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Created October 27, 2021 19:11
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Custom Unity component to create a world-space UIToolkit panel
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace Katas.Experimental
public class WorldSpaceUIDocument : MonoBehaviour, IPointerMoveHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerDownHandler,
ISubmitHandler, ICancelHandler, IMoveHandler, IScrollHandler, ISelectHandler, IDeselectHandler, IDragHandler
[Tooltip("Width of the panel in pixels. The RenderTexture used to render the panel will have this width.")]
[SerializeField] protected int _panelWidth = 1280;
[Tooltip("Height of the panel in pixels. The RenderTexture used to render the panel will have this height.")]
[SerializeField] protected int _panelHeight = 720;
[Tooltip("Scale of the panel. It is like the zoom in a browser.")]
[SerializeField] protected float _panelScale = 1.0f;
[Tooltip("Pixels per world units, it will the termine the real panel size in the world based on panel pixel width and height.")]
[SerializeField] protected float _pixelsPerUnit = 1280.0f;
[Tooltip("Visual tree element object of this panel.")]
[SerializeField] protected VisualTreeAsset _visualTreeAsset;
[Tooltip("PanelSettings that will be used to create a new instance for this panel.")]
[SerializeField] protected PanelSettings _panelSettingsPrefab;
[Tooltip("RenderTexture that will be used to create a new instance for this panel.")]
[SerializeField] protected RenderTexture _renderTexturePrefab;
[Tooltip("Some input modules (like the XRUIInputModule from the XR Interaction toolkit package) doesn't send PointerMove events. If you are using such an input module, just set this to true so at least you can properly drag things around.")]
public bool UseDragEventFix = false;
public Vector2 PanelSize
get => new Vector2(_panelWidth, _panelHeight);
_panelWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(value.x);
_panelHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(value.y);
public float PanelScale
get => _panelScale;
_panelScale = value;
if (_panelSettings != null)
_panelSettings.scale = value;
public VisualTreeAsset VisualTreeAsset
get => _visualTreeAsset;
_visualTreeAsset = value;
if (_uiDocument != null)
_uiDocument.visualTreeAsset = value;
public int PanelWidth { get => _panelWidth; set { _panelWidth = value; RefreshPanelSize(); } }
public int PanelHeight { get => _panelHeight; set { _panelHeight = value; RefreshPanelSize(); } }
public float PixelsPerUnit { get => _pixelsPerUnit; set { _pixelsPerUnit = value; RefreshPanelSize(); } }
public PanelSettings PanelSettingsPrefab { get => _panelSettingsPrefab; set { _panelSettingsPrefab = value; RebuildPanel(); } }
public RenderTexture RenderTexturePrefab { get => _renderTexturePrefab; set { _renderTexturePrefab = value; RebuildPanel(); } }
protected MeshRenderer _meshRenderer;
protected PanelEventHandler _panelEventHandler;
// runtime rebuildable stuff
protected UIDocument _uiDocument;
protected PanelSettings _panelSettings;
protected RenderTexture _renderTexture;
protected Material _material;
void Awake ()
PixelsPerUnit = _pixelsPerUnit;
// dynamically a MeshFilter, MeshRenderer and BoxCollider
MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
_meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
_meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = null;
_meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off;
_meshRenderer.receiveShadows = false;
_meshRenderer.allowOcclusionWhenDynamic = false;
_meshRenderer.lightProbeUsage = LightProbeUsage.Off;
_meshRenderer.reflectionProbeUsage = ReflectionProbeUsage.Off;
_meshRenderer.motionVectorGenerationMode = MotionVectorGenerationMode.ForceNoMotion;
BoxCollider boxCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
Vector3 size = boxCollider.size;
size.z = 0;
boxCollider.size = size;
// set the primitive quad mesh to the mesh filter
GameObject quadGo = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
meshFilter.sharedMesh = quadGo.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
void Start()
/// <summary>
/// Use this method to initialise the panel without triggering a rebuild (i.e.: when instantiating it from scripts). Start method
/// will always trigger RebuildPanel(), but if you are calling this after the GameObject started you must call RebuildPanel() so the
/// changes take effect.
/// </summary>
public void InitPanel (int panelWidth, int panelHeight, float panelScale, float pixelsPerUnit, VisualTreeAsset visualTreeAsset, PanelSettings panelSettingsPrefab, RenderTexture renderTexturePrefab)
_panelWidth = panelWidth;
_panelHeight = panelHeight;
_panelScale = panelScale;
_pixelsPerUnit = pixelsPerUnit;
_visualTreeAsset = visualTreeAsset;
_panelSettingsPrefab = panelSettingsPrefab;
_renderTexture = renderTexturePrefab;
/// <summary>
/// Rebuilds the panel by destroy current assets and generating new ones based on the configuration.
/// </summary>
public void RebuildPanel ()
// generate render texture
RenderTextureDescriptor textureDescriptor = _renderTexturePrefab.descriptor;
textureDescriptor.width = _panelWidth;
textureDescriptor.height = _panelHeight;
_renderTexture = new RenderTexture(textureDescriptor);
// generate panel settings
_panelSettings = Instantiate(_panelSettingsPrefab);
_panelSettings.targetTexture = _renderTexture;
_panelSettings.clearColor = true; // ConstantPixelSize and clearColor are mandatory configs
_panelSettings.scaleMode = PanelScaleMode.ConstantPixelSize;
_panelSettings.scale = _panelScale; = $"{name} - RenderTexture"; = $"{name} - PanelSettings";
// generate UIDocument
_uiDocument = gameObject.AddComponent<UIDocument>();
_uiDocument.panelSettings = _panelSettings;
_uiDocument.visualTreeAsset = _visualTreeAsset;
// generate material
if (_panelSettings.colorClearValue.a < 1.0f)
_material = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/Transparent"));
_material = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/Texture"));
_material.SetTexture("_MainTex", _renderTexture);
_meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = _material;
// find the automatically generated PanelEventHandler and PanelRaycaster for this panel and disable the raycaster
PanelEventHandler[] handlers = FindObjectsOfType<PanelEventHandler>();
foreach (PanelEventHandler handler in handlers)
if (handler.panel == _uiDocument.rootVisualElement.panel)
_panelEventHandler = handler;
PanelRaycaster panelRaycaster = _panelEventHandler.GetComponent<PanelRaycaster>();
if (panelRaycaster != null)
panelRaycaster.enabled = false;
protected void RefreshPanelSize ()
if (_renderTexture != null && (_renderTexture.width != _panelWidth || _renderTexture.height != _panelHeight))
_renderTexture.width = _panelWidth;
_renderTexture.height = _panelHeight;
if (_uiDocument != null)
transform.localScale = new Vector3(_panelWidth / _pixelsPerUnit, _panelHeight / _pixelsPerUnit, 1.0f);
protected void DestroyGeneratedAssets ()
if (_uiDocument) Destroy(_uiDocument);
if (_renderTexture) Destroy(_renderTexture);
if (_panelSettings) Destroy(_panelSettings);
if (_material) Destroy(_material);
void OnDestroy ()
void OnValidate ()
if (Application.isPlaying && _material != null && _uiDocument != null)
if (_uiDocument.visualTreeAsset != _visualTreeAsset)
VisualTreeAsset = _visualTreeAsset;
if (_panelScale != _panelSettings.scale)
_panelSettings.scale = _panelScale;
///////////////////////// REDIRECTION OF EVENTS TO THE PANEL
protected readonly HashSet<(BaseEventData, int)> _eventsProcessedInThisFrame = new HashSet<(BaseEventData, int)>();
void LateUpdate ()
public void OnPointerMove (PointerEventData eventData)
public void OnPointerDown (PointerEventData eventData)
public void OnPointerUp (PointerEventData eventData)
public void OnSubmit (BaseEventData eventData)
public void OnCancel (BaseEventData eventData)
public void OnMove (AxisEventData eventData)
public void OnScroll (PointerEventData eventData)
public void OnSelect (BaseEventData eventData)
public void OnDeselect (BaseEventData eventData)
public void OnDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
if (UseDragEventFix)
protected void TransformPointerEventForUIToolkit (PointerEventData eventData)
var eventKey = (eventData, eventData.pointerId);
if (!_eventsProcessedInThisFrame.Contains(eventKey))
Camera eventCamera = eventData.enterEventCamera ?? eventData.pressEventCamera;
if (eventCamera != null)
// get current event position and create the ray from the event camera
Vector3 position = eventData.position;
position.z = 1.0f;
position = eventCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(position);
Plane panelPlane = new Plane(transform.forward, transform.position);
Ray ray = new Ray(eventCamera.transform.position, position - eventCamera.transform.position);
if (panelPlane.Raycast(ray, out float distance))
// get local pointer position within the panel
position = ray.origin + distance * ray.direction.normalized;
position = transform.InverseTransformPoint(position);
// compute a fake pointer screen position so it results in the proper panel position when projected from the camera by the PanelEventHandler
position.x += 0.5f; position.y -= 0.5f;
position = Vector3.Scale(position, new Vector3(_panelWidth, _panelHeight, 1.0f));
position.y += Screen.height;
// print(new Vector2(position.x, Screen.height - position.y)); // print actual computed position in panel UIToolkit coords
// update the event data with the new calculated position
eventData.position = position;
RaycastResult raycastResult = eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast;
raycastResult.screenPosition = position;
eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast = raycastResult;
raycastResult = eventData.pointerPressRaycast;
raycastResult.screenPosition = position;
eventData.pointerPressRaycast = raycastResult;
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I had trouble setting this up, so here is a link to a post explaining how to set this up.

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AdPetrou commented Jan 26, 2023

I had a couple problems setting this up through code,

In InitPanel() you assigned the renderTexturePrefab parameter to the renderTexture field instead of the renderTexturePrefab field.
There was also a strange bug that caused Start() to run twice, I added a boolean to fix that as well but I don't know what caused it.

The changes are in my fork if you want to update it.

Really cool script though, very nice, thanks for doing all the hard work.

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Oh my god, thank you so much :) Handling input was a b!tch to get working but this helped me very much.

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