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Last active June 4, 2018 21:41
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Wrapper to read pascal voc data
# Author: Kyle Kastner # License: BSD 3-Clause # For a reference on parallel processing in Python see tutorial by David Beazley # # Loosely based on IBM example # # If you want to download all the PASCAL VOC data, use the following in bash... """ #! /bin/bash # 2008 wget # 2009 wget # 2010 wget # 2011 wget # 2012 wget # Latest devkit wget """ try: import Queue except ImportError: import queue as Queue import threading import time import glob import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import itertools import random class VOCThread(threading.Thread): """Image Thread""" def __init__(self, queue, out_queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.out_queue = out_queue def run(self): while True: # Grabs image path from queue image_path_group, mask_path_group = self.queue.get() image_group = [plt.imread(i) for i in image_path_group] mask_group = [plt.imread(m) for m in mask_path_group] # Place images in out queue self.out_queue.put((image_group, mask_group)) # Signals to queue job is done self.queue.task_done() class VOC_dataset(object): def __init__(self, minibatch_size=3, which_set="train", voc_path="/data/lisa/data/PASCAL-VOC/VOCdevkit/"): image_paths = [] mask_paths = [] years = ["VOC2008", "VOC2009", "VOC2010", "VOC2011", "VOC2012"] for year in years: voc_year_path = os.path.join(voc_path, year) image_path = os.path.join(voc_year_path, "JPEGImages") more_image_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(image_path, "*.jpg")) image_paths += more_image_paths mask_path = os.path.join(voc_year_path, "SegmentationClass") more_mask_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(mask_path, "*.png")) mask_paths += more_mask_paths def match_paths(seg_file): names = [] for year in years: voc_year_path = os.path.join(voc_path, year) fp = os.path.join(voc_year_path, "ImageSets", "Segmentation") with open(os.path.join(fp, seg_file)) as f: names += [fi.strip() for fi in f.readlines()] ims = [] masks = [] s_ims = sorted(image_paths) s_masks = sorted(mask_paths) # Go through short list of names, find first match for each im and # mask and append for n in names: for i in s_ims: if n in i: ims.append(i) break # slower but logic is easier for m in s_masks: if n in m: masks.append(m) break assert len(ims) == len(masks) return ims, masks if which_set == "train": image_paths, mask_paths = match_paths("train.txt") elif which_set == "trainval": image_paths, mask_paths = match_paths("trainval.txt") else: raise ValueError("Unknown argument to which_set %s" % which_set) # no segmentations for the test set, assertion will fail #test_image_paths, test_mask_paths = match_paths("test.txt") self.image_paths = image_paths self.mask_paths = mask_paths assert len(self.image_paths) == len(self.mask_paths) self.n_per_epoch = len(image_paths) self.n_samples_seen_ = 0 # Test random order # random.shuffle(self.image_paths) self.buffer_size = 5 self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size self.input_qsize = 15 self.min_input_qsize = 10 if len(self.image_paths) % self.minibatch_size != 0: print("WARNING: Sample size not an even multiple of minibatch size") print("Truncating...") self.image_paths = self.image_paths[:-( len(self.image_paths) % self.minibatch_size)] self.mask_paths = self.mask_paths[:-( len(self.mask_paths) % self.minibatch_size)] assert len(self.image_paths) % self.minibatch_size == 0 assert len(self.mask_paths) % self.minibatch_size == 0 assert len(self.image_paths) == len(self.mask_paths) self.grouped_images = zip(*[iter(self.image_paths)] * self.minibatch_size) self.grouped_masks = zip(*[iter(self.mask_paths)] * self.minibatch_size) assert len(self.grouped_images) == len(self.grouped_masks) # Infinite... self.grouped_elements = itertools.cycle(zip(self.grouped_images, self.grouped_masks)) self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.out_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=self.buffer_size) self._init_queues() def _init_queues(self): for i in range(1): = VOCThread(self.queue, self.out_queue) # Populate queue with some paths to image data for n, _ in enumerate(range(self.input_qsize)): group = self.queue.put(group) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return def next(self): return self._step() def reset(self): self.n_samples_seen_ = 0 def _step(self): if self.n_samples_seen_ >= self.n_per_epoch: self.reset() raise StopIteration("End of epoch") image_group, mask_group = self.out_queue.get() self.n_samples_seen_ += self.minibatch_size if self.queue.qsize() <= self.min_input_qsize: for i in range(self.input_qsize): group = self.queue.put(group) return image_group, mask_group if __name__ == "__main__": # Example usage ds = VOC_dataset(which_set="trainval") start = time.time() #n_minibatches_to_run = 5000 itr = 1 while True: image_group, mask_group = # time.sleep approximates running some model time.sleep(1) stop = time.time() tot = stop - start print("Threaded time: %s" % (tot)) print("Minibatch %s" % str(itr)) print("Time ratio (s per minibatch): %s" % (tot / float(itr))) itr += 1 # test #if itr >= n_minibatches_to_run: # break
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meetps commented Jan 5, 2017

Thanks a lot !

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First use labelImg-master to convert the boxed pictures into VOC Annotated format the use my utility from the link below to convert the VOC Annotated Files to npz so that you can train your own custom data using YAD2K

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