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Forked from cunneen/
Last active February 11, 2024 08:28
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Install Open GApps In Android Emulator


This works to install Open GApps into the Android Emulator, working around the issue where the system partition is too small.

With it, I can get Google Play installing into the emulator. Tested on KitKat (API 19), Lollipop (API 21) and Oreo (API 27).

It's tested on MacOS.


  1. Ensure unzip and tar are working as intended.
  2. Install lzip from Homebrew.
  3. Add the below into .zprofile: export PATH=$PATH:/Users/<your_username>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/Users/<your_username>/Library/Android/sdk/emulator export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/<your_username>/Library/Android/sdk


  1. From Android Studio create a new Android Virtual Device (AVD). For example:
    1. Tools -> Android -> AVD Manager
    2. Create Virtual Device...
    3. Phone -> Nexus 5
    4. x86 Images -> Lollipop -> Marshmallow (Download if necessary)
    5. Give the AVD a name
    6. Choose "Show Advanced Settings...". Give the AVD at least 1536MB Internal Storage, and 512MB SD Card
    7. Finish
  2. Download the appropriate Open GApps file from
  3. Save the into the same folder, and give it executable permission:
    chmod a+x
  4. Run the with the Open GApps file as the first argument; e.g.
  5. When prompted for an AVD, copy the appropriate AVD name and paste it. Press Enter.
  6. Wait for the emulator to boot fully, then press Enter.
  7. Once the script tells you to "Restart android in your emulator", hold down the virtual power button to shutdown.
  8. Manually start the emulator again (press the 'play' button in Android Studio's AVD Manager).
  9. In the emulator, open the Google app and sign in with your google account.
  10. Shut down the emulator and start it again.

A sample transcript follows.

Sample Transcript

$ ./ 
signed by SignApk
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/configupdater-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/defaultetc-common.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/defaultframework-common.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/gmscore-x86_64.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googlebackuptransport-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googlecontactssync-all.tar  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googlefeedback-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googleonetimeinitializer-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googlepartnersetup-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/gsfcore-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/gsflogin-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/setupwizarddefault-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/setupwizardtablet-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/vending-x86_64.tar.lz  
Which AVD?


determining location of system.img file for Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64 .../Users/mikecunneen/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86_64/
copying, checking and resizing system.img for Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64
copying encryptionkey.img ...
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
system: 1958/98304 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 358163/393216 blocks
resize2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Resizing the filesystem on /Users/mikecunneen/.android/avd/Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64.avd/system.img to 524288 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /Users/mikecunneen/.android/avd/Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64.avd/system.img is now 524288 (4k) blocks long.

starting Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64

Press enter when the emulator has booted...

adbd is already running as root
remount succeeded
etc/: 11 files pushed. 3.8 MB/s (58819 bytes in 0.015s)
framework/: 3 files pushed. 34.8 MB/s (212217 bytes in 0.006s)
app/: 1 file pushed. 81.9 MB/s (284795 bytes in 0.003s)
priv-app/: 9 files pushed. 188.1 MB/s (93280033 bytes in 0.473s)
restart android in your emulator

#!/usr/bin/env bash
USAGESTRING="Usage: ${0}";
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
exit 1;
if [ ! -f ${ZIPFILE} ]; then
exit 2;
if [ ! ${ANDROID_HOME} ]; then
echo "ANDROID_HOME is not set"
exit 3;
if [ ! -d ${ANDROID_HOME} ]; then
echo "ANDROID_HOME is not valid"
exit 4;
rm -rf ${TEMPDIR} && mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}
unzip ${ZIPFILE} 'Core/*' -d ${TEMPDIR}
rm Core/setup*
lzip -d Core/*.lz
for f in $(ls Core/*.tar); do
tar -x --strip-components 2 -f $f
echo "Which AVD?"
emulator -list-avds
echo -en "\n>"
read AVD
echo -en "\ndetermining location of system.img file for ${AVD} ..."
IMAGE_SYSDIR=`grep "image.sysdir.1" ${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/config.ini | cut -f2 -d"="`
echo "copying, checking and resizing system.img for ${AVD}"
cp "${ANDROID_HOME}/${IMAGE_SYSDIR}/system.img" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
if [ -f "${ANDROID_HOME}/${IMAGE_SYSDIR}/encryptionkey.img" ]; then
echo "copying encryptionkey.img ..."
cp "${ANDROID_HOME}/${IMAGE_SYSDIR}/encryptionkey.img" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/encryptionkey.img"
${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/e2fsck -f "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/resize2fs "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img" 3072M
echo "starting ${AVD}"
${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd ${AVD} -partition-size 1024 -writable-system > /dev/null 2>&1 &
read -rsp $'\nPress enter when the emulator has booted...\n\n'
adb root
adb remount
adb push etc /system
adb push framework /system
adb push app /system
adb push priv-app /system
sleep 5
# adb reboot system
# adb -e emu kill
echo "Restart android in your emulator"
echo "done."
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