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Created September 14, 2019 18:07
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//1. Write a public method that calls the getCitiesForExpansion method to get a list of cities, then add
//another city to the list before printing it to the debug log.
//(see the sample above for an example of calling that method-You can even start by copying and pasting that method here, renaming and modifying it)
public static void printOutCitiesForExpansionDemo(){
List<String> cities = getCitiesForExpansion();
System.debug('Here are the cities: ' + cities);
//2.Write a public method that calls the isTopSalesCity method and prints out the returned boolean to the debug log.
//You'll need to pass in a string variable that is a city name as the argument!
public static Boolean TopSalesCities(string cityName){
Boolean salesCity = isTopSalesCity(cityName);
return salesCity;
//3. BONUS!! If you've finished the first two, there's another public method below that will return the top 10 Accounts
//Write a public method that calls getTopTenAccounts. Can you loop through those accounts and change the name of those accounts with a DML Update?
public static List<Account> biggestAccounts(){
List<Account> topAccounts = getTopTenAccounts();
for (Account acct : topAccounts){
update acct;
return topAccounts;
//no arguments taken, will return the same thing every time
public static List<String> getCitiesForExpansion() {
List<String> cities = new List<String>();
//this is the line that sends our final product out to whatever method called this one
return cities;
//takes a string argument and returns a boolean, based on that input
public static Boolean isTopSalesCity (String cityName) {
if (cityName=='Seattle' || cityName=='Los Angeles' || cityName=='Portland') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//This method will give you the top ten account records, based on Annual Revenue
//You don't need to know exactly how the method you're calling works, we'll cover SOQL queries later, but take a look and you'll likely get the gist
//What's important to know is that when called it will return a list of top Accounts based on revenue, returning no more than 10.
public static List<Account> getTopTenAccounts() {
List<Account> topAccounts =
[SELECT Id, Name, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue != NULL AND AnnualRevenue != 0
ORDER BY AnnualRevenue DESC LIMIT 10];
return topAccounts;
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@kate Hey Kate! please paste the entire class 'WeekThreeHomework' here or create a new gist with it. I can check the error on my side then :)

Also for biggestAccounts method, you should try to change the name of the account before the update statement. Let me know if that makes sense.

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