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Created November 23, 2013 04:16
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Save katejenkins/7610714 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"Start putting program code in memory location $0000"
Hmm, last section of notes didn't save?
loop_variable EQU $C880 ;Create a variable for looping
These two goto types are unconditional
JMP = jump (>127b away)
BRA = branch (within 127b)
(LBRA = long branch) (but relative)
while JMP is absolute
don't mix relative and absolute jumps to the same location
JSR = jump to subroutine
BSR = branch to subroutine
RTS = return from subroutine
These are conditional:
CC (condition code) bits are:
H = half carry
N = negative
Z = zero
V = overflow
C = carry
BEQ = branch on equal
BNE = branch not equal (branches only if the zero bit is not set)
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