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Created October 7, 2021 07:30
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Tools and software for my workstations and laptops. Windows 11 version.
# Console
cinst poshgit
# 7Zip
cinst 7zip.install -y
# Some browsers
cinst GoogleChrome -y
cinst firefox -y
cinst firefox-dev --pre -y
cinst microsoft-edge -y
cinst microsoft-edge-insider -y
cinst microsoft-edge-insider-dev -y
# Geek tools
cinst obs-studio -y
cinst obs-ndi -y
# Dev Tools
cinst git.install -y
cinst nvm -y
cinst cascadiacode -y
cinst vscode -y
cinst vscode-insiders -y
cinst github-desktop -y
cinst postman -y
cinst fiddler -y
cinst teamviewer -y
# Messaging
cinst discord -y
cinst microsoft-teams -y
cinst telegram -y
cinst skype -y
# Tools
cinst foxitreader -y
cinst vlc -y
cinst rescuetime -y
cinst nordvpn -y
cinst powertoys -y
cinst files -y
cinst notion -y
# Graphic Tools
cinst -y
cinst screentogif -y
cinst handbrake -y
# Music
cinst spotify --ignore-checksums -y
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