
for x in self.get_average_strategy()]
return '{} {}'.format(self.key.ljust(6), strategies)
def is_chance_node(history):
# only chance node is at the start of the game for Kuhn poker
return history == ""
def chance_util(i_map):
expected_value = 0.
n_possibilities = 6 # 3 choose 1, 2 choose 1 = 6
for i in range(N_CARDS):
for j in range(N_CARDS):
# 3 cards to choose from, then 2
if i != j:
expected_value += cfr(i_map, "rr", i, j, 1., 1., 1. / float(n_possibilities))
return expected_value / float(n_possibilities)
def is_terminal(history):
# returns True if history is an end state
possibilities = {"rrcc": True,
"rrcbc": True,
"rrcbb": True,
"rrbc": True,
"rrbb": True}
return history in possibilities
def terminal_util(history, card_1, card_2):
n = len(history)
card_player = card_1 if n % 2 == 0 else card_2
card_opponent = card_2 if n % 2 == 0 else card_1
if history == "rrcbc" or history == "rrbc":
# last player folded, current player wins
return 1.
elif history == "rrcc":
# showdown, no bets
return 1. if card_player > card_opponent else -1.
# showdown with 1 bet
assert(history == "rrcbb" or history == "rrbb")
return 2. if card_player > card_opponent else -2.
def card_str(card):
# print the name of the card
if card == 0:
return "J"
elif card == 1:
return "Q"
return "K"
def get_info_set(i_map, card, history):
key = card_str(card) + "_" + history
info_set = None
if key not in i_map:
info_set = InformationSet(key)
i_map[key] = info_set
return info_set
return i_map[key]
def cfr(i_map, history="", card_1=-1, card_2=-1, pr_1=1., pr_2=1., pr_c=1.):
Counterfactual regret minimization algorithm.
i_map: dict
Dictionary of all information sets.
history : [{'r', 'c', 'b'}], str
A string representation of the game tree path we have taken.
Each character of the string represents a single action:
'r': random chance action
'c': check action
'b': bet action
card_1 : (0, 2), int
player A's card
card_2 : (0, 2), int
player B's card
pr_1 : (0, 1.0), float
The probability that player A reaches `history`.
1.0 means player A didn't contribute
pr_2 : (0, 1.0), float
The probability that player B reaches `history`.
1.0 means player B didn't contribute
pr_c: (0, 1.0), float
The probability contribution of chance events to reach `history`.
1.0 means chance didn't contribute
if is_chance_node(history):
return chance_util(i_map)
if is_terminal(history):
return terminal_util(history, card_1, card_2)
n = len(history)
is_player_1 = n % 2 == 0
info_set = get_info_set(i_map, card_1 if is_player_1 else card_2, history)
strategy = info_set.strategy
if is_player_1:
info_set.reach_pr += pr_1
info_set.reach_pr += pr_2
# counterfactual utility
action_utils = np.zeros(N_ACTIONS)
# check or bet
for i, action in enumerate(["c", "b"]):
next_history = history + action
# DFS recursion
if is_player_1:
action_utils[i] = -1 * cfr(i_map, next_history,
card_1, card_2,
pr_1 * strategy[i], pr_2, pr_c)
action_utils[i] = -1 * cfr(i_map, next_history,
card_1, card_2,
pr_1, pr_2 * strategy[i], pr_c)
# Utility of the information set
util = sum(action_utils * strategy)
regrets = action_utils - util
# CFR+, toward RBP using 4.2 of
if is_player_1:
# modified RBP CFR+
instant_regret = pr_2 * pr_c * regrets
idx = (info_set.regret_sum <= 0) & (instant_regret > 0)
info_set.regret_sum[idx] = instant_regret[idx]
info_set.regret_sum[~idx] += instant_regret[~idx]
# CFR+
#info_set.regret_sum = np.maximum(info_set.regret_sum + pr_2 * pr_c * regrets, 0)
#info_set.regret_sum += pr_2 * pr_c * regrets
# modified RBP CFR+
instant_regret = pr_1 * pr_c * regrets
idx = (info_set.regret_sum <= 0) & (instant_regret > 0)
info_set.regret_sum[idx] = instant_regret[idx]
info_set.regret_sum[~idx] += instant_regret[~idx]
# CFR+
#info_set.regret_sum = np.maximum(info_set.regret_sum + pr_1 * pr_c * regrets, 0)
#info_set.regret_sum += pr_1 * pr_c * regrets
return util
def display_results(ev, i_map):
print('player 1 expected value: {}'.format(ev))
print('player 2 expected value: {}'.format(-1 * ev))
print('player 1 strategies:')
sorted_items = sorted(i_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
for _, v in [s for s in sorted_items if len(s[0]) % 2 == 0]:
print('player 2 strategies:')
for _, v in [s for s in sorted_items if len(s[0]) % 2 == 1]:
def main():
i_map = {} # information sets aka decision nodes
expected_game_value = 0.
for _ in range(N_ITERATIONS):
expected_game_value += cfr(i_map)
for _, v in i_map.items():
expected_game_value /= float(N_ITERATIONS)
display_results(expected_game_value, i_map)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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