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Last active December 11, 2015 04:19
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optimizing js
optimizing js
require([], function(){
var contextRequire = require.config({
"paths" : {
"jquery" : "//"
"map" : {
"*" : {
"template" : "troopjs-requirejs/template"
var troopjsDep = ["jquery", "troopjs-bundle"];
contextRequire(troopjsDep, function($) {
var troopjsJQueryDep = ["troopjs-jquery/weave", "troopjs-jquery/destroy", "troopjs-jquery/action",
"troopjs-jquery/resize", "troopjs-jquery/dimensions", "troopjs-jquery/hashchange"];
].concat(troopjsJQueryDep), function App(Application) {
$(function ready() {
Application($(this.documentElement), "app/demo").start();
require([], function(){
var contextRequire = require.config({
"paths" : {
"jquery" : "//"
"map" : {
"*" : {
"template" : "troopjs-requirejs/template"
var troopjsDep = ["jquery", "troopjs-bundle"];
contextRequire(troopjsDep, function($) {
var troopjsJQueryDep = ["troopjs-jquery/weave", "troopjs-jquery/destroy", "troopjs-jquery/action",
"troopjs-jquery/resize", "troopjs-jquery/dimensions", "troopjs-jquery/hashchange"];
].concat(troopjsJQueryDep), function App(Application) {
$(function ready() {
Application($(this.documentElement), "app/demo").start();
require([], function(){
var contextRequire = require.config({
"paths" : {
"jquery" : "//"
"map" : {
"*" : {
"template" : "troopjs-requirejs/template"
var troopjsDep = ["jquery", "troopjs-bundle"];
contextRequire(troopjsDep, function($) {
var troopjsJQueryDep = ["troopjs-jquery/weave", "troopjs-jquery/destroy", "troopjs-jquery/action",
"troopjs-jquery/resize", "troopjs-jquery/dimensions", "troopjs-jquery/hashchange"];
].concat(troopjsJQueryDep), function App(Application) {
$(function ready() {
Application($(this.documentElement), "app/demo").start();
], function ApplicationModule(Compose, $, Deferred, when, tr, grep, URI, Application, Router, Ajax) {
"use strict";
var SERVICES = "services";
* Forwards signals to services
* @param signal Signal
* @param deferred Deferred
* @returns me
function forward(signal, deferred) {
var me = this;
var services =[SERVICES], function (service, index) {
return Deferred(function (dfd) {
service.signal(signal, dfd);
if (deferred) {
when.apply($, services).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
me.publish("application/signal/" + signal, deferred);
return me;
return Application.extend(function ($element, name) {
var $window = $(window);
this[SERVICES] = [ Router($window), Ajax()];
}, {
"sig/initialize" : forward,
"sig/finalize" : forward,
"sig/start" : forward,
"sig/stop" : forward
], function DemoModule(Widget) {
"use strict";
return Widget.extend({
"dom/click": function click() {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '</div>').appendTo('.box');
function remove(){
<button onclick="add();">add div</button>
<button onclick="remove();">remove div</button>
<div class="box">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '</div>').click(function () {
function remove(){
<button onclick="add();">add div</button>
<button onclick="remove();">remove div</button>
<div class="box">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div data-weave="widget/demo" style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '</div>').appendTo('.box');
function remove(){
<title>mejs memory leak demo</title>
<button onclick="add();">add</button>
<button onclick="remove();">remove</button>
<div class="box"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" data-main="js/app.js" src="//"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div data-weave="widget/demo" style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '-</div>').appendTo('.box');
function remove(){
<title>mejs memory leak demo</title>
<button onclick="add();">add</button>
<button onclick="remove();">remove</button>
<div class="box"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" data-main="js/app31.js" src="//"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
var $box = $(".box");
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div data-weave="widget/demo" style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '-</div>').appendTo($box);
function remov(){
<title>mejs memory leak demo</title>
<button onclick="add();">add</button>
<button onclick="remov();">remove</button>
<div class="box"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" data-main="js/app31.js" src="//"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
var $box = $(".box");
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div data-weave="widget/demo" style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '-</div>').appendTo($box);
function remov(){
<title>mejs memory leak demo</title>
<button onclick="add();">add</button>
<button onclick="remov();">remove</button>
<div class="box"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" data-main="js/app33.js" src="//"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div data-weave="widget/demo" style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '</div>').appendTo('.box');
function remove(){
var require = {
"baseUrl" : "js",
"packages" : [{
"name" : "jquery",
"location" : "//",
"main" : "jquery.min"
}, {
"name" : "troopjs-bundle",
"location" : "lib/troopjs-bundle/1.0.7-31",
"main" : "troopjs-bundle"
"map" : {
"*" : {
"template" : "troopjs-requirejs/template",
"troopjs-core/component/widget" : "troopjs-browser/component/widget"
"config" : {
"when" : {
"paranoid" : false
"deps" : [ "require", "troopjs-bundle" ],
"callback" : function Boot(localRequire) {
localRequire([ "jquery", "troopjs-browser/application/widget" ], function Strap(jQuery, Application) {
jQuery(function ready($) {
var $HTML = $("html");
Application($HTML, "bootstrap", []).start();
<title>mejs memory leak demo</title>
<button onclick="add();">add</button>
<button onclick="remove();">remove</button>
<div class="box"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
var $box = $(".box");
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div data-weave="widget/demo" style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '</div>').appendTo($box);
function remove(){
var require = {
"baseUrl" : "js",
"packages" : [{
"name" : "jquery",
"location" : "//",
"main" : "jquery"
}, {
"name" : "troopjs-bundle",
"location" : "lib/troopjs-bundle/1.0.7-31",
"main" : "troopjs-bundle.opt"
"map" : {
"*" : {
"template" : "troopjs-requirejs/template",
"troopjs-core/component/widget" : "troopjs-browser/component/widget"
"config" : {
"when" : {
"paranoid" : false
"deps" : [ "require", "troopjs-bundle" ],
"callback" : function Boot(localRequire) {
localRequire([ "jquery", "troopjs-browser/application/widget" ], function Strap(jQuery, Application) {
jQuery(function ready($) {
var $HTML = $("html");
Application($HTML, "bootstrap", []).start();
<title>mejs memory leak demo</title>
<button onclick="add();">add</button>
<button onclick="remove();">remove</button>
<div class="box"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
var $box = $(".box");
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$('<div data-weave="widget/demo" style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '</div>').appendTo($box);
function remove(){
var require = {
"baseUrl" : "js",
"packages" : [{
"name" : "jquery",
"location" : "//",
"main" : "jquery.min"
}, {
"name" : "troopjs-bundle",
"location" : "lib/troopjs-bundle/1.0.7-31",
"main" : "troopjs-bundle.opt.min"
"map" : {
"*" : {
"template" : "troopjs-requirejs/template",
"troopjs-core/component/widget" : "troopjs-browser/component/widget"
"config" : {
"when" : {
"paranoid" : false
"deps" : [ "require", "troopjs-bundle" ],
"callback" : function Boot(localRequire) {
localRequire([ "jquery", "troopjs-browser/application/widget" ], function Strap(jQuery, Application) {
jQuery(function ready($) {
var $HTML = $("html");
Application($HTML, "bootstrap", []).start();
<title>mejs memory leak demo</title>
<button onclick="add();">add</button>
<button onclick="remove();">remove</button>
<div class="box"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
var $box = $(".box");
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
$box.append('<div style="background-color: #A68585;margin: 2px 0;width: 100px;height: 30px;">' + i + '</div>');
function remove(){
<button onclick="add();">add div</button>
<button onclick="remove();">remove div</button>
<div class="box">
* TroopJS Bundle - 1.0.7-31-g8d0ee03-dirty
* Copyright (c) 2013 Mikael Karon <>
* Licensed MIT
* TroopJS RequireJS template plug-in
* parts of code from require-cs 0.4.0+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false, require:false*/
define('troopjs-requirejs/template',[],function TemplateModule() {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, loopfunc:true */
"node" : function () {
// Using special require.nodeRequire, something added by r.js.
var fs = require.nodeRequire("fs");
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
callback(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));
"browser" : function () {
// Would love to dump the ActiveX crap in here. Need IE 6 to die first.
var progIds = [ "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"];
var progId;
var XHR;
var i;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
XHR = XMLHttpRequest;
else {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
progId = progIds[i];
try {
new ActiveXObject(progId);
XHR = function(){
return new ActiveXObject(progId);
catch (e) {
if (!XHR){
throw new Error("XHR: XMLHttpRequest not available");
return function fetchText(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XHR();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) {
// Do not explicitly handle errors, those should be
// visible via console output in the browser.
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
"rhino" : function () {
var encoding = "utf-8";
var lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");
// Why Java, why is this so awkward?
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
var file = new;
var input = new, encoding));
var stringBuffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
var line;
var content = "";
try {
line = input.readLine();
// Byte Order Mark (BOM) - The Unicode Standard, version 3.0, page 324
// Note that when we use utf-8, the BOM should appear as "EF BB BF", but it doesn't due to this bug in the JDK:
if (line && line.length() && line.charAt(0) === 0xfeff) {
// Eat the BOM, since we've already found the encoding on this file,
// and we plan to concatenating this buffer with others; the BOM should
// only appear at the top of a file.
line = line.substring(1);
while ((line = input.readLine()) !== null) {
// Make sure we return a JavaScript string and not a Java string.
content = String(stringBuffer.toString()); // String
} finally {
"borked" : function () {
return function fetchText() {
throw new Error("Environment unsupported.");
var RE_SANITIZE = /^[\n\t\r]+|[\n\t\r]+$/g;
var RE_BLOCK = /<%(=)?([\S\s]*?)%>/g;
var RE_TOKENS = /<%(\d+)%>/gm;
var RE_REPLACE = /(["\n\t\r])/gm;
var RE_CLEAN = /o \+= "";| \+ ""/gm;
var EMPTY = "";
var REPLACE = {
"\"" : "\\\"",
"\n" : "\\n",
"\t" : "\\t",
"\r" : "\\r"
* Compiles template
* @param body Template body
* @returns {Function}
function compile(body) {
var blocks = [];
var length = 0;
function blocksTokens(original, prefix, block) {
blocks[length] = prefix
? "\" +" + block + "+ \""
: "\";" + block + "o += \"";
return "<%" + String(length++) + "%>";
function tokensBlocks(original, token) {
return blocks[token];
function replace(original, token) {
return REPLACE[token] || token;
return ("function template(data) { var o = \""
// Sanitize body before we start templating
+ body.replace(RE_SANITIZE, "")
// Replace script blocks with tokens
.replace(RE_BLOCK, blocksTokens)
// Replace unwanted tokens
.replace(RE_REPLACE, replace)
// Replace tokens with script blocks
.replace(RE_TOKENS, tokensBlocks)
+ "\"; return o; }")
// Clean
.replace(RE_CLEAN, EMPTY);
var buildMap = {};
var fetchText = FACTORIES[ typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && !!process.versions.node
? "node"
: (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.navigator && window.document) || typeof importScripts !== "undefined"
? "browser"
: typeof Packages !== "undefined"
? "rhino"
: "borked" ]();
return {
load: function (name, parentRequire, load, config) {
var path = parentRequire.toUrl(name);
fetchText(path, function (text) {
try {
text = "define(function() { return " + compile(text, name, path, config.template) + "; })";
catch (err) {
err.message = "In " + path + ", " + err.message;
if (config.isBuild) {
buildMap[name] = text;
// IE with conditional comments on cannot handle the
// sourceURL trick, so skip it if enabled
/*@if (@_jscript) @else @*/
else {
text += "\n//@ sourceURL='" + path +"'";
load.fromText(name, text);
// Give result to load. Need to wait until the module
// is fully parse, which will happen after this
// execution.
parentRequire([name], function (value) {
write: function (pluginName, name, write) {
if (buildMap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
write.asModule(pluginName + "!" + name, buildMap[name]);
* TroopJS jQuery hashchange plug-in
* Normalized hashchange event, ripped a _lot_ of code from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/hashchange',[ "jquery" ], function HashchangeModule($) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, evil:true */
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var RE_HASH = /#(.*)$/;
var RE_LOCAL = /\?/;
// hack based on this:
var _isIE = /**@preserve@cc_on !@*/0;
function getHash(window) {
// parsed full URL instead of getting location.hash because Firefox
// decode hash value (and all the other browsers don't)
// also because of IE8 bug with hash query in local file
var result = RE_HASH.exec(window.location.href);
return result && result[1]
? decodeURIComponent(result[1])
: "";
function Frame(document) {
var self = this;
var element;
self.element = element = document.createElement("iframe");
element.src = "about:blank"; = "none";
Frame.prototype = {
getElement : function () {
return this.element;
getHash : function () {
return this.element.contentWindow.frameHash;
update : function (hash) {
var self = this;
var document = self.element.contentWindow.document;
// Quick return if hash has not changed
if (self.getHash() === hash) {
// update iframe content to force new history record.
// based on Really Simple History, SWFAddress and YUI.history.;
document.write("<html><head><title>' + document.title + '</title><script type='text/javascript'>var frameHash='" + hash + "';</script></head><body>&nbsp;</body></html>");
$.event.special[HASHCHANGE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
// FF3.6+, IE8+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
// Make sure we're always a window
if (!$.isWindow(window)) {
throw new Error("Unable to bind 'hashchange' to a non-window object");
var $window = $(window);
var hash = getHash(window);
var location = window.location;
$, window.setInterval(_isIE
? (function hashChangeIntervalWrapper() {
var document = window.document;
var _isLocal = location.protocol === "file:";
var frame = new Frame(document);
return function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
var frameHash = frame.getHash();
// Detect changes made pressing browser history buttons.
// Workaround since history.back() and history.forward() doesn't
// update hash value on IE6/7 but updates content of the iframe.
if (frameHash !== hash && frameHash !== windowHash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(frameHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
// Sync location.hash with frameHash
location.hash = "#" + encodeURI(_isLocal
? frameHash.replace(RE_LOCAL, "%3F")
: frameHash);
// detect if hash changed (manually or using setHash)
else if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
: function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
}, 25));
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function hashChangeTeardown(namespaces) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
window.clearInterval($.data(window, INTERVAL));
* TroopJS Utils getargs module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/getargs',[],function GetArgsModule() {
/*jshint strict:false */
var PUSH = Array.prototype.push;
var SUBSTRING = String.prototype.substring;
var RE_BOOLEAN = /^(?:false|true)$/i;
var RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE = /^true$/i;
var RE_DIGIT = /^\d+$/;
return function getargs() {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var length;
var from;
var to;
var i;
var c;
var a;
var q = false;
// Iterate over string
for (from = to = i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) {
// Get char
c = self.charAt(i);
switch(c) {
case "\"" :
case "'" :
// If we are currently quoted...
if (q === c) {
// Stop quote
q = false;
// Store result (no need to convert, we know this is a string),, from, to));
// Otherwise
else {
// Start quote
q = c;
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case "," :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case " " :
case "\t" :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// Update from/to
if (from === to) {
from = to = i + 1;
default :
// Update to
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery action plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/action',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs" ], function ActionModule($, getargs) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
var FALSE = false;
var NULL = null;
var SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
var ACTION = "action";
var ORIGINALEVENT = "originalEvent";
var RE_ACTION = /^([\w\d\s_\-\/]+)(?:\.([\w\.]+))?(?:\((.*)\))?$/;
var RE_DOT = /\.+/;
* Namespace iterator
* @param namespace (string) namespace
* @param index (number) index
function namespaceIterator(namespace, index) {
return namespace ? namespace + "." + ACTION : NULL;
* Action handler
* @param $event (jQuery.Event) event
function onAction($event) {
// Set $target
var $target = $(this);
// Get argv
var argv =, 1);
// Extract type
var type = ORIGINALEVENT in $event
? $event[ORIGINALEVENT].type
// Extract name
var name = $event[ACTION];
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// No handler, try without namespace, but exclusive
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "!";
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// Still no handler, try generic action with namespace
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
* Internal handler
* @param $event jQuery event
function handler($event) {
// Get closest element that has an action defined
var $target = $($"[data-action]");
// Fail fast if there is no action available
if ($target.length === 0) {
// Extract all data in one go
var $data = $;
// Extract matches from 'data-action'
var matches = RE_ACTION.exec($data[ACTION]);
// Return fast if action parameter was f*cked (no matches)
if (matches === NULL) {
// Extract action name
var name = matches[1];
// Extract action namespaces
var namespaces = matches[2];
// Extract action args
var args = matches[3];
// If there are action namespaces, make sure we're only triggering action on applicable types
if (namespaces !== UNDEFINED && !RegExp(namespaces.split(RE_DOT).join("|")).test($event.type)) {
// Split args by separator (if there were args)
var argv = args !== UNDEFINED
: [];
// Iterate argv to determine arg type
$.each(argv, function argsIterator(i, value) {
if (value in $data) {
argv[i] = $data[value];
// Trigger exclusive ACTION event
.trigger($.Event($event, {
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
}), argv);
// Since we've translated the event, stop propagation
$.event.special[ACTION] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onActionSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
$(this).bind(ACTION, data, onAction);
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onActionAdd(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).bind(events.join(" "), handler);
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onActionRemove(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).unbind(events.join(" "), handler);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onActionTeardown(namespaces) {
$(this).unbind(ACTION, onAction);
$.fn[ACTION] = function action(name) {
return $(this).trigger({
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
},, 1));
* TroopJS jQuery destroy plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/destroy',[ "jquery" ], function DestroyModule($) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
$.event.special.destroy = {
remove : function onDestroyRemove(handleObj) {
var self = this;, $.Event({
"type" : handleObj.type,
"data" :,
"namespace" : handleObj.namespace,
"target" : self
* TroopJS jQuery weave plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/weave',[ "require", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs", "./destroy" ], function WeaveModule(parentRequire, $, getargs) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, loopfunc:true */
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY = Array;
var ARRAY_PROTO = ARRAY.prototype;
var JOIN = ARRAY_PROTO.join;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var $WHEN = $.when;
var $DEFERRED = $.Deferred;
var WEAVE = "weave";
var UNWEAVE = "unweave";
var WOVEN = "woven";
var WEAVING = "weaving";
var PENDING = "pending";
var DESTROY = "destroy";
var DATA = "data-";
var SELECTOR_WEAVE = "[" + DATA_WEAVE + "]";
* Generic destroy handler.
* Simply makes sure that unweave has been called
function onDestroy() {
$.expr[":"][WEAVE] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m").test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.expr[":"][WOVEN] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m").test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.fn[WEAVE] = function weave(/* arg, arg, arg */) {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
var $elements = $(this);
var arg = arguments;
// Reduce to only elements that can be woven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer weave
$DEFERRED(function deferredWeave(dfdWeave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var weave = $data[WEAVE] = $element.attr(DATA_WEAVE) || "";
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || ($data[WOVEN] = []);
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
// Link deferred
dfdWeave.done(function doneWeave() {
// Set DATA_WOVEN with full names
.attr(DATA_WOVEN,, " "));
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).then(function donePending() {
var re = /[\s,]*([\w_\-\/\.]+)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?/g;
var mark = i;
var j = 0;
var matches;
// Push dfdWeave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdWeave);
// Make sure to remove DATA_WEAVE (so we don't try processing this again)
// Set DATA_WEAVING (so that unweave can pick this up)
.attr(DATA_WEAVING, weave)
// Bind destroy event
.bind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Iterate woven (while RE_WEAVE matches)
while ((matches = re.exec(weave)) !== NULL) {
// Defer widget
$DEFERRED(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
var _j = j++; // store _j before we increment
var k;
var l;
var kMax;
var value;
// Add to widgets
widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
// Link deferred
dfdWidget.then(function doneWidget(widget) {
woven[_j] = widget;
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// Get widget name
var name = matches[1];
// Set initial argv
var argv = [ $element, name ];
// Append values from arg to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = arg.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
argv[l] = arg[k];
// Get widget args
var args = matches[2];
// Any widget arguments
if (args !== UNDEFINED) {
// Convert args using getargs
args =;
// Append typed values from args to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = args.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
// Get value
value = args[k];
// Get value from $data or fall back to pure value
argv[l] = value in $data
? $data[value]
: value;
// Require module
parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
// Instantiate widget (with argv)
var widget = Widget.apply(Widget, argv);
// Start widget
widget.start().then(function resolve() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Slice out widgets woven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdWeave.resolve, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// Return compacted combined promise
return $DEFERRED(function deferredWeave(dfdWeave) {
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(function resolve() {
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.progress);
$.fn[UNWEAVE] = function unweave() {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
var $elements = $(this);
// Reduce to only elements that can be unwoven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer unweave
$DEFERRED(function deferredUnweave(dfdUnweave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || [];
// Link deferred
dfdUnweave.done(function doneUnweave() {
// Copy weave data to data-weave attribute
.attr(DATA_WEAVE, $data[WEAVE])
// Make sure to clean the destroy event handler
.unbind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Remove data fore WEAVE
delete $data[WEAVE];
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).done(function donePending() {
var mark = i;
var widget;
// Push dfdUnweave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdUnweave);
// Remove WOVEN data
delete $data[WOVEN];
// Remove DATA_WOVEN attribute
// Somewhat safe(r) iterator over woven
while ((widget = woven.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
// Defer widget
$DEFERRED(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
// Add to unwoven and pending
widgets[i++] = widget.stop().then(function resolve() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Slice out widgets unwoven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdUnweave.resolve, dfdUnweave.reject, dfdUnweave.notify);
// Return compacted combined promise
return $DEFERRED(function deferredUnweave(dfdUnweave) {
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(function resolve() {
}, dfdUnweave.reject, dfdUnweave.progress);
$.fn[WOVEN] = function woven(/* arg, arg */) {
var result = [];
var widgets = arguments.length > 0
? RegExp($.map(arguments, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m")
$(this).each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
if (!$.hasData(element)) {
PUSH.apply(result, widgets === UNDEFINED
? $.data(element, WOVEN)
: $.map($.data(element, WOVEN), function (woven) {
return widgets.test(woven.displayName)
? woven
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery dimensions plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/dimensions',[ "jquery" ], function DimensionsModule($) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
var NULL = null;
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
var RESIZE = "resize." + DIMENSIONS;
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var _W = "_" + W;
var _H = "_" + H;
* Internal comparator used for reverse sorting arrays
function reverse(a, b) {
return b - a;
* Internal onResize handler
* @param $event
function onResize($event) {
var self = this;
var $self = $(self);
var width = $self.width();
var height = $self.height();
// Iterate all dimensions
$.each($.data(self, DIMENSIONS), function dimensionIterator(namespace, dimension) {
var w = dimension[W];
var h = dimension[H];
var _w;
var _h;
var i;
i = w.length;
_w = w[i - 1];
while(w[--i] < width) {
_w = w[i];
i = h.length;
_h = h[i - 1];
while(h[--i] < height) {
_h = h[i];
// If _w or _h has changed, update and trigger
if (_w !== dimension[_W] || _h !== dimension[_H]) {
dimension[_W] = _w;
dimension[_H] = _h;
$self.trigger(DIMENSIONS + "." + namespace, [ _w, _h ]);
$.event.special[DIMENSIONS] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onDimensionsSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
.bind(RESIZE, onResize)
.data(DIMENSIONS, {});
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onDimensionsAdd(handleObj) {
var self = this;
var namespace = handleObj.namespace;
var dimension = {};
var w = dimension[W] = [];
var h = dimension[H] = [];
var re = /(w|h)(\d+)/g;
var matches;
while ((matches = re.exec(namespace)) !== NULL) {
dimension[matches[1]].push(parseInt(matches[2], 10));
$.data(self, DIMENSIONS)[namespace] = dimension;
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onDimensionsRemove(handleObj) {
delete $.data(this, DIMENSIONS)[handleObj.namespace];
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
.unbind(RESIZE, onResize);
* TroopJS jQuery resize plug-in
* Heavy inspiration from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/resize',[ "jquery" ], function ResizeModule($) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
var NULL = null;
var RESIZE = "resize";
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var $ELEMENTS = $([]);
* Iterator
* @param index
* @param self
function iterator(index, self) {
// Get data
var $data = $.data(self);
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Get previous width and height
var w = $self.width();
var h = $self.height();
// Check if width or height has changed since last check
if (w !== $data[W] || h !== $data[H]) {
$self.trigger(RESIZE, [$data[W] = w, $data[H] = h]);
* Internal interval
function interval() {
$.event.special[RESIZE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onResizeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Store data
var $data = $.data(self, RESIZE, {});
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Initialize data
$data[W] = $self.width();
$data[H] = $self.height();
// Add to tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.add(self);
// If this is the first element, start interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 1) {
INTERVAL = setInterval(interval, 100);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onResizeTeardown(namespaces) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Remove data
$.removeData(self, RESIZE);
// Remove from tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.not(self);
// If this is the last element, stop interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 0 && INTERVAL !== NULL) {
* TroopJS Utils merge module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/merge',[],function MergeModule() {
/*jshint strict:false */
var ARRAY = Array;
var OBJECT = Object;
return function merge(source) {
var target = this;
var key = null;
var i;
var iMax;
var value;
var constructor;
for (i = 0, iMax = arguments.length; i < iMax; i++) {
source = arguments[i];
for (key in source) {
value = source[key];
constructor = value.constructor;
if (!(key in target)) {
target[key] = value;
else if (constructor === ARRAY) {
target[key] = target[key].concat(value);
else if (constructor === OBJECT) {[key], value);
else {
target[key] = value;
return target;
* TroopJS Utils tr component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/tr',[],function TrModule() {
/*jshint strict:false */
var TYPEOF_NUMBER = typeof Number();
return function tr(callback) {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var i;
var length = self.length;
var key;
// Is this an array? Basically, is length a number, is it 0 or is it greater than 0 and that we have index 0 and index length-1
if (typeof length === TYPEOF_NUMBER && length === 0 || length > 0 && 0 in self && length - 1 in self) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.push(, self[i], i));
// Otherwise we'll iterate it as an object
} else if (self){
for (key in self) {
result.push(, self[key], key));
return result;
* ComposeJS, object composition for JavaScript, featuring
* JavaScript-style prototype inheritance and composition, multiple inheritance,
* mixin and traits-inspired conflict resolution and composition
define('compose/compose',[], function(){
// function for creating instances from a prototype
function Create(){
var delegate = Object.create ?
return Object.create(typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto || Object.prototype);
} :
Create.prototype = typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto;
var instance = new Create();
Create.prototype = null;
return instance;
function validArg(arg){
throw new Error("Compose arguments must be functions or objects");
return arg;
// this does the work of combining mixins/prototypes
function mixin(instance, args, i){
// use prototype inheritance for first arg
var value, argsLength = args.length;
for(; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = args[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
// the arg is a function, use the prototype for the properties
var prototype = arg.prototype;
for(var key in prototype){
value = prototype[key];
var own = prototype.hasOwnProperty(key);
if(typeof value == "function" && key in instance && value !== instance[key]){
var existing = instance[key];
if(value == required){
// it is a required value, and we have satisfied it
value = existing;
else if(!own){
// if it is own property, it is considered an explicit override
// TODO: make faster calls on this, perhaps passing indices and caching
if(isInMethodChain(value, key, getBases([], 0, i), true))){
// this value is in the existing method's override chain, we can use the existing method
value = existing;
}else if(!isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// the existing method is not in the current override chain, so we are left with a conflict
console.error("Conflicted method " + key + ", final composer must explicitly override with correct method.");
if(value && value.install && own && !isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// apply modifier, key);
instance[key] = value;
// it is an object, copy properties, looking for modifiers
for(var key in validArg(arg)){
var value = arg[key];
if(typeof value == "function"){
// apply modifier, key);
if(key in instance){
if(value == required){
// required requirement met
// add it to the instance
instance[key] = value;
return instance;
// allow for override (by es5 module)
Compose._setMixin = function(newMixin){
mixin = newMixin;
function isInMethodChain(method, name, prototypes){
// searches for a method in the given prototype hierarchy
for(var i = 0; i < prototypes.length;i++){
var prototype = prototypes[i];
if(prototype[name] == method){
// found it
return true;
// Decorator branding
function Decorator(install, direct){
function Decorator(){
return direct.apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error("Decorator not applied");
Decorator.install = install;
return Decorator;
Compose.Decorator = Decorator;
// aspect applier
function aspect(handler){
return function(advice){
return Decorator(function install(key){
var baseMethod = this[key];
(advice = this[key] = baseMethod ? handler(this, baseMethod, advice) : advice).install = install;
}, advice);
// around advice, useful for calling super methods too
Compose.around = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return, base);
Compose.before = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = advice.apply(this, arguments);
if(results !== stop){
return base.apply(this, results || arguments);
var stop = Compose.stop = {};
var undefined;
Compose.after = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = base.apply(this, arguments);
var adviceResults = advice.apply(this, arguments);
return adviceResults === undefined ? results : adviceResults;
// rename Decorator for calling super methods
Compose.from = function(trait, fromKey){
return (typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey];
return Decorator(function(key){
if(!(this[key] = (typeof trait == "string" ? this[trait] :
(typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey || key]))){
throw new Error("Source method " + fromKey + " was not available to be renamed to " + key);
// Composes an instance
Compose.create = function(base){
// create the instance
var instance = mixin(delegate(base), arguments, 1);
var argsLength = arguments.length;
// for go through the arguments and call the constructors (with no args)
for(var i = 0; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = arguments[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
instance = || instance;
return instance;
// The required function, just throws an error if not overriden
function required(){
throw new Error("This method is required and no implementation has been provided");
Compose.required = required;
// get the value of |this| for direct function calls for this mode (strict in ES5)
function extend(){
var args = [this];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
return Compose.apply(0, args);
// Compose a constructor
function Compose(base){
var args = arguments;
var prototype = (args.length < 2 && typeof args[0] != "function") ?
args[0] : // if there is just a single argument object, just use that as the prototype
mixin(delegate(validArg(base)), args, 1); // normally create a delegate to start with
function Constructor(){
var instance;
if(this instanceof Constructor){
// called with new operator, can proceed as is
instance = this;
// we allow for direct calls without a new operator, in this case we need to
// create the instance ourself.
Create.prototype = prototype;
instance = new Create();
// call all the constructors with the given arguments
for(var i = 0; i < constructorsLength; i++){
var constructor = constructors[i];
var result = constructor.apply(instance, arguments);
if(typeof result == "object"){
if(result instanceof Constructor){
instance = result;
for(var j in result){
instance[j] = result[j];
return instance;
// create a function that can retrieve the bases (constructors or prototypes)
Constructor._getBases = function(prototype){
return prototype ? prototypes : constructors;
// now get the prototypes and the constructors
var constructors = getBases(args),
constructorsLength = constructors.length;
if(typeof args[args.length - 1] == "object"){
args[args.length - 1] = prototype;
var prototypes = getBases(args, true);
Constructor.extend = extend;
prototype.constructor = Constructor;
Constructor.prototype = prototype;
return Constructor;
Compose.apply = function(thisObject, args){
// apply to the target
return thisObject ?
mixin(thisObject, args, 0) : // called with a target object, apply the supplied arguments as mixins to the target object, 0, args); // get the Function.prototype apply function, call() it to apply arguments to Compose (the extend doesn't matter, just a handle way to grab apply, since we can't get it off of Compose)
}; = function(thisObject){
// call() should correspond with apply behavior
return mixin(thisObject, arguments, 1);
function getBases(args, prototype){
// this function registers a set of constructors for a class, eliminating duplicate
// constructors that may result from diamond construction for classes (B->A, C->A, D->B&C, then D() should only call A() once)
var bases = [];
function iterate(args, checkChildren){
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
var arg = args[i];
var target = prototype && typeof arg == "function" ?
arg.prototype : arg;
if(prototype || typeof arg == "function"){
var argGetBases = checkChildren && arg._getBases;
iterate(argGetBases(prototype)); // don't need to check children for these, this should be pre-flattened
for(var j = 0; j < bases.length; j++){
if(target == bases[j]){
continue outer;
iterate(args, true);
return bases;
// returning the export of the module
return Compose;
})(typeof define != "undefined" ?
define: // AMD/RequireJS format if available
function(deps, factory){
if(typeof module !="undefined"){
module.exports = factory(); // CommonJS environment, like NodeJS
// require("./configure");
Compose = factory(); // raw script, assign to Compose global
define('compose', ['compose/compose'], function (main) { return main; });
* TroopJS Utils URI module
* parts of code from parseUri 1.2.2 Copyright Steven Levithan <>
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/uri',[ "compose" ], function URIModule(Compose) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var OBJECT_PROTO = Object.prototype;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var SPLIT = String.prototype.split;
var RE_URI = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?(?:([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/;
var PROTOCOL = "protocol";
var AUTHORITY = "authority";
var PATH = "path";
var QUERY = "query";
var ANCHOR = "anchor";
var KEYS = [ "source",
// Store current setting
var SECURE =;
// Prevent Compose from creating constructor property = true;
function Query(arg) {
var result = {};
var matches;
var key = NULL;
var value;
var re = /(?:&|^)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g;
result.toString = Query.toString;
for (key in arg) {
result[key] = arg[key];
} else {
while ((matches = re.exec(arg)) !== NULL) {
key = matches[1];
if (key in result) {
value = result[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
value[value.length] = matches[2];
else {
result[key] = [ value, matches[2] ];
else {
result[key] = matches[2];
return result;
Query.toString = function toString() {
var self = this;
var key;
var value;
var values;
var query = [];
var i = 0;
var j;
for (key in self) {
if ([key]) === TOSTRING_FUNCTION) {
query[i++] = key;
while (i--) {
key = query[i];
value = self[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
values = value.slice(0);
j = values.length;
while (j--) {
value = values[j];
values[j] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
query[i] = values.join("&");
else {
query[i] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
return query.join("&");
// Extend on the instance of array rather than subclass it
function Path(arg) {
var result = [];
result.toString = Path.toString;
PUSH.apply(result, === TOSTRING_ARRAY
? arg
:, "/"));
return result;
Path.toString = function() {
return this.join("/");
var URI = Compose(function URI(str) {
var self = this;
var value;
var matches;
var i;
if ((matches = RE_URI.exec(str)) !== NULL) {
i = matches.length;
while (i--) {
value = matches[i];
if (value) {
self[KEYS[i]] = value;
if (QUERY in self) {
self[QUERY] = Query(self[QUERY]);
if (PATH in self) {
self[PATH] = Path(self[PATH]);
URI.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
var uri = [ PROTOCOL , "://", AUTHORITY, PATH, "?", QUERY, "#", ANCHOR ];
var i;
var key;
if (!(PROTOCOL in self)) {
uri[0] = uri[1] = "";
if (!(AUTHORITY in self)) {
uri[2] = "";
if (!(PATH in self)) {
uri[3] = "";
if (!(QUERY in self)) {
uri[4] = uri[5] = "";
if (!(ANCHOR in self)) {
uri[6] = uri[7] = "";
i = uri.length;
while (i--) {
key = uri[i];
if (key in self) {
uri[i] = self[key];
return uri.join("");
// Restore setting = SECURE;
URI.Path = Path;
URI.Query = Query;
return URI;
* TroopJS Utils unique component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/unique',[],function UniqueModule() {
/*jshint strict:false */
return function unique(callback) {
var self = this;
var length = self.length;
var result = [];
var value;
var i;
var j;
var k;
add: for (i = j = k = 0; i < length; i++, j = 0) {
value = self[i];
while(j < k) {
if (, value, result[j++]) === true) {
continue add;
result[k++] = value;
return result;
/** @license MIT License (c) copyright B Cavalier & J Hann */
* A lightweight CommonJS Promises/A and when() implementation
* when is part of the cujo.js family of libraries (
* Licensed under the MIT License at:
* @version 1.7.1
(function(define) {
define('when/when',[],function () {
var reduceArray, slice, undef;
// Public API
when.defer = defer; // Create a deferred
when.resolve = resolve; // Create a resolved promise
when.reject = reject; // Create a rejected promise
when.join = join; // Join 2 or more promises
when.all = all; // Resolve a list of promises = map; // for promises
when.reduce = reduce; // Array.reduce() for promises
when.any = any; // One-winner race
when.some = some; // Multi-winner race
when.chain = chain; // Make a promise trigger another resolver
when.isPromise = isPromise; // Determine if a thing is a promise
* Register an observer for a promise or immediate value.
* @param {*} promiseOrValue
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] callback to be called when promiseOrValue is
* successfully fulfilled. If promiseOrValue is an immediate value, callback
* will be invoked immediately.
* @param {function?} [onRejected] callback to be called when promiseOrValue is
* rejected.
* @param {function?} [onProgress] callback to be called when progress updates
* are issued for promiseOrValue.
* @returns {Promise} a new {@link Promise} that will complete with the return
* value of callback or errback or the completion value of promiseOrValue if
* callback and/or errback is not supplied.
function when(promiseOrValue, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
// Get a trusted promise for the input promiseOrValue, and then
// register promise handlers
return resolve(promiseOrValue).then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);
* Returns promiseOrValue if promiseOrValue is a {@link Promise}, a new Promise if
* promiseOrValue is a foreign promise, or a new, already-fulfilled {@link Promise}
* whose value is promiseOrValue if promiseOrValue is an immediate value.
* @param {*} promiseOrValue
* @returns Guaranteed to return a trusted Promise. If promiseOrValue is a when.js {@link Promise}
* returns promiseOrValue, otherwise, returns a new, already-resolved, when.js {@link Promise}
* whose resolution value is:
* * the resolution value of promiseOrValue if it's a foreign promise, or
* * promiseOrValue if it's a value
function resolve(promiseOrValue) {
var promise, deferred;
if(promiseOrValue instanceof Promise) {
// It's a when.js promise, so we trust it
promise = promiseOrValue;
} else {
// It's not a when.js promise. See if it's a foreign promise or a value.
if(isPromise(promiseOrValue)) {
// It's a thenable, but we don't know where it came from, so don't trust
// its implementation entirely. Introduce a trusted middleman when.js promise
deferred = defer();
// IMPORTANT: This is the only place when.js should ever call .then() on an
// untrusted promise. Don't expose the return value to the untrusted promise
function(value) { deferred.resolve(value); },
function(reason) { deferred.reject(reason); },
function(update) { deferred.progress(update); }
promise = deferred.promise;
} else {
// It's a value, not a promise. Create a resolved promise for it.
promise = fulfilled(promiseOrValue);
return promise;
* Returns a rejected promise for the supplied promiseOrValue. The returned
* promise will be rejected with:
* - promiseOrValue, if it is a value, or
* - if promiseOrValue is a promise
* - promiseOrValue's value after it is fulfilled
* - promiseOrValue's reason after it is rejected
* @param {*} promiseOrValue the rejected value of the returned {@link Promise}
* @return {Promise} rejected {@link Promise}
function reject(promiseOrValue) {
return when(promiseOrValue, rejected);
* Trusted Promise constructor. A Promise created from this constructor is
* a trusted when.js promise. Any other duck-typed promise is considered
* untrusted.
* @constructor
* @name Promise
function Promise(then) {
this.then = then;
Promise.prototype = {
* Register a callback that will be called when a promise is
* fulfilled or rejected. Optionally also register a progress handler.
* Shortcut for .then(onFulfilledOrRejected, onFulfilledOrRejected, onProgress)
* @param {function?} [onFulfilledOrRejected]
* @param {function?} [onProgress]
* @return {Promise}
always: function(onFulfilledOrRejected, onProgress) {
return this.then(onFulfilledOrRejected, onFulfilledOrRejected, onProgress);
* Register a rejection handler. Shortcut for .then(undefined, onRejected)
* @param {function?} onRejected
* @return {Promise}
otherwise: function(onRejected) {
return this.then(undef, onRejected);
* Shortcut for .then(function() { return value; })
* @param {*} value
* @return {Promise} a promise that:
* - is fulfilled if value is not a promise, or
* - if value is a promise, will fulfill with its value, or reject
* with its reason.
yield: function(value) {
return this.then(function() {
return value;
* Assumes that this promise will fulfill with an array, and arranges
* for the onFulfilled to be called with the array as its argument list
* i.e. onFulfilled.spread(undefined, array).
* @param {function} onFulfilled function to receive spread arguments
* @return {Promise}
spread: function(onFulfilled) {
return this.then(function(array) {
// array may contain promises, so resolve its contents.
return all(array, function(array) {
return onFulfilled.apply(undef, array);
* Create an already-resolved promise for the supplied value
* @private
* @param {*} value
* @return {Promise} fulfilled promise
function fulfilled(value) {
var p = new Promise(function(onFulfilled) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ check typeof onFulfilled
try {
return resolve(onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(value) : value);
} catch(e) {
return rejected(e);
return p;
* Create an already-rejected {@link Promise} with the supplied
* rejection reason.
* @private
* @param {*} reason
* @return {Promise} rejected promise
function rejected(reason) {
var p = new Promise(function(_, onRejected) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ check typeof onRejected
try {
return onRejected ? resolve(onRejected(reason)) : rejected(reason);
} catch(e) {
return rejected(e);
return p;
* Creates a new, Deferred with fully isolated resolver and promise parts,
* either or both of which may be given out safely to consumers.
* The Deferred itself has the full API: resolve, reject, progress, and
* then. The resolver has resolve, reject, and progress. The promise
* only has then.
* @return {Deferred}
function defer() {
var deferred, promise, handlers, progressHandlers,
_then, _progress, _resolve;
* The promise for the new deferred
* @type {Promise}
promise = new Promise(then);
* The full Deferred object, with {@link Promise} and {@link Resolver} parts
* @class Deferred
* @name Deferred
deferred = {
then: then, // DEPRECATED: use deferred.promise.then
resolve: promiseResolve,
reject: promiseReject,
// TODO: Consider renaming progress() to notify()
progress: promiseProgress,
promise: promise,
resolver: {
resolve: promiseResolve,
reject: promiseReject,
progress: promiseProgress
handlers = [];
progressHandlers = [];
* Pre-resolution then() that adds the supplied callback, errback, and progback
* functions to the registered listeners
* @private
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
_then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ check typeof onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress
var deferred, progressHandler;
deferred = defer();
progressHandler = typeof onProgress === 'function'
? function(update) {
try {
// Allow progress handler to transform progress event
} catch(e) {
// Use caught value as progress
: function(update) { deferred.progress(update); };
handlers.push(function(promise) {
promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)
.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, progressHandler);
return deferred.promise;
* Issue a progress event, notifying all progress listeners
* @private
* @param {*} update progress event payload to pass to all listeners
_progress = function(update) {
processQueue(progressHandlers, update);
return update;
* Transition from pre-resolution state to post-resolution state, notifying
* all listeners of the resolution or rejection
* @private
* @param {*} value the value of this deferred
_resolve = function(value) {
value = resolve(value);
// Replace _then with one that directly notifies with the result.
_then = value.then;
// Replace _resolve so that this Deferred can only be resolved once
_resolve = resolve;
// Make _progress a noop, to disallow progress for the resolved promise.
_progress = noop;
// Notify handlers
processQueue(handlers, value);
// Free progressHandlers array since we'll never issue progress events
progressHandlers = handlers = undef;
return value;
return deferred;
* Wrapper to allow _then to be replaced safely
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
* @return {Promise} new promise
function then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ check typeof onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress
return _then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);
* Wrapper to allow _resolve to be replaced
function promiseResolve(val) {
return _resolve(val);
* Wrapper to allow _reject to be replaced
function promiseReject(err) {
return _resolve(rejected(err));
* Wrapper to allow _progress to be replaced
function promiseProgress(update) {
return _progress(update);
* Determines if promiseOrValue is a promise or not. Uses the feature
* test from to determine if
* promiseOrValue is a promise.
* @param {*} promiseOrValue anything
* @returns {boolean} true if promiseOrValue is a {@link Promise}
function isPromise(promiseOrValue) {
return promiseOrValue && typeof promiseOrValue.then === 'function';
* Initiates a competitive race, returning a promise that will resolve when
* howMany of the supplied promisesOrValues have resolved, or will reject when
* it becomes impossible for howMany to resolve, for example, when
* (promisesOrValues.length - howMany) + 1 input promises reject.
* @param {Array} promisesOrValues array of anything, may contain a mix
* of promises and values
* @param howMany {number} number of promisesOrValues to resolve
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
* @returns {Promise} promise that will resolve to an array of howMany values that
* resolved first, or will reject with an array of (promisesOrValues.length - howMany) + 1
* rejection reasons.
function some(promisesOrValues, howMany, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
checkCallbacks(2, arguments);
return when(promisesOrValues, function(promisesOrValues) {
var toResolve, toReject, values, reasons, deferred, fulfillOne, rejectOne, progress, len, i;
len = promisesOrValues.length >>> 0;
toResolve = Math.max(0, Math.min(howMany, len));
values = [];
toReject = (len - toResolve) + 1;
reasons = [];
deferred = defer();
// No items in the input, resolve immediately
if (!toResolve) {
} else {
progress = deferred.progress;
rejectOne = function(reason) {
if(!--toReject) {
fulfillOne = rejectOne = noop;
fulfillOne = function(val) {
// This orders the values based on promise resolution order
// Another strategy would be to use the original position of
// the corresponding promise.
if (!--toResolve) {
fulfillOne = rejectOne = noop;
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if(i in promisesOrValues) {
when(promisesOrValues[i], fulfiller, rejecter, progress);
return deferred.then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);
function rejecter(reason) {
function fulfiller(val) {
* Initiates a competitive race, returning a promise that will resolve when
* any one of the supplied promisesOrValues has resolved or will reject when
* *all* promisesOrValues have rejected.
* @param {Array|Promise} promisesOrValues array of anything, may contain a mix
* of {@link Promise}s and values
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
* @returns {Promise} promise that will resolve to the value that resolved first, or
* will reject with an array of all rejected inputs.
function any(promisesOrValues, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
function unwrapSingleResult(val) {
return onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(val[0]) : val[0];
return some(promisesOrValues, 1, unwrapSingleResult, onRejected, onProgress);
* Return a promise that will resolve only once all the supplied promisesOrValues
* have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be an array
* containing the resolution values of each of the promisesOrValues.
* @memberOf when
* @param {Array|Promise} promisesOrValues array of anything, may contain a mix
* of {@link Promise}s and values
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
* @returns {Promise}
function all(promisesOrValues, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
checkCallbacks(1, arguments);
return map(promisesOrValues, identity).then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);
* Joins multiple promises into a single returned promise.
* @return {Promise} a promise that will fulfill when *all* the input promises
* have fulfilled, or will reject when *any one* of the input promises rejects.
function join(/* ...promises */) {
return map(arguments, identity);
* Traditional map function, similar to ``, but allows
* input to contain {@link Promise}s and/or values, and mapFunc may return
* either a value or a {@link Promise}
* @param {Array|Promise} promise array of anything, may contain a mix
* of {@link Promise}s and values
* @param {function} mapFunc mapping function mapFunc(value) which may return
* either a {@link Promise} or value
* @returns {Promise} a {@link Promise} that will resolve to an array containing
* the mapped output values.
function map(promise, mapFunc) {
return when(promise, function(array) {
var results, len, toResolve, resolve, i, d;
// Since we know the resulting length, we can preallocate the results
// array to avoid array expansions.
toResolve = len = array.length >>> 0;
results = [];
d = defer();
if(!toResolve) {
} else {
resolve = function resolveOne(item, i) {
when(item, mapFunc).then(function(mapped) {
results[i] = mapped;
if(!--toResolve) {
}, d.reject);
// Since mapFunc may be async, get all invocations of it into flight
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if(i in array) {
resolve(array[i], i);
} else {
return d.promise;
* Traditional reduce function, similar to `Array.prototype.reduce()`, but
* input may contain promises and/or values, and reduceFunc
* may return either a value or a promise, *and* initialValue may
* be a promise for the starting value.
* @param {Array|Promise} promise array or promise for an array of anything,
* may contain a mix of promises and values.
* @param {function} reduceFunc reduce function reduce(currentValue, nextValue, index, total),
* where total is the total number of items being reduced, and will be the same
* in each call to reduceFunc.
* @returns {Promise} that will resolve to the final reduced value
function reduce(promise, reduceFunc /*, initialValue */) {
var args =, 1);
return when(promise, function(array) {
var total;
total = array.length;
// Wrap the supplied reduceFunc with one that handles promises and then
// delegates to the supplied.
args[0] = function (current, val, i) {
return when(current, function (c) {
return when(val, function (value) {
return reduceFunc(c, value, i, total);
return reduceArray.apply(array, args);
* Ensure that resolution of promiseOrValue will trigger resolver with the
* value or reason of promiseOrValue, or instead with resolveValue if it is provided.
* @param promiseOrValue
* @param {Object} resolver
* @param {function} resolver.resolve
* @param {function} resolver.reject
* @param {*} [resolveValue]
* @returns {Promise}
function chain(promiseOrValue, resolver, resolveValue) {
var useResolveValue = arguments.length > 2;
return when(promiseOrValue,
function(val) {
val = useResolveValue ? resolveValue : val;
return val;
function(reason) {
return rejected(reason);
// Utility functions
* Apply all functions in queue to value
* @param {Array} queue array of functions to execute
* @param {*} value argument passed to each function
function processQueue(queue, value) {
var handler, i = 0;
while (handler = queue[i++]) {
* Helper that checks arrayOfCallbacks to ensure that each element is either
* a function, or null or undefined.
* @private
* @param {number} start index at which to start checking items in arrayOfCallbacks
* @param {Array} arrayOfCallbacks array to check
* @throws {Error} if any element of arrayOfCallbacks is something other than
* a functions, null, or undefined.
function checkCallbacks(start, arrayOfCallbacks) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ update type checking and docs
var arg, i = arrayOfCallbacks.length;
while(i > start) {
arg = arrayOfCallbacks[--i];
if (arg != null && typeof arg != 'function') {
throw new Error('arg '+i+' must be a function');
* No-Op function used in method replacement
* @private
function noop() {}
slice = [].slice;
// ES5 reduce implementation if native not available
// See: as there are many
// specifics and edge cases.
reduceArray = [].reduce ||
function(reduceFunc /*, initialValue */) {
/*jshint maxcomplexity: 7*/
// ES5 dictates that reduce.length === 1
// This implementation deviates from ES5 spec in the following ways:
// 1. It does not check if reduceFunc is a Callable
var arr, args, reduced, len, i;
i = 0;
// This generates a jshint warning, despite being valid
// "Missing 'new' prefix when invoking a constructor."
// See
arr = Object(this);
len = arr.length >>> 0;
args = arguments;
// If no initialValue, use first item of array (we know length !== 0 here)
// and adjust i to start at second item
if(args.length <= 1) {
// Skip to the first real element in the array
for(;;) {
if(i in arr) {
reduced = arr[i++];
// If we reached the end of the array without finding any real
// elements, it's a TypeError
if(++i >= len) {
throw new TypeError();
} else {
// If initialValue provided, use it
reduced = args[1];
// Do the actual reduce
for(;i < len; ++i) {
// Skip holes
if(i in arr) {
reduced = reduceFunc(reduced, arr[i], i, arr);
return reduced;
function identity(x) {
return x;
return when;
})(typeof define == 'function' && define.amd
? define
: function (factory) { typeof exports === 'object'
? (module.exports = factory())
: (this.when = factory());
// Boilerplate for AMD, Node, and browser global
define('when', ['when/when'], function (main) { return main; });
* TroopJS event/emitter module
* @license MIT © Mikael Karon
* @preserve
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/event/emitter',[ "compose", "when" ], function EventEmitterModule(Compose, when) {
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
var FUNCTION = Function;
var MEMORY = "memory";
var CONTEXT = "context";
var CALLBACK = "callback";
var LENGTH = "length";
var HEAD = "head";
var TAIL = "tail";
var NEXT = "next";
var HANDLED = "handled";
var HANDLERS = "handlers";
return Compose(
* Creates a new EventEmitter
* @constructor
function EventEmitter() {
this[HANDLERS] = {};
}, {
* Adds a listener for the specified event.
* @param {String} event to subscribe to
* @param {Object} context to scope callbacks to
* @param {...Function} callback for this event
* @throws {Error} if no callbacks are provided
* @returns {Object} instance of this
on : function on(event, context, callback) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var head;
var tail;
var length = args[LENGTH];
var offset = 2;
// Make sure we have at least one callback
if (!(callback instanceof FUNCTION)) {
throw new Error("no callback(s) supplied");
// Have handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Create new handler
handler = {};
// Set handler callback to next arg from offset
handler[CALLBACK] = args[offset++];
// Set handler context
handler[CONTEXT] = context;
// Get tail handler
tail = TAIL in handlers
// Have tail, update handlers[TAIL][NEXT] to point to handler
? handlers[TAIL][NEXT] = handler
// Have no tail, update handlers[HEAD] to point to handler
: handlers[HEAD] = handler;
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> tail[NEXT] -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = handler = {};
// Set handler callback to next arg from offset
handler[CALLBACK] = args[offset++];
// Set handler context
handler[CONTEXT] = context;
// Set tail handler
handlers[TAIL] = tail;
// No handlers
else {
// Create head and tail
head = tail = handler = {};
// Set handler callback to next arg from offset
handler[CALLBACK] = args[offset++];
// Set handler context
handler[CONTEXT] = context;
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> tail[NEXT] -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = handler = {};
// Set handler callback to next arg from offset
handler[CALLBACK] = args[offset++];
// Set handler context
handler[CONTEXT] = context;
// Create event handlers
handlers = handlers[event] = {};
// Initialize event handlers
handlers[HEAD] = head;
handlers[TAIL] = tail;
handlers[HANDLED] = 0;
return self;
* Remove a listener for the specified event.
* @param {String} event to unsubscribe from
* @param {Object} context to scope callbacks to (only applicable if callback is provided)
* @param {...Function} [callback] to unsubscribe, if none are provided all callbacks are unsubscribed
* @returns {Object} instance of this
off : function off(event, context, callback) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var head;
var previous;
var length = args[LENGTH];
var offset = 2;
// Return fast if we don't have subscribers
if (!(event in handlers)) {
return self;
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Return fast if there's no HEAD
if (!(HEAD in handlers)) {
return self;
// Get head
head = handlers[HEAD];
// Loop callbacks
while (offset < length) {
// Store callback
callback = args[offset++];
// Get first handler
handler = previous = head;
// Step through handlers
do {
// Check if this handler should be unlinked
if (handler[CALLBACK] === callback && (context === UNDEFINED || handler[CONTEXT] === context)) {
// Is this the first handler
if (handler === head) {
// Re-link head and previous, then continue
head = previous = handler[NEXT];
// Unlink current handler, then continue
previous[NEXT] = handler[NEXT];
// Update previous pointer
previous = handler;
} while ((handler = handler[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED);
// Update head and tail
if (head && previous) {
handlers[HEAD] = head;
handlers[TAIL] = previous;
else {
delete handlers[HEAD];
delete handlers[TAIL];
return self;
* Reemit event from memory
* @param {String} event to reemit
* @param {Object} context to filter callbacks by
* @param {...Function} [callback] to reemit, if none are provided all callbacks will be reemited
* @returns {Object} instance of this
reemit : function reemit(event, context, callback) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var handled;
var head;
var length = args[LENGTH];
var offset = 2;
// Have event in handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Have memory in handlers
if (MEMORY in handlers) {
// If we have no HEAD we can return a promise resolved with memory
if (!(HEAD in handlers)) {
return when.resolve(handlers[MEMORY]);
// Get first handler
head = handlers[HEAD];
// Compute next handled
handled = handlers[HANDLED] + 1;
// Loop callbacks
while (offset < length) {
// Store callback
callback = args[offset++];
// Get first handler
handler = head;
// Step through handlers
do {
// Check if this handler should be reemited
if (handler[CALLBACK] === callback && (context === UNDEFINED || handler[CONTEXT] === context)) {
// Mark this handler as already handled (to prevent reemit)
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
} while ((handler = handler[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED);
// Return self.emit with memory
return self.emit.apply(self, handlers[MEMORY]);
// Return resolved promise
return when.resolve();
* Execute each of the listeners in order with the supplied arguments
* @param {String} event to emit
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves with results from all listeners
emit : function emit(event) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var handled;
* Internal function for async execution of callbacks
* @private
* @param {Array} [_arg] result from previous callback
* @return {Promise} promise of next execution
function next(_arg) {
// Update arg
args = _arg || args;
// Step forward until we find a unhandled handler
while(handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
// No more handlers, escape!
if (!(handler = handler[NEXT])) {
// Remember arg
handlers[MEMORY] = args;
// Return promise resolved with arg
return when.resolve(args);
// Update handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Return promise of callback execution, chain next
return when(handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], args), next);
// Have event in handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Update handled
handled = ++handlers[HANDLED];
// Have head in handlers
if (HEAD in handlers) {
// Get first handler
handler = handlers[HEAD];
try {
// Return promise
return next(args);
catch (e) {
// Return promise rejected with exception
return when.reject(e);
// No event in handlers
else {
// Create handlers and store with event
handlers[event] = handlers = {};
// Set handled
handlers[HANDLED] = 0;
// Remember arg
handlers[MEMORY] = args;
// Return promise resolved with arg
return when.resolve(args);
* TroopJS base component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/component/base',[ "../event/emitter" ], function ComponentModule(Emitter) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
var COUNT = 0;
var INSTANCE_COUNT = "instanceCount";
var Component = Emitter.extend(function Component() {
}, {
instanceCount : COUNT,
displayName : "core/component"
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Combination displayName and instanceCount
Component.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
return self.displayName + "@" + self[INSTANCE_COUNT];
return Component;
* TroopJS pubsub/hub module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/hub',[ "compose", "../component/base" ], function HubModule(Compose, Component) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
var from = Compose.from;
return Compose.create(Component, {
displayName: "core/pubsub/hub",
subscribe : from(Component, "on"),
unsubscribe : from(Component, "off"),
publish : from(Component, "emit"),
republish : from(Component, "reemit")
* TroopJS gadget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/component/gadget',[ "./base", "when", "../pubsub/hub" ], function GadgetModule(Component, when, hub) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true laxbreak:true */
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var RE_HUB = /^hub(?::(\w+))?\/(.+)/;
var RE_SIG = /^sig(?::(\w+))?\/(.+)/;
var PUBLISH = hub.publish;
var REPUBLISH = hub.republish;
var SUBSCRIBE = hub.subscribe;
var UNSUBSCRIBE = hub.unsubscribe;
var FEATURES = "features";
var SIGNALS = "signals";
var SUBSCRIPTIONS = "subscriptions";
return Component.extend(function Gadget() {
var self = this;
var bases = self.constructor._getBases(true);
var base;
var callbacks;
var callback;
var i = bases.length;
var j;
var jMax;
var signals = self[SIGNALS] = {};
var signal;
var matches;
var key;
// Iterate base chain (backwards)
while((base = bases[--i])) {
add: for (key in base) {
// Get value
callback = base[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(callback instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Continue if we can't match
if ((matches = RE_SIG.exec(key)) === NULL) {
// Get signal
signal = matches[2];
// Have we stored any callbacks for this signal?
if (signal in signals) {
// Get callbacks (for this signal)
callbacks = signals[signal];
// Reset counters
j = jMax = callbacks.length;
// Loop callbacks, continue add if we've already added this callback
while (j--) {
if (callback === callbacks[j]) {
continue add;
// Add callback to callbacks chain
callbacks[jMax] = callback;
else {
// First callback
signals[signal] = [callback];
}, {
displayName : "core/component/gadget",
* Signal handler for 'initialize'
"sig/initialize" : function initialize() {
var self = this;
var subscription;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS] = [];
var key;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in gadget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Continue if we can't match
if ((matches = RE_HUB.exec(key)) === NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Subscribe, topic, self, value);
// Create and store subscription
subscriptions[subscriptions.length] = subscription = [topic, self, value];
// Store features
subscription[FEATURES] = matches[1];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
"sig/start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS];
var subscription;
var i = subscriptions.length;
var results = [];
while ((subscription = subscriptions[--i]) !== UNDEFINED) {
if (subscription[FEATURES] !== "memory") {
results.push(, subscription[0], subscription[1], subscription[2]));
return, function (o) { return o; });
* Signal handler for 'finalize'
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS];
var subscription;
// Loop over subscriptions
while ((subscription = subscriptions.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {, subscription[0], subscription[1], subscription[2]);
* Signals the component
* @param signal {String} Signal
* @return {*}
"signal" : function onSignal(signal) {
var self = this;
var args =;
var callbacks = self[SIGNALS][signal];
var length = callbacks
? callbacks.length
: 0;
var index = 0;
function next(_args) {
// Update args
args = _args || args;
// Return a chained promise of next callback, or a promise resolved with args
return length > index
? when(callbacks[index++].apply(self, args), next)
: when.resolve(args);
try {
// Return promise
return next();
catch (e) {
// Return rejected promise
return when.reject(e);
* Calls hub.publish in self context
"publish" : function publish() {
return PUBLISH.apply(hub, arguments);
* Calls hub.subscribe in self context
"subscribe" : function subscribe() {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
// Add self as context, 1, 0, self);
// Subscribe
SUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, args);
return self;
* Calls hub.unsubscribe in self context
"unsubscribe" : function unsubscribe() {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
// Add self as context, 1, 0, self);
// Unsubscribe
UNSUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, args);
return self;
* Start the component
* @return {*}
"start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var _signal = self.signal;
var args = arguments;
// Add signal to arguments, "initialize");
return _signal.apply(self, args).then(function () {
// Modify args to change signal
args[0] = "start";
return _signal.apply(self, args);
* Stops the component
* @return {*}
"stop" : function stop() {
var self = this;
var _signal = self.signal;
var args = arguments;
// Add signal to arguments, "stop");
return _signal.apply(self, args).then(function () {
// Modify args to change signal
args[0] = "finalize";
return _signal.apply(self, args);
* TroopJS service component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/component/service',[ "./gadget" ], function ServiceModule(Gadget) {
/*jshint strict:false */
return Gadget.extend({
"displayName" : "core/component/service"
* TroopJS Data query component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2013, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-data/query/component', [ "troopjs-core/component/base" ], function QueryModule(Component) {
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
var TRUE = true;
var FALSE = false;
var OBJECT = Object;
var ARRAY = Array;
var CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor";
var LENGTH = "length";
var OP = "op";
var OP_ID = "!";
var OP_PROPERTY = ".";
var OP_PATH = ",";
var OP_QUERY = "|";
var TEXT = "text";
var RAW = "raw";
var RESOLVED = "resolved";
var _ID = "id";
var _EXPIRES = "expires";
var _COLLAPSED = "collapsed";
var _AST = "_ast";
var _QUERY = "_query";
var RE_TEXT = /("|')(.*?)\1/;
var TO_RAW = "$2";
var RE_RAW = /!(.*[!,|.\s]+.*)/;
var TO_TEXT = "!'$1'";
return Component.extend(function Query(query) {
var self = this;
if (query !== UNDEFINED) {
self[_QUERY] = query;
}, {
"displayName" : "data/query/component",
"parse" : function parse(query) {
var self = this;
// Reset _AST
delete self[_AST];
// Set _QUERY
query = self[_QUERY] = (query || self[_QUERY] || "");
var i; // Index
var l; // Length
var c; // Current character
var m; // Current mark
var q; // Current quote
var o; // Current operation
var ast = []; // _AST
// Step through the query
for (i = m = 0, l = query[LENGTH]; i < l; i++) {
c = query.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case "\"" : // Double quote
case "'" : // Single quote
// Set / unset quote char
q = q === c
: c;
case OP_ID :
// Break fast if we're quoted
if (q !== UNDEFINED) {
// Init new op
o = {};
o[OP] = c;
case OP_PATH :
// Break fast if we're quoted
if (q !== UNDEFINED) {
// If there's an active op, store TEXT and push on _AST
if (o !== UNDEFINED) {
o[RAW] = (o[TEXT] = query.substring(m, i)).replace(RE_TEXT, TO_RAW);
// Init new op
o = {};
o[OP] = c;
// Set mark
m = i + 1;
case OP_QUERY :
case " " : // Space
case "\t" : // Horizontal tab
case "\r" : // Carriage return
case "\n" : // Newline
// Break fast if we're quoted
if (q !== UNDEFINED) {
// If there's an active op, store TEXT and push on _AST
if (o !== UNDEFINED) {
o[RAW] = (o[TEXT] = query.substring(m, i)).replace(RE_TEXT, TO_RAW);
// Reset op
// Set mark
m = i + 1;
// If there's an active op, store TEXT and push on _AST
if (o !== UNDEFINED) {
o[RAW] = (o[TEXT] = query.substring(m, l)).replace(RE_TEXT, TO_RAW);
// Set _AST
self[_AST] = ast;
return self;
"reduce" : function reduce(cache) {
var self = this;
var now = 0 | new Date().getTime() / 1000;
// If we're not parsed - parse
if (!(_AST in self)) {
var ast = self[_AST]; // _AST
var result = []; // Result
var i; // Index
var j;
var c;
var l; // Length
var o; // Current operation
var x; // Current raw
var r; // Current root
var n; // Current node
var k = FALSE; // Keep flag
// First step is to resolve what we can from the _AST
for (i = 0, l = ast[LENGTH]; i < l; i++) {
o = ast[i];
switch (o[OP]) {
case OP_ID :
// Set root
r = o;
// Get e from o
x = o[RAW];
// Do we have this item in cache
if (x in cache) {
// Set current node
n = cache[x];
// Set RESOLVED if we're not collapsed or expired
o[RESOLVED] = n[_COLLAPSED] !== TRUE && !(_EXPIRES in n) || n[_EXPIRES] > now;
else {
// Reset current root and node
// Get e from o
x = o[RAW];
// Do we have a node and this item in the node
if (n && x in n) {
// Set current node
n = n[x];
// Get constructor
// If the constructor is an array
if (c === ARRAY) {
// Set naive resolved
// Iterate backwards over n
for (j = n[LENGTH]; j-- > 0;) {
// Get item
c = n[j];
// If the constructor is not an object
// or the object does not duck-type _ID
// or the object is not collapsed
// and the object does not duck-type _EXPIRES
// or the objects is not expired
|| !(_ID in c)
&& !(_EXPIRES in c)
|| c[_EXPIRES] > now) {
// Change RESOLVED
// If the constructor is _not_ an object or n does not duck-type _ID
else if (c !== OBJECT || !(_ID in n)) {
// We know c _is_ and object and n _does_ duck-type _ID
else {
// Change OP to OP_ID
o[OP] = OP_ID;
// Update RAW to _ID and TEXT to escaped version of RAW
o[TEXT] = (o[RAW] = n[_ID]).replace(RE_RAW, TO_TEXT);
// Set RESOLVED if we're not collapsed or expired
o[RESOLVED] = n[_COLLAPSED] !== TRUE && !(_EXPIRES in n) || n[_EXPIRES] > now;
else {
// Reset current node and RESOLVED
case OP_PATH :
// Get e from r
x = r[RAW];
// Set current node
n = cache[x];
// Change OP to OP_ID
o[OP] = OP_ID;
// Copy properties from r
o[TEXT] = r[TEXT];
o[RAW] = x;
// After that we want to reduce 'dead' operations from the _AST
while (l-- > 0) {
o = ast[l];
switch(o[OP]) {
case OP_ID :
// If the keep flag is set, or the op is not RESOLVED
if (k || o[RESOLVED] !== TRUE) {
// Reset keep flag
k = FALSE;
// Set keep flag
k = TRUE;
// Update _AST
self[_AST] = result;
return self;
"ast" : function ast() {
var self = this;
// If we're not parsed - parse
if (!(_AST in self)) {
return self[_AST];
"rewrite" : function rewrite() {
var self = this;
// If we're not parsed - parse
if (!(_AST in self)) {
var ast = self[_AST]; // AST
var result = ""; // Result
var l; // Current length
var i; // Current index
var o; // Current operation
// Step through AST
for (i = 0, l = ast[LENGTH]; i < l; i++) {
o = ast[i];
switch(o[OP]) {
case OP_ID :
// If this is the first OP_ID, there's no need to add OP_QUERY
result += i === 0
? o[TEXT]
result += OP_PROPERTY + o[TEXT];
return result;
* TroopJS pubsub/topic module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/topic',[ "../component/base", "troopjs-utils/unique" ], function TopicModule(Component, unique) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
var TOSTRING = Object.prototype.toString;
function comparator (a, b) {
return a.publisherInstanceCount === b.publisherInstanceCount;
var Topic = Component.extend(function Topic(topic, publisher, parent) {
var self = this;
self.topic = topic;
self.publisher = publisher;
self.parent = parent;
self.publisherInstanceCount = publisher.instanceCount;
}, {
displayName : "core/pubsub/topic",
* Traces topic origin to root
* @returns String representation of all topics traced down to root
trace : function trace() {
var current = this;
var constructor = current.constructor;
var parent;
var item;
var stack = "";
var i;
var u;
var iMax;
while (current) {
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
u =, comparator);
for (i = 0, iMax = u.length; i < iMax; i++) {
item = u[i];
u[i] = item.constructor === constructor
? item.trace()
: item.topic;
stack += u.join(",");
parent = current.parent;
stack += parent
? current.publisher + ":"
: current.publisher;
current = parent;
return stack;
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Instance topic
Topic.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.topic;
return Topic;
* TroopJS Data query service
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2013, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-data/query/service',[ "module", "troopjs-core/component/service", "./component", "troopjs-core/pubsub/topic", "when", "troopjs-utils/merge" ], function QueryServiceModule(module, Service, Query, Topic, when, merge) {
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var SLICE = ARRAY_PROTO.slice;
var CONCAT = ARRAY_PROTO.concat;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var LENGTH = "length";
var BATCHES = "batches";
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var CACHE = "cache";
var TOPIC = "topic";
var QUERIES = "queries";
var RESOLVED = "resolved";
var RAW = "raw";
var ID = "id";
var Q = "q";
var CONFIG = module.config();
var QueryService = Service.extend(function (cache) {
var self = this;
self[BATCHES] = [];
self[CACHE] = cache;
}, {
"displayName" : "data/query/service",
"sig/start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var cache = self[CACHE];
// Set interval (if we don't have one)
self[INTERVAL] = INTERVAL in self
? self[INTERVAL]
: setInterval(function scan() {
var batches = self[BATCHES];
// Return fast if there is nothing to do
if (batches[LENGTH] === 0) {
// Reset batches
self[BATCHES] = [];
function request() {
var q = [];
var topics = [];
var batch;
var i;
// Iterate batches
for (i = batches[LENGTH]; i--;) {
batch = batches[i];
// Add batch[TOPIC] to topics, batch[TOPIC]);
// Add batch[Q] to q
PUSH.apply(q, batch[Q]);
// Publish ajax
return self.publish(Topic("ajax", self, topics),{
"data": {
"q": q.join("|")
}, CONFIG));
function done(data) {
var batch;
var queries;
var id;
var i;
var j;
// Add all new data to cache
// Iterate batches
for (i = batches[LENGTH]; i--;) {
batch = batches[i];
queries = batch[QUERIES];
id = batch[ID];
// Iterate queries
for (j = queries[LENGTH]; j--;) {
// If we have a corresponding ID, fetch from cache
if (j in id) {
queries[j] = cache[id[j]];
// Resolve batch
function fail() {
var batch;
var i;
// Iterate batches
for (i = batches[LENGTH]; i--;) {
batch = batches[i];
// Reject (with original queries as argument)
// Request and handle response
return request().then(done, fail);
}, 200);
"sig/stop" : function stop() {
var self = this;
// Only do this if we have an interval
if (INTERVAL in self) {
// Clear interval
// Reset interval
delete self[INTERVAL];
"hub/query" : function hubQuery(topic /* query, query, query, .., */) {
var self = this;
var batches = self[BATCHES];
var cache = self[CACHE];
var q = [];
var id = [];
var ast;
var i;
var j;
var iMax;
var queries;
var query;
// Create deferred batch
var batch = when.defer();
try {
// Slice and flatten queries
queries = CONCAT.apply(ARRAY_PROTO,, 1));
// Iterate queries
for (i = 0, iMax = queries[LENGTH]; i < iMax; i++) {
// Init Query
query = Query(queries[i]);
// Get AST
ast = query.ast();
// If we have an ID
if (ast[LENGTH] > 0) {
// Store raw ID
id[i] = ast[0][RAW];
// Get reduced AST
ast = query.reduce(cache).ast();
// Step backwards through AST
for (j = ast[LENGTH]; j-- > 0;) {
// If this op is not resolved
if (!ast[j][RESOLVED]) {
// Add rewritten (and reduced) query to q, query.rewrite());
// If all queries were fully reduced, we can quick resolve
if (q[LENGTH] === 0) {
// Iterate queries
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
// If we have a corresponding ID, fetch from cache
if (i in id) {
queries[i] = cache[id[i]];
// Resolve batch
else {
// Store properties on batch
batch[TOPIC] = topic;
batch[QUERIES] = queries;
batch[ID] = id;
batch[Q] = q;
// Add batch to batches
catch (e) {
// Return promise
return batch.promise;
QueryService.config = function config(_config) {
return, _config);
return QueryService;
* TroopJS Data cache component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2013, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-data/cache/component', [ "troopjs-core/component/gadget" ], function CacheModule(Gadget) {
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
var FALSE = false;
var NULL = null;
var OBJECT = Object;
var ARRAY = Array;
var SECOND = 1000;
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var GENERATIONS = "generations";
var AGE = "age";
var HEAD = "head";
var NEXT = "next";
var EXPIRES = "expires";
var CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor";
var LENGTH = "length";
var _ID = "id";
var _MAXAGE = "maxAge";
var _EXPIRES = "expires";
var _INDEXED = "indexed";
var _COLLAPSED = "collapsed";
* Internal method to put a node in the cache
* @param node Node
* @param constructor Constructor of value
* @param now Current time (seconds)
* @returns Cached node
function _put(node, constructor, now) {
var self = this;
var result;
var id;
var i;
var iMax;
var expires;
var expired;
var head;
var current;
var next;
var generation;
var generations = self[GENERATIONS];
var property;
var value;
// First add node to cache (or get the already cached instance)
cache : {
// Can't cache if there is no _ID
if (!(_ID in node)) {
result = node; // Reuse ref to node (avoids object creation)
break cache;
// Get _ID
id = node[_ID];
// In cache, get it!
if (id in self) {
result = self[id];
break cache;
// Not in cache, add it!
result = self[id] = node; // Reuse ref to node (avoids object creation)
// Update _INDEXED
result[_INDEXED] = now;
// We have to deep traverse the graph before we do any expiration (as more data for this object can be available)
// Check that this is an ARRAY
if (constructor === ARRAY) {
// Index all values
for (i = 0, iMax = node[LENGTH]; i < iMax; i++) {
// Keep value
value = node[i];
// Get constructor of value (safely, falling back to UNDEFINED)
constructor = value === NULL || value === UNDEFINED
// Do magic comparison to see if we recursively put this in the cache, or plain put
result[i] = (constructor === OBJECT || constructor === ARRAY && value[LENGTH] !== 0)
?, value, constructor, now)
: value;
// Check that this is an OBJECT
else if (constructor === OBJECT) {
// Index all properties
for (property in node) {
// Except the _ID property
// or the _COLLAPSED property, if it's false
if (property === _ID
|| (property === _COLLAPSED && result[_COLLAPSED] === FALSE)) {
// Keep value
value = node[property];
// Get constructor of value (safely, falling back to UNDEFINED)
constructor = value === NULL || value === UNDEFINED
// Do magic comparison to see if we recursively put this in the cache, or plain put
result[property] = (constructor === OBJECT || constructor === ARRAY && value[LENGTH] !== 0)
?, value, constructor, now)
: value;
// Check if we need to move result between generations
move : {
// Break fast if id is NULL
if (id === NULL) {
break move;
// Calculate expiration and floor
// '>>>' means convert anything other than posiitive integer into 0
expires = 0 | now + (result[_MAXAGE] >>> 0);
remove : {
// Fail fast if there is no old expiration
if (!(_EXPIRES in result)) {
break remove;
// Get current expiration
expired = result[_EXPIRES];
// If expiration has not changed, we can continue
if (expired === expires) {
break move;
// Remove ref from generation (if that generation exists)
if (expired in generations) {
delete generations[expired][id];
add : {
// Update expiration time
result[_EXPIRES] = expires;
// Existing generation
if (expires in generations) {
// Add result to generation
generations[expires][id] = result;
break add;
// Create generation with expiration set
(generation = generations[expires] = {})[EXPIRES] = expires;
// Add result to generation
generation[id] = result;
// Short circuit if there is no head
if (generations[HEAD] === UNDEFINED) {
generations[HEAD] = generation;
break add;
// Step through list as long as there is a next, and expiration is "older" than the next expiration
for (current = head = generations[HEAD]; (next = current[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED && next[EXPIRES] < expires; current = next);
// Check if we're still on the head and if we're younger
if (current === head && current[EXPIRES] > expires) {
// Next generation is the current one (head)
generation[NEXT] = current;
// Reset head to new generation
generations[HEAD] = generation;
break add;
// Insert new generation between current and
generation[NEXT] = current[NEXT];
current[NEXT] = generation;
return result;
return Gadget.extend(function (age) {
var me = this;
me[AGE] = age || (60 * SECOND);
}, {
"displayName" : "data/cache/component",
"sig/start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var generations = self[GENERATIONS];
// Create new sweep interval
self[INTERVAL] = INTERVAL in self
? self[INTERVAL]
: setInterval(function sweep() {
// Calculate expiration of this generation
var expires = 0 | new Date().getTime() / SECOND;
var property;
var current;
// Get head
current = generations[HEAD];
// Fail fast if there's no head
if (current === UNDEFINED) {
do {
// Exit if this generation is to young
if (current[EXPIRES] > expires) {
// Iterate all properties on current
for (property in current) {
// And is it not a reserved property
if (property === EXPIRES || property === NEXT || property === GENERATIONS) {
// Delete from self (cache)
delete self[property];
// Delete generation
delete generations[current[EXPIRES]];
// While there's a next
while ((current = current[NEXT]));
// Reset head
generations[HEAD] = current;
}, self[AGE]);
"sig/stop" : function stop() {
var self = this;
// Only do this if we have an interval
if (INTERVAL in self) {
// Clear interval
// Reset interval
delete self[INTERVAL];
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
var self = this;
var property;
// Iterate all properties on self
for (property in self) {
// Don't delete non-objects or objects that don't ducktype cachable
if (self[property][CONSTRUCTOR] !== OBJECT || !(_ID in self[property])) {
// Delete from self (cache)
delete self[property];
* Puts a node into the cache
* @param node Node to add (object || array)
* @returns Cached node (if it existed in the cache before), otherwise the node sent in
"put" : function put(node) {
var self = this;
// Get constructor of node (safely, falling back to UNDEFINED)
var constructor = node === NULL || node === UNDEFINED
// Do magic comparison to see if we should cache this object
return constructor === OBJECT || constructor === ARRAY && node[LENGTH] !== 0
?, node, constructor, 0 | new Date().getTime() / SECOND)
: node;
* TroopJS ajax/service module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/ajax/service',[ "troopjs-core/component/service", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/merge" ], function AjaxModule(Service, $, merge) {
/*jshint strict:false */
var TRACE = "trace";
return Service.extend({
displayName : "browser/ajax/service",
"hub/ajax" : function ajax(topic, settings) {
// Request
return $.ajax({
"headers": {
"x-request-id": new Date().getTime(),
"x-components": topic[TRACE] instanceof Function ? topic[TRACE]() : topic
}, settings));
* TroopJS widget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/component/widget',[ "troopjs-core/component/gadget", "jquery", "when", "troopjs-jquery/weave", "troopjs-jquery/action" ], function WidgetModule(Gadget, $, when) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false */
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var SHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.shift;
var UNSHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.unshift;
var $TRIGGER = $.fn.trigger;
var $ONE = $;
var $BIND = $.fn.bind;
var $UNBIND = $.fn.unbind;
var RE = /^dom(?::(\w+))?\/([^\.]+(?:\.(.+))?)/;
var REFRESH = "widget/refresh";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var $PROXIES = "$proxies";
var ONE = "one";
var FEATURES = "features";
var ATTR_WEAVE = "[data-weave]";
var ATTR_WOVEN = "[data-woven]";
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'handlerProxy' with the 'topic', 'widget' and handler parameters set
* @param topic event topic
* @param widget target widget
* @param handler target handler
* @returns {Function} proxied handler
function eventProxy(topic, widget, handler) {
* Creates a proxy of the outer method 'handler' that first adds 'topic' to the arguments passed
* @returns result of proxied hanlder invocation
return function handlerProxy() {
// Add topic to front of arguments, topic);
// Apply with shifted arguments to handler
return handler.apply(widget, arguments);
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'render' with the '$fn' parameter set
* @param $fn jQuery method
* @returns {Function} proxied render
function renderProxy($fn) {
* Renders contents into element
* @param contents (Function | String) Template/String to render
* @param data (Object) If contents is a template - template data (optional)
* @returns self
function render(/* contents, data, ... */) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
// Shift contents from first argument
var contents =;
// Call render with contents (or result of contents if it's a function)
$[$ELEMENT], contents instanceof FUNCTION ? contents.apply(self, arg) : contents);
return self.weave().then(function resolve(widgets) {
self.trigger(REFRESH, widgets);
return widgets;
return render;
return Gadget.extend(function Widget($element, displayName) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
if (displayName) {
self.displayName = displayName;
}, {
"displayName" : "browser/component/widget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize() {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES] = [];
var $proxy;
var key;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in widget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Replace value with a scoped proxy
value = eventProxy(topic, self, value);
// Either ONE or BIND element
(matches[2] === ONE ? $ONE : $BIND).call($element, topic, self, value);
// Create and store $proxy
$proxies[$proxies.length] = $proxy = [topic, value];
// Store features
$proxy[FEATURES] = matches[1];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES];
var $proxy;
// Loop over subscriptions
while (($proxy = $proxies.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
$element.unbind($proxy[0], $proxy[1]);
delete self[$ELEMENT];
* Weaves all children of $element
* @returns self
"weave" : function weave() {
return this[$ELEMENT].find(ATTR_WEAVE).weave();
* Unweaves all children of $element _and_ self
* @returns self
"unweave" : function unweave() {
return this[$ELEMENT].find(ATTR_WOVEN).addBack().unweave();
* Binds event from $element, exactly once
* @returns self
"one" : function one() {
var self = this;
$ONE.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Binds event to $element
* @returns self
"bind" : function bind() {
var self = this;
$BIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Unbinds event from $element
* @returns self
"unbind" : function unbind() {
var self = this;
$UNBIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Triggers event on $element
* @returns self
"trigger" : function trigger() {
var self = this;
$TRIGGER.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Renders content and inserts it before $element
"before" : renderProxy($.fn.before),
* Renders content and inserts it after $element
"after" : renderProxy($.fn.after),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
"html" : renderProxy($.fn.html),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
"text" : renderProxy($.fn.text),
* Renders content and appends it to $element
"append" : renderProxy($.fn.append),
* Renders content and prepends it to $element
"prepend" : renderProxy($.fn.prepend),
* Empties widget
* @returns self
"empty" : function empty() {
var self = this;
// Create deferred
var deferred = when.defer();
// Get element
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
// Detach contents
var $contents = $element.contents().detach();
// Trigger refresh
self.trigger(REFRESH, self);
// Use timeout in order to yield
setTimeout(function emptyTimeout() {
// Get DOM elements
var contents = $contents.get();
// Remove elements from DOM
// Resolve deferred
}, 0);
return deferred.promise;
* TroopJS dimensions/widget module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/dimensions/widget',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-jquery/dimensions", "troopjs-jquery/resize" ], function DimensionsModule(Widget) {
/*jshint strict:false */
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
function onDimensions($event, w, h) {
var self = $;
self.publish(self.displayName, w, h, $event);
return Widget.extend(function DimensionsWidget($element, displayName, dimensions) {
this[DIMENSIONS] = dimensions;
}, {
"displayName" : "browser/dimensions/widget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal) {
var self = this;
self.bind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], self, onDimensions);
"sig/start" : function start() {
this.trigger("resize." + DIMENSIONS);
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
var self = this;
self.unbind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], onDimensions);
* TroopJS store/base module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/store/base',[ "compose", "troopjs-core/component/gadget", "when" ], function StoreModule(Compose, Gadget, when) {
/*jshint strict:false */
var STORAGE = "storage";
return Gadget.extend({
storage : Compose.required,
set : function set(key, value) {
// JSON encoded 'value' then store as 'key'
return when(this[STORAGE].setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)));
get : function get(key) {
// Get value from 'key', parse JSON
return when(JSON.parse(this[STORAGE].getItem(key)));
remove : function remove(key) {
// Remove key
return when(this[STORAGE].removeItem(key));
clear : function clear() {
// Clear
return when(this[STORAGE].clear());
* TroopJS store/session module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/store/session',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreSessionModule(Compose, Store) {
/*jshint strict:false */
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "browser/store/session",
storage: window.sessionStorage
* TroopJS store/local module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/store/local',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreLocalModule(Compose, Store) {
/*jshint strict:false */
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "browser/store/local",
storage : window.localStorage
* TroopJS route/widget module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/route/widget',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/uri", "troopjs-jquery/hashchange" ], function RouteWidgetModule(Widget, URI) {
/*jshint strict:false */
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var ROUTE = "route";
var RE = /^#/;
function onHashChange($event) {
var self = $;
// Create URI
var uri = URI($, ""));
// Convert to string
var route = uri.toString();
// Did anything change?
if (route !== self[ROUTE]) {
// Store new value
self[ROUTE] = route;
// Publish route
self.publish(self.displayName, uri, $event);
return Widget.extend({
"sig/initialize" : function initialize() {
var self = this;
self.bind(HASHCHANGE, self, onHashChange);
"sig/start" : function start() {
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
this.unbind(HASHCHANGE, onHashChange);
* TroopJS widget/application component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/application/widget',[ "module", "../component/widget", "when" ], function ApplicationWidgetModule(module, Widget, when) {
/*jshint strict:false, laxbreak:true */
var CHILDREN = "children";
var ARRAY_SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
function forward(signal) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var children = self[CHILDREN];
var length = children ? children.length : 0;
var index = 0;
function next(_args) {
args = _args || args;
return length > index
? when(children[index++].signal(signal), next)
: when.resolve(args);
return next();
return Widget.extend(function ApplicationWidget($element, name, children) {
this[CHILDREN] = children;
}, {
displayName : "browser/application/widget",
"sig/initialize" : forward,
"sig/start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var _weave = self.weave;
var args = arguments;
return forward.apply(self, args).then(function started() {
return _weave.apply(self,, 1));
"sig/stop" : function stop() {
var self = this;
var _unweave = self.unweave;
var args = arguments;
return _unweave.apply(self,, 1)).then(function stopped() {
return forward.apply(self, args);
"sig/finalize" : forward
* TroopJS Bundle - 1.0.7-0-gf886cba
* Copyright (c) 2012 Mikael Karon <>
* Licensed MIT
* TroopJS RequireJS template plug-in
* parts of code from require-cs 0.4.0+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-requirejs/template',[],function TemplateModule() {
"node" : function () {
// Using special require.nodeRequire, something added by r.js.
var fs = require.nodeRequire("fs");
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
callback(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));
"browser" : function () {
// Would love to dump the ActiveX crap in here. Need IE 6 to die first.
var progIds = [ "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"];
var progId;
var XHR;
var i;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
XHR = XMLHttpRequest;
else {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
progId = progIds[i];
try {
new ActiveXObject(progId);
XHR = function(){
return new ActiveXObject(progId);
catch (e) {
if (!XHR){
throw new Error("XHR: XMLHttpRequest not available");
return function fetchText(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XHR();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) {
// Do not explicitly handle errors, those should be
// visible via console output in the browser.
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
"rhino" : function () {
var encoding = "utf-8";
var lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");
// Why Java, why is this so awkward?
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
var file = new;
var input = new, encoding));
var stringBuffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
var line;
var content = "";
try {
line = input.readLine();
// Byte Order Mark (BOM) - The Unicode Standard, version 3.0, page 324
// Note that when we use utf-8, the BOM should appear as "EF BB BF", but it doesn't due to this bug in the JDK:
if (line && line.length() && line.charAt(0) === 0xfeff) {
// Eat the BOM, since we've already found the encoding on this file,
// and we plan to concatenating this buffer with others; the BOM should
// only appear at the top of a file.
line = line.substring(1);
while ((line = input.readLine()) !== null) {
// Make sure we return a JavaScript string and not a Java string.
content = String(stringBuffer.toString()); // String
} finally {
"borked" : function () {
return function fetchText() {
throw new Error("Environment unsupported.");
var RE_SANITIZE = /^[\n\t\r]+|[\n\t\r]+$/g;
var RE_BLOCK = /<%(=)?([\S\s]*?)%>/g;
var RE_TOKENS = /<%(\d+)%>/gm;
var RE_REPLACE = /(["\n\t\r])/gm;
var RE_CLEAN = /o \+= "";| \+ ""/gm;
var EMPTY = "";
var REPLACE = {
"\"" : "\\\"",
"\n" : "\\n",
"\t" : "\\t",
"\r" : "\\r"
* Compiles template
* @param body Template body
* @returns {Function}
function compile(body) {
var blocks = [];
var length = 0;
function blocksTokens(original, prefix, block) {
blocks[length] = prefix
? "\" +" + block + "+ \""
: "\";" + block + "o += \"";
return "<%" + String(length++) + "%>";
function tokensBlocks(original, token) {
return blocks[token];
function replace(original, token) {
return REPLACE[token] || token;
return ("function template(data) { var o = \""
// Sanitize body before we start templating
+ body.replace(RE_SANITIZE, "")
// Replace script blocks with tokens
.replace(RE_BLOCK, blocksTokens)
// Replace unwanted tokens
.replace(RE_REPLACE, replace)
// Replace tokens with script blocks
.replace(RE_TOKENS, tokensBlocks)
+ "\"; return o; }")
// Clean
.replace(RE_CLEAN, EMPTY);
var buildMap = {};
var fetchText = FACTORIES[ typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && !!process.versions.node
? "node"
: (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.navigator && window.document) || typeof importScripts !== "undefined"
? "browser"
: typeof Packages !== "undefined"
? "rhino"
: "borked" ]();
return {
load: function (name, parentRequire, load, config) {
var path = parentRequire.toUrl(name);
fetchText(path, function (text) {
try {
text = "define(function() { return " + compile(text, name, path, config.template) + "; })";
catch (err) {
err.message = "In " + path + ", " + err.message;
if (config.isBuild) {
buildMap[name] = text;
// IE with conditional comments on cannot handle the
// sourceURL trick, so skip it if enabled
/*@if (@_jscript) @else @*/
else {
text += "\n//@ sourceURL='" + path +"'";
load.fromText(name, text);
// Give result to load. Need to wait until the module
// is fully parse, which will happen after this
// execution.
parentRequire([name], function (value) {
write: function (pluginName, name, write) {
if (buildMap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
write.asModule(pluginName + "!" + name, buildMap[name]);
* TroopJS jQuery hashchange plug-in
* Normalized hashchange event, ripped a _lot_ of code from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, evil:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/hashchange',[ "jquery" ], function HashchangeModule($) {
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var RE_HASH = /#(.*)$/;
var RE_LOCAL = /\?/;
// hack based on this:
var _isIE = /**@preserve@cc_on !@*/0;
function getHash(window) {
// parsed full URL instead of getting location.hash because Firefox
// decode hash value (and all the other browsers don't)
// also because of IE8 bug with hash query in local file
var result = RE_HASH.exec(window.location.href);
return result && result[1]
? decodeURIComponent(result[1])
: "";
function Frame(document) {
var self = this;
var element;
self.element = element = document.createElement("iframe");
element.src = "about:blank"; = "none";
Frame.prototype = {
getElement : function () {
return this.element;
getHash : function () {
return this.element.contentWindow.frameHash;
update : function (hash) {
var self = this;
var document = self.element.contentWindow.document;
// Quick return if hash has not changed
if (self.getHash() === hash) {
// update iframe content to force new history record.
// based on Really Simple History, SWFAddress and YUI.history.;
document.write("<html><head><title>' + document.title + '</title><script type='text/javascript'>var frameHash='" + hash + "';</script></head><body>&nbsp;</body></html>");
$.event.special[HASHCHANGE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
// FF3.6+, IE8+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
// Make sure we're always a window
if (!$.isWindow(window)) {
throw new Error("Unable to bind 'hashchange' to a non-window object");
var $window = $(window);
var hash = getHash(window);
var location = window.location;
$, window.setInterval(_isIE
? (function hashChangeIntervalWrapper() {
var document = window.document;
var _isLocal = location.protocol === "file:";
var frame = new Frame(document);
return function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
var frameHash = frame.getHash();
// Detect changes made pressing browser history buttons.
// Workaround since history.back() and history.forward() doesn't
// update hash value on IE6/7 but updates content of the iframe.
if (frameHash !== hash && frameHash !== windowHash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(frameHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
// Sync location.hash with frameHash
location.hash = "#" + encodeURI(_isLocal
? frameHash.replace(RE_LOCAL, "%3F")
: frameHash);
// detect if hash changed (manually or using setHash)
else if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
: function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
}, 25));
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function hashChangeTeardown(namespaces) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
window.clearInterval($.data(window, INTERVAL));
* TroopJS Utils getargs module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/getargs',[],function GetArgsModule() {
var PUSH = Array.prototype.push;
var SUBSTRING = String.prototype.substring;
var RE_BOOLEAN = /^(?:false|true)$/i;
var RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE = /^true$/i;
var RE_DIGIT = /^\d+$/;
return function getargs() {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var length;
var from;
var to;
var i;
var c;
var a;
var q = false;
// Iterate over string
for (from = to = i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) {
// Get char
c = self.charAt(i);
switch(c) {
case "\"" :
case "'" :
// If we are currently quoted...
if (q === c) {
// Stop quote
q = false;
// Store result (no need to convert, we know this is a string),, from, to));
// Otherwise
else {
// Start quote
q = c;
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case "," :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case " " :
case "\t" :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// Update from/to
if (from === to) {
from = to = i + 1;
default :
// Update to
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery action plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/action',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs" ], function ActionModule($, getargs) {
var FALSE = false;
var NULL = null;
var SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
var ACTION = "action";
var ORIGINALEVENT = "originalEvent";
var RE_ACTION = /^([\w\d\s_\-\/]+)(?:\.([\w\.]+))?(?:\((.*)\))?$/;
var RE_DOT = /\.+/;
* Namespace iterator
* @param namespace (string) namespace
* @param index (number) index
function namespaceIterator(namespace, index) {
return namespace ? namespace + "." + ACTION : NULL;
* Action handler
* @param $event (jQuery.Event) event
function onAction($event) {
// Set $target
var $target = $(this);
// Get argv
var argv =, 1);
// Extract type
var type = ORIGINALEVENT in $event
? $event[ORIGINALEVENT].type
// Extract name
var name = $event[ACTION];
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// No handler, try without namespace, but exclusive
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "!";
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// Still no handler, try generic action with namespace
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
* Internal handler
* @param $event jQuery event
function handler($event) {
// Get closest element that has an action defined
var $target = $($"[data-action]");
// Fail fast if there is no action available
if ($target.length === 0) {
// Extract all data in one go
var $data = $;
// Extract matches from 'data-action'
var matches = RE_ACTION.exec($data[ACTION]);
// Return fast if action parameter was f*cked (no matches)
if (matches === NULL) {
// Extract action name
var name = matches[1];
// Extract action namespaces
var namespaces = matches[2];
// Extract action args
var args = matches[3];
// If there are action namespaces, make sure we're only triggering action on applicable types
if (namespaces !== UNDEFINED && !RegExp(namespaces.split(RE_DOT).join("|")).test($event.type)) {
// Split args by separator (if there were args)
var argv = args !== UNDEFINED
: [];
// Iterate argv to determine arg type
$.each(argv, function argsIterator(i, value) {
if (value in $data) {
argv[i] = $data[value];
// Trigger exclusive ACTION event
.trigger($.Event($event, {
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
}), argv);
// Since we've translated the event, stop propagation
$.event.special[ACTION] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onActionSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
$(this).bind(ACTION, data, onAction);
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onActionAdd(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).bind(events.join(" "), handler);
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onActionRemove(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).unbind(events.join(" "), handler);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onActionTeardown(namespaces) {
$(this).unbind(ACTION, onAction);
$.fn[ACTION] = function action(name) {
return $(this).trigger({
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
},, 1));
* TroopJS jQuery weave plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/weave',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs", "require" ], function WeaveModule($, getargs, parentRequire) {
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY = Array;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = ARRAY.prototype;
var JOIN = ARRAY_PROTO.join;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var POP = ARRAY_PROTO.pop;
var $WHEN = $.when;
var THEN = "then";
var WEAVE = "weave";
var UNWEAVE = "unweave";
var WOVEN = "woven";
var WEAVING = "weaving";
var PENDING = "pending";
var DESTROY = "destroy";
var DATA = "data-";
var SELECTOR_WEAVE = "[" + DATA_WEAVE + "]";
* Generic destroy handler.
* Simply makes sure that unweave has been called
function onDestroy() {
$.expr[":"][WEAVE] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element, context, isXml) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m").test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.expr[":"][WOVEN] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element, context, isXml) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m").test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.fn[WEAVE] = function weave(/* arg, arg, arg, deferred*/) {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
var $elements = $(this);
var arg = arguments;
var argc = arg.length;
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
var deferred = argc > 0 && arg[argc - 1][THEN] instanceof FUNCTION
: $.Deferred();
// Reduce to only elements that can be woven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer weave
$.Deferred(function deferredWeave(dfdWeave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var weave = $data[WEAVE] = $element.attr(DATA_WEAVE) || "";
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || ($data[WOVEN] = []);
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
// Link deferred
dfdWeave.done(function doneWeave() {
// Set DATA_WOVEN with full names
.attr(DATA_WOVEN,, " "));
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).then(function donePending() {
var re = /[\s,]*([\w_\-\/\.]+)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?/g;
var mark = i;
var j = 0;
var matches;
// Push dfdWeave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdWeave);
// Make sure to remove DATA_WEAVE (so we don't try processing this again)
// Set DATA_WEAVING (so that unweave can pick this up)
.attr(DATA_WEAVING, weave)
// Bind destroy event
.bind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Iterate woven (while RE_WEAVE matches)
while ((matches = re.exec(weave)) !== NULL) {
// Defer widget
$.Deferred(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
var _j = j++; // store _j before we increment
var k;
var l;
var kMax;
var value;
// Add to widgets
widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
// Link deferred
dfdWidget.then(function doneWidget(widget) {
woven[_j] = widget;
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// Get widget name
var name = matches[1];
// Set initial argv
var argv = [ $element, name ];
// Append values from arg to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = arg.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
argv[l] = arg[k];
// Get widget args
var args = matches[2];
// Any widget arguments
if (args !== UNDEFINED) {
// Convert args using getargs
args =;
// Append typed values from args to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = args.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
// Get value
value = args[k];
// Get value from $data or fall back to pure value
argv[l] = value in $data
? $data[value]
: value;
// Require module
parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
// Defer start
$.Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdStart) {
// Constructed and initialized instance
var widget = Widget.apply(Widget, argv);
// Link deferred
dfdStart.then(function doneStart() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Start
// Slice out widgets woven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdWeave.resolve, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// When all widgets are resolved, resolve original deferred
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
return $elements;
$.fn[UNWEAVE] = function unweave(deferred) {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
var $elements = $(this);
// Create default deferred if none was passed
deferred = deferred || $.Deferred();
// Reduce to only elements that can be unwoven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer unweave
$.Deferred(function deferredUnweave(dfdUnweave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || [];
// Link deferred
dfdUnweave.done(function doneUnweave() {
// Copy weave data to data-weave attribute
.attr(DATA_WEAVE, $data[WEAVE])
// Make sure to clean the destroy event handler
.unbind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Remove data fore WEAVE
delete $data[WEAVE];
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).done(function donePending() {
var mark = i;
var widget;
// Push dfdUnweave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdUnweave);
// Remove WOVEN data
delete $data[WOVEN];
// Remove DATA_WOVEN attribute
// Somewhat safe(r) iterator over woven
while ((widget = woven.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
// Defer widget
$.Deferred(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
// Add to unwoven and pending
widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
// $.Deferred stop
$.Deferred(function deferredStop(dfdStop) {
// Link deferred
dfdStop.then(function doneStop() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Stop
// Slice out widgets unwoven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdUnweave.resolve, dfdUnweave.reject, dfdUnweave.notify);
// When all deferred are resolved, resolve original deferred
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
return $elements;
$.fn[WOVEN] = function woven(/* arg, arg */) {
var result = [];
var widgets = arguments.length > 0
? RegExp($.map(arguments, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m")
$(this).each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
if (!$.hasData(element)) {
PUSH.apply(result, widgets === UNDEFINED
? $.data(element, WOVEN)
: $.map($.data(element, WOVEN), function (woven) {
return widgets.test(woven.displayName)
? woven
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery dimensions plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/dimensions',[ "jquery" ], function DimensionsModule($) {
var NULL = null;
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
var RESIZE = "resize." + DIMENSIONS;
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var _W = "_" + W;
var _H = "_" + H;
* Internal comparator used for reverse sorting arrays
function reverse(a, b) {
return b - a;
* Internal onResize handler
* @param $event
function onResize($event) {
var $self = $(this);
var width = $self.width();
var height = $self.height();
// Iterate all dimensions
$.each($.data(self, DIMENSIONS), function dimensionIterator(namespace, dimension) {
var w = dimension[W];
var h = dimension[H];
var _w;
var _h;
var i;
i = w.length;
_w = w[i - 1];
while(w[--i] < width) {
_w = w[i];
i = h.length;
_h = h[i - 1];
while(h[--i] < height) {
_h = h[i];
// If _w or _h has changed, update and trigger
if (_w !== dimension[_W] || _h !== dimension[_H]) {
dimension[_W] = _w;
dimension[_H] = _h;
$self.trigger(DIMENSIONS + "." + namespace, [ _w, _h ]);
$.event.special[DIMENSIONS] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onDimensionsSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
.bind(RESIZE, onResize)
.data(DIMENSIONS, {});
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onDimensionsAdd(handleObj) {
var self = this;
var namespace = handleObj.namespace;
var dimension = {};
var w = dimension[W] = [];
var h = dimension[H] = [];
var re = /(w|h)(\d+)/g;
var matches;
while ((matches = re.exec(namespace)) !== NULL) {
dimension[matches[1]].push(parseInt(matches[2], 10));
$.data(self, DIMENSIONS)[namespace] = dimension;
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onDimensionsRemove(handleObj) {
delete $.data(this, DIMENSIONS)[handleObj.namespace];
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
.unbind(RESIZE, onResize);
* TroopJS jQuery destroy plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/destroy',[ "jquery" ], function DestroyModule($) {
$.event.special.destroy = {
remove : function onDestroyRemove(handleObj) {
var self = this;, $.Event({
"type" : handleObj.type,
"data" :,
"namespace" : handleObj.namespace,
"target" : self
* TroopJS jQuery resize plug-in
* Heavy inspiration from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/resize',[ "jquery" ], function ResizeModule($) {
var NULL = null;
var RESIZE = "resize";
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var $ELEMENTS = $([]);
* Iterator
* @param index
* @param self
function iterator(index, self) {
// Get data
var $data = $.data(self);
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Get previous width and height
var w = $self.width();
var h = $self.height();
// Check if width or height has changed since last check
if (w !== $data[W] || h !== $data[H]) {
$self.trigger(RESIZE, [$data[W] = w, $data[H] = h]);
* Internal interval
function interval() {
$.event.special[RESIZE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Store data
var $data = $.data(self, RESIZE, {});
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Initialize data
$data[W] = $self.width();
$data[H] = $self.height();
// Add to tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.add(self);
// If this is the first element, start interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 1) {
INTERVAL = setInterval(interval, 100);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Remove data
$.removeData(self, RESIZE);
// Remove from tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.not(self);
// If this is the last element, stop interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 0 && INTERVAL !== NULL) {
* TroopJS Utils merge module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/merge',[],function MergeModule() {
var ARRAY = Array;
var OBJECT = Object;
return function merge(source) {
var target = this;
var key = null;
var i;
var iMax;
var value;
var constructor;
for (i = 0, iMax = arguments.length; i < iMax; i++) {
source = arguments[i];
for (key in source) {
value = source[key];
constructor = value.constructor;
if (!(key in target)) {
target[key] = value;
else if (constructor === ARRAY) {
target[key] = target[key].concat(value);
else if (constructor === OBJECT) {[key], value);
else {
target[key] = value;
return target;
* TroopJS Utils grep component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/grep',[ "jquery" ], function GrepModule($) {
return $.grep;
* TroopJS Utils tr component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/tr',[],function TrModule() {
var TYPEOF_NUMBER = typeof Number();
return function tr(callback) {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var i;
var length = self.length;
var key;
// Is this an array? Basically, is length a number, is it 0 or is it greater than 0 and that we have index 0 and index length-1
if (typeof length === TYPEOF_NUMBER && length === 0 || length > 0 && 0 in self && length - 1 in self) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.push(, self[i], i));
// Otherwise we'll iterate it as an object
} else if (self){
for (key in self) {
result.push(, self[key], key));
return result;
* ComposeJS, object composition for JavaScript, featuring
* JavaScript-style prototype inheritance and composition, multiple inheritance,
* mixin and traits-inspired conflict resolution and composition
define('compose',[], function(){
// function for creating instances from a prototype
function Create(){
var delegate = Object.create ?
return Object.create(typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto || Object.prototype);
} :
Create.prototype = typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto;
var instance = new Create();
Create.prototype = null;
return instance;
function validArg(arg){
throw new Error("Compose arguments must be functions or objects");
return arg;
// this does the work of combining mixins/prototypes
function mixin(instance, args, i){
// use prototype inheritance for first arg
var value, argsLength = args.length;
for(; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = args[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
// the arg is a function, use the prototype for the properties
var prototype = arg.prototype;
for(var key in prototype){
value = prototype[key];
var own = prototype.hasOwnProperty(key);
if(typeof value == "function" && key in instance && value !== instance[key]){
var existing = instance[key];
if(value == required){
// it is a required value, and we have satisfied it
value = existing;
else if(!own){
// if it is own property, it is considered an explicit override
// TODO: make faster calls on this, perhaps passing indices and caching
if(isInMethodChain(value, key, getBases([], 0, i), true))){
// this value is in the existing method's override chain, we can use the existing method
value = existing;
}else if(!isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// the existing method is not in the current override chain, so we are left with a conflict
console.error("Conflicted method " + key + ", final composer must explicitly override with correct method.");
if(value && value.install && own && !isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// apply modifier, key);
instance[key] = value;
// it is an object, copy properties, looking for modifiers
for(var key in validArg(arg)){
var value = arg[key];
if(typeof value == "function"){
// apply modifier, key);
if(key in instance){
if(value == required){
// required requirement met
// add it to the instance
instance[key] = value;
return instance;
// allow for override (by es5 module)
Compose._setMixin = function(newMixin){
mixin = newMixin;
function isInMethodChain(method, name, prototypes){
// searches for a method in the given prototype hierarchy
for(var i = 0; i < prototypes.length;i++){
var prototype = prototypes[i];
if(prototype[name] == method){
// found it
return true;
// Decorator branding
function Decorator(install, direct){
function Decorator(){
return direct.apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error("Decorator not applied");
Decorator.install = install;
return Decorator;
Compose.Decorator = Decorator;
// aspect applier
function aspect(handler){
return function(advice){
return Decorator(function install(key){
var baseMethod = this[key];
(advice = this[key] = baseMethod ? handler(this, baseMethod, advice) : advice).install = install;
}, advice);
// around advice, useful for calling super methods too
Compose.around = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return, base);
Compose.before = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = advice.apply(this, arguments);
if(results !== stop){
return base.apply(this, results || arguments);
var stop = Compose.stop = {};
var undefined;
Compose.after = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = base.apply(this, arguments);
var adviceResults = advice.apply(this, arguments);
return adviceResults === undefined ? results : adviceResults;
// rename Decorator for calling super methods
Compose.from = function(trait, fromKey){
return (typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey];
return Decorator(function(key){
if(!(this[key] = (typeof trait == "string" ? this[trait] :
(typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey || key]))){
throw new Error("Source method " + fromKey + " was not available to be renamed to " + key);
// Composes an instance
Compose.create = function(base){
// create the instance
var instance = mixin(delegate(base), arguments, 1);
var argsLength = arguments.length;
// for go through the arguments and call the constructors (with no args)
for(var i = 0; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = arguments[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
instance = || instance;
return instance;
// The required function, just throws an error if not overriden
function required(){
throw new Error("This method is required and no implementation has been provided");
Compose.required = required;
// get the value of |this| for direct function calls for this mode (strict in ES5)
function extend(){
var args = [this];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
return Compose.apply(0, args);
// Compose a constructor
function Compose(base){
var args = arguments;
var prototype = (args.length < 2 && typeof args[0] != "function") ?
args[0] : // if there is just a single argument object, just use that as the prototype
mixin(delegate(validArg(base)), args, 1); // normally create a delegate to start with
function Constructor(){
var instance;
if(this instanceof Constructor){
// called with new operator, can proceed as is
instance = this;
// we allow for direct calls without a new operator, in this case we need to
// create the instance ourself.
Create.prototype = prototype;
instance = new Create();
// call all the constructors with the given arguments
for(var i = 0; i < constructorsLength; i++){
var constructor = constructors[i];
var result = constructor.apply(instance, arguments);
if(typeof result == "object"){
if(result instanceof Constructor){
instance = result;
for(var j in result){
instance[j] = result[j];
return instance;
// create a function that can retrieve the bases (constructors or prototypes)
Constructor._getBases = function(prototype){
return prototype ? prototypes : constructors;
// now get the prototypes and the constructors
var constructors = getBases(args),
constructorsLength = constructors.length;
if(typeof args[args.length - 1] == "object"){
args[args.length - 1] = prototype;
var prototypes = getBases(args, true);
Constructor.extend = extend;
prototype.constructor = Constructor;
Constructor.prototype = prototype;
return Constructor;
Compose.apply = function(thisObject, args){
// apply to the target
return thisObject ?
mixin(thisObject, args, 0) : // called with a target object, apply the supplied arguments as mixins to the target object, 0, args); // get the Function.prototype apply function, call() it to apply arguments to Compose (the extend doesn't matter, just a handle way to grab apply, since we can't get it off of Compose)
}; = function(thisObject){
// call() should correspond with apply behavior
return mixin(thisObject, arguments, 1);
function getBases(args, prototype){
// this function registers a set of constructors for a class, eliminating duplicate
// constructors that may result from diamond construction for classes (B->A, C->A, D->B&C, then D() should only call A() once)
var bases = [];
function iterate(args, checkChildren){
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
var arg = args[i];
var target = prototype && typeof arg == "function" ?
arg.prototype : arg;
if(prototype || typeof arg == "function"){
var argGetBases = checkChildren && arg._getBases;
iterate(argGetBases(prototype)); // don't need to check children for these, this should be pre-flattened
for(var j = 0; j < bases.length; j++){
if(target == bases[j]){
continue outer;
iterate(args, true);
return bases;
// returning the export of the module
return Compose;
})(typeof define != "undefined" ?
define: // AMD/RequireJS format if available
function(deps, factory){
if(typeof module !="undefined"){
module.exports = factory(); // CommonJS environment, like NodeJS
// require("./configure");
Compose = factory(); // raw script, assign to Compose global
* TroopJS Utils URI module
* parts of code from parseUri 1.2.2 Copyright Steven Levithan <>
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-utils/uri',[ "compose" ], function URIModule(Compose) {
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var OBJECT_PROTO = Object.prototype;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var SPLIT = String.prototype.split;
var RE_URI = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?(?:([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/;
var PROTOCOL = "protocol";
var AUTHORITY = "authority";
var PATH = "path";
var QUERY = "query";
var ANCHOR = "anchor";
var KEYS = [ "source",
// Store current setting
var SECURE =;
// Prevent Compose from creating constructor property = true;
function Query(arg) {
var result = {};
var matches;
var key = NULL;
var value;
var re = /(?:&|^)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g;
result.toString = Query.toString;
for (key in arg) {
result[key] = arg[key];
} else {
while ((matches = re.exec(arg)) !== NULL) {
key = matches[1];
if (key in result) {
value = result[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
value[value.length] = matches[2];
else {
result[key] = [ value, matches[2] ];
else {
result[key] = matches[2];
return result;
Query.toString = function toString() {
var self = this;
var key = NULL;
var value = NULL;
var values;
var query = [];
var i = 0;
var j;
for (key in self) {
if ([key]) === TOSTRING_FUNCTION) {
query[i++] = key;
while (i--) {
key = query[i];
value = self[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
values = value.slice(0);
j = values.length;
while (j--) {
value = values[j];
values[j] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
query[i] = values.join("&");
else {
query[i] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
return query.join("&");
// Extend on the instance of array rather than subclass it
function Path(arg) {
var result = [];
result.toString = Path.toString;
PUSH.apply(result, === TOSTRING_ARRAY
? arg
:, "/"));
return result;
Path.toString = function() {
return this.join("/");
var URI = Compose(function URI(str) {
var self = this;
var value;
var matches;
var i;
if ((matches = RE_URI.exec(str)) !== NULL) {
i = matches.length;
while (i--) {
value = matches[i];
if (value) {
self[KEYS[i]] = value;
if (QUERY in self) {
self[QUERY] = Query(self[QUERY]);
if (PATH in self) {
self[PATH] = Path(self[PATH]);
URI.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
var uri = [ PROTOCOL , "://", AUTHORITY, PATH, "?", QUERY, "#", ANCHOR ];
var i;
var key;
if (!(PROTOCOL in self)) {
uri[0] = uri[1] = "";
if (!(AUTHORITY in self)) {
uri[2] = "";
if (!(PATH in self)) {
uri[3] = "";
if (!(QUERY in self)) {
uri[4] = uri[5] = "";
if (!(ANCHOR in self)) {
uri[6] = uri[7] = "";
i = uri.length;
while (i--) {
key = uri[i];
if (key in self) {
uri[i] = self[key];
return uri.join("");
// Restore setting = SECURE;
URI.Path = Path;
URI.Query = Query;
return URI;
* TroopJS Utils each component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/each',[ "jquery" ], function EachModule($) {
return $.each;
* TroopJS Utils callbacks component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/callbacks',[ "jquery" ], function CallbacksModule($) {
return $.Callbacks;
* TroopJS Utils unique component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/unique',[],function UniqueModule() {
return function unique(callback) {
var self = this;
var length = self.length;
var result = [];
var value;
var i;
var j;
var k;
add: for (i = j = k = 0; i < length; i++, j = 0) {
value = self[i];
while(j < k) {
if (, value, result[j++]) === true) {
continue add;
result[k++] = value;
return result;
* TroopJS Utils when component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/when',[ "jquery" ], function WhenModule($) {
return $.when;
* TroopJS Utils deferred component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/deferred',[ "jquery" ], function DeferredModule($) {
return $.Deferred;
* TroopJS event/emitter module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/event/emitter',[ "compose" ], function EventEmitterModule(Compose) {
var TRUE = true;
var FALSE = false;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var MEMORY = "memory";
var CONTEXT = "context";
var CALLBACK = "callback";
var LENGTH = "length";
var HEAD = "head";
var TAIL = "tail";
var NEXT = "next";
var HANDLED = "handled";
var HANDLERS = "handlers";
var ROOT = {};
var COUNT = 0;
return Compose(function EventEmitter() {
this[HANDLERS] = {};
}, {
* Subscribe to a event
* @param event Event to subscribe to
* @param context (optional) context to scope callbacks to
* @param memory (optional) do we want the last value applied to callbacks
* @param callback Callback for this event
* @returns self
on : function on(event /*, context, memory, callback, callback, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var length = arg[LENGTH];
var context = arg[1];
var memory = arg[2];
var callback = arg[3];
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var handled;
var head;
var tail;
var offset;
// No context or memory was supplied
if (context instanceof FUNCTION) {
memory = FALSE;
context = ROOT;
offset = 1;
// Only memory was supplied
else if (context === TRUE || context === FALSE) {
memory = context;
context = ROOT;
offset = 2;
// Context was supplied, but not memory
else if (memory instanceof FUNCTION) {
memory = FALSE;
offset = 2;
// All arguments were supplied
else if (callback instanceof FUNCTION){
offset = 3;
// Something is wrong, return fast
else {
return self;
// Have handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Create new handler
handler = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Get tail handler
tail = TAIL in handlers
// Have tail, update to point to handler
? handlers[TAIL][NEXT] = handler
// Have no tail, update handlers.head to point to handler
: handlers[HEAD] = handler;
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Set tail handler
handlers[TAIL] = tail;
// Want memory and have memory
if (memory && MEMORY in handlers) {
// Get memory
memory = handlers[MEMORY];
// Get handled
handled = memory[HANDLED];
// Optimize for arguments
if (memory[LENGTH] > 0 ) {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Store handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Apply handler callback
handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], memory);
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Optimize for no arguments
else {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Store handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Call handler callback
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// No handlers
else {
// Create head and tail
head = tail = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Create event list
handlers[event] = {
"head" : head,
"tail" : tail
return self;
* Unsubscribes from event
* @param event Event to unsubscribe from
* @param context (optional) context to scope callbacks to
* @param callback (optional) Callback to unsubscribe, if none
* are provided all callbacks are unsubscribed
* @returns self
off : function off(event /*, context, callback, callback, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var length = arg[LENGTH];
var context = arg[1];
var callback = arg[2];
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var head;
var previous;
var offset;
// No context or memory was supplied
if (context instanceof FUNCTION) {
callback = context;
context = ROOT;
offset = 1;
// All arguments were supplied
else if (callback instanceof FUNCTION){
offset = 2;
// Something is wrong, return fast
else {
return self;
// Fast fail if we don't have subscribers
if (!(event in handlers)) {
return self;
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Get head
head = handlers[HEAD];
// Loop over remaining arguments
while (offset < length) {
// Store callback
callback = arg[offset++];
// Get first handler
handler = previous = head;
// Loop through handlers
do {
// Check if this handler should be unlinked
if (handler[CALLBACK] === callback && handler[CONTEXT] === context) {
// Is this the first handler
if (handler === head) {
// Re-link head and previous, then
// continue
head = previous = handler[NEXT];
// Unlink current handler, then continue
previous[NEXT] = handler[NEXT];
// Update previous pointer
previous = handler;
} while ((handler = handler[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED);
// Update head and tail
if (head && previous) {
handlers[HEAD] = head;
handlers[TAIL] = previous;
else {
delete handlers[HEAD];
delete handlers[TAIL];
return self;
* Emit an event
* @param event Event to emit
* @param arg (optional) Argument
* @returns self
emit : function emit(event /*, arg, arg, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
// Store handled
var handled = arg[HANDLED] = COUNT++;
// Have handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Remember arguments
handlers[MEMORY] = arg;
// Get first handler
handler = handlers[HEAD];
// Optimize for arguments
if (arg[LENGTH] > 0) {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Update handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Apply handler callback
handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], arg);
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Optimize for no arguments
else {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Update handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Call handler callback
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// No handlers
else if (arg[LENGTH] > 0){
// Create handlers and store with event
handlers[event] = handlers = {};
// Remember arguments
handlers[MEMORY] = arg;
return this;
* TroopJS base component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/base',[ "../event/emitter", "config" ], function ComponentModule(Emitter, config) {
var COUNT = 0;
var INSTANCE_COUNT = "instanceCount";
var Component = Emitter.extend(function Component() {
}, {
displayName : "core/component",
* Application configuration
config : config
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Combination displayName and instanceCount
Component.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
return self.displayName + "@" + self[INSTANCE_COUNT];
return Component;
* TroopJS pubsub/hub module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/hub',[ "compose", "../component/base" ], function HubModule(Compose, Component) {
var from = Compose.from;
return Compose.create(Component, {
displayName: "core/pubsub/hub",
subscribe : from(Component, "on"),
unsubscribe : from(Component, "off"),
publish : from(Component, "emit")
* TroopJS gadget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/gadget',[ "compose", "./base", "troopjs-utils/deferred", "../pubsub/hub" ], function GadgetModule(Compose, Component, Deferred, hub) {
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var RE_HUB = /^hub(?::(\w+))?\/(.+)/;
var RE_SIG = /^sig\/(.+)/;
var PUBLISH = hub.publish;
var SUBSCRIBE = hub.subscribe;
var UNSUBSCRIBE = hub.unsubscribe;
var MEMORY = "memory";
var SUBSCRIPTIONS = "subscriptions";
return Component.extend(function Gadget() {
var self = this;
var bases = self.constructor._getBases(true);
var base;
var callbacks;
var callback;
var i;
var j;
var jMax;
var signals = {};
var signal;
var matches;
var key = null;
// Iterate base chain (while there's a prototype)
for (i = bases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
base = bases[i];
add: for (key in base) {
// Get value
callback = base[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(callback instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE_SIG.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get signal
signal = matches[1];
// Have we stored any callbacks for this signal?
if (signal in signals) {
// Get callbacks (for this signal)
callbacks = signals[signal];
// Reset counters
j = jMax = callbacks.length;
// Loop callbacks, continue add if we've already added this callback
while (j--) {
if (callback === callbacks[j]) {
continue add;
// Add callback to callbacks chain
callbacks[jMax] = callback;
else {
// First callback
signals[signal] = [ callback ];
// Extend self, {
signal : function onSignal(signal, deferred) {
var _self = this;
var _callbacks;
var _j;
var head = deferred;
// Only trigger if we have callbacks for this signal
if (signal in signals) {
// Get callbacks
_callbacks = signals[signal];
// Reset counter
_j = _callbacks.length;
// Build deferred chain from end to 1
while (--_j) {
// Create new deferred
head = Deferred(function (dfd) {
// Store callback and deferred as they will have changed by the time we exec
var _callback = _callbacks[_j];
var _deferred = head;
// Add done handler
dfd.done(function done() {, signal, _deferred);
// Execute first sCallback, use head deferred
_callbacks[0].call(_self, signal, head);
else if (deferred) {
return _self;
}, {
displayName : "core/component/gadget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS] = [];
var key = NULL;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in gadget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE_HUB.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Subscribe
hub.subscribe(topic, self, matches[1] === MEMORY, value);
// Store in subscriptions
subscriptions[subscriptions.length] = [topic, self, value];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS];
var subscription;
// Loop over subscriptions
while ((subscription = subscriptions.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
hub.unsubscribe(subscription[0], subscription[1], subscription[2]);
if (deferred) {
return self;
* Calls hub.publish in self context
* @returns self
publish : function publish() {
var self = this;
PUBLISH.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
* Calls hub.subscribe in self context
* @returns self
subscribe : function subscribe() {
var self = this;
SUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
* Calls hub.unsubscribe in self context
* @returns self
unsubscribe : function unsubscribe() {
var self = this;
UNSUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
start : function start(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdStart) {
dfdStart.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
Deferred(function deferredInitialize(dfdInitialize) {
dfdInitialize.then(function doneInitialize() {
self.signal("start", dfdStart);
}, dfdStart.reject, dfdStart.notify);
self.signal("initialize", dfdInitialize);
return self;
stop : function stop(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredFinalize(dfdFinalize) {
dfdFinalize.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
Deferred(function deferredStop(dfdStop) {
dfdStop.then(function doneStop() {
self.signal("finalize", dfdFinalize);
}, dfdFinalize.reject, dfdFinalize.notify);
self.signal("stop", dfdStop);
return self;
* TroopJS service component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/component/service',[ "./gadget" ], function ServiceModule(Gadget) {
return Gadget.extend({
displayName : "core/component/service"
* TroopJS widget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/widget',[ "./gadget", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/deferred" ], function WidgetModule(Gadget, $, Deferred) {
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var SHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.shift;
var UNSHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.unshift;
var $TRIGGER = $.fn.trigger;
var $ONE = $;
var $BIND = $.fn.bind;
var $UNBIND = $.fn.unbind;
var RE = /^dom(?::(\w+))?\/([^\.]+(?:\.(.+))?)/;
var REFRESH = "widget/refresh";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var $PROXIES = "$proxies";
var ONE = "one";
var THEN = "then";
var ATTR_WEAVE = "[data-weave]";
var ATTR_WOVEN = "[data-woven]";
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'handlerProxy' with the 'topic', 'widget' and handler parameters set
* @param topic event topic
* @param widget target widget
* @param handler target handler
* @returns {Function} proxied handler
function eventProxy(topic, widget, handler) {
* Creates a proxy of the outer method 'handler' that first adds 'topic' to the arguments passed
* @returns result of proxied hanlder invocation
return function handlerProxy() {
// Add topic to front of arguments, topic);
// Apply with shifted arguments to handler
return handler.apply(widget, arguments);
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'render' with the '$fn' parameter set
* @param $fn jQuery method
* @returns {Function} proxied render
function renderProxy($fn) {
* Renders contents into element
* @param contents (Function | String) Template/String to render
* @param data (Object) If contents is a template - template data (optional)
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
function render(/* contents, data, ..., deferred */) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var arg = arguments;
// Shift contents from first argument
var contents =;
// Assume deferred is the last argument
var deferred = arg[arg.length - 1];
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
if (deferred === UNDEFINED || !(deferred[THEN] instanceof FUNCTION)) {
deferred = Deferred();
// Defer render (as weaving it may need to load async)
Deferred(function deferredRender(dfdRender) {
// Link deferred
dfdRender.then(function renderDone() {
// Trigger refresh
$element.trigger(REFRESH, arguments);
// Resolve outer deferred
}, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Notify that we're about to render
dfdRender.notify("beforeRender", self);
// Call render with contents (or result of contents if it's a function)
$$element, contents instanceof FUNCTION ? contents.apply(self, arg) : contents);
// Notify that we're rendered
dfdRender.notify("afterRender", self);
// Weave element
return self;
return render;
return Gadget.extend(function Widget($element, displayName) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
if (displayName) {
self.displayName = displayName;
}, {
displayName : "core/component/widget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES] = [];
var key = NULL;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in widget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Replace value with a scoped proxy
value = eventProxy(topic, self, value);
// Either ONE or BIND element
(matches[2] === ONE ? $ONE : $BIND).call($element, topic, self, value);
// Store in $proxies
$proxies[$proxies.length] = [topic, value];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES];
var $proxy;
// Loop over subscriptions
while (($proxy = $proxies.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
$element.unbind($proxy[0], $proxy[1]);
delete self[$ELEMENT];
if (deferred) {
return self;
* Weaves all children of $element
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
weave : function weave(deferred) {
var self = this;
return self;
* Unweaves all children of $element _and_ self
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
unweave : function unweave(deferred) {
var self = this;
return this;
* Binds event from $element, exactly once
* @returns self
one : function one() {
var self = this;
$ONE.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Binds event to $element
* @returns self
bind : function bind() {
var self = this;
$BIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Unbinds event from $element
* @returns self
unbind : function unbind() {
var self = this;
$UNBIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Triggers event on $element
* @returns self
trigger : function trigger() {
var self = this;
$TRIGGER.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Renders content and inserts it before $element
before : renderProxy($.fn.before),
* Renders content and inserts it after $element
after : renderProxy($.fn.after),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
html : renderProxy($.fn.html),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
text : renderProxy($.fn.text),
* Renders content and appends it to $element
append : renderProxy($.fn.append),
* Renders content and prepends it to $element
prepend : renderProxy($.fn.prepend),
* Empties widget
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
empty : function empty(deferred) {
var self = this;
// Ensure we have deferred
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
// Create deferred for emptying
Deferred(function emptyDeferred(dfdEmpty) {
// Link deferred
dfdEmpty.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Get element
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
// Detach contents
var $contents = $element.contents().detach();
// Trigger refresh
$element.trigger(REFRESH, self);
// Use timeout in order to yield
setTimeout(function emptyTimeout() {
// Get DOM elements
var contents = $contents.get();
// Remove elements from DOM
// Resolve deferred
}, 0);
return self;
* TroopJS dimensions/service module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/dimensions/service',[ "../component/service" ], function DimensionsServiceModule(Service) {
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
function onDimensions($event, w, h) {
$, w, h);
return Service.extend(function DimensionsService($element, dimensions) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
self[DIMENSIONS] = dimensions;
}, {
displayName : "core/dimensions/service",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].bind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], self, onDimensions);
if (deferred) {
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].trigger("resize." + DIMENSIONS);
if (deferred) {
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].unbind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], onDimensions);
if (deferred) {
* TroopJS store/base module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/base',[ "compose", "../component/gadget" ], function StoreModule(Compose, Gadget) {
var STORAGE = "storage";
return Gadget.extend({
storage : Compose.required,
set : function set(key, value, deferred) {
// JSON encoded 'value' then store as 'key'
this[STORAGE].setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
get : function get(key, deferred) {
// Get value from 'key', parse JSON
var value = JSON.parse(this[STORAGE].getItem(key));
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
remove : function remove(key, deferred) {
// Remove key
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
clear : function clear(deferred) {
// Clear
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
* TroopJS store/session module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/session',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreSessionModule(Compose, Store) {
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "core/store/session",
storage: window.sessionStorage
* TroopJS store/local module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/local',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreLocalModule(Compose, Store) {
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "core/store/local",
storage : window.localStorage
* TroopJS route/router module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/route/router',[ "../component/service", "troopjs-utils/uri" ], function RouterModule(Service, URI) {
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var ROUTE = "route";
var RE = /^#/;
function onHashChange($event) {
var self = $;
// Create URI
var uri = URI($, ""));
// Convert to string
var route = uri.toString();
// Did anything change?
if (route !== self[ROUTE]) {
// Store new value
self[ROUTE] = route;
// Publish route
self.publish(ROUTE, uri);
return Service.extend(function RouterService($element) {
this[$ELEMENT] = $element;
}, {
displayName : "core/route/router",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].bind(HASHCHANGE, self, onHashChange);
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].unbind(HASHCHANGE, onHashChange);
if (deferred) {
return self;
* TroopJS widget/placeholder component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/widget/placeholder',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/deferred", "require" ], function WidgetPlaceholderModule(Widget, Deferred, parentRequire) {
var FUNCTION = Function;
var POP = Array.prototype.pop;
var HOLDING = "holding";
var DATA_HOLDING = "data-" + HOLDING;
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var TARGET = "target";
var THEN = "then";
function release(/* arg, arg, arg, deferred*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var argc = arg.length;
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
var deferred = argc > 0 && arg[argc - 1][THEN] instanceof FUNCTION
: Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredRelease(dfdRelease) {
var i;
var iMax;
var name;
var argv;
// We're already holding something, resolve with cache
if (HOLDING in self) {
else {
// Add done handler to release
dfdRelease.then([ function doneRelease(widget) {
// Set DATA_HOLDING attribute
self[$ELEMENT].attr(DATA_HOLDING, widget);
// Store widget
self[HOLDING] = widget;
}, deferred.resolve ], deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Get widget name
name = self[TARGET];
// Set initial argv
argv = [ self[$ELEMENT], name ];
// Append values from arg to argv
for (i = 0, iMax = arg.length; i < iMax; i++) {
argv[i + 2] = arg[i];
// Require widget by name
parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
// Defer require
Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdRequire) {
// Constructed and initialized instance
var widget = Widget
.apply(Widget, argv);
// Link deferred
dfdRequire.then(function doneStart() {
}, dfdRelease.reject, dfdRelease.notify);
// Start
return self;
function hold(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredHold(dfdHold) {
var widget;
// Link deferred
dfdHold.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Check that we are holding
if (HOLDING in self) {
// Get what we're holding
widget = self[HOLDING];
// Cleanup
delete self[HOLDING];
// Remove DATA_HOLDING attribute
// Stop
else {
return self;
return Widget.extend(function WidgetPlaceholder($element, name, target) {
this[TARGET] = target;
}, {
displayName : "core/widget/placeholder",
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
release : release,
hold : hold
* TroopJS route/placeholder module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/route/placeholder',[ "../widget/placeholder" ], function RoutePlaceholderModule(Placeholder) {
var NULL = null;
var ROUTE = "route";
return Placeholder.extend(function RoutePlaceholderWidget($element, name) {
this[ROUTE] = RegExp($"route"));
}, {
"displayName" : "core/route/placeholder",
"hub:memory/route" : function onRoute(topic, uri) {
var self = this;
var matches = self[ROUTE].exec(uri.path);
if (matches !== NULL) {
self.release.apply(self, matches.slice(1));
else {
* TroopJS widget/application component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/widget/application',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/deferred" ], function ApplicationModule(Widget, Deferred) {
return Widget.extend({
displayName : "core/widget/application",
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
"sig/stop" : function stop(signal, deferred) {
* TroopJS pubsub/topic module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/topic',[ "../component/base", "troopjs-utils/unique" ], function TopicModule(Component, unique) {
var TOSTRING = Object.prototype.toString;
function comparator (a, b) {
return a.publisherInstanceCount === b.publisherInstanceCount;
var Topic = Component.extend(function Topic(topic, publisher, parent) {
var self = this;
self.topic = topic;
self.publisher = publisher;
self.parent = parent;
self.publisherInstanceCount = publisher.instanceCount;
}, {
displayName : "core/pubsub/topic",
* Traces topic origin to root
* @returns String representation of all topics traced down to root
trace : function trace() {
var current = this;
var constructor = current.constructor;
var parent;
var item;
var stack = "";
var i;
var u;
var iMax;
while (current) {
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
u =, comparator);
for (i = 0, iMax = u.length; i < iMax; i++) {
item = u[i];
u[i] = item.constructor === constructor
? item.trace()
: item.topic;
stack += u.join(",");
parent = current.parent;
stack += parent
? current.publisher + ":"
: current.publisher;
current = parent;
return stack;
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Instance topic
Topic.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.topic;
return Topic;
* TroopJS remote/ajax module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/remote/ajax',[ "../component/service", "../pubsub/topic", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/merge" ], function AjaxModule(Service, Topic, $, merge) {
return Service.extend({
displayName : "core/remote/ajax",
"hub/ajax" : function request(topic, settings, deferred) {
// Request
"headers": {
"x-request-id": new Date().getTime(),
"x-components": topic instanceof Topic ? topic.trace() : topic
}, settings)).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
* TroopJS Bundle - 1.0.7-31-g8d0ee03-dirty
* Copyright (c) 2013 Mikael Karon <>
* Licensed MIT
define("troopjs-requirejs/template",[],function(){function f(e){function l(e,n,r){return t[f]=n?'" +'+r+'+ "':'";'+r+'o += "',"<%"+String(f++)+"%>"}function c(e,n){return t[n]}function h(e,t){return a[t]||t}var t=[],f=0;return('function template(data) { var o = "'+e.replace(n,"").replace(r,l).replace(s,h).replace(i,c)+'"; return o; }').replace(o,u)}var t={node:function(){var e=require.nodeRequire("fs");return function(n,r){r(e.readFileSync(n,"utf8"))}},browser:function(){var e=["Msxml2.XMLHTTP","Microsoft.XMLHTTP","Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"],t,n,r;if(typeof XMLHttpRequest!="undefined")n=XMLHttpRequest;else{for(r=0;r<3;r++){t=e[r];try{new ActiveXObject(t),n=function(){return new ActiveXObject(t)};break}catch(i){}}if(!n)throw new Error("XHR: XMLHttpRequest not available")}return function(t,r){var i=new n;"GET",t,!0),i.onreadystatechange=function(e){i.readyState===4&&r(i.responseText)},i.send(null)}},rhino:function(){var e="utf-8",t=java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");return function(r,i){var s=new,o=new,e)),u=new java.lang.StringBuffer,a,f="";try{a=o.readLine(),a&&a.length()&&a.charAt(0)===65279&&(a=a.substring(1)),u.append(a);while((a=o.readLine())!==null)u.append(t),u.append(a);f=String(u.toString())}finally{o.close()}i(f)}},borked:function(){return function(){throw new Error("Environment unsupported.")}}},n=/^[\n\t\r]+|[\n\t\r]+$/g,r=/<%(=)?([\S\s]*?)%>/g,i=/<%(\d+)%>/gm,s=/(["\n\t\r])/gm,o=/o \+= "";| \+ ""/gm,u="",a={'"':'\\"',"\n":"\\n"," ":"\\t","\r":"\\r"},l={},c=t[typeof process!="undefined"&&process.versions&&!!process.versions.node?"node":typeof window!="undefined"&&window.navigator&&window.document||typeof importScripts!="undefined"?"browser":typeof Packages!="undefined"?"rhino":"borked"]();return{load:function(e,t,n,r){var i=t.toUrl(e);c(i,function(s){try{s="define(function() { return "+f(s,e,i,r.template)+"; })"}catch(o){throw o.message="In "+i+", "+o.message,o}r.isBuild?l[e]=s:s+="\n//@ 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p=t(h),d=a(h),v=h.location;,h.setInterval(u?function(){var t=h.document,n=v.protocol==="file:",i=new f(t);return t.body.appendChild(i.getElement()),i.update(d),function(){var t=d,s,u=a(h),f=i.getHash();f!==d&&f!==u?(s=decodeURIComponent(f),d!==s&&(d=s,i.update(d),p.trigger(r,[s,t])),v.hash="#"+encodeURI(n?f.replace(o,"%3F"):f)):u!==d&&(s=decodeURIComponent(u),d!==s&&(d=s,p.trigger(r,[s,t])))}}():function(){var t=d,n,i=a(h);i!==d&&(n=decodeURIComponent(i),d!==n&&(d=n,p.trigger(r,[n,t])))},25))},teardown:function(r){var s=this;if(i in s)return!1;s.clearInterval(,n))}}}),define("troopjs-utils/getargs",[],function(){var t=Array.prototype.push,n=String.prototype.substring,r=/^(?:false|true)$/i,i=/^true$/i,s=/^\d+$/;return function(){var o=this,u=[],a,f,l,c,h,p,d=!1;for(f=l=c=0,a=o.length;c<a;c++){h=o.charAt(c);switch(h){case'"':case"'":d===h?(d=!1,,,f,l))):d=h,f=l=c+1;break;case",":if(d){l=c+1;break}f!==l&&(,f,l),r.test(p)?p=i.test(p):s.test(p)&&(p=+p),,p)),f=l=c+1;break;case" ":case" ":if(d){l=c+1;break}f===l&&(f=l=c+1);break;default:l=c+1}}return f!==l&&(,f,l),r.test(p)?p=i.test(p):s.test(p)&&(p=+p),,p)),u}}),define("troopjs-jquery/action",["jquery","troopjs-utils/getargs"],function(t,n){function c(e,t){return e?e+"."+u:s}function h(e){var n=t(this),,1),s=a in e?e[a].type:u,f=e[u];e.type=u+"/"+f+"."+s,n.trigger(e,r),e.result!==i&&(e.type=u+"/"+f+"!",n.trigger(e,r),e.result!==i&&(e.type=u+"."+s,n.trigger(e,r)))}function p(e){var i=t("[data-action]");if(i.length===0)return;var,a=f.exec(o[u]);if(a===s)return;var c=a[1],h=a[2],p=a[3];if(h!==r&&!RegExp(h.split(l).join("|")).test(e.type))return;var d=p!==r?[];t.each(d,function(t,n){n in o&&(d[t]=o[n])}),i.trigger(t.Event(e,{type:u+"!",action:c}),d),e.stopPropagation()}var r,i=!1,s=null,o=Array.prototype.slice,u="action",a="originalEvent",f=/^([\w\d\s_\-\/]+)(?:\.([\w\.]+))?(?:\((.*)\))?$/,l=/\.+/;t.event.special[u]={setup:function(n,r,i){t(this).bind(u,n,h)},add:function(n){var,c);r.length!==0&&t(this).bind(r.join(" 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o===i?!1:s===i?!0:RegExp([3]),function(e){return"^"+e+"$"}).join("|"),"m").test(o.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"))},n.expr[":"][d]=n.expr.createPseudo?n.expr.createPseudo(function(e){return e!==i&&(e=RegExp(,function(e){return"^"+e+"@\\d+"}).join("|"),"m")),function(t){var r=n(t).attr(w);return r===i?!1:e===i?!0:e.test(r.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"))}}):function(e,t,s){var o=n(e).attr(w);return o===i?!1:s===i?!0:RegExp([3]),function(e){return"^"+e+"@\\d+"}).join("|"),"m").test(o.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"))},n.fn[h]=function(){var o=[],u=0,p=n(this),v=arguments;return p.filter(S).each(function(p,y){c(function(p){var S=n(y),,N=x[h]=S.attr(b)||"",C=x[d]||(x[d]=[]),k=x[m]||(x[m]=[]);p.done(function(){S.removeAttr(E).attr(w,," "))}),l.apply(n,k).then(function(){var a=/[\s,]*([\w_\-\/\.]+)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?/g,h=u,d=0,m;,p),S.removeAttr(b).attr(E,N).bind(g,T);while((m=a.exec(N))!==s)c(function(n){var s=d++,a,f,l,c;o[u++]=n,n.then(function(t){C[s]=t},p.reject,p.notify);var h=m[1],g=[S,h];for(a=0,l=v.length,f=g.length;a<l;a++,f++)g[f]=v[a];var y=m[2];if(y!==i){;for(a=0,l=y.length,f=g.length;a<l;a++,f++)c=y[a],g[f]=c in x?x[c]:c}t([h],function(t){var r=t.apply(t,g);r.start().then(function(){n.resolve(r)},n.reject,n.notify)})});l.apply(n,o.slice(h,u)).then(p.resolve,p.reject,p.notify)},p.reject,p.notify)})}),c(function(t){l.apply(n,o).then(function(){t.resolve(arguments)},t.reject,t.progress)}).promise()},n.fn[p]=function(){var t=[],r=0,s=n(this);return s.filter(x).each(function(s,o){c(function(s){var u=n(o),,p=a[m]||(a[m]=[]),v=a[d]||[];s.done(function(){u.attr(b,a[h]).unbind(g,T),delete a[h]}),l.apply(n,p).done(function(){var o=r,h;,s),delete a[d],u.removeAttr(w);while((h=v.shift())!==i)c(function(n){t[r++]=h.stop().then(function(){n.resolve(h)},n.reject,n.notify)});l.apply(n,t.slice(o,r)).then(s.resolve,s.reject,s.notify)})})}),c(function(r){l.apply(n,t).then(function(){r.resolve(arguments)},r.reject,r.progress)}).promise()},n.fn[d]=function(){var 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n.resolve()},emit:function(t){function v(e){i=e||i;while(l[h]===d)if(!(l=l[c]))return a[s]=i,n.resolve(i);return l[h]=d,n(l[u].apply(l[o],i),v)}var r=this,i=arguments,a=r[p],l,d;if(t in a){a=a[t],d=++a[h];if(f in a){l=a[f];try{return v(i)}catch(m){return n.reject(m)}}}else a[t]=a={},a[h]=0;return a[s]=i,n.resolve(i)}})}),define("troopjs-core/component/base",["../event/emitter"],function(t){var n=0,r="instanceCount",i=t.extend(function(){this[r]=n++},{instanceCount:n,displayName:"core/component"});return i.prototype.toString=function(){var e=this;return e.displayName+"@"+e[r]},i}),define("troopjs-core/pubsub/hub",["compose","../component/base"],function(t,n){var r=t.from;return t.create(n,{displayName:"core/pubsub/hub",subscribe:r(n,"on"),unsubscribe:r(n,"off"),publish:r(n,"emit"),republish:r(n,"reemit")})}),define("troopjs-core/component/gadget",["./base","when","../pubsub/hub"],function(t,n,r){var 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o=this;o[r].unbind(n+"."+o[n],i),s&&s.resolve()}})}),define("troopjs-core/store/base",["compose","../component/gadget"],function(t,n){var r="storage";return n.extend({storage:t.required,set:function(t,n,i){this[r].setItem(t,JSON.stringify(n)),i&&i.resolve(n)},get:function(t,n){var i=JSON.parse(this[r].getItem(t));n&&n.resolve(i)},remove:function(t,n){this[r].removeItem(t),n&&n.resolve()},clear:function(t){this[r].clear(),t&&t.resolve()}})}),define("troopjs-core/store/session",["compose","./base"],function(t,n){return t.create(n,{displayName:"core/store/session",storage:window.sessionStorage})}),define("troopjs-core/store/local",["compose","./base"],function(t,n){return t.create(n,{displayName:"core/store/local",storage:window.localStorage})}),define("troopjs-core/route/router",["../component/service","troopjs-utils/uri"],function(t,n){function u(e){var,r=n(,"")),i=r.toString();i!==t[s]&&(t[s]=i,t.publish(s,r))}var r="hashchange",i="$element",s="route",o=/^#/;return t.extend(function(t){this[i]=t},{displayName:"core/route/router","sig/initialize":function(t,n){var s=this;return s[i].bind(r,s,u),n&&n.resolve(),s},"sig/start":function(t,n){var s=this;return s[i].trigger(r),n&&n.resolve(),s},"sig/finalize":function(t,n){var s=this;return s[i].unbind(r,u),n&&n.resolve(),s}})}),define("troopjs-core/widget/placeholder",["../component/widget","troopjs-utils/deferred","require"],function(t,n,r){function c(){var e=this,t=arguments,c=t.length,h=c>0&&t[c-1][l]instanceof i?;return n(function(s){var l,c,p,d;if(o in e)s.done(h.resolve).resolve(e[o]);else{s.then([function(n){e[a].attr(u,n),e[o]=n},h.resolve],h.reject,h.notify),p=e[f],d=[e[a],p];for(l=0,c=t.length;l<c;l++)d[l+2]=t[l];r([p],function(t){n(function(n){var r=t.apply(t,d);n.then(function(){s.resolve(r)},s.reject,s.notify),r.start(n)})})}}),e}function h(e){var t=this;return e=e||n(),n(function(r){var i;r.then(e.resolve,e.reject,e.notify),o in t?(i=t[o],delete t[o],t[a].removeAttr(u),i.stop(r)):r.resolve()}),t}var i=Function,s=Array.prototype.pop,o="holding",u="data-"+o,a="$element",f="target",l="then";return t.extend(function(t,n,r){this[f]=r},{displayName:"core/widget/placeholder","sig/finalize":function(t,n){this.hold(n)},release:c,hold:h})}),define("troopjs-core/route/placeholder",["../widget/placeholder"],function(t){var n=null,r="route";return t.extend(function(t,n){this[r]=RegExp("route"))},{displayName:"core/route/placeholder","hub:memory/route":function(t,i){var s=this,o=s[r].exec(i.path);o!==n?s.release.apply(s,o.slice(1)):s.hold()}})}),define("troopjs-core/widget/application",["../component/widget","troopjs-utils/deferred"],function(t,n){return t.extend({displayName:"core/widget/application","sig/start":function(t,n){this.weave(n)},"sig/stop":function(t,n){this.unweave(n)}})}),define("troopjs-core/pubsub/topic",["../component/base","troopjs-utils/unique"],function(t,n){function s(e,t){return e.publisherInstanceCount===t.publisherInstanceCount}var r=Object.prototype.toString,,o=t.extend(function(t,n,r){var i=this;i.topic=t,i.publisher=n,i.parent=r,i.publisherInstanceCount=n.instanceCount},{displayName:"core/pubsub/topic",trace:function(){var t=this,o=t.constructor,u,a,f="",l,c,h;while(t){if({,s);for(l=0,h=c.length;l<h;l++)a=c[l],c[l]=a.constructor===o?a.trace():a.topic;f+=c.join(",");break}u=t.parent,f+=u?t.publisher+":":t.publisher,t=u}return f}});return o.prototype.toString=function(){return this.topic},o}),define("troopjs-core/remote/ajax",["../component/service","../pubsub/topic","jquery","troopjs-utils/merge"],function(t,n,r,i){return t.extend({displayName:"core/remote/ajax","hub/ajax":function(t,s,o){r.ajax({headers:{"x-request-id":(new Date).getTime(),"x-components":t instanceof n?t.trace():t}},s)).then(o.resolve,o.reject,o.notify)}})});
* TroopJS Bundle - 1.0.7-31-g8d0ee03-dirty
* Copyright (c) 2013 Mikael Karon <>
* Licensed MIT
* TroopJS RequireJS template plug-in
* parts of code from require-cs 0.4.0+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false, require:false*/
define('troopjs-requirejs/template',[],function TemplateModule() {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, loopfunc:true */
"node" : function () {
// Using special require.nodeRequire, something added by r.js.
var fs = require.nodeRequire("fs");
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
callback(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));
"browser" : function () {
// Would love to dump the ActiveX crap in here. Need IE 6 to die first.
var progIds = [ "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"];
var progId;
var XHR;
var i;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
XHR = XMLHttpRequest;
else {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
progId = progIds[i];
try {
new ActiveXObject(progId);
XHR = function(){
return new ActiveXObject(progId);
catch (e) {
if (!XHR){
throw new Error("XHR: XMLHttpRequest not available");
return function fetchText(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XHR();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) {
// Do not explicitly handle errors, those should be
// visible via console output in the browser.
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
"rhino" : function () {
var encoding = "utf-8";
var lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");
// Why Java, why is this so awkward?
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
var file = new;
var input = new, encoding));
var stringBuffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
var line;
var content = "";
try {
line = input.readLine();
// Byte Order Mark (BOM) - The Unicode Standard, version 3.0, page 324
// Note that when we use utf-8, the BOM should appear as "EF BB BF", but it doesn't due to this bug in the JDK:
if (line && line.length() && line.charAt(0) === 0xfeff) {
// Eat the BOM, since we've already found the encoding on this file,
// and we plan to concatenating this buffer with others; the BOM should
// only appear at the top of a file.
line = line.substring(1);
while ((line = input.readLine()) !== null) {
// Make sure we return a JavaScript string and not a Java string.
content = String(stringBuffer.toString()); // String
} finally {
"borked" : function () {
return function fetchText() {
throw new Error("Environment unsupported.");
var RE_SANITIZE = /^[\n\t\r]+|[\n\t\r]+$/g;
var RE_BLOCK = /<%(=)?([\S\s]*?)%>/g;
var RE_TOKENS = /<%(\d+)%>/gm;
var RE_REPLACE = /(["\n\t\r])/gm;
var RE_CLEAN = /o \+= "";| \+ ""/gm;
var EMPTY = "";
var REPLACE = {
"\"" : "\\\"",
"\n" : "\\n",
"\t" : "\\t",
"\r" : "\\r"
* Compiles template
* @param body Template body
* @returns {Function}
function compile(body) {
var blocks = [];
var length = 0;
function blocksTokens(original, prefix, block) {
blocks[length] = prefix
? "\" +" + block + "+ \""
: "\";" + block + "o += \"";
return "<%" + String(length++) + "%>";
function tokensBlocks(original, token) {
return blocks[token];
function replace(original, token) {
return REPLACE[token] || token;
return ("function template(data) { var o = \""
// Sanitize body before we start templating
+ body.replace(RE_SANITIZE, "")
// Replace script blocks with tokens
.replace(RE_BLOCK, blocksTokens)
// Replace unwanted tokens
.replace(RE_REPLACE, replace)
// Replace tokens with script blocks
.replace(RE_TOKENS, tokensBlocks)
+ "\"; return o; }")
// Clean
.replace(RE_CLEAN, EMPTY);
var buildMap = {};
var fetchText = FACTORIES[ typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && !!process.versions.node
? "node"
: (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.navigator && window.document) || typeof importScripts !== "undefined"
? "browser"
: typeof Packages !== "undefined"
? "rhino"
: "borked" ]();
return {
load: function (name, parentRequire, load, config) {
var path = parentRequire.toUrl(name);
fetchText(path, function (text) {
try {
text = "define(function() { return " + compile(text, name, path, config.template) + "; })";
catch (err) {
err.message = "In " + path + ", " + err.message;
if (config.isBuild) {
buildMap[name] = text;
// IE with conditional comments on cannot handle the
// sourceURL trick, so skip it if enabled
/*@if (@_jscript) @else @*/
else {
text += "\n//@ sourceURL='" + path +"'";
load.fromText(name, text);
// Give result to load. Need to wait until the module
// is fully parse, which will happen after this
// execution.
parentRequire([name], function (value) {
write: function (pluginName, name, write) {
if (buildMap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
write.asModule(pluginName + "!" + name, buildMap[name]);
* TroopJS jQuery hashchange plug-in
* Normalized hashchange event, ripped a _lot_ of code from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/hashchange',[ "jquery" ], function HashchangeModule($) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, evil:true */
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var RE_HASH = /#(.*)$/;
var RE_LOCAL = /\?/;
// hack based on this:
var _isIE = /**@preserve@cc_on !@*/0;
function getHash(window) {
// parsed full URL instead of getting location.hash because Firefox
// decode hash value (and all the other browsers don't)
// also because of IE8 bug with hash query in local file
var result = RE_HASH.exec(window.location.href);
return result && result[1]
? decodeURIComponent(result[1])
: "";
function Frame(document) {
var self = this;
var element;
self.element = element = document.createElement("iframe");
element.src = "about:blank"; = "none";
Frame.prototype = {
getElement : function () {
return this.element;
getHash : function () {
return this.element.contentWindow.frameHash;
update : function (hash) {
var self = this;
var document = self.element.contentWindow.document;
// Quick return if hash has not changed
if (self.getHash() === hash) {
// update iframe content to force new history record.
// based on Really Simple History, SWFAddress and YUI.history.;
document.write("<html><head><title>' + document.title + '</title><script type='text/javascript'>var frameHash='" + hash + "';</script></head><body>&nbsp;</body></html>");
$.event.special[HASHCHANGE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
// FF3.6+, IE8+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
// Make sure we're always a window
if (!$.isWindow(window)) {
throw new Error("Unable to bind 'hashchange' to a non-window object");
var $window = $(window);
var hash = getHash(window);
var location = window.location;
$, window.setInterval(_isIE
? (function hashChangeIntervalWrapper() {
var document = window.document;
var _isLocal = location.protocol === "file:";
var frame = new Frame(document);
return function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
var frameHash = frame.getHash();
// Detect changes made pressing browser history buttons.
// Workaround since history.back() and history.forward() doesn't
// update hash value on IE6/7 but updates content of the iframe.
if (frameHash !== hash && frameHash !== windowHash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(frameHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
// Sync location.hash with frameHash
location.hash = "#" + encodeURI(_isLocal
? frameHash.replace(RE_LOCAL, "%3F")
: frameHash);
// detect if hash changed (manually or using setHash)
else if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
: function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
}, 25));
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function hashChangeTeardown(namespaces) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
window.clearInterval($.data(window, INTERVAL));
* TroopJS Utils getargs module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/getargs',[],function GetArgsModule() {
/*jshint strict:false */
var PUSH = Array.prototype.push;
var SUBSTRING = String.prototype.substring;
var RE_BOOLEAN = /^(?:false|true)$/i;
var RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE = /^true$/i;
var RE_DIGIT = /^\d+$/;
return function getargs() {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var length;
var from;
var to;
var i;
var c;
var a;
var q = false;
// Iterate over string
for (from = to = i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) {
// Get char
c = self.charAt(i);
switch(c) {
case "\"" :
case "'" :
// If we are currently quoted...
if (q === c) {
// Stop quote
q = false;
// Store result (no need to convert, we know this is a string),, from, to));
// Otherwise
else {
// Start quote
q = c;
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case "," :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case " " :
case "\t" :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// Update from/to
if (from === to) {
from = to = i + 1;
default :
// Update to
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery action plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/action',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs" ], function ActionModule($, getargs) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
var FALSE = false;
var NULL = null;
var SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
var ACTION = "action";
var ORIGINALEVENT = "originalEvent";
var RE_ACTION = /^([\w\d\s_\-\/]+)(?:\.([\w\.]+))?(?:\((.*)\))?$/;
var RE_DOT = /\.+/;
* Namespace iterator
* @param namespace (string) namespace
* @param index (number) index
function namespaceIterator(namespace, index) {
return namespace ? namespace + "." + ACTION : NULL;
* Action handler
* @param $event (jQuery.Event) event
function onAction($event) {
// Set $target
var $target = $(this);
// Get argv
var argv =, 1);
// Extract type
var type = ORIGINALEVENT in $event
? $event[ORIGINALEVENT].type
// Extract name
var name = $event[ACTION];
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// No handler, try without namespace, but exclusive
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "!";
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// Still no handler, try generic action with namespace
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
* Internal handler
* @param $event jQuery event
function handler($event) {
// Get closest element that has an action defined
var $target = $($"[data-action]");
// Fail fast if there is no action available
if ($target.length === 0) {
// Extract all data in one go
var $data = $;
// Extract matches from 'data-action'
var matches = RE_ACTION.exec($data[ACTION]);
// Return fast if action parameter was f*cked (no matches)
if (matches === NULL) {
// Extract action name
var name = matches[1];
// Extract action namespaces
var namespaces = matches[2];
// Extract action args
var args = matches[3];
// If there are action namespaces, make sure we're only triggering action on applicable types
if (namespaces !== UNDEFINED && !RegExp(namespaces.split(RE_DOT).join("|")).test($event.type)) {
// Split args by separator (if there were args)
var argv = args !== UNDEFINED
: [];
// Iterate argv to determine arg type
$.each(argv, function argsIterator(i, value) {
if (value in $data) {
argv[i] = $data[value];
// Trigger exclusive ACTION event
.trigger($.Event($event, {
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
}), argv);
// Since we've translated the event, stop propagation
$.event.special[ACTION] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onActionSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
$(this).bind(ACTION, data, onAction);
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onActionAdd(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).bind(events.join(" "), handler);
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onActionRemove(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).unbind(events.join(" "), handler);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onActionTeardown(namespaces) {
$(this).unbind(ACTION, onAction);
$.fn[ACTION] = function action(name) {
return $(this).trigger({
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
},, 1));
* TroopJS jQuery destroy plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/destroy',[ "jquery" ], function DestroyModule($) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
$.event.special.destroy = {
remove : function onDestroyRemove(handleObj) {
var self = this;, $.Event({
"type" : handleObj.type,
"data" :,
"namespace" : handleObj.namespace,
"target" : self
* TroopJS jQuery weave plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/weave',[ "require", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs", "./destroy" ], function WeaveModule(parentRequire, $, getargs) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, loopfunc:true */
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY = Array;
var ARRAY_PROTO = ARRAY.prototype;
var JOIN = ARRAY_PROTO.join;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var $WHEN = $.when;
var $DEFERRED = $.Deferred;
var WEAVE = "weave";
var UNWEAVE = "unweave";
var WOVEN = "woven";
var WEAVING = "weaving";
var PENDING = "pending";
var DESTROY = "destroy";
var DATA = "data-";
var SELECTOR_WEAVE = "[" + DATA_WEAVE + "]";
* Generic destroy handler.
* Simply makes sure that unweave has been called
function onDestroy() {
$.expr[":"][WEAVE] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m").test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.expr[":"][WOVEN] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m").test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.fn[WEAVE] = function weave(/* arg, arg, arg */) {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
//var $elements = $(this);
var arg = arguments;
var $els = $(this);
var $elements =[];
for (var i = 0; i < $els.length; i++) {
var $el = $($els[i]);
if ($ {
$elements = $(elements);
// Reduce to only elements that can be woven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer weave
$DEFERRED(function deferredWeave(dfdWeave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var weave = $data[WEAVE] = $element.attr(DATA_WEAVE) || "";
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || ($data[WOVEN] = []);
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
// Link deferred
dfdWeave.done(function doneWeave() {
// Set DATA_WOVEN with full names
.attr(DATA_WOVEN,, " "));
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).then(function donePending() {
var re = /[\s,]*([\w_\-\/\.]+)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?/g;
var mark = i;
var j = 0;
var matches;
// Push dfdWeave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdWeave);
// Make sure to remove DATA_WEAVE (so we don't try processing this again)
// Set DATA_WEAVING (so that unweave can pick this up)
.attr(DATA_WEAVING, weave)
// Bind destroy event
.bind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Iterate woven (while RE_WEAVE matches)
while ((matches = re.exec(weave)) !== NULL) {
// Defer widget
$DEFERRED(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
var _j = j++; // store _j before we increment
var k;
var l;
var kMax;
var value;
// Add to widgets
widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
// Link deferred
dfdWidget.then(function doneWidget(widget) {
woven[_j] = widget;
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// Get widget name
var name = matches[1];
// Set initial argv
var argv = [ $element, name ];
// Append values from arg to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = arg.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
argv[l] = arg[k];
// Get widget args
var args = matches[2];
// Any widget arguments
if (args !== UNDEFINED) {
// Convert args using getargs
args =;
// Append typed values from args to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = args.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
// Get value
value = args[k];
// Get value from $data or fall back to pure value
argv[l] = value in $data
? $data[value]
: value;
// Require module
parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
// Instantiate widget (with argv)
var widget = Widget.apply(Widget, argv);
// Start widget
widget.start().then(function resolve() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Slice out widgets woven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdWeave.resolve, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// Return compacted combined promise
return $DEFERRED(function deferredWeave(dfdWeave) {
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(function resolve() {
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.progress);
$.fn[UNWEAVE] = function unweave() {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
var $elements = $(this);
// Reduce to only elements that can be unwoven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer unweave
$DEFERRED(function deferredUnweave(dfdUnweave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || [];
// Link deferred
dfdUnweave.done(function doneUnweave() {
// Copy weave data to data-weave attribute
.attr(DATA_WEAVE, $data[WEAVE])
// Make sure to clean the destroy event handler
.unbind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Remove data fore WEAVE
delete $data[WEAVE];
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).done(function donePending() {
var mark = i;
var widget;
// Push dfdUnweave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdUnweave);
// Remove WOVEN data
delete $data[WOVEN];
// Remove DATA_WOVEN attribute
// Somewhat safe(r) iterator over woven
while ((widget = woven.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
// Defer widget
$DEFERRED(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
// Add to unwoven and pending
widgets[i++] = widget.stop().then(function resolve() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Slice out widgets unwoven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdUnweave.resolve, dfdUnweave.reject, dfdUnweave.notify);
// Return compacted combined promise
return $DEFERRED(function deferredUnweave(dfdUnweave) {
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(function resolve() {
}, dfdUnweave.reject, dfdUnweave.progress);
$.fn[WOVEN] = function woven(/* arg, arg */) {
var result = [];
var widgets = arguments.length > 0
? RegExp($.map(arguments, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m")
$(this).each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
if (!$.hasData(element)) {
PUSH.apply(result, widgets === UNDEFINED
? $.data(element, WOVEN)
: $.map($.data(element, WOVEN), function (woven) {
return widgets.test(woven.displayName)
? woven
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery dimensions plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/dimensions',[ "jquery" ], function DimensionsModule($) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
var NULL = null;
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
var RESIZE = "resize." + DIMENSIONS;
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var _W = "_" + W;
var _H = "_" + H;
* Internal comparator used for reverse sorting arrays
function reverse(a, b) {
return b - a;
* Internal onResize handler
* @param $event
function onResize($event) {
var self = this;
var $self = $(self);
var width = $self.width();
var height = $self.height();
// Iterate all dimensions
$.each($.data(self, DIMENSIONS), function dimensionIterator(namespace, dimension) {
var w = dimension[W];
var h = dimension[H];
var _w;
var _h;
var i;
i = w.length;
_w = w[i - 1];
while(w[--i] < width) {
_w = w[i];
i = h.length;
_h = h[i - 1];
while(h[--i] < height) {
_h = h[i];
// If _w or _h has changed, update and trigger
if (_w !== dimension[_W] || _h !== dimension[_H]) {
dimension[_W] = _w;
dimension[_H] = _h;
$self.trigger(DIMENSIONS + "." + namespace, [ _w, _h ]);
$.event.special[DIMENSIONS] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onDimensionsSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
.bind(RESIZE, onResize)
.data(DIMENSIONS, {});
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onDimensionsAdd(handleObj) {
var self = this;
var namespace = handleObj.namespace;
var dimension = {};
var w = dimension[W] = [];
var h = dimension[H] = [];
var re = /(w|h)(\d+)/g;
var matches;
while ((matches = re.exec(namespace)) !== NULL) {
dimension[matches[1]].push(parseInt(matches[2], 10));
$.data(self, DIMENSIONS)[namespace] = dimension;
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onDimensionsRemove(handleObj) {
delete $.data(this, DIMENSIONS)[handleObj.namespace];
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
.unbind(RESIZE, onResize);
* TroopJS jQuery resize plug-in
* Heavy inspiration from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-jquery/resize',[ "jquery" ], function ResizeModule($) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
var NULL = null;
var RESIZE = "resize";
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var $ELEMENTS = $([]);
* Iterator
* @param index
* @param self
function iterator(index, self) {
// Get data
var $data = $.data(self);
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Get previous width and height
var w = $self.width();
var h = $self.height();
// Check if width or height has changed since last check
if (w !== $data[W] || h !== $data[H]) {
$self.trigger(RESIZE, [$data[W] = w, $data[H] = h]);
* Internal interval
function interval() {
$.event.special[RESIZE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onResizeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Store data
var $data = $.data(self, RESIZE, {});
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Initialize data
$data[W] = $self.width();
$data[H] = $self.height();
// Add to tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.add(self);
// If this is the first element, start interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 1) {
INTERVAL = setInterval(interval, 100);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onResizeTeardown(namespaces) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Remove data
$.removeData(self, RESIZE);
// Remove from tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.not(self);
// If this is the last element, stop interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 0 && INTERVAL !== NULL) {
* TroopJS Utils merge module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/merge',[],function MergeModule() {
/*jshint strict:false */
var ARRAY = Array;
var OBJECT = Object;
return function merge(source) {
var target = this;
var key = null;
var i;
var iMax;
var value;
var constructor;
for (i = 0, iMax = arguments.length; i < iMax; i++) {
source = arguments[i];
for (key in source) {
value = source[key];
constructor = value.constructor;
if (!(key in target)) {
target[key] = value;
else if (constructor === ARRAY) {
target[key] = target[key].concat(value);
else if (constructor === OBJECT) {[key], value);
else {
target[key] = value;
return target;
* TroopJS Utils tr component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/tr',[],function TrModule() {
/*jshint strict:false */
var TYPEOF_NUMBER = typeof Number();
return function tr(callback) {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var i;
var length = self.length;
var key;
// Is this an array? Basically, is length a number, is it 0 or is it greater than 0 and that we have index 0 and index length-1
if (typeof length === TYPEOF_NUMBER && length === 0 || length > 0 && 0 in self && length - 1 in self) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.push(, self[i], i));
// Otherwise we'll iterate it as an object
} else if (self){
for (key in self) {
result.push(, self[key], key));
return result;
* ComposeJS, object composition for JavaScript, featuring
* JavaScript-style prototype inheritance and composition, multiple inheritance,
* mixin and traits-inspired conflict resolution and composition
define('compose/compose',[], function(){
// function for creating instances from a prototype
function Create(){
var delegate = Object.create ?
return Object.create(typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto || Object.prototype);
} :
Create.prototype = typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto;
var instance = new Create();
Create.prototype = null;
return instance;
function validArg(arg){
throw new Error("Compose arguments must be functions or objects");
return arg;
// this does the work of combining mixins/prototypes
function mixin(instance, args, i){
// use prototype inheritance for first arg
var value, argsLength = args.length;
for(; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = args[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
// the arg is a function, use the prototype for the properties
var prototype = arg.prototype;
for(var key in prototype){
value = prototype[key];
var own = prototype.hasOwnProperty(key);
if(typeof value == "function" && key in instance && value !== instance[key]){
var existing = instance[key];
if(value == required){
// it is a required value, and we have satisfied it
value = existing;
else if(!own){
// if it is own property, it is considered an explicit override
// TODO: make faster calls on this, perhaps passing indices and caching
if(isInMethodChain(value, key, getBases([], 0, i), true))){
// this value is in the existing method's override chain, we can use the existing method
value = existing;
}else if(!isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// the existing method is not in the current override chain, so we are left with a conflict
console.error("Conflicted method " + key + ", final composer must explicitly override with correct method.");
if(value && value.install && own && !isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// apply modifier, key);
instance[key] = value;
// it is an object, copy properties, looking for modifiers
for(var key in validArg(arg)){
var value = arg[key];
if(typeof value == "function"){
// apply modifier, key);
if(key in instance){
if(value == required){
// required requirement met
// add it to the instance
instance[key] = value;
return instance;
// allow for override (by es5 module)
Compose._setMixin = function(newMixin){
mixin = newMixin;
function isInMethodChain(method, name, prototypes){
// searches for a method in the given prototype hierarchy
for(var i = 0; i < prototypes.length;i++){
var prototype = prototypes[i];
if(prototype[name] == method){
// found it
return true;
// Decorator branding
function Decorator(install, direct){
function Decorator(){
return direct.apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error("Decorator not applied");
Decorator.install = install;
return Decorator;
Compose.Decorator = Decorator;
// aspect applier
function aspect(handler){
return function(advice){
return Decorator(function install(key){
var baseMethod = this[key];
(advice = this[key] = baseMethod ? handler(this, baseMethod, advice) : advice).install = install;
}, advice);
// around advice, useful for calling super methods too
Compose.around = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return, base);
Compose.before = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = advice.apply(this, arguments);
if(results !== stop){
return base.apply(this, results || arguments);
var stop = Compose.stop = {};
var undefined;
Compose.after = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = base.apply(this, arguments);
var adviceResults = advice.apply(this, arguments);
return adviceResults === undefined ? results : adviceResults;
// rename Decorator for calling super methods
Compose.from = function(trait, fromKey){
return (typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey];
return Decorator(function(key){
if(!(this[key] = (typeof trait == "string" ? this[trait] :
(typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey || key]))){
throw new Error("Source method " + fromKey + " was not available to be renamed to " + key);
// Composes an instance
Compose.create = function(base){
// create the instance
var instance = mixin(delegate(base), arguments, 1);
var argsLength = arguments.length;
// for go through the arguments and call the constructors (with no args)
for(var i = 0; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = arguments[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
instance = || instance;
return instance;
// The required function, just throws an error if not overriden
function required(){
throw new Error("This method is required and no implementation has been provided");
Compose.required = required;
// get the value of |this| for direct function calls for this mode (strict in ES5)
function extend(){
var args = [this];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
return Compose.apply(0, args);
// Compose a constructor
function Compose(base){
var args = arguments;
var prototype = (args.length < 2 && typeof args[0] != "function") ?
args[0] : // if there is just a single argument object, just use that as the prototype
mixin(delegate(validArg(base)), args, 1); // normally create a delegate to start with
function Constructor(){
var instance;
if(this instanceof Constructor){
// called with new operator, can proceed as is
instance = this;
// we allow for direct calls without a new operator, in this case we need to
// create the instance ourself.
Create.prototype = prototype;
instance = new Create();
// call all the constructors with the given arguments
for(var i = 0; i < constructorsLength; i++){
var constructor = constructors[i];
var result = constructor.apply(instance, arguments);
if(typeof result == "object"){
if(result instanceof Constructor){
instance = result;
for(var j in result){
instance[j] = result[j];
return instance;
// create a function that can retrieve the bases (constructors or prototypes)
Constructor._getBases = function(prototype){
return prototype ? prototypes : constructors;
// now get the prototypes and the constructors
var constructors = getBases(args),
constructorsLength = constructors.length;
if(typeof args[args.length - 1] == "object"){
args[args.length - 1] = prototype;
var prototypes = getBases(args, true);
Constructor.extend = extend;
prototype.constructor = Constructor;
Constructor.prototype = prototype;
return Constructor;
Compose.apply = function(thisObject, args){
// apply to the target
return thisObject ?
mixin(thisObject, args, 0) : // called with a target object, apply the supplied arguments as mixins to the target object, 0, args); // get the Function.prototype apply function, call() it to apply arguments to Compose (the extend doesn't matter, just a handle way to grab apply, since we can't get it off of Compose)
}; = function(thisObject){
// call() should correspond with apply behavior
return mixin(thisObject, arguments, 1);
function getBases(args, prototype){
// this function registers a set of constructors for a class, eliminating duplicate
// constructors that may result from diamond construction for classes (B->A, C->A, D->B&C, then D() should only call A() once)
var bases = [];
function iterate(args, checkChildren){
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
var arg = args[i];
var target = prototype && typeof arg == "function" ?
arg.prototype : arg;
if(prototype || typeof arg == "function"){
var argGetBases = checkChildren && arg._getBases;
iterate(argGetBases(prototype)); // don't need to check children for these, this should be pre-flattened
for(var j = 0; j < bases.length; j++){
if(target == bases[j]){
continue outer;
iterate(args, true);
return bases;
// returning the export of the module
return Compose;
})(typeof define != "undefined" ?
define: // AMD/RequireJS format if available
function(deps, factory){
if(typeof module !="undefined"){
module.exports = factory(); // CommonJS environment, like NodeJS
// require("./configure");
Compose = factory(); // raw script, assign to Compose global
define('compose', ['compose/compose'], function (main) { return main; });
* TroopJS Utils URI module
* parts of code from parseUri 1.2.2 Copyright Steven Levithan <>
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/uri',[ "compose" ], function URIModule(Compose) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var OBJECT_PROTO = Object.prototype;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var SPLIT = String.prototype.split;
var RE_URI = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?(?:([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/;
var PROTOCOL = "protocol";
var AUTHORITY = "authority";
var PATH = "path";
var QUERY = "query";
var ANCHOR = "anchor";
var KEYS = [ "source",
// Store current setting
var SECURE =;
// Prevent Compose from creating constructor property = true;
function Query(arg) {
var result = {};
var matches;
var key = NULL;
var value;
var re = /(?:&|^)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g;
result.toString = Query.toString;
for (key in arg) {
result[key] = arg[key];
} else {
while ((matches = re.exec(arg)) !== NULL) {
key = matches[1];
if (key in result) {
value = result[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
value[value.length] = matches[2];
else {
result[key] = [ value, matches[2] ];
else {
result[key] = matches[2];
return result;
Query.toString = function toString() {
var self = this;
var key;
var value;
var values;
var query = [];
var i = 0;
var j;
for (key in self) {
if ([key]) === TOSTRING_FUNCTION) {
query[i++] = key;
while (i--) {
key = query[i];
value = self[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
values = value.slice(0);
j = values.length;
while (j--) {
value = values[j];
values[j] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
query[i] = values.join("&");
else {
query[i] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
return query.join("&");
// Extend on the instance of array rather than subclass it
function Path(arg) {
var result = [];
result.toString = Path.toString;
PUSH.apply(result, === TOSTRING_ARRAY
? arg
:, "/"));
return result;
Path.toString = function() {
return this.join("/");
var URI = Compose(function URI(str) {
var self = this;
var value;
var matches;
var i;
if ((matches = RE_URI.exec(str)) !== NULL) {
i = matches.length;
while (i--) {
value = matches[i];
if (value) {
self[KEYS[i]] = value;
if (QUERY in self) {
self[QUERY] = Query(self[QUERY]);
if (PATH in self) {
self[PATH] = Path(self[PATH]);
URI.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
var uri = [ PROTOCOL , "://", AUTHORITY, PATH, "?", QUERY, "#", ANCHOR ];
var i;
var key;
if (!(PROTOCOL in self)) {
uri[0] = uri[1] = "";
if (!(AUTHORITY in self)) {
uri[2] = "";
if (!(PATH in self)) {
uri[3] = "";
if (!(QUERY in self)) {
uri[4] = uri[5] = "";
if (!(ANCHOR in self)) {
uri[6] = uri[7] = "";
i = uri.length;
while (i--) {
key = uri[i];
if (key in self) {
uri[i] = self[key];
return uri.join("");
// Restore setting = SECURE;
URI.Path = Path;
URI.Query = Query;
return URI;
* TroopJS Utils unique component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-utils/unique',[],function UniqueModule() {
/*jshint strict:false */
return function unique(callback) {
var self = this;
var length = self.length;
var result = [];
var value;
var i;
var j;
var k;
add: for (i = j = k = 0; i < length; i++, j = 0) {
value = self[i];
while(j < k) {
if (, value, result[j++]) === true) {
continue add;
result[k++] = value;
return result;
/** @license MIT License (c) copyright B Cavalier & J Hann */
* A lightweight CommonJS Promises/A and when() implementation
* when is part of the cujo.js family of libraries (
* Licensed under the MIT License at:
* @version 1.7.1
(function(define) {
define('when/when',[],function () {
var reduceArray, slice, undef;
// Public API
when.defer = defer; // Create a deferred
when.resolve = resolve; // Create a resolved promise
when.reject = reject; // Create a rejected promise
when.join = join; // Join 2 or more promises
when.all = all; // Resolve a list of promises = map; // for promises
when.reduce = reduce; // Array.reduce() for promises
when.any = any; // One-winner race
when.some = some; // Multi-winner race
when.chain = chain; // Make a promise trigger another resolver
when.isPromise = isPromise; // Determine if a thing is a promise
* Register an observer for a promise or immediate value.
* @param {*} promiseOrValue
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] callback to be called when promiseOrValue is
* successfully fulfilled. If promiseOrValue is an immediate value, callback
* will be invoked immediately.
* @param {function?} [onRejected] callback to be called when promiseOrValue is
* rejected.
* @param {function?} [onProgress] callback to be called when progress updates
* are issued for promiseOrValue.
* @returns {Promise} a new {@link Promise} that will complete with the return
* value of callback or errback or the completion value of promiseOrValue if
* callback and/or errback is not supplied.
function when(promiseOrValue, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
// Get a trusted promise for the input promiseOrValue, and then
// register promise handlers
return resolve(promiseOrValue).then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);
* Returns promiseOrValue if promiseOrValue is a {@link Promise}, a new Promise if
* promiseOrValue is a foreign promise, or a new, already-fulfilled {@link Promise}
* whose value is promiseOrValue if promiseOrValue is an immediate value.
* @param {*} promiseOrValue
* @returns Guaranteed to return a trusted Promise. If promiseOrValue is a when.js {@link Promise}
* returns promiseOrValue, otherwise, returns a new, already-resolved, when.js {@link Promise}
* whose resolution value is:
* * the resolution value of promiseOrValue if it's a foreign promise, or
* * promiseOrValue if it's a value
function resolve(promiseOrValue) {
var promise, deferred;
if(promiseOrValue instanceof Promise) {
// It's a when.js promise, so we trust it
promise = promiseOrValue;
} else {
// It's not a when.js promise. See if it's a foreign promise or a value.
if(isPromise(promiseOrValue)) {
// It's a thenable, but we don't know where it came from, so don't trust
// its implementation entirely. Introduce a trusted middleman when.js promise
deferred = defer();
// IMPORTANT: This is the only place when.js should ever call .then() on an
// untrusted promise. Don't expose the return value to the untrusted promise
function(value) { deferred.resolve(value); },
function(reason) { deferred.reject(reason); },
function(update) { deferred.progress(update); }
promise = deferred.promise;
} else {
// It's a value, not a promise. Create a resolved promise for it.
promise = fulfilled(promiseOrValue);
return promise;
* Returns a rejected promise for the supplied promiseOrValue. The returned
* promise will be rejected with:
* - promiseOrValue, if it is a value, or
* - if promiseOrValue is a promise
* - promiseOrValue's value after it is fulfilled
* - promiseOrValue's reason after it is rejected
* @param {*} promiseOrValue the rejected value of the returned {@link Promise}
* @return {Promise} rejected {@link Promise}
function reject(promiseOrValue) {
return when(promiseOrValue, rejected);
* Trusted Promise constructor. A Promise created from this constructor is
* a trusted when.js promise. Any other duck-typed promise is considered
* untrusted.
* @constructor
* @name Promise
function Promise(then) {
this.then = then;
Promise.prototype = {
* Register a callback that will be called when a promise is
* fulfilled or rejected. Optionally also register a progress handler.
* Shortcut for .then(onFulfilledOrRejected, onFulfilledOrRejected, onProgress)
* @param {function?} [onFulfilledOrRejected]
* @param {function?} [onProgress]
* @return {Promise}
always: function(onFulfilledOrRejected, onProgress) {
return this.then(onFulfilledOrRejected, onFulfilledOrRejected, onProgress);
* Register a rejection handler. Shortcut for .then(undefined, onRejected)
* @param {function?} onRejected
* @return {Promise}
otherwise: function(onRejected) {
return this.then(undef, onRejected);
* Shortcut for .then(function() { return value; })
* @param {*} value
* @return {Promise} a promise that:
* - is fulfilled if value is not a promise, or
* - if value is a promise, will fulfill with its value, or reject
* with its reason.
yield: function(value) {
return this.then(function() {
return value;
* Assumes that this promise will fulfill with an array, and arranges
* for the onFulfilled to be called with the array as its argument list
* i.e. onFulfilled.spread(undefined, array).
* @param {function} onFulfilled function to receive spread arguments
* @return {Promise}
spread: function(onFulfilled) {
return this.then(function(array) {
// array may contain promises, so resolve its contents.
return all(array, function(array) {
return onFulfilled.apply(undef, array);
* Create an already-resolved promise for the supplied value
* @private
* @param {*} value
* @return {Promise} fulfilled promise
function fulfilled(value) {
var p = new Promise(function(onFulfilled) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ check typeof onFulfilled
try {
return resolve(onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(value) : value);
} catch(e) {
return rejected(e);
return p;
* Create an already-rejected {@link Promise} with the supplied
* rejection reason.
* @private
* @param {*} reason
* @return {Promise} rejected promise
function rejected(reason) {
var p = new Promise(function(_, onRejected) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ check typeof onRejected
try {
return onRejected ? resolve(onRejected(reason)) : rejected(reason);
} catch(e) {
return rejected(e);
return p;
* Creates a new, Deferred with fully isolated resolver and promise parts,
* either or both of which may be given out safely to consumers.
* The Deferred itself has the full API: resolve, reject, progress, and
* then. The resolver has resolve, reject, and progress. The promise
* only has then.
* @return {Deferred}
function defer() {
var deferred, promise, handlers, progressHandlers,
_then, _progress, _resolve;
* The promise for the new deferred
* @type {Promise}
promise = new Promise(then);
* The full Deferred object, with {@link Promise} and {@link Resolver} parts
* @class Deferred
* @name Deferred
deferred = {
then: then, // DEPRECATED: use deferred.promise.then
resolve: promiseResolve,
reject: promiseReject,
// TODO: Consider renaming progress() to notify()
progress: promiseProgress,
promise: promise,
resolver: {
resolve: promiseResolve,
reject: promiseReject,
progress: promiseProgress
handlers = [];
progressHandlers = [];
* Pre-resolution then() that adds the supplied callback, errback, and progback
* functions to the registered listeners
* @private
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
_then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ check typeof onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress
var deferred, progressHandler;
deferred = defer();
progressHandler = typeof onProgress === 'function'
? function(update) {
try {
// Allow progress handler to transform progress event
} catch(e) {
// Use caught value as progress
: function(update) { deferred.progress(update); };
handlers.push(function(promise) {
promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)
.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, progressHandler);
return deferred.promise;
* Issue a progress event, notifying all progress listeners
* @private
* @param {*} update progress event payload to pass to all listeners
_progress = function(update) {
processQueue(progressHandlers, update);
return update;
* Transition from pre-resolution state to post-resolution state, notifying
* all listeners of the resolution or rejection
* @private
* @param {*} value the value of this deferred
_resolve = function(value) {
value = resolve(value);
// Replace _then with one that directly notifies with the result.
_then = value.then;
// Replace _resolve so that this Deferred can only be resolved once
_resolve = resolve;
// Make _progress a noop, to disallow progress for the resolved promise.
_progress = noop;
// Notify handlers
processQueue(handlers, value);
// Free progressHandlers array since we'll never issue progress events
progressHandlers = handlers = undef;
return value;
return deferred;
* Wrapper to allow _then to be replaced safely
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
* @return {Promise} new promise
function then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ check typeof onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress
return _then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);
* Wrapper to allow _resolve to be replaced
function promiseResolve(val) {
return _resolve(val);
* Wrapper to allow _reject to be replaced
function promiseReject(err) {
return _resolve(rejected(err));
* Wrapper to allow _progress to be replaced
function promiseProgress(update) {
return _progress(update);
* Determines if promiseOrValue is a promise or not. Uses the feature
* test from to determine if
* promiseOrValue is a promise.
* @param {*} promiseOrValue anything
* @returns {boolean} true if promiseOrValue is a {@link Promise}
function isPromise(promiseOrValue) {
return promiseOrValue && typeof promiseOrValue.then === 'function';
* Initiates a competitive race, returning a promise that will resolve when
* howMany of the supplied promisesOrValues have resolved, or will reject when
* it becomes impossible for howMany to resolve, for example, when
* (promisesOrValues.length - howMany) + 1 input promises reject.
* @param {Array} promisesOrValues array of anything, may contain a mix
* of promises and values
* @param howMany {number} number of promisesOrValues to resolve
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
* @returns {Promise} promise that will resolve to an array of howMany values that
* resolved first, or will reject with an array of (promisesOrValues.length - howMany) + 1
* rejection reasons.
function some(promisesOrValues, howMany, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
checkCallbacks(2, arguments);
return when(promisesOrValues, function(promisesOrValues) {
var toResolve, toReject, values, reasons, deferred, fulfillOne, rejectOne, progress, len, i;
len = promisesOrValues.length >>> 0;
toResolve = Math.max(0, Math.min(howMany, len));
values = [];
toReject = (len - toResolve) + 1;
reasons = [];
deferred = defer();
// No items in the input, resolve immediately
if (!toResolve) {
} else {
progress = deferred.progress;
rejectOne = function(reason) {
if(!--toReject) {
fulfillOne = rejectOne = noop;
fulfillOne = function(val) {
// This orders the values based on promise resolution order
// Another strategy would be to use the original position of
// the corresponding promise.
if (!--toResolve) {
fulfillOne = rejectOne = noop;
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if(i in promisesOrValues) {
when(promisesOrValues[i], fulfiller, rejecter, progress);
return deferred.then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);
function rejecter(reason) {
function fulfiller(val) {
* Initiates a competitive race, returning a promise that will resolve when
* any one of the supplied promisesOrValues has resolved or will reject when
* *all* promisesOrValues have rejected.
* @param {Array|Promise} promisesOrValues array of anything, may contain a mix
* of {@link Promise}s and values
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
* @returns {Promise} promise that will resolve to the value that resolved first, or
* will reject with an array of all rejected inputs.
function any(promisesOrValues, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
function unwrapSingleResult(val) {
return onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(val[0]) : val[0];
return some(promisesOrValues, 1, unwrapSingleResult, onRejected, onProgress);
* Return a promise that will resolve only once all the supplied promisesOrValues
* have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be an array
* containing the resolution values of each of the promisesOrValues.
* @memberOf when
* @param {Array|Promise} promisesOrValues array of anything, may contain a mix
* of {@link Promise}s and values
* @param {function?} [onFulfilled] resolution handler
* @param {function?} [onRejected] rejection handler
* @param {function?} [onProgress] progress handler
* @returns {Promise}
function all(promisesOrValues, onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
checkCallbacks(1, arguments);
return map(promisesOrValues, identity).then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress);
* Joins multiple promises into a single returned promise.
* @return {Promise} a promise that will fulfill when *all* the input promises
* have fulfilled, or will reject when *any one* of the input promises rejects.
function join(/* ...promises */) {
return map(arguments, identity);
* Traditional map function, similar to ``, but allows
* input to contain {@link Promise}s and/or values, and mapFunc may return
* either a value or a {@link Promise}
* @param {Array|Promise} promise array of anything, may contain a mix
* of {@link Promise}s and values
* @param {function} mapFunc mapping function mapFunc(value) which may return
* either a {@link Promise} or value
* @returns {Promise} a {@link Promise} that will resolve to an array containing
* the mapped output values.
function map(promise, mapFunc) {
return when(promise, function(array) {
var results, len, toResolve, resolve, i, d;
// Since we know the resulting length, we can preallocate the results
// array to avoid array expansions.
toResolve = len = array.length >>> 0;
results = [];
d = defer();
if(!toResolve) {
} else {
resolve = function resolveOne(item, i) {
when(item, mapFunc).then(function(mapped) {
results[i] = mapped;
if(!--toResolve) {
}, d.reject);
// Since mapFunc may be async, get all invocations of it into flight
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if(i in array) {
resolve(array[i], i);
} else {
return d.promise;
* Traditional reduce function, similar to `Array.prototype.reduce()`, but
* input may contain promises and/or values, and reduceFunc
* may return either a value or a promise, *and* initialValue may
* be a promise for the starting value.
* @param {Array|Promise} promise array or promise for an array of anything,
* may contain a mix of promises and values.
* @param {function} reduceFunc reduce function reduce(currentValue, nextValue, index, total),
* where total is the total number of items being reduced, and will be the same
* in each call to reduceFunc.
* @returns {Promise} that will resolve to the final reduced value
function reduce(promise, reduceFunc /*, initialValue */) {
var args =, 1);
return when(promise, function(array) {
var total;
total = array.length;
// Wrap the supplied reduceFunc with one that handles promises and then
// delegates to the supplied.
args[0] = function (current, val, i) {
return when(current, function (c) {
return when(val, function (value) {
return reduceFunc(c, value, i, total);
return reduceArray.apply(array, args);
* Ensure that resolution of promiseOrValue will trigger resolver with the
* value or reason of promiseOrValue, or instead with resolveValue if it is provided.
* @param promiseOrValue
* @param {Object} resolver
* @param {function} resolver.resolve
* @param {function} resolver.reject
* @param {*} [resolveValue]
* @returns {Promise}
function chain(promiseOrValue, resolver, resolveValue) {
var useResolveValue = arguments.length > 2;
return when(promiseOrValue,
function(val) {
val = useResolveValue ? resolveValue : val;
return val;
function(reason) {
return rejected(reason);
// Utility functions
* Apply all functions in queue to value
* @param {Array} queue array of functions to execute
* @param {*} value argument passed to each function
function processQueue(queue, value) {
var handler, i = 0;
while (handler = queue[i++]) {
* Helper that checks arrayOfCallbacks to ensure that each element is either
* a function, or null or undefined.
* @private
* @param {number} start index at which to start checking items in arrayOfCallbacks
* @param {Array} arrayOfCallbacks array to check
* @throws {Error} if any element of arrayOfCallbacks is something other than
* a functions, null, or undefined.
function checkCallbacks(start, arrayOfCallbacks) {
// TODO: Promises/A+ update type checking and docs
var arg, i = arrayOfCallbacks.length;
while(i > start) {
arg = arrayOfCallbacks[--i];
if (arg != null && typeof arg != 'function') {
throw new Error('arg '+i+' must be a function');
* No-Op function used in method replacement
* @private
function noop() {}
slice = [].slice;
// ES5 reduce implementation if native not available
// See: as there are many
// specifics and edge cases.
reduceArray = [].reduce ||
function(reduceFunc /*, initialValue */) {
/*jshint maxcomplexity: 7*/
// ES5 dictates that reduce.length === 1
// This implementation deviates from ES5 spec in the following ways:
// 1. It does not check if reduceFunc is a Callable
var arr, args, reduced, len, i;
i = 0;
// This generates a jshint warning, despite being valid
// "Missing 'new' prefix when invoking a constructor."
// See
arr = Object(this);
len = arr.length >>> 0;
args = arguments;
// If no initialValue, use first item of array (we know length !== 0 here)
// and adjust i to start at second item
if(args.length <= 1) {
// Skip to the first real element in the array
for(;;) {
if(i in arr) {
reduced = arr[i++];
// If we reached the end of the array without finding any real
// elements, it's a TypeError
if(++i >= len) {
throw new TypeError();
} else {
// If initialValue provided, use it
reduced = args[1];
// Do the actual reduce
for(;i < len; ++i) {
// Skip holes
if(i in arr) {
reduced = reduceFunc(reduced, arr[i], i, arr);
return reduced;
function identity(x) {
return x;
return when;
})(typeof define == 'function' && define.amd
? define
: function (factory) { typeof exports === 'object'
? (module.exports = factory())
: (this.when = factory());
// Boilerplate for AMD, Node, and browser global
define('when', ['when/when'], function (main) { return main; });
* TroopJS event/emitter module
* @license MIT © Mikael Karon
* @preserve
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/event/emitter',[ "compose", "when" ], function EventEmitterModule(Compose, when) {
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
var FUNCTION = Function;
var MEMORY = "memory";
var CONTEXT = "context";
var CALLBACK = "callback";
var LENGTH = "length";
var HEAD = "head";
var TAIL = "tail";
var NEXT = "next";
var HANDLED = "handled";
var HANDLERS = "handlers";
return Compose(
* Creates a new EventEmitter
* @constructor
function EventEmitter() {
this[HANDLERS] = {};
}, {
* Adds a listener for the specified event.
* @param {String} event to subscribe to
* @param {Object} context to scope callbacks to
* @param {...Function} callback for this event
* @throws {Error} if no callbacks are provided
* @returns {Object} instance of this
on : function on(event, context, callback) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var head;
var tail;
var length = args[LENGTH];
var offset = 2;
// Make sure we have at least one callback
if (!(callback instanceof FUNCTION)) {
throw new Error("no callback(s) supplied");
// Have handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Create new handler
handler = {};
// Set handler callback to next arg from offset
handler[CALLBACK] = args[offset++];
// Set handler context
handler[CONTEXT] = context;
// Get tail handler
tail = TAIL in handlers
// Have tail, update handlers[TAIL][NEXT] to point to handler
? handlers[TAIL][NEXT] = handler
// Have no tail, update handlers[HEAD] to point to handler
: handlers[HEAD] = handler;
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> tail[NEXT] -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = handler = {};
// Set handler callback to next arg from offset
handler[CALLBACK] = args[offset++];
// Set handler context
handler[CONTEXT] = context;
// Set tail handler
handlers[TAIL] = tail;
// No handlers
else {
// Create head and tail
head = tail = handler = {};
// Set handler callback to next arg from offset
handler[CALLBACK] = args[offset++];
// Set handler context
handler[CONTEXT] = context;
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> tail[NEXT] -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = handler = {};
// Set handler callback to next arg from offset
handler[CALLBACK] = args[offset++];
// Set handler context
handler[CONTEXT] = context;
// Create event handlers
handlers = handlers[event] = {};
// Initialize event handlers
handlers[HEAD] = head;
handlers[TAIL] = tail;
handlers[HANDLED] = 0;
return self;
* Remove a listener for the specified event.
* @param {String} event to unsubscribe from
* @param {Object} context to scope callbacks to (only applicable if callback is provided)
* @param {...Function} [callback] to unsubscribe, if none are provided all callbacks are unsubscribed
* @returns {Object} instance of this
off : function off(event, context, callback) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var head;
var previous;
var length = args[LENGTH];
var offset = 2;
// Return fast if we don't have subscribers
if (!(event in handlers)) {
return self;
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Return fast if there's no HEAD
if (!(HEAD in handlers)) {
return self;
// Get head
head = handlers[HEAD];
// Loop callbacks
while (offset < length) {
// Store callback
callback = args[offset++];
// Get first handler
handler = previous = head;
// Step through handlers
do {
// Check if this handler should be unlinked
if (handler[CALLBACK] === callback && (context === UNDEFINED || handler[CONTEXT] === context)) {
// Is this the first handler
if (handler === head) {
// Re-link head and previous, then continue
head = previous = handler[NEXT];
// Unlink current handler, then continue
previous[NEXT] = handler[NEXT];
// Update previous pointer
previous = handler;
} while ((handler = handler[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED);
// Update head and tail
if (head && previous) {
handlers[HEAD] = head;
handlers[TAIL] = previous;
else {
delete handlers[HEAD];
delete handlers[TAIL];
return self;
* Reemit event from memory
* @param {String} event to reemit
* @param {Object} context to filter callbacks by
* @param {...Function} [callback] to reemit, if none are provided all callbacks will be reemited
* @returns {Object} instance of this
reemit : function reemit(event, context, callback) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var handled;
var head;
var length = args[LENGTH];
var offset = 2;
// Have event in handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Have memory in handlers
if (MEMORY in handlers) {
// If we have no HEAD we can return a promise resolved with memory
if (!(HEAD in handlers)) {
return when.resolve(handlers[MEMORY]);
// Get first handler
head = handlers[HEAD];
// Compute next handled
handled = handlers[HANDLED] + 1;
// Loop callbacks
while (offset < length) {
// Store callback
callback = args[offset++];
// Get first handler
handler = head;
// Step through handlers
do {
// Check if this handler should be reemited
if (handler[CALLBACK] === callback && (context === UNDEFINED || handler[CONTEXT] === context)) {
// Mark this handler as already handled (to prevent reemit)
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
} while ((handler = handler[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED);
// Return self.emit with memory
return self.emit.apply(self, handlers[MEMORY]);
// Return resolved promise
return when.resolve();
* Execute each of the listeners in order with the supplied arguments
* @param {String} event to emit
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves with results from all listeners
emit : function emit(event) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var handled;
* Internal function for async execution of callbacks
* @private
* @param {Array} [_arg] result from previous callback
* @return {Promise} promise of next execution
function next(_arg) {
// Update arg
args = _arg || args;
// Step forward until we find a unhandled handler
while(handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
// No more handlers, escape!
if (!(handler = handler[NEXT])) {
// Remember arg
handlers[MEMORY] = args;
// Return promise resolved with arg
return when.resolve(args);
// Update handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Return promise of callback execution, chain next
return when(handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], args), next);
// Have event in handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Update handled
handled = ++handlers[HANDLED];
// Have head in handlers
if (HEAD in handlers) {
// Get first handler
handler = handlers[HEAD];
try {
// Return promise
return next(args);
catch (e) {
// Return promise rejected with exception
return when.reject(e);
// No event in handlers
else {
// Create handlers and store with event
handlers[event] = handlers = {};
// Set handled
handlers[HANDLED] = 0;
// Remember arg
handlers[MEMORY] = args;
// Return promise resolved with arg
return when.resolve(args);
* TroopJS base component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/component/base',[ "../event/emitter" ], function ComponentModule(Emitter) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
var COUNT = 0;
var INSTANCE_COUNT = "instanceCount";
var Component = Emitter.extend(function Component() {
}, {
instanceCount : COUNT,
displayName : "core/component"
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Combination displayName and instanceCount
Component.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
return self.displayName + "@" + self[INSTANCE_COUNT];
return Component;
* TroopJS pubsub/hub module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/hub',[ "compose", "../component/base" ], function HubModule(Compose, Component) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
var from = Compose.from;
return Compose.create(Component, {
displayName: "core/pubsub/hub",
subscribe : from(Component, "on"),
unsubscribe : from(Component, "off"),
publish : from(Component, "emit"),
republish : from(Component, "reemit")
* TroopJS gadget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/component/gadget',[ "./base", "when", "../pubsub/hub" ], function GadgetModule(Component, when, hub) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true laxbreak:true */
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var RE_HUB = /^hub(?::(\w+))?\/(.+)/;
var RE_SIG = /^sig(?::(\w+))?\/(.+)/;
var PUBLISH = hub.publish;
var REPUBLISH = hub.republish;
var SUBSCRIBE = hub.subscribe;
var UNSUBSCRIBE = hub.unsubscribe;
var FEATURES = "features";
var SIGNALS = "signals";
var SUBSCRIPTIONS = "subscriptions";
return Component.extend(function Gadget() {
var self = this;
var bases = self.constructor._getBases(true);
var base;
var callbacks;
var callback;
var i = bases.length;
var j;
var jMax;
var signals = self[SIGNALS] = {};
var signal;
var matches;
var key;
// Iterate base chain (backwards)
while((base = bases[--i])) {
add: for (key in base) {
// Get value
callback = base[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(callback instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Continue if we can't match
if ((matches = RE_SIG.exec(key)) === NULL) {
// Get signal
signal = matches[2];
// Have we stored any callbacks for this signal?
if (signal in signals) {
// Get callbacks (for this signal)
callbacks = signals[signal];
// Reset counters
j = jMax = callbacks.length;
// Loop callbacks, continue add if we've already added this callback
while (j--) {
if (callback === callbacks[j]) {
continue add;
// Add callback to callbacks chain
callbacks[jMax] = callback;
else {
// First callback
signals[signal] = [callback];
}, {
displayName : "core/component/gadget",
* Signal handler for 'initialize'
"sig/initialize" : function initialize() {
var self = this;
var subscription;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS] = [];
var key;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in gadget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Continue if we can't match
if ((matches = RE_HUB.exec(key)) === NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Subscribe, topic, self, value);
// Create and store subscription
subscriptions[subscriptions.length] = subscription = [topic, self, value];
// Store features
subscription[FEATURES] = matches[1];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
"sig/start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS];
var subscription;
var i = subscriptions.length;
var results = [];
while ((subscription = subscriptions[--i]) !== UNDEFINED) {
if (subscription[FEATURES] !== "memory") {
results.push(, subscription[0], subscription[1], subscription[2]));
return, function (o) { return o; });
* Signal handler for 'finalize'
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS];
var subscription;
// Loop over subscriptions
while ((subscription = subscriptions.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {, subscription[0], subscription[1], subscription[2]);
* Signals the component
* @param signal {String} Signal
* @return {*}
"signal" : function onSignal(signal) {
var self = this;
var args =;
var callbacks = self[SIGNALS][signal];
var length = callbacks
? callbacks.length
: 0;
var index = 0;
function next(_args) {
// Update args
args = _args || args;
// Return a chained promise of next callback, or a promise resolved with args
return length > index
? when(callbacks[index++].apply(self, args), next)
: when.resolve(args);
try {
// Return promise
return next();
catch (e) {
// Return rejected promise
return when.reject(e);
* Calls hub.publish in self context
"publish" : function publish() {
return PUBLISH.apply(hub, arguments);
* Calls hub.subscribe in self context
"subscribe" : function subscribe() {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
// Add self as context, 1, 0, self);
// Subscribe
SUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, args);
return self;
* Calls hub.unsubscribe in self context
"unsubscribe" : function unsubscribe() {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
// Add self as context, 1, 0, self);
// Unsubscribe
UNSUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, args);
return self;
* Start the component
* @return {*}
"start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var _signal = self.signal;
var args = arguments;
// Add signal to arguments, "initialize");
return _signal.apply(self, args).then(function () {
// Modify args to change signal
args[0] = "start";
return _signal.apply(self, args);
* Stops the component
* @return {*}
"stop" : function stop() {
var self = this;
var _signal = self.signal;
var args = arguments;
// Add signal to arguments, "stop");
return _signal.apply(self, args).then(function () {
// Modify args to change signal
args[0] = "finalize";
return _signal.apply(self, args);
* TroopJS service component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/component/service',[ "./gadget" ], function ServiceModule(Gadget) {
/*jshint strict:false */
return Gadget.extend({
"displayName" : "core/component/service"
* TroopJS Data query component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2013, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-data/query/component', [ "troopjs-core/component/base" ], function QueryModule(Component) {
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
var TRUE = true;
var FALSE = false;
var OBJECT = Object;
var ARRAY = Array;
var CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor";
var LENGTH = "length";
var OP = "op";
var OP_ID = "!";
var OP_PROPERTY = ".";
var OP_PATH = ",";
var OP_QUERY = "|";
var TEXT = "text";
var RAW = "raw";
var RESOLVED = "resolved";
var _ID = "id";
var _EXPIRES = "expires";
var _COLLAPSED = "collapsed";
var _AST = "_ast";
var _QUERY = "_query";
var RE_TEXT = /("|')(.*?)\1/;
var TO_RAW = "$2";
var RE_RAW = /!(.*[!,|.\s]+.*)/;
var TO_TEXT = "!'$1'";
return Component.extend(function Query(query) {
var self = this;
if (query !== UNDEFINED) {
self[_QUERY] = query;
}, {
"displayName" : "data/query/component",
"parse" : function parse(query) {
var self = this;
// Reset _AST
delete self[_AST];
// Set _QUERY
query = self[_QUERY] = (query || self[_QUERY] || "");
var i; // Index
var l; // Length
var c; // Current character
var m; // Current mark
var q; // Current quote
var o; // Current operation
var ast = []; // _AST
// Step through the query
for (i = m = 0, l = query[LENGTH]; i < l; i++) {
c = query.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case "\"" : // Double quote
case "'" : // Single quote
// Set / unset quote char
q = q === c
: c;
case OP_ID :
// Break fast if we're quoted
if (q !== UNDEFINED) {
// Init new op
o = {};
o[OP] = c;
case OP_PATH :
// Break fast if we're quoted
if (q !== UNDEFINED) {
// If there's an active op, store TEXT and push on _AST
if (o !== UNDEFINED) {
o[RAW] = (o[TEXT] = query.substring(m, i)).replace(RE_TEXT, TO_RAW);
// Init new op
o = {};
o[OP] = c;
// Set mark
m = i + 1;
case OP_QUERY :
case " " : // Space
case "\t" : // Horizontal tab
case "\r" : // Carriage return
case "\n" : // Newline
// Break fast if we're quoted
if (q !== UNDEFINED) {
// If there's an active op, store TEXT and push on _AST
if (o !== UNDEFINED) {
o[RAW] = (o[TEXT] = query.substring(m, i)).replace(RE_TEXT, TO_RAW);
// Reset op
// Set mark
m = i + 1;
// If there's an active op, store TEXT and push on _AST
if (o !== UNDEFINED) {
o[RAW] = (o[TEXT] = query.substring(m, l)).replace(RE_TEXT, TO_RAW);
// Set _AST
self[_AST] = ast;
return self;
"reduce" : function reduce(cache) {
var self = this;
var now = 0 | new Date().getTime() / 1000;
// If we're not parsed - parse
if (!(_AST in self)) {
var ast = self[_AST]; // _AST
var result = []; // Result
var i; // Index
var j;
var c;
var l; // Length
var o; // Current operation
var x; // Current raw
var r; // Current root
var n; // Current node
var k = FALSE; // Keep flag
// First step is to resolve what we can from the _AST
for (i = 0, l = ast[LENGTH]; i < l; i++) {
o = ast[i];
switch (o[OP]) {
case OP_ID :
// Set root
r = o;
// Get e from o
x = o[RAW];
// Do we have this item in cache
if (x in cache) {
// Set current node
n = cache[x];
// Set RESOLVED if we're not collapsed or expired
o[RESOLVED] = n[_COLLAPSED] !== TRUE && !(_EXPIRES in n) || n[_EXPIRES] > now;
else {
// Reset current root and node
// Get e from o
x = o[RAW];
// Do we have a node and this item in the node
if (n && x in n) {
// Set current node
n = n[x];
// Get constructor
// If the constructor is an array
if (c === ARRAY) {
// Set naive resolved
// Iterate backwards over n
for (j = n[LENGTH]; j-- > 0;) {
// Get item
c = n[j];
// If the constructor is not an object
// or the object does not duck-type _ID
// or the object is not collapsed
// and the object does not duck-type _EXPIRES
// or the objects is not expired
|| !(_ID in c)
&& !(_EXPIRES in c)
|| c[_EXPIRES] > now) {
// Change RESOLVED
// If the constructor is _not_ an object or n does not duck-type _ID
else if (c !== OBJECT || !(_ID in n)) {
// We know c _is_ and object and n _does_ duck-type _ID
else {
// Change OP to OP_ID
o[OP] = OP_ID;
// Update RAW to _ID and TEXT to escaped version of RAW
o[TEXT] = (o[RAW] = n[_ID]).replace(RE_RAW, TO_TEXT);
// Set RESOLVED if we're not collapsed or expired
o[RESOLVED] = n[_COLLAPSED] !== TRUE && !(_EXPIRES in n) || n[_EXPIRES] > now;
else {
// Reset current node and RESOLVED
case OP_PATH :
// Get e from r
x = r[RAW];
// Set current node
n = cache[x];
// Change OP to OP_ID
o[OP] = OP_ID;
// Copy properties from r
o[TEXT] = r[TEXT];
o[RAW] = x;
// After that we want to reduce 'dead' operations from the _AST
while (l-- > 0) {
o = ast[l];
switch(o[OP]) {
case OP_ID :
// If the keep flag is set, or the op is not RESOLVED
if (k || o[RESOLVED] !== TRUE) {
// Reset keep flag
k = FALSE;
// Set keep flag
k = TRUE;
// Update _AST
self[_AST] = result;
return self;
"ast" : function ast() {
var self = this;
// If we're not parsed - parse
if (!(_AST in self)) {
return self[_AST];
"rewrite" : function rewrite() {
var self = this;
// If we're not parsed - parse
if (!(_AST in self)) {
var ast = self[_AST]; // AST
var result = ""; // Result
var l; // Current length
var i; // Current index
var o; // Current operation
// Step through AST
for (i = 0, l = ast[LENGTH]; i < l; i++) {
o = ast[i];
switch(o[OP]) {
case OP_ID :
// If this is the first OP_ID, there's no need to add OP_QUERY
result += i === 0
? o[TEXT]
result += OP_PROPERTY + o[TEXT];
return result;
* TroopJS pubsub/topic module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/topic',[ "../component/base", "troopjs-utils/unique" ], function TopicModule(Component, unique) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
var TOSTRING = Object.prototype.toString;
function comparator (a, b) {
return a.publisherInstanceCount === b.publisherInstanceCount;
var Topic = Component.extend(function Topic(topic, publisher, parent) {
var self = this;
self.topic = topic;
self.publisher = publisher;
self.parent = parent;
self.publisherInstanceCount = publisher.instanceCount;
}, {
displayName : "core/pubsub/topic",
* Traces topic origin to root
* @returns String representation of all topics traced down to root
trace : function trace() {
var current = this;
var constructor = current.constructor;
var parent;
var item;
var stack = "";
var i;
var u;
var iMax;
while (current) {
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
u =, comparator);
for (i = 0, iMax = u.length; i < iMax; i++) {
item = u[i];
u[i] = item.constructor === constructor
? item.trace()
: item.topic;
stack += u.join(",");
parent = current.parent;
stack += parent
? current.publisher + ":"
: current.publisher;
current = parent;
return stack;
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Instance topic
Topic.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.topic;
return Topic;
* TroopJS Data query service
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2013, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-data/query/service',[ "module", "troopjs-core/component/service", "./component", "troopjs-core/pubsub/topic", "when", "troopjs-utils/merge" ], function QueryServiceModule(module, Service, Query, Topic, when, merge) {
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var SLICE = ARRAY_PROTO.slice;
var CONCAT = ARRAY_PROTO.concat;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var LENGTH = "length";
var BATCHES = "batches";
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var CACHE = "cache";
var TOPIC = "topic";
var QUERIES = "queries";
var RESOLVED = "resolved";
var RAW = "raw";
var ID = "id";
var Q = "q";
var CONFIG = module.config();
var QueryService = Service.extend(function (cache) {
var self = this;
self[BATCHES] = [];
self[CACHE] = cache;
}, {
"displayName" : "data/query/service",
"sig/start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var cache = self[CACHE];
// Set interval (if we don't have one)
self[INTERVAL] = INTERVAL in self
? self[INTERVAL]
: setInterval(function scan() {
var batches = self[BATCHES];
// Return fast if there is nothing to do
if (batches[LENGTH] === 0) {
// Reset batches
self[BATCHES] = [];
function request() {
var q = [];
var topics = [];
var batch;
var i;
// Iterate batches
for (i = batches[LENGTH]; i--;) {
batch = batches[i];
// Add batch[TOPIC] to topics, batch[TOPIC]);
// Add batch[Q] to q
PUSH.apply(q, batch[Q]);
// Publish ajax
return self.publish(Topic("ajax", self, topics),{
"data": {
"q": q.join("|")
}, CONFIG));
function done(data) {
var batch;
var queries;
var id;
var i;
var j;
// Add all new data to cache
// Iterate batches
for (i = batches[LENGTH]; i--;) {
batch = batches[i];
queries = batch[QUERIES];
id = batch[ID];
// Iterate queries
for (j = queries[LENGTH]; j--;) {
// If we have a corresponding ID, fetch from cache
if (j in id) {
queries[j] = cache[id[j]];
// Resolve batch
function fail() {
var batch;
var i;
// Iterate batches
for (i = batches[LENGTH]; i--;) {
batch = batches[i];
// Reject (with original queries as argument)
// Request and handle response
return request().then(done, fail);
}, 200);
"sig/stop" : function stop() {
var self = this;
// Only do this if we have an interval
if (INTERVAL in self) {
// Clear interval
// Reset interval
delete self[INTERVAL];
"hub/query" : function hubQuery(topic /* query, query, query, .., */) {
var self = this;
var batches = self[BATCHES];
var cache = self[CACHE];
var q = [];
var id = [];
var ast;
var i;
var j;
var iMax;
var queries;
var query;
// Create deferred batch
var batch = when.defer();
try {
// Slice and flatten queries
queries = CONCAT.apply(ARRAY_PROTO,, 1));
// Iterate queries
for (i = 0, iMax = queries[LENGTH]; i < iMax; i++) {
// Init Query
query = Query(queries[i]);
// Get AST
ast = query.ast();
// If we have an ID
if (ast[LENGTH] > 0) {
// Store raw ID
id[i] = ast[0][RAW];
// Get reduced AST
ast = query.reduce(cache).ast();
// Step backwards through AST
for (j = ast[LENGTH]; j-- > 0;) {
// If this op is not resolved
if (!ast[j][RESOLVED]) {
// Add rewritten (and reduced) query to q, query.rewrite());
// If all queries were fully reduced, we can quick resolve
if (q[LENGTH] === 0) {
// Iterate queries
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
// If we have a corresponding ID, fetch from cache
if (i in id) {
queries[i] = cache[id[i]];
// Resolve batch
else {
// Store properties on batch
batch[TOPIC] = topic;
batch[QUERIES] = queries;
batch[ID] = id;
batch[Q] = q;
// Add batch to batches
catch (e) {
// Return promise
return batch.promise;
QueryService.config = function config(_config) {
return, _config);
return QueryService;
* TroopJS Data cache component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2013, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-data/cache/component', [ "troopjs-core/component/gadget" ], function CacheModule(Gadget) {
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
var FALSE = false;
var NULL = null;
var OBJECT = Object;
var ARRAY = Array;
var SECOND = 1000;
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var GENERATIONS = "generations";
var AGE = "age";
var HEAD = "head";
var NEXT = "next";
var EXPIRES = "expires";
var CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor";
var LENGTH = "length";
var _ID = "id";
var _MAXAGE = "maxAge";
var _EXPIRES = "expires";
var _INDEXED = "indexed";
var _COLLAPSED = "collapsed";
* Internal method to put a node in the cache
* @param node Node
* @param constructor Constructor of value
* @param now Current time (seconds)
* @returns Cached node
function _put(node, constructor, now) {
var self = this;
var result;
var id;
var i;
var iMax;
var expires;
var expired;
var head;
var current;
var next;
var generation;
var generations = self[GENERATIONS];
var property;
var value;
// First add node to cache (or get the already cached instance)
cache : {
// Can't cache if there is no _ID
if (!(_ID in node)) {
result = node; // Reuse ref to node (avoids object creation)
break cache;
// Get _ID
id = node[_ID];
// In cache, get it!
if (id in self) {
result = self[id];
break cache;
// Not in cache, add it!
result = self[id] = node; // Reuse ref to node (avoids object creation)
// Update _INDEXED
result[_INDEXED] = now;
// We have to deep traverse the graph before we do any expiration (as more data for this object can be available)
// Check that this is an ARRAY
if (constructor === ARRAY) {
// Index all values
for (i = 0, iMax = node[LENGTH]; i < iMax; i++) {
// Keep value
value = node[i];
// Get constructor of value (safely, falling back to UNDEFINED)
constructor = value === NULL || value === UNDEFINED
// Do magic comparison to see if we recursively put this in the cache, or plain put
result[i] = (constructor === OBJECT || constructor === ARRAY && value[LENGTH] !== 0)
?, value, constructor, now)
: value;
// Check that this is an OBJECT
else if (constructor === OBJECT) {
// Index all properties
for (property in node) {
// Except the _ID property
// or the _COLLAPSED property, if it's false
if (property === _ID
|| (property === _COLLAPSED && result[_COLLAPSED] === FALSE)) {
// Keep value
value = node[property];
// Get constructor of value (safely, falling back to UNDEFINED)
constructor = value === NULL || value === UNDEFINED
// Do magic comparison to see if we recursively put this in the cache, or plain put
result[property] = (constructor === OBJECT || constructor === ARRAY && value[LENGTH] !== 0)
?, value, constructor, now)
: value;
// Check if we need to move result between generations
move : {
// Break fast if id is NULL
if (id === NULL) {
break move;
// Calculate expiration and floor
// '>>>' means convert anything other than posiitive integer into 0
expires = 0 | now + (result[_MAXAGE] >>> 0);
remove : {
// Fail fast if there is no old expiration
if (!(_EXPIRES in result)) {
break remove;
// Get current expiration
expired = result[_EXPIRES];
// If expiration has not changed, we can continue
if (expired === expires) {
break move;
// Remove ref from generation (if that generation exists)
if (expired in generations) {
delete generations[expired][id];
add : {
// Update expiration time
result[_EXPIRES] = expires;
// Existing generation
if (expires in generations) {
// Add result to generation
generations[expires][id] = result;
break add;
// Create generation with expiration set
(generation = generations[expires] = {})[EXPIRES] = expires;
// Add result to generation
generation[id] = result;
// Short circuit if there is no head
if (generations[HEAD] === UNDEFINED) {
generations[HEAD] = generation;
break add;
// Step through list as long as there is a next, and expiration is "older" than the next expiration
for (current = head = generations[HEAD]; (next = current[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED && next[EXPIRES] < expires; current = next);
// Check if we're still on the head and if we're younger
if (current === head && current[EXPIRES] > expires) {
// Next generation is the current one (head)
generation[NEXT] = current;
// Reset head to new generation
generations[HEAD] = generation;
break add;
// Insert new generation between current and
generation[NEXT] = current[NEXT];
current[NEXT] = generation;
return result;
return Gadget.extend(function (age) {
var me = this;
me[AGE] = age || (60 * SECOND);
}, {
"displayName" : "data/cache/component",
"sig/start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var generations = self[GENERATIONS];
// Create new sweep interval
self[INTERVAL] = INTERVAL in self
? self[INTERVAL]
: setInterval(function sweep() {
// Calculate expiration of this generation
var expires = 0 | new Date().getTime() / SECOND;
var property;
var current;
// Get head
current = generations[HEAD];
// Fail fast if there's no head
if (current === UNDEFINED) {
do {
// Exit if this generation is to young
if (current[EXPIRES] > expires) {
// Iterate all properties on current
for (property in current) {
// And is it not a reserved property
if (property === EXPIRES || property === NEXT || property === GENERATIONS) {
// Delete from self (cache)
delete self[property];
// Delete generation
delete generations[current[EXPIRES]];
// While there's a next
while ((current = current[NEXT]));
// Reset head
generations[HEAD] = current;
}, self[AGE]);
"sig/stop" : function stop() {
var self = this;
// Only do this if we have an interval
if (INTERVAL in self) {
// Clear interval
// Reset interval
delete self[INTERVAL];
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
var self = this;
var property;
// Iterate all properties on self
for (property in self) {
// Don't delete non-objects or objects that don't ducktype cachable
if (self[property][CONSTRUCTOR] !== OBJECT || !(_ID in self[property])) {
// Delete from self (cache)
delete self[property];
* Puts a node into the cache
* @param node Node to add (object || array)
* @returns Cached node (if it existed in the cache before), otherwise the node sent in
"put" : function put(node) {
var self = this;
// Get constructor of node (safely, falling back to UNDEFINED)
var constructor = node === NULL || node === UNDEFINED
// Do magic comparison to see if we should cache this object
return constructor === OBJECT || constructor === ARRAY && node[LENGTH] !== 0
?, node, constructor, 0 | new Date().getTime() / SECOND)
: node;
* TroopJS ajax/service module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/ajax/service',[ "troopjs-core/component/service", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/merge" ], function AjaxModule(Service, $, merge) {
/*jshint strict:false */
var TRACE = "trace";
return Service.extend({
displayName : "browser/ajax/service",
"hub/ajax" : function ajax(topic, settings) {
// Request
return $.ajax({
"headers": {
"x-request-id": new Date().getTime(),
"x-components": topic[TRACE] instanceof Function ? topic[TRACE]() : topic
}, settings));
* TroopJS widget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/component/widget',[ "troopjs-core/component/gadget", "jquery", "when", "troopjs-jquery/weave", "troopjs-jquery/action" ], function WidgetModule(Gadget, $, when) {
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false */
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var SHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.shift;
var UNSHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.unshift;
var $TRIGGER = $.fn.trigger;
var $ONE = $;
var $BIND = $.fn.bind;
var $UNBIND = $.fn.unbind;
var RE = /^dom(?::(\w+))?\/([^\.]+(?:\.(.+))?)/;
var REFRESH = "widget/refresh";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var $PROXIES = "$proxies";
var ONE = "one";
var FEATURES = "features";
var ATTR_WEAVE = "[data-weave]";
var ATTR_WOVEN = "[data-woven]";
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'handlerProxy' with the 'topic', 'widget' and handler parameters set
* @param topic event topic
* @param widget target widget
* @param handler target handler
* @returns {Function} proxied handler
function eventProxy(topic, widget, handler) {
* Creates a proxy of the outer method 'handler' that first adds 'topic' to the arguments passed
* @returns result of proxied hanlder invocation
return function handlerProxy() {
// Add topic to front of arguments, topic);
// Apply with shifted arguments to handler
return handler.apply(widget, arguments);
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'render' with the '$fn' parameter set
* @param $fn jQuery method
* @returns {Function} proxied render
function renderProxy($fn) {
* Renders contents into element
* @param contents (Function | String) Template/String to render
* @param data (Object) If contents is a template - template data (optional)
* @returns self
function render(/* contents, data, ... */) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
// Shift contents from first argument
var contents =;
// Call render with contents (or result of contents if it's a function)
$[$ELEMENT], contents instanceof FUNCTION ? contents.apply(self, arg) : contents);
return self.weave().then(function resolve(widgets) {
self.trigger(REFRESH, widgets);
return widgets;
return render;
return Gadget.extend(function Widget($element, displayName) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
if (displayName) {
self.displayName = displayName;
}, {
"displayName" : "browser/component/widget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize() {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES] = [];
var $proxy;
var key;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in widget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Replace value with a scoped proxy
value = eventProxy(topic, self, value);
// Either ONE or BIND element
(matches[2] === ONE ? $ONE : $BIND).call($element, topic, self, value);
// Create and store $proxy
$proxies[$proxies.length] = $proxy = [topic, value];
// Store features
$proxy[FEATURES] = matches[1];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES];
var $proxy;
// Loop over subscriptions
while (($proxy = $proxies.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
$element.unbind($proxy[0], $proxy[1]);
delete self[$ELEMENT];
* Weaves all children of $element
* @returns self
"weave" : function weave() {
return this[$ELEMENT].find(ATTR_WEAVE).weave();
* Unweaves all children of $element _and_ self
* @returns self
"unweave" : function unweave() {
return this[$ELEMENT].find(ATTR_WOVEN).addBack().unweave();
* Binds event from $element, exactly once
* @returns self
"one" : function one() {
var self = this;
$ONE.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Binds event to $element
* @returns self
"bind" : function bind() {
var self = this;
$BIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Unbinds event from $element
* @returns self
"unbind" : function unbind() {
var self = this;
$UNBIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Triggers event on $element
* @returns self
"trigger" : function trigger() {
var self = this;
$TRIGGER.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Renders content and inserts it before $element
"before" : renderProxy($.fn.before),
* Renders content and inserts it after $element
"after" : renderProxy($.fn.after),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
"html" : renderProxy($.fn.html),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
"text" : renderProxy($.fn.text),
* Renders content and appends it to $element
"append" : renderProxy($.fn.append),
* Renders content and prepends it to $element
"prepend" : renderProxy($.fn.prepend),
* Empties widget
* @returns self
"empty" : function empty() {
var self = this;
// Create deferred
var deferred = when.defer();
// Get element
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
// Detach contents
var $contents = $element.contents().detach();
// Trigger refresh
self.trigger(REFRESH, self);
// Use timeout in order to yield
setTimeout(function emptyTimeout() {
// Get DOM elements
var contents = $contents.get();
// Remove elements from DOM
// Resolve deferred
}, 0);
return deferred.promise;
* TroopJS dimensions/widget module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/dimensions/widget',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-jquery/dimensions", "troopjs-jquery/resize" ], function DimensionsModule(Widget) {
/*jshint strict:false */
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
function onDimensions($event, w, h) {
var self = $;
self.publish(self.displayName, w, h, $event);
return Widget.extend(function DimensionsWidget($element, displayName, dimensions) {
this[DIMENSIONS] = dimensions;
}, {
"displayName" : "browser/dimensions/widget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal) {
var self = this;
self.bind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], self, onDimensions);
"sig/start" : function start() {
this.trigger("resize." + DIMENSIONS);
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
var self = this;
self.unbind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], onDimensions);
* TroopJS store/base module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/store/base',[ "compose", "troopjs-core/component/gadget", "when" ], function StoreModule(Compose, Gadget, when) {
/*jshint strict:false */
var STORAGE = "storage";
return Gadget.extend({
storage : Compose.required,
set : function set(key, value) {
// JSON encoded 'value' then store as 'key'
return when(this[STORAGE].setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)));
get : function get(key) {
// Get value from 'key', parse JSON
return when(JSON.parse(this[STORAGE].getItem(key)));
remove : function remove(key) {
// Remove key
return when(this[STORAGE].removeItem(key));
clear : function clear() {
// Clear
return when(this[STORAGE].clear());
* TroopJS store/session module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/store/session',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreSessionModule(Compose, Store) {
/*jshint strict:false */
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "browser/store/session",
storage: window.sessionStorage
* TroopJS store/local module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/store/local',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreLocalModule(Compose, Store) {
/*jshint strict:false */
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "browser/store/local",
storage : window.localStorage
* TroopJS route/widget module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/route/widget',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/uri", "troopjs-jquery/hashchange" ], function RouteWidgetModule(Widget, URI) {
/*jshint strict:false */
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var ROUTE = "route";
var RE = /^#/;
function onHashChange($event) {
var self = $;
// Create URI
var uri = URI($, ""));
// Convert to string
var route = uri.toString();
// Did anything change?
if (route !== self[ROUTE]) {
// Store new value
self[ROUTE] = route;
// Publish route
self.publish(self.displayName, uri, $event);
return Widget.extend({
"sig/initialize" : function initialize() {
var self = this;
self.bind(HASHCHANGE, self, onHashChange);
"sig/start" : function start() {
"sig/finalize" : function finalize() {
this.unbind(HASHCHANGE, onHashChange);
* TroopJS widget/application component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*global define:false */
define('troopjs-browser/application/widget',[ "module", "../component/widget", "when" ], function ApplicationWidgetModule(module, Widget, when) {
/*jshint strict:false, laxbreak:true */
var CHILDREN = "children";
var ARRAY_SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
function forward(signal) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var children = self[CHILDREN];
var length = children ? children.length : 0;
var index = 0;
function next(_args) {
args = _args || args;
return length > index
? when(children[index++].signal(signal), next)
: when.resolve(args);
return next();
return Widget.extend(function ApplicationWidget($element, name, children) {
this[CHILDREN] = children;
}, {
displayName : "browser/application/widget",
"sig/initialize" : forward,
"sig/start" : function start() {
var self = this;
var _weave = self.weave;
var args = arguments;
return forward.apply(self, args).then(function started() {
return _weave.apply(self,, 1));
"sig/stop" : function stop() {
var self = this;
var _unweave = self.unweave;
var args = arguments;
return _unweave.apply(self,, 1)).then(function stopped() {
return forward.apply(self, args);
"sig/finalize" : forward
* TroopJS Bundle - 1.0.7-0-gf886cba
* Copyright (c) 2012 Mikael Karon <>
* Licensed MIT
* TroopJS RequireJS template plug-in
* parts of code from require-cs 0.4.0+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-requirejs/template',[],function TemplateModule() {
"node" : function () {
// Using special require.nodeRequire, something added by r.js.
var fs = require.nodeRequire("fs");
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
callback(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));
"browser" : function () {
// Would love to dump the ActiveX crap in here. Need IE 6 to die first.
var progIds = [ "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"];
var progId;
var XHR;
var i;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
XHR = XMLHttpRequest;
else {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
progId = progIds[i];
try {
new ActiveXObject(progId);
XHR = function(){
return new ActiveXObject(progId);
catch (e) {
if (!XHR){
throw new Error("XHR: XMLHttpRequest not available");
return function fetchText(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XHR();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) {
// Do not explicitly handle errors, those should be
// visible via console output in the browser.
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
"rhino" : function () {
var encoding = "utf-8";
var lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");
// Why Java, why is this so awkward?
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
var file = new;
var input = new, encoding));
var stringBuffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
var line;
var content = "";
try {
line = input.readLine();
// Byte Order Mark (BOM) - The Unicode Standard, version 3.0, page 324
// Note that when we use utf-8, the BOM should appear as "EF BB BF", but it doesn't due to this bug in the JDK:
if (line && line.length() && line.charAt(0) === 0xfeff) {
// Eat the BOM, since we've already found the encoding on this file,
// and we plan to concatenating this buffer with others; the BOM should
// only appear at the top of a file.
line = line.substring(1);
while ((line = input.readLine()) !== null) {
// Make sure we return a JavaScript string and not a Java string.
content = String(stringBuffer.toString()); // String
} finally {
"borked" : function () {
return function fetchText() {
throw new Error("Environment unsupported.");
var RE_SANITIZE = /^[\n\t\r]+|[\n\t\r]+$/g;
var RE_BLOCK = /<%(=)?([\S\s]*?)%>/g;
var RE_TOKENS = /<%(\d+)%>/gm;
var RE_REPLACE = /(["\n\t\r])/gm;
var RE_CLEAN = /o \+= "";| \+ ""/gm;
var EMPTY = "";
var REPLACE = {
"\"" : "\\\"",
"\n" : "\\n",
"\t" : "\\t",
"\r" : "\\r"
* Compiles template
* @param body Template body
* @returns {Function}
function compile(body) {
var blocks = [];
var length = 0;
function blocksTokens(original, prefix, block) {
blocks[length] = prefix
? "\" +" + block + "+ \""
: "\";" + block + "o += \"";
return "<%" + String(length++) + "%>";
function tokensBlocks(original, token) {
return blocks[token];
function replace(original, token) {
return REPLACE[token] || token;
return ("function template(data) { var o = \""
// Sanitize body before we start templating
+ body.replace(RE_SANITIZE, "")
// Replace script blocks with tokens
.replace(RE_BLOCK, blocksTokens)
// Replace unwanted tokens
.replace(RE_REPLACE, replace)
// Replace tokens with script blocks
.replace(RE_TOKENS, tokensBlocks)
+ "\"; return o; }")
// Clean
.replace(RE_CLEAN, EMPTY);
var buildMap = {};
var fetchText = FACTORIES[ typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && !!process.versions.node
? "node"
: (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.navigator && window.document) || typeof importScripts !== "undefined"
? "browser"
: typeof Packages !== "undefined"
? "rhino"
: "borked" ]();
return {
load: function (name, parentRequire, load, config) {
var path = parentRequire.toUrl(name);
fetchText(path, function (text) {
try {
text = "define(function() { return " + compile(text, name, path, config.template) + "; })";
catch (err) {
err.message = "In " + path + ", " + err.message;
if (config.isBuild) {
buildMap[name] = text;
// IE with conditional comments on cannot handle the
// sourceURL trick, so skip it if enabled
/*@if (@_jscript) @else @*/
else {
text += "\n//@ sourceURL='" + path +"'";
load.fromText(name, text);
// Give result to load. Need to wait until the module
// is fully parse, which will happen after this
// execution.
parentRequire([name], function (value) {
write: function (pluginName, name, write) {
if (buildMap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
write.asModule(pluginName + "!" + name, buildMap[name]);
* TroopJS jQuery hashchange plug-in
* Normalized hashchange event, ripped a _lot_ of code from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, evil:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/hashchange',[ "jquery" ], function HashchangeModule($) {
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var RE_HASH = /#(.*)$/;
var RE_LOCAL = /\?/;
// hack based on this:
var _isIE = /**@preserve@cc_on !@*/0;
function getHash(window) {
// parsed full URL instead of getting location.hash because Firefox
// decode hash value (and all the other browsers don't)
// also because of IE8 bug with hash query in local file
var result = RE_HASH.exec(window.location.href);
return result && result[1]
? decodeURIComponent(result[1])
: "";
function Frame(document) {
var self = this;
var element;
self.element = element = document.createElement("iframe");
element.src = "about:blank"; = "none";
Frame.prototype = {
getElement : function () {
return this.element;
getHash : function () {
return this.element.contentWindow.frameHash;
update : function (hash) {
var self = this;
var document = self.element.contentWindow.document;
// Quick return if hash has not changed
if (self.getHash() === hash) {
// update iframe content to force new history record.
// based on Really Simple History, SWFAddress and YUI.history.;
document.write("<html><head><title>' + document.title + '</title><script type='text/javascript'>var frameHash='" + hash + "';</script></head><body>&nbsp;</body></html>");
$.event.special[HASHCHANGE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
// FF3.6+, IE8+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
// Make sure we're always a window
if (!$.isWindow(window)) {
throw new Error("Unable to bind 'hashchange' to a non-window object");
var $window = $(window);
var hash = getHash(window);
var location = window.location;
$, window.setInterval(_isIE
? (function hashChangeIntervalWrapper() {
var document = window.document;
var _isLocal = location.protocol === "file:";
var frame = new Frame(document);
return function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
var frameHash = frame.getHash();
// Detect changes made pressing browser history buttons.
// Workaround since history.back() and history.forward() doesn't
// update hash value on IE6/7 but updates content of the iframe.
if (frameHash !== hash && frameHash !== windowHash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(frameHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
// Sync location.hash with frameHash
location.hash = "#" + encodeURI(_isLocal
? frameHash.replace(RE_LOCAL, "%3F")
: frameHash);
// detect if hash changed (manually or using setHash)
else if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
: function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
}, 25));
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function hashChangeTeardown(namespaces) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
window.clearInterval($.data(window, INTERVAL));
* TroopJS Utils getargs module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/getargs',[],function GetArgsModule() {
var PUSH = Array.prototype.push;
var SUBSTRING = String.prototype.substring;
var RE_BOOLEAN = /^(?:false|true)$/i;
var RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE = /^true$/i;
var RE_DIGIT = /^\d+$/;
return function getargs() {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var length;
var from;
var to;
var i;
var c;
var a;
var q = false;
// Iterate over string
for (from = to = i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) {
// Get char
c = self.charAt(i);
switch(c) {
case "\"" :
case "'" :
// If we are currently quoted...
if (q === c) {
// Stop quote
q = false;
// Store result (no need to convert, we know this is a string),, from, to));
// Otherwise
else {
// Start quote
q = c;
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case "," :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case " " :
case "\t" :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// Update from/to
if (from === to) {
from = to = i + 1;
default :
// Update to
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery action plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/action',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs" ], function ActionModule($, getargs) {
var FALSE = false;
var NULL = null;
var SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
var ACTION = "action";
var ORIGINALEVENT = "originalEvent";
var RE_ACTION = /^([\w\d\s_\-\/]+)(?:\.([\w\.]+))?(?:\((.*)\))?$/;
var RE_DOT = /\.+/;
* Namespace iterator
* @param namespace (string) namespace
* @param index (number) index
function namespaceIterator(namespace, index) {
return namespace ? namespace + "." + ACTION : NULL;
* Action handler
* @param $event (jQuery.Event) event
function onAction($event) {
// Set $target
var $target = $(this);
// Get argv
var argv =, 1);
// Extract type
var type = ORIGINALEVENT in $event
? $event[ORIGINALEVENT].type
// Extract name
var name = $event[ACTION];
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// No handler, try without namespace, but exclusive
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "!";
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// Still no handler, try generic action with namespace
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
* Internal handler
* @param $event jQuery event
function handler($event) {
// Get closest element that has an action defined
var $target = $($"[data-action]");
// Fail fast if there is no action available
if ($target.length === 0) {
// Extract all data in one go
var $data = $;
// Extract matches from 'data-action'
var matches = RE_ACTION.exec($data[ACTION]);
// Return fast if action parameter was f*cked (no matches)
if (matches === NULL) {
// Extract action name
var name = matches[1];
// Extract action namespaces
var namespaces = matches[2];
// Extract action args
var args = matches[3];
// If there are action namespaces, make sure we're only triggering action on applicable types
if (namespaces !== UNDEFINED && !RegExp(namespaces.split(RE_DOT).join("|")).test($event.type)) {
// Split args by separator (if there were args)
var argv = args !== UNDEFINED
: [];
// Iterate argv to determine arg type
$.each(argv, function argsIterator(i, value) {
if (value in $data) {
argv[i] = $data[value];
// Trigger exclusive ACTION event
.trigger($.Event($event, {
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
}), argv);
// Since we've translated the event, stop propagation
$.event.special[ACTION] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onActionSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
$(this).bind(ACTION, data, onAction);
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onActionAdd(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).bind(events.join(" "), handler);
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onActionRemove(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).unbind(events.join(" "), handler);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onActionTeardown(namespaces) {
$(this).unbind(ACTION, onAction);
$.fn[ACTION] = function action(name) {
return $(this).trigger({
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
},, 1));
* TroopJS jQuery weave plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/weave',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs", "require" ], function WeaveModule($, getargs, parentRequire) {
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY = Array;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = ARRAY.prototype;
var JOIN = ARRAY_PROTO.join;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var POP = ARRAY_PROTO.pop;
var $WHEN = $.when;
var THEN = "then";
var WEAVE = "weave";
var UNWEAVE = "unweave";
var WOVEN = "woven";
var WEAVING = "weaving";
var PENDING = "pending";
var DESTROY = "destroy";
var DATA = "data-";
var SELECTOR_WEAVE = "[" + DATA_WEAVE + "]";
* Generic destroy handler.
* Simply makes sure that unweave has been called
function onDestroy() {
$.expr[":"][WEAVE] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element, context, isXml) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m").test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.expr[":"][WOVEN] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element, context, isXml) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m").test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.fn[WEAVE] = function weave(/* arg, arg, arg, deferred*/) {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
//var $elements = $(this);
var arg = arguments;
var argc = arg.length;
var $els = $(this);
var $elements = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $els.length; i++){
var $el = $($els[i]);
if ($ {
$elements = $($elements);
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
var deferred = argc > 0 && arg[argc - 1][THEN] instanceof FUNCTION
: $.Deferred();
// Reduce to only elements that can be woven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer weave
$.Deferred(function deferredWeave(dfdWeave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var weave = $data[WEAVE] = $element.attr(DATA_WEAVE) || "";
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || ($data[WOVEN] = []);
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
// Link deferred
dfdWeave.done(function doneWeave() {
// Set DATA_WOVEN with full names
.attr(DATA_WOVEN,, " "));
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).then(function donePending() {
var re = /[\s,]*([\w_\-\/\.]+)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?/g;
var mark = i;
var j = 0;
var matches;
// Push dfdWeave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdWeave);
// Make sure to remove DATA_WEAVE (so we don't try processing this again)
// Set DATA_WEAVING (so that unweave can pick this up)
.attr(DATA_WEAVING, weave)
// Bind destroy event
.bind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Iterate woven (while RE_WEAVE matches)
while ((matches = re.exec(weave)) !== NULL) {
// Defer widget
$.Deferred(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
var _j = j++; // store _j before we increment
var k;
var l;
var kMax;
var value;
// Add to widgets
widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
// Link deferred
dfdWidget.then(function doneWidget(widget) {
woven[_j] = widget;
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// Get widget name
var name = matches[1];
// Set initial argv
var argv = [ $element, name ];
// Append values from arg to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = arg.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
argv[l] = arg[k];
// Get widget args
var args = matches[2];
// Any widget arguments
if (args !== UNDEFINED) {
// Convert args using getargs
args =;
// Append typed values from args to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = args.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
// Get value
value = args[k];
// Get value from $data or fall back to pure value
argv[l] = value in $data
? $data[value]
: value;
// Require module
parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
// Defer start
$.Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdStart) {
// Constructed and initialized instance
var widget = Widget.apply(Widget, argv);
// Link deferred
dfdStart.then(function doneStart() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Start
// Slice out widgets woven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdWeave.resolve, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// When all widgets are resolved, resolve original deferred
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
return $elements;
$.fn[UNWEAVE] = function unweave(deferred) {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
var $elements = $(this);
// Create default deferred if none was passed
deferred = deferred || $.Deferred();
// Reduce to only elements that can be unwoven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer unweave
$.Deferred(function deferredUnweave(dfdUnweave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || [];
// Link deferred
dfdUnweave.done(function doneUnweave() {
// Copy weave data to data-weave attribute
.attr(DATA_WEAVE, $data[WEAVE])
// Make sure to clean the destroy event handler
.unbind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Remove data fore WEAVE
delete $data[WEAVE];
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).done(function donePending() {
var mark = i;
var widget;
// Push dfdUnweave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdUnweave);
// Remove WOVEN data
delete $data[WOVEN];
// Remove DATA_WOVEN attribute
// Somewhat safe(r) iterator over woven
while ((widget = woven.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
// Defer widget
$.Deferred(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
// Add to unwoven and pending
widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
// $.Deferred stop
$.Deferred(function deferredStop(dfdStop) {
// Link deferred
dfdStop.then(function doneStop() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Stop
// Slice out widgets unwoven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdUnweave.resolve, dfdUnweave.reject, dfdUnweave.notify);
// When all deferred are resolved, resolve original deferred
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
return $elements;
$.fn[WOVEN] = function woven(/* arg, arg */) {
var result = [];
var widgets = arguments.length > 0
? RegExp($.map(arguments, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m")
$(this).each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
if (!$.hasData(element)) {
PUSH.apply(result, widgets === UNDEFINED
? $.data(element, WOVEN)
: $.map($.data(element, WOVEN), function (woven) {
return widgets.test(woven.displayName)
? woven
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery dimensions plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/dimensions',[ "jquery" ], function DimensionsModule($) {
var NULL = null;
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
var RESIZE = "resize." + DIMENSIONS;
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var _W = "_" + W;
var _H = "_" + H;
* Internal comparator used for reverse sorting arrays
function reverse(a, b) {
return b - a;
* Internal onResize handler
* @param $event
function onResize($event) {
var $self = $(this);
var width = $self.width();
var height = $self.height();
// Iterate all dimensions
$.each($.data(self, DIMENSIONS), function dimensionIterator(namespace, dimension) {
var w = dimension[W];
var h = dimension[H];
var _w;
var _h;
var i;
i = w.length;
_w = w[i - 1];
while(w[--i] < width) {
_w = w[i];
i = h.length;
_h = h[i - 1];
while(h[--i] < height) {
_h = h[i];
// If _w or _h has changed, update and trigger
if (_w !== dimension[_W] || _h !== dimension[_H]) {
dimension[_W] = _w;
dimension[_H] = _h;
$self.trigger(DIMENSIONS + "." + namespace, [ _w, _h ]);
$.event.special[DIMENSIONS] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onDimensionsSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
.bind(RESIZE, onResize)
.data(DIMENSIONS, {});
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onDimensionsAdd(handleObj) {
var self = this;
var namespace = handleObj.namespace;
var dimension = {};
var w = dimension[W] = [];
var h = dimension[H] = [];
var re = /(w|h)(\d+)/g;
var matches;
while ((matches = re.exec(namespace)) !== NULL) {
dimension[matches[1]].push(parseInt(matches[2], 10));
$.data(self, DIMENSIONS)[namespace] = dimension;
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onDimensionsRemove(handleObj) {
delete $.data(this, DIMENSIONS)[handleObj.namespace];
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
.unbind(RESIZE, onResize);
* TroopJS jQuery destroy plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/destroy',[ "jquery" ], function DestroyModule($) {
$.event.special.destroy = {
remove : function onDestroyRemove(handleObj) {
var self = this;, $.Event({
"type" : handleObj.type,
"data" :,
"namespace" : handleObj.namespace,
"target" : self
* TroopJS jQuery resize plug-in
* Heavy inspiration from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/resize',[ "jquery" ], function ResizeModule($) {
var NULL = null;
var RESIZE = "resize";
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var $ELEMENTS = $([]);
* Iterator
* @param index
* @param self
function iterator(index, self) {
// Get data
var $data = $.data(self);
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Get previous width and height
var w = $self.width();
var h = $self.height();
// Check if width or height has changed since last check
if (w !== $data[W] || h !== $data[H]) {
$self.trigger(RESIZE, [$data[W] = w, $data[H] = h]);
* Internal interval
function interval() {
$.event.special[RESIZE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Store data
var $data = $.data(self, RESIZE, {});
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Initialize data
$data[W] = $self.width();
$data[H] = $self.height();
// Add to tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.add(self);
// If this is the first element, start interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 1) {
INTERVAL = setInterval(interval, 100);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Remove data
$.removeData(self, RESIZE);
// Remove from tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.not(self);
// If this is the last element, stop interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 0 && INTERVAL !== NULL) {
* TroopJS Utils merge module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/merge',[],function MergeModule() {
var ARRAY = Array;
var OBJECT = Object;
return function merge(source) {
var target = this;
var key = null;
var i;
var iMax;
var value;
var constructor;
for (i = 0, iMax = arguments.length; i < iMax; i++) {
source = arguments[i];
for (key in source) {
value = source[key];
constructor = value.constructor;
if (!(key in target)) {
target[key] = value;
else if (constructor === ARRAY) {
target[key] = target[key].concat(value);
else if (constructor === OBJECT) {[key], value);
else {
target[key] = value;
return target;
* TroopJS Utils grep component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/grep',[ "jquery" ], function GrepModule($) {
return $.grep;
* TroopJS Utils tr component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/tr',[],function TrModule() {
var TYPEOF_NUMBER = typeof Number();
return function tr(callback) {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var i;
var length = self.length;
var key;
// Is this an array? Basically, is length a number, is it 0 or is it greater than 0 and that we have index 0 and index length-1
if (typeof length === TYPEOF_NUMBER && length === 0 || length > 0 && 0 in self && length - 1 in self) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.push(, self[i], i));
// Otherwise we'll iterate it as an object
} else if (self){
for (key in self) {
result.push(, self[key], key));
return result;
* ComposeJS, object composition for JavaScript, featuring
* JavaScript-style prototype inheritance and composition, multiple inheritance,
* mixin and traits-inspired conflict resolution and composition
define('compose',[], function(){
// function for creating instances from a prototype
function Create(){
var delegate = Object.create ?
return Object.create(typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto || Object.prototype);
} :
Create.prototype = typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto;
var instance = new Create();
Create.prototype = null;
return instance;
function validArg(arg){
throw new Error("Compose arguments must be functions or objects");
return arg;
// this does the work of combining mixins/prototypes
function mixin(instance, args, i){
// use prototype inheritance for first arg
var value, argsLength = args.length;
for(; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = args[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
// the arg is a function, use the prototype for the properties
var prototype = arg.prototype;
for(var key in prototype){
value = prototype[key];
var own = prototype.hasOwnProperty(key);
if(typeof value == "function" && key in instance && value !== instance[key]){
var existing = instance[key];
if(value == required){
// it is a required value, and we have satisfied it
value = existing;
else if(!own){
// if it is own property, it is considered an explicit override
// TODO: make faster calls on this, perhaps passing indices and caching
if(isInMethodChain(value, key, getBases([], 0, i), true))){
// this value is in the existing method's override chain, we can use the existing method
value = existing;
}else if(!isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// the existing method is not in the current override chain, so we are left with a conflict
console.error("Conflicted method " + key + ", final composer must explicitly override with correct method.");
if(value && value.install && own && !isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// apply modifier, key);
instance[key] = value;
// it is an object, copy properties, looking for modifiers
for(var key in validArg(arg)){
var value = arg[key];
if(typeof value == "function"){
// apply modifier, key);
if(key in instance){
if(value == required){
// required requirement met
// add it to the instance
instance[key] = value;
return instance;
// allow for override (by es5 module)
Compose._setMixin = function(newMixin){
mixin = newMixin;
function isInMethodChain(method, name, prototypes){
// searches for a method in the given prototype hierarchy
for(var i = 0; i < prototypes.length;i++){
var prototype = prototypes[i];
if(prototype[name] == method){
// found it
return true;
// Decorator branding
function Decorator(install, direct){
function Decorator(){
return direct.apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error("Decorator not applied");
Decorator.install = install;
return Decorator;
Compose.Decorator = Decorator;
// aspect applier
function aspect(handler){
return function(advice){
return Decorator(function install(key){
var baseMethod = this[key];
(advice = this[key] = baseMethod ? handler(this, baseMethod, advice) : advice).install = install;
}, advice);
// around advice, useful for calling super methods too
Compose.around = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return, base);
Compose.before = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = advice.apply(this, arguments);
if(results !== stop){
return base.apply(this, results || arguments);
var stop = Compose.stop = {};
var undefined;
Compose.after = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = base.apply(this, arguments);
var adviceResults = advice.apply(this, arguments);
return adviceResults === undefined ? results : adviceResults;
// rename Decorator for calling super methods
Compose.from = function(trait, fromKey){
return (typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey];
return Decorator(function(key){
if(!(this[key] = (typeof trait == "string" ? this[trait] :
(typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey || key]))){
throw new Error("Source method " + fromKey + " was not available to be renamed to " + key);
// Composes an instance
Compose.create = function(base){
// create the instance
var instance = mixin(delegate(base), arguments, 1);
var argsLength = arguments.length;
// for go through the arguments and call the constructors (with no args)
for(var i = 0; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = arguments[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
instance = || instance;
return instance;
// The required function, just throws an error if not overriden
function required(){
throw new Error("This method is required and no implementation has been provided");
Compose.required = required;
// get the value of |this| for direct function calls for this mode (strict in ES5)
function extend(){
var args = [this];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
return Compose.apply(0, args);
// Compose a constructor
function Compose(base){
var args = arguments;
var prototype = (args.length < 2 && typeof args[0] != "function") ?
args[0] : // if there is just a single argument object, just use that as the prototype
mixin(delegate(validArg(base)), args, 1); // normally create a delegate to start with
function Constructor(){
var instance;
if(this instanceof Constructor){
// called with new operator, can proceed as is
instance = this;
// we allow for direct calls without a new operator, in this case we need to
// create the instance ourself.
Create.prototype = prototype;
instance = new Create();
// call all the constructors with the given arguments
for(var i = 0; i < constructorsLength; i++){
var constructor = constructors[i];
var result = constructor.apply(instance, arguments);
if(typeof result == "object"){
if(result instanceof Constructor){
instance = result;
for(var j in result){
instance[j] = result[j];
return instance;
// create a function that can retrieve the bases (constructors or prototypes)
Constructor._getBases = function(prototype){
return prototype ? prototypes : constructors;
// now get the prototypes and the constructors
var constructors = getBases(args),
constructorsLength = constructors.length;
if(typeof args[args.length - 1] == "object"){
args[args.length - 1] = prototype;
var prototypes = getBases(args, true);
Constructor.extend = extend;
prototype.constructor = Constructor;
Constructor.prototype = prototype;
return Constructor;
Compose.apply = function(thisObject, args){
// apply to the target
return thisObject ?
mixin(thisObject, args, 0) : // called with a target object, apply the supplied arguments as mixins to the target object, 0, args); // get the Function.prototype apply function, call() it to apply arguments to Compose (the extend doesn't matter, just a handle way to grab apply, since we can't get it off of Compose)
}; = function(thisObject){
// call() should correspond with apply behavior
return mixin(thisObject, arguments, 1);
function getBases(args, prototype){
// this function registers a set of constructors for a class, eliminating duplicate
// constructors that may result from diamond construction for classes (B->A, C->A, D->B&C, then D() should only call A() once)
var bases = [];
function iterate(args, checkChildren){
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
var arg = args[i];
var target = prototype && typeof arg == "function" ?
arg.prototype : arg;
if(prototype || typeof arg == "function"){
var argGetBases = checkChildren && arg._getBases;
iterate(argGetBases(prototype)); // don't need to check children for these, this should be pre-flattened
for(var j = 0; j < bases.length; j++){
if(target == bases[j]){
continue outer;
iterate(args, true);
return bases;
// returning the export of the module
return Compose;
})(typeof define != "undefined" ?
define: // AMD/RequireJS format if available
function(deps, factory){
if(typeof module !="undefined"){
module.exports = factory(); // CommonJS environment, like NodeJS
// require("./configure");
Compose = factory(); // raw script, assign to Compose global
* TroopJS Utils URI module
* parts of code from parseUri 1.2.2 Copyright Steven Levithan <>
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-utils/uri',[ "compose" ], function URIModule(Compose) {
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var OBJECT_PROTO = Object.prototype;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var SPLIT = String.prototype.split;
var RE_URI = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?(?:([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/;
var PROTOCOL = "protocol";
var AUTHORITY = "authority";
var PATH = "path";
var QUERY = "query";
var ANCHOR = "anchor";
var KEYS = [ "source",
// Store current setting
var SECURE =;
// Prevent Compose from creating constructor property = true;
function Query(arg) {
var result = {};
var matches;
var key = NULL;
var value;
var re = /(?:&|^)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g;
result.toString = Query.toString;
for (key in arg) {
result[key] = arg[key];
} else {
while ((matches = re.exec(arg)) !== NULL) {
key = matches[1];
if (key in result) {
value = result[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
value[value.length] = matches[2];
else {
result[key] = [ value, matches[2] ];
else {
result[key] = matches[2];
return result;
Query.toString = function toString() {
var self = this;
var key = NULL;
var value = NULL;
var values;
var query = [];
var i = 0;
var j;
for (key in self) {
if ([key]) === TOSTRING_FUNCTION) {
query[i++] = key;
while (i--) {
key = query[i];
value = self[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
values = value.slice(0);
j = values.length;
while (j--) {
value = values[j];
values[j] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
query[i] = values.join("&");
else {
query[i] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
return query.join("&");
// Extend on the instance of array rather than subclass it
function Path(arg) {
var result = [];
result.toString = Path.toString;
PUSH.apply(result, === TOSTRING_ARRAY
? arg
:, "/"));
return result;
Path.toString = function() {
return this.join("/");
var URI = Compose(function URI(str) {
var self = this;
var value;
var matches;
var i;
if ((matches = RE_URI.exec(str)) !== NULL) {
i = matches.length;
while (i--) {
value = matches[i];
if (value) {
self[KEYS[i]] = value;
if (QUERY in self) {
self[QUERY] = Query(self[QUERY]);
if (PATH in self) {
self[PATH] = Path(self[PATH]);
URI.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
var uri = [ PROTOCOL , "://", AUTHORITY, PATH, "?", QUERY, "#", ANCHOR ];
var i;
var key;
if (!(PROTOCOL in self)) {
uri[0] = uri[1] = "";
if (!(AUTHORITY in self)) {
uri[2] = "";
if (!(PATH in self)) {
uri[3] = "";
if (!(QUERY in self)) {
uri[4] = uri[5] = "";
if (!(ANCHOR in self)) {
uri[6] = uri[7] = "";
i = uri.length;
while (i--) {
key = uri[i];
if (key in self) {
uri[i] = self[key];
return uri.join("");
// Restore setting = SECURE;
URI.Path = Path;
URI.Query = Query;
return URI;
* TroopJS Utils each component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/each',[ "jquery" ], function EachModule($) {
return $.each;
* TroopJS Utils callbacks component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/callbacks',[ "jquery" ], function CallbacksModule($) {
return $.Callbacks;
* TroopJS Utils unique component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/unique',[],function UniqueModule() {
return function unique(callback) {
var self = this;
var length = self.length;
var result = [];
var value;
var i;
var j;
var k;
add: for (i = j = k = 0; i < length; i++, j = 0) {
value = self[i];
while(j < k) {
if (, value, result[j++]) === true) {
continue add;
result[k++] = value;
return result;
* TroopJS Utils when component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/when',[ "jquery" ], function WhenModule($) {
return $.when;
* TroopJS Utils deferred component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/deferred',[ "jquery" ], function DeferredModule($) {
return $.Deferred;
* TroopJS event/emitter module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/event/emitter',[ "compose" ], function EventEmitterModule(Compose) {
var TRUE = true;
var FALSE = false;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var MEMORY = "memory";
var CONTEXT = "context";
var CALLBACK = "callback";
var LENGTH = "length";
var HEAD = "head";
var TAIL = "tail";
var NEXT = "next";
var HANDLED = "handled";
var HANDLERS = "handlers";
var ROOT = {};
var COUNT = 0;
return Compose(function EventEmitter() {
this[HANDLERS] = {};
}, {
* Subscribe to a event
* @param event Event to subscribe to
* @param context (optional) context to scope callbacks to
* @param memory (optional) do we want the last value applied to callbacks
* @param callback Callback for this event
* @returns self
on : function on(event /*, context, memory, callback, callback, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var length = arg[LENGTH];
var context = arg[1];
var memory = arg[2];
var callback = arg[3];
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var handled;
var head;
var tail;
var offset;
// No context or memory was supplied
if (context instanceof FUNCTION) {
memory = FALSE;
context = ROOT;
offset = 1;
// Only memory was supplied
else if (context === TRUE || context === FALSE) {
memory = context;
context = ROOT;
offset = 2;
// Context was supplied, but not memory
else if (memory instanceof FUNCTION) {
memory = FALSE;
offset = 2;
// All arguments were supplied
else if (callback instanceof FUNCTION){
offset = 3;
// Something is wrong, return fast
else {
return self;
// Have handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Create new handler
handler = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Get tail handler
tail = TAIL in handlers
// Have tail, update to point to handler
? handlers[TAIL][NEXT] = handler
// Have no tail, update handlers.head to point to handler
: handlers[HEAD] = handler;
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Set tail handler
handlers[TAIL] = tail;
// Want memory and have memory
if (memory && MEMORY in handlers) {
// Get memory
memory = handlers[MEMORY];
// Get handled
handled = memory[HANDLED];
// Optimize for arguments
if (memory[LENGTH] > 0 ) {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Store handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Apply handler callback
handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], memory);
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Optimize for no arguments
else {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Store handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Call handler callback
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// No handlers
else {
// Create head and tail
head = tail = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Create event list
handlers[event] = {
"head" : head,
"tail" : tail
return self;
* Unsubscribes from event
* @param event Event to unsubscribe from
* @param context (optional) context to scope callbacks to
* @param callback (optional) Callback to unsubscribe, if none
* are provided all callbacks are unsubscribed
* @returns self
off : function off(event /*, context, callback, callback, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var length = arg[LENGTH];
var context = arg[1];
var callback = arg[2];
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var head;
var previous;
var offset;
// No context or memory was supplied
if (context instanceof FUNCTION) {
callback = context;
context = ROOT;
offset = 1;
// All arguments were supplied
else if (callback instanceof FUNCTION){
offset = 2;
// Something is wrong, return fast
else {
return self;
// Fast fail if we don't have subscribers
if (!(event in handlers)) {
return self;
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Get head
head = handlers[HEAD];
// Loop over remaining arguments
while (offset < length) {
// Store callback
callback = arg[offset++];
// Get first handler
handler = previous = head;
// Loop through handlers
do {
// Check if this handler should be unlinked
if (handler[CALLBACK] === callback && handler[CONTEXT] === context) {
// Is this the first handler
if (handler === head) {
// Re-link head and previous, then
// continue
head = previous = handler[NEXT];
// Unlink current handler, then continue
previous[NEXT] = handler[NEXT];
// Update previous pointer
previous = handler;
} while ((handler = handler[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED);
// Update head and tail
if (head && previous) {
handlers[HEAD] = head;
handlers[TAIL] = previous;
else {
delete handlers[HEAD];
delete handlers[TAIL];
return self;
* Emit an event
* @param event Event to emit
* @param arg (optional) Argument
* @returns self
emit : function emit(event /*, arg, arg, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
// Store handled
var handled = arg[HANDLED] = COUNT++;
// Have handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Remember arguments
handlers[MEMORY] = arg;
// Get first handler
handler = handlers[HEAD];
// Optimize for arguments
if (arg[LENGTH] > 0) {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Update handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Apply handler callback
handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], arg);
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Optimize for no arguments
else {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Update handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Call handler callback
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// No handlers
else if (arg[LENGTH] > 0){
// Create handlers and store with event
handlers[event] = handlers = {};
// Remember arguments
handlers[MEMORY] = arg;
return this;
* TroopJS base component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/base',[ "../event/emitter", "config" ], function ComponentModule(Emitter, config) {
var COUNT = 0;
var INSTANCE_COUNT = "instanceCount";
var Component = Emitter.extend(function Component() {
}, {
displayName : "core/component",
* Application configuration
config : config
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Combination displayName and instanceCount
Component.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
return self.displayName + "@" + self[INSTANCE_COUNT];
return Component;
* TroopJS pubsub/hub module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/hub',[ "compose", "../component/base" ], function HubModule(Compose, Component) {
var from = Compose.from;
return Compose.create(Component, {
displayName: "core/pubsub/hub",
subscribe : from(Component, "on"),
unsubscribe : from(Component, "off"),
publish : from(Component, "emit")
* TroopJS gadget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/gadget',[ "compose", "./base", "troopjs-utils/deferred", "../pubsub/hub" ], function GadgetModule(Compose, Component, Deferred, hub) {
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var RE_HUB = /^hub(?::(\w+))?\/(.+)/;
var RE_SIG = /^sig\/(.+)/;
var PUBLISH = hub.publish;
var SUBSCRIBE = hub.subscribe;
var UNSUBSCRIBE = hub.unsubscribe;
var MEMORY = "memory";
var SUBSCRIPTIONS = "subscriptions";
return Component.extend(function Gadget() {
var self = this;
var bases = self.constructor._getBases(true);
var base;
var callbacks;
var callback;
var i;
var j;
var jMax;
var signals = {};
var signal;
var matches;
var key = null;
// Iterate base chain (while there's a prototype)
for (i = bases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
base = bases[i];
add: for (key in base) {
// Get value
callback = base[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(callback instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE_SIG.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get signal
signal = matches[1];
// Have we stored any callbacks for this signal?
if (signal in signals) {
// Get callbacks (for this signal)
callbacks = signals[signal];
// Reset counters
j = jMax = callbacks.length;
// Loop callbacks, continue add if we've already added this callback
while (j--) {
if (callback === callbacks[j]) {
continue add;
// Add callback to callbacks chain
callbacks[jMax] = callback;
else {
// First callback
signals[signal] = [ callback ];
// Extend self, {
signal : function onSignal(signal, deferred) {
var _self = this;
var _callbacks;
var _j;
var head = deferred;
// Only trigger if we have callbacks for this signal
if (signal in signals) {
// Get callbacks
_callbacks = signals[signal];
// Reset counter
_j = _callbacks.length;
// Build deferred chain from end to 1
while (--_j) {
// Create new deferred
head = Deferred(function (dfd) {
// Store callback and deferred as they will have changed by the time we exec
var _callback = _callbacks[_j];
var _deferred = head;
// Add done handler
dfd.done(function done() {, signal, _deferred);
// Execute first sCallback, use head deferred
_callbacks[0].call(_self, signal, head);
else if (deferred) {
return _self;
}, {
displayName : "core/component/gadget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS] = [];
var key = NULL;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in gadget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE_HUB.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Subscribe
hub.subscribe(topic, self, matches[1] === MEMORY, value);
// Store in subscriptions
subscriptions[subscriptions.length] = [topic, self, value];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS];
var subscription;
// Loop over subscriptions
while ((subscription = subscriptions.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
hub.unsubscribe(subscription[0], subscription[1], subscription[2]);
if (deferred) {
return self;
* Calls hub.publish in self context
* @returns self
publish : function publish() {
var self = this;
PUBLISH.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
* Calls hub.subscribe in self context
* @returns self
subscribe : function subscribe() {
var self = this;
SUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
* Calls hub.unsubscribe in self context
* @returns self
unsubscribe : function unsubscribe() {
var self = this;
UNSUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
start : function start(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdStart) {
dfdStart.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
Deferred(function deferredInitialize(dfdInitialize) {
dfdInitialize.then(function doneInitialize() {
self.signal("start", dfdStart);
}, dfdStart.reject, dfdStart.notify);
self.signal("initialize", dfdInitialize);
return self;
stop : function stop(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredFinalize(dfdFinalize) {
dfdFinalize.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
Deferred(function deferredStop(dfdStop) {
dfdStop.then(function doneStop() {
self.signal("finalize", dfdFinalize);
}, dfdFinalize.reject, dfdFinalize.notify);
self.signal("stop", dfdStop);
return self;
* TroopJS service component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/component/service',[ "./gadget" ], function ServiceModule(Gadget) {
return Gadget.extend({
displayName : "core/component/service"
* TroopJS widget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/widget',[ "./gadget", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/deferred" ], function WidgetModule(Gadget, $, Deferred) {
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var SHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.shift;
var UNSHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.unshift;
var $TRIGGER = $.fn.trigger;
var $ONE = $;
var $BIND = $.fn.bind;
var $UNBIND = $.fn.unbind;
var RE = /^dom(?::(\w+))?\/([^\.]+(?:\.(.+))?)/;
var REFRESH = "widget/refresh";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var $PROXIES = "$proxies";
var ONE = "one";
var THEN = "then";
var ATTR_WEAVE = "[data-weave]";
var ATTR_WOVEN = "[data-woven]";
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'handlerProxy' with the 'topic', 'widget' and handler parameters set
* @param topic event topic
* @param widget target widget
* @param handler target handler
* @returns {Function} proxied handler
function eventProxy(topic, widget, handler) {
* Creates a proxy of the outer method 'handler' that first adds 'topic' to the arguments passed
* @returns result of proxied hanlder invocation
return function handlerProxy() {
// Add topic to front of arguments, topic);
// Apply with shifted arguments to handler
return handler.apply(widget, arguments);
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'render' with the '$fn' parameter set
* @param $fn jQuery method
* @returns {Function} proxied render
function renderProxy($fn) {
* Renders contents into element
* @param contents (Function | String) Template/String to render
* @param data (Object) If contents is a template - template data (optional)
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
function render(/* contents, data, ..., deferred */) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var arg = arguments;
// Shift contents from first argument
var contents =;
// Assume deferred is the last argument
var deferred = arg[arg.length - 1];
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
if (deferred === UNDEFINED || !(deferred[THEN] instanceof FUNCTION)) {
deferred = Deferred();
// Defer render (as weaving it may need to load async)
Deferred(function deferredRender(dfdRender) {
// Link deferred
dfdRender.then(function renderDone() {
// Trigger refresh
$element.trigger(REFRESH, arguments);
// Resolve outer deferred
}, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Notify that we're about to render
dfdRender.notify("beforeRender", self);
// Call render with contents (or result of contents if it's a function)
$$element, contents instanceof FUNCTION ? contents.apply(self, arg) : contents);
// Notify that we're rendered
dfdRender.notify("afterRender", self);
// Weave element
return self;
return render;
return Gadget.extend(function Widget($element, displayName) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
if (displayName) {
self.displayName = displayName;
}, {
displayName : "core/component/widget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES] = [];
var key = NULL;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in widget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Replace value with a scoped proxy
value = eventProxy(topic, self, value);
// Either ONE or BIND element
(matches[2] === ONE ? $ONE : $BIND).call($element, topic, self, value);
// Store in $proxies
$proxies[$proxies.length] = [topic, value];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES];
var $proxy;
// Loop over subscriptions
while (($proxy = $proxies.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
$element.unbind($proxy[0], $proxy[1]);
delete self[$ELEMENT];
if (deferred) {
return self;
* Weaves all children of $element
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
weave : function weave(deferred) {
var self = this;
return self;
* Unweaves all children of $element _and_ self
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
unweave : function unweave(deferred) {
var self = this;
return this;
* Binds event from $element, exactly once
* @returns self
one : function one() {
var self = this;
$ONE.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Binds event to $element
* @returns self
bind : function bind() {
var self = this;
$BIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Unbinds event from $element
* @returns self
unbind : function unbind() {
var self = this;
$UNBIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Triggers event on $element
* @returns self
trigger : function trigger() {
var self = this;
$TRIGGER.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Renders content and inserts it before $element
before : renderProxy($.fn.before),
* Renders content and inserts it after $element
after : renderProxy($.fn.after),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
html : renderProxy($.fn.html),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
text : renderProxy($.fn.text),
* Renders content and appends it to $element
append : renderProxy($.fn.append),
* Renders content and prepends it to $element
prepend : renderProxy($.fn.prepend),
* Empties widget
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
empty : function empty(deferred) {
var self = this;
// Ensure we have deferred
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
// Create deferred for emptying
Deferred(function emptyDeferred(dfdEmpty) {
// Link deferred
dfdEmpty.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Get element
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
// Detach contents
var $contents = $element.contents().detach();
// Trigger refresh
$element.trigger(REFRESH, self);
// Use timeout in order to yield
setTimeout(function emptyTimeout() {
// Get DOM elements
var contents = $contents.get();
// Remove elements from DOM
// Resolve deferred
}, 0);
return self;
* TroopJS dimensions/service module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/dimensions/service',[ "../component/service" ], function DimensionsServiceModule(Service) {
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
function onDimensions($event, w, h) {
$, w, h);
return Service.extend(function DimensionsService($element, dimensions) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
self[DIMENSIONS] = dimensions;
}, {
displayName : "core/dimensions/service",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].bind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], self, onDimensions);
if (deferred) {
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].trigger("resize." + DIMENSIONS);
if (deferred) {
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].unbind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], onDimensions);
if (deferred) {
* TroopJS store/base module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/base',[ "compose", "../component/gadget" ], function StoreModule(Compose, Gadget) {
var STORAGE = "storage";
return Gadget.extend({
storage : Compose.required,
set : function set(key, value, deferred) {
// JSON encoded 'value' then store as 'key'
this[STORAGE].setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
get : function get(key, deferred) {
// Get value from 'key', parse JSON
var value = JSON.parse(this[STORAGE].getItem(key));
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
remove : function remove(key, deferred) {
// Remove key
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
clear : function clear(deferred) {
// Clear
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
* TroopJS store/session module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/session',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreSessionModule(Compose, Store) {
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "core/store/session",
storage: window.sessionStorage
* TroopJS store/local module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/local',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreLocalModule(Compose, Store) {
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "core/store/local",
storage : window.localStorage
* TroopJS route/router module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/route/router',[ "../component/service", "troopjs-utils/uri" ], function RouterModule(Service, URI) {
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var ROUTE = "route";
var RE = /^#/;
function onHashChange($event) {
var self = $;
// Create URI
var uri = URI($, ""));
// Convert to string
var route = uri.toString();
// Did anything change?
if (route !== self[ROUTE]) {
// Store new value
self[ROUTE] = route;
// Publish route
self.publish(ROUTE, uri);
return Service.extend(function RouterService($element) {
this[$ELEMENT] = $element;
}, {
displayName : "core/route/router",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].bind(HASHCHANGE, self, onHashChange);
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].unbind(HASHCHANGE, onHashChange);
if (deferred) {
return self;
* TroopJS widget/placeholder component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/widget/placeholder',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/deferred", "require" ], function WidgetPlaceholderModule(Widget, Deferred, parentRequire) {
var FUNCTION = Function;
var POP = Array.prototype.pop;
var HOLDING = "holding";
var DATA_HOLDING = "data-" + HOLDING;
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var TARGET = "target";
var THEN = "then";
function release(/* arg, arg, arg, deferred*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var argc = arg.length;
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
var deferred = argc > 0 && arg[argc - 1][THEN] instanceof FUNCTION
: Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredRelease(dfdRelease) {
var i;
var iMax;
var name;
var argv;
// We're already holding something, resolve with cache
if (HOLDING in self) {
else {
// Add done handler to release
dfdRelease.then([ function doneRelease(widget) {
// Set DATA_HOLDING attribute
self[$ELEMENT].attr(DATA_HOLDING, widget);
// Store widget
self[HOLDING] = widget;
}, deferred.resolve ], deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Get widget name
name = self[TARGET];
// Set initial argv
argv = [ self[$ELEMENT], name ];
// Append values from arg to argv
for (i = 0, iMax = arg.length; i < iMax; i++) {
argv[i + 2] = arg[i];
// Require widget by name
parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
// Defer require
Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdRequire) {
// Constructed and initialized instance
var widget = Widget
.apply(Widget, argv);
// Link deferred
dfdRequire.then(function doneStart() {
}, dfdRelease.reject, dfdRelease.notify);
// Start
return self;
function hold(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredHold(dfdHold) {
var widget;
// Link deferred
dfdHold.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Check that we are holding
if (HOLDING in self) {
// Get what we're holding
widget = self[HOLDING];
// Cleanup
delete self[HOLDING];
// Remove DATA_HOLDING attribute
// Stop
else {
return self;
return Widget.extend(function WidgetPlaceholder($element, name, target) {
this[TARGET] = target;
}, {
displayName : "core/widget/placeholder",
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
release : release,
hold : hold
* TroopJS route/placeholder module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/route/placeholder',[ "../widget/placeholder" ], function RoutePlaceholderModule(Placeholder) {
var NULL = null;
var ROUTE = "route";
return Placeholder.extend(function RoutePlaceholderWidget($element, name) {
this[ROUTE] = RegExp($"route"));
}, {
"displayName" : "core/route/placeholder",
"hub:memory/route" : function onRoute(topic, uri) {
var self = this;
var matches = self[ROUTE].exec(uri.path);
if (matches !== NULL) {
self.release.apply(self, matches.slice(1));
else {
* TroopJS widget/application component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/widget/application',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/deferred" ], function ApplicationModule(Widget, Deferred) {
return Widget.extend({
displayName : "core/widget/application",
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
"sig/stop" : function stop(signal, deferred) {
* TroopJS pubsub/topic module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/topic',[ "../component/base", "troopjs-utils/unique" ], function TopicModule(Component, unique) {
var TOSTRING = Object.prototype.toString;
function comparator (a, b) {
return a.publisherInstanceCount === b.publisherInstanceCount;
var Topic = Component.extend(function Topic(topic, publisher, parent) {
var self = this;
self.topic = topic;
self.publisher = publisher;
self.parent = parent;
self.publisherInstanceCount = publisher.instanceCount;
}, {
displayName : "core/pubsub/topic",
* Traces topic origin to root
* @returns String representation of all topics traced down to root
trace : function trace() {
var current = this;
var constructor = current.constructor;
var parent;
var item;
var stack = "";
var i;
var u;
var iMax;
while (current) {
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
u =, comparator);
for (i = 0, iMax = u.length; i < iMax; i++) {
item = u[i];
u[i] = item.constructor === constructor
? item.trace()
: item.topic;
stack += u.join(",");
parent = current.parent;
stack += parent
? current.publisher + ":"
: current.publisher;
current = parent;
return stack;
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Instance topic
Topic.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.topic;
return Topic;
* TroopJS remote/ajax module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/remote/ajax',[ "../component/service", "../pubsub/topic", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/merge" ], function AjaxModule(Service, Topic, $, merge) {
return Service.extend({
displayName : "core/remote/ajax",
"hub/ajax" : function request(topic, settings, deferred) {
// Request
"headers": {
"x-request-id": new Date().getTime(),
"x-components": topic instanceof Topic ? topic.trace() : topic
}, settings)).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
define("troopjs-requirejs/template",[],function TemplateModule(){var FACTORIES={node:function(){var fs=require.nodeRequire("fs");return function fetchText(path,callback){callback(fs.readFileSync(path,"utf8"))}},browser:function(){var progIds=["Msxml2.XMLHTTP","Microsoft.XMLHTTP","Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"];var progId;var XHR;var i;if(typeof XMLHttpRequest!=="undefined"){XHR=XMLHttpRequest}else{for(i=0;i<3;i++){progId=progIds[i];try{new ActiveXObject(progId);XHR=function(){return new ActiveXObject(progId)};break}catch(e){}}if(!XHR){throw new Error("XHR: XMLHttpRequest not available")}}return function fetchText(url,callback){var xhr=new XHR;"GET",url,true);xhr.onreadystatechange=function(evt){if(xhr.readyState===4){callback(xhr.responseText)}};xhr.send(null)}},rhino:function(){var encoding="utf-8";var lineSeparator=java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");return function fetchText(path,callback){var file=new;var input=new,encoding));var stringBuffer=new java.lang.StringBuffer;var line;var content="";try{line=input.readLine();if(line&&line.length()&&line.charAt(0)===65279){line=line.substring(1)}stringBuffer.append(line);while((line=input.readLine())!==null){stringBuffer.append(lineSeparator);stringBuffer.append(line)}content=String(stringBuffer.toString())}finally{input.close()}callback(content)}},borked:function(){return function fetchText(){throw new Error("Environment unsupported.")}}};var RE_SANITIZE=/^[\n\t\r]+|[\n\t\r]+$/g;var RE_BLOCK=/<%(=)?([\S\s]*?)%>/g;var RE_TOKENS=/<%(\d+)%>/gm;var RE_REPLACE=/(["\n\t\r])/gm;var RE_CLEAN=/o \+= "";| \+ ""/gm;var EMPTY="";var REPLACE={'"':'\\"',"\n":"\\n"," ":"\\t","\r":"\\r"};function compile(body){var blocks=[];var length=0;function blocksTokens(original,prefix,block){blocks[length]=prefix?'" +'+block+'+ "':'";'+block+'o += "';return"<%"+String(length++)+"%>"}function tokensBlocks(original,token){return blocks[token]}function replace(original,token){return REPLACE[token]||token}return('function template(data) { var o = "'+body.replace(RE_SANITIZE,"").replace(RE_BLOCK,blocksTokens).replace(RE_REPLACE,replace).replace(RE_TOKENS,tokensBlocks)+'"; return o; }').replace(RE_CLEAN,EMPTY)}var buildMap={};var fetchText=FACTORIES[typeof process!=="undefined"&&process.versions&&!!process.versions.node?"node":typeof window!=="undefined"&&window.navigator&&window.document||typeof importScripts!=="undefined"?"browser":typeof Packages!=="undefined"?"rhino":"borked"]();return{load:function(name,parentRequire,load,config){var path=parentRequire.toUrl(name);fetchText(path,function(text){try{text="define(function() { return "+compile(text,name,path,config.template)+"; })"}catch(err){err.message="In "+path+", "+err.message;throw err}if(config.isBuild){buildMap[name]=text}else{text+="\n//@ sourceURL='"+path+"'"}load.fromText(name,text);parentRequire([name],function(value){load(value)})})},write:function(pluginName,name,write){if(buildMap.hasOwnProperty(name)){write.asModule(pluginName+"!"+name,buildMap[name])}}}});define("troopjs-jquery/hashchange",["jquery"],function HashchangeModule($){var INTERVAL="interval";var HASHCHANGE="hashchange";var ONHASHCHANGE="on"+HASHCHANGE;var RE_HASH=/#(.*)$/;var RE_LOCAL=/\?/;var _isIE=0;function getHash(window){var result=RE_HASH.exec(window.location.href);return result&&result[1]?decodeURIComponent(result[1]):""}function Frame(document){var self=this;var element;self.element=element=document.createElement("iframe");element.src="about:blank";"none"}Frame.prototype={getElement:function(){return this.element},getHash:function(){return this.element.contentWindow.frameHash},update:function(hash){var self=this;var document=self.element.contentWindow.document;if(self.getHash()===hash){return};document.write("<html><head><title>' + 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merge(source){var target=this;var key=null;var i;var iMax;var value;var constructor;for(i=0,iMax=arguments.length;i<iMax;i++){source=arguments[i];for(key in source){value=source[key];constructor=value.constructor;if(!(key in target)){target[key]=value}else if(constructor===ARRAY){target[key]=target[key].concat(value)}else if(constructor===OBJECT){[key],value)}else{target[key]=value}}}return target}});define("troopjs-utils/tr",[],function TrModule(){var TYPEOF_NUMBER=typeof Number();return function tr(callback){var self=this;var result=[];var i;var length=self.length;var key;if(typeof length===TYPEOF_NUMBER&&length===0||length>0&&0 in self&&length-1 in self){for(i=0;i<length;i++){result.push(,self[i],i))}}else if(self){for(key in self){result.push(,self[key],key))}}return result}});(function(define){define("compose/compose",[],function(){function Create(){}var delegate=Object.create?function(proto){return Object.create(typeof proto=="function"?proto.prototype:proto||Object.prototype)}:function(proto){Create.prototype=typeof proto=="function"?proto.prototype:proto;var instance=new Create;Create.prototype=null;return instance};function validArg(arg){if(!arg){throw new Error("Compose arguments must be functions or objects")}return arg}function mixin(instance,args,i){var value,argsLength=args.length;for(;i<argsLength;i++){var arg=args[i];if(typeof arg=="function"){var prototype=arg.prototype;for(var key in prototype){value=prototype[key];var own=prototype.hasOwnProperty(key);if(typeof value=="function"&&key in instance&&value!==instance[key]){var existing=instance[key];if(value==required){value=existing}else if(!own){if(isInMethodChain(value,key,getBases([],0,i),true))){value=existing}else if(!isInMethodChain(existing,key,getBases([arg],true))){console.error("Conflicted method "+key+", final composer must explicitly override with correct method.")}}}if(value&&value.install&&own&&!isInMethodChain(existing,key,getBases([arg],true))){,key)}else{instance[key]=value}}}else{for(var key in validArg(arg)){var value=arg[key];if(typeof value=="function"){if(value.install){,key);continue}if(key in instance){if(value==required){continue}}}instance[key]=value}}}return instance}Compose._setMixin=function(newMixin){mixin=newMixin};function isInMethodChain(method,name,prototypes){for(var i=0;i<prototypes.length;i++){var prototype=prototypes[i];if(prototype[name]==method){return true}}}function Decorator(install,direct){function Decorator(){if(direct){return direct.apply(this,arguments)}throw new Error("Decorator not applied")}Decorator.install=install;return Decorator}Compose.Decorator=Decorator;function aspect(handler){return function(advice){return Decorator(function install(key){var baseMethod=this[key];(advice=this[key]=baseMethod?handler(this,baseMethod,advice):advice).install=install},advice)}}Compose.around=aspect(function(target,base,advice){return,base)});Compose.before=aspect(function(target,base,advice){return function(){var results=advice.apply(this,arguments);if(results!==stop){return base.apply(this,results||arguments)}}});var stop=Compose.stop={};var undefined;Compose.after=aspect(function(target,base,advice){return function(){var results=base.apply(this,arguments);var adviceResults=advice.apply(this,arguments);return adviceResults===undefined?results:adviceResults}});Compose.from=function(trait,fromKey){if(fromKey){return(typeof trait=="function"?trait.prototype:trait)[fromKey]}return Decorator(function(key){if(!(this[key]=typeof trait=="string"?this[trait]:(typeof trait=="function"?trait.prototype:trait)[fromKey||key])){throw new Error("Source method "+fromKey+" was not available to be renamed to "+key)}})};Compose.create=function(base){var instance=mixin(delegate(base),arguments,1);var argsLength=arguments.length;for(var i=0;i<argsLength;i++){var arg=arguments[i];if(typeof arg=="function"){||instance}}return instance};function required(){throw new Error("This method is required and no implementation has been provided")}Compose.required=required;function extend(){var args=[this];args.push.apply(args,arguments);return Compose.apply(0,args)}function Compose(base){var args=arguments;var prototype=args.length<2&&typeof args[0]!="function"?args[0]:mixin(delegate(validArg(base)),args,1);function Constructor(){var instance;if(this instanceof Constructor){instance=this}else{Create.prototype=prototype;instance=new Create}for(var i=0;i<constructorsLength;i++){var constructor=constructors[i];var result=constructor.apply(instance,arguments);if(typeof result=="object"){if(result instanceof Constructor){instance=result}else{for(var j in result){if(result.hasOwnProperty(j)){instance[j]=result[j]}}}}}return 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Compose})})(typeof define!="undefined"?define:function(deps,factory){if(typeof module!="undefined"){module.exports=factory()}else{Compose=factory()}});define("compose",["compose/compose"],function(main){return main});define("troopjs-utils/uri",["compose"],function URIModule(Compose){var NULL=null;var ARRAY_PROTO=Array.prototype;var OBJECT_PROTO=Object.prototype;var PUSH=ARRAY_PROTO.push;var SPLIT=String.prototype.split;var TOSTRING=OBJECT_PROTO.toString;var;var;var;var RE_URI=/^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?(?:([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/;var PROTOCOL="protocol";var AUTHORITY="authority";var PATH="path";var QUERY="query";var ANCHOR="anchor";var KEYS=["source",PROTOCOL,AUTHORITY,"userInfo","user","password","host","port",PATH,QUERY,ANCHOR];var;;function Query(arg){var result={};var matches;var key=NULL;var value;var re=/(?:&|^)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g;result.toString=Query.toString;if({for(key in arg){result[key]=arg[key]}}else{while((matches=re.exec(arg))!==NULL){key=matches[1];if(key in result){value=result[key];if({value[value.length]=matches[2]}else{result[key]=[value,matches[2]]}}else{result[key]=matches[2]}}}return result}Query.toString=function toString(){var self=this;var key;var value;var values;var query=[];var i=0;var j;for(key in self){if([key])===TOSTRING_FUNCTION){continue}query[i++]=key}query.sort();while(i--){key=query[i];value=self[key];if({values=value.slice(0);values.sort();j=values.length;while(j--){value=values[j];values[j]=value===""?key:key+"="+value}query[i]=values.join("&")}else{query[i]=value===""?key:key+"="+value}}return query.join("&")};function Path(arg){var result=[];result.toString=Path.toString;PUSH.apply(result,,"/"));return result}Path.toString=function(){return this.join("/")};var URI=Compose(function URI(str){var self=this;var value;var matches;var 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result}});(function(define){define("when/when",[],function(){var reduceArray,slice,undef;when.defer=defer;when.resolve=resolve;when.reject=reject;when.join=join;when.all=all;;when.reduce=reduce;when.any=any;when.some=some;when.chain=chain;when.isPromise=isPromise;function when(promiseOrValue,onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress){return resolve(promiseOrValue).then(onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress)}function resolve(promiseOrValue){var promise,deferred;if(promiseOrValue instanceof Promise){promise=promiseOrValue}else{if(isPromise(promiseOrValue)){deferred=defer();promiseOrValue.then(function(value){deferred.resolve(value)},function(reason){deferred.reject(reason)},function(update){deferred.progress(update)});promise=deferred.promise}else{promise=fulfilled(promiseOrValue)}}return promise}function reject(promiseOrValue){return when(promiseOrValue,rejected)}function Promise(then){this.then=then}Promise.prototype={always:function(onFulfilledOrRejected,onProgress){return this.then(onFulfilledOrRejected,onFulfilledOrRejected,onProgress)},otherwise:function(onRejected){return this.then(undef,onRejected)},yield:function(value){return this.then(function(){return value})},spread:function(onFulfilled){return this.then(function(array){return all(array,function(array){return onFulfilled.apply(undef,array)})})}};function fulfilled(value){var p=new Promise(function(onFulfilled){try{return resolve(onFulfilled?onFulfilled(value):value)}catch(e){return rejected(e)}});return p}function rejected(reason){var p=new Promise(function(_,onRejected){try{return onRejected?resolve(onRejected(reason)):rejected(reason)}catch(e){return rejected(e)}});return p}function defer(){var deferred,promise,handlers,progressHandlers,_then,_progress,_resolve;promise=new Promise(then);deferred={then:then,resolve:promiseResolve,reject:promiseReject,progress:promiseProgress,promise:promise,resolver:{resolve:promiseResolve,reject:promiseReject,progress:promiseProgress}};handlers=[];progressHandlers=[];_then=function(onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress){var deferred,progressHandler;deferred=defer();progressHandler=typeof onProgress==="function"?function(update){try{deferred.progress(onProgress(update))}catch(e){deferred.progress(e)}}:function(update){deferred.progress(update)};handlers.push(function(promise){promise.then(onFulfilled,onRejected).then(deferred.resolve,deferred.reject,progressHandler)});progressHandlers.push(progressHandler);return deferred.promise};_progress=function(update){processQueue(progressHandlers,update);return update};_resolve=function(value){value=resolve(value);_then=value.then;_resolve=resolve;_progress=noop;processQueue(handlers,value);progressHandlers=handlers=undef;return value};return deferred;function then(onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress){return _then(onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress)}function promiseResolve(val){return _resolve(val)}function promiseReject(err){return _resolve(rejected(err))}function promiseProgress(update){return _progress(update)}}function isPromise(promiseOrValue){return promiseOrValue&&typeof promiseOrValue.then==="function"}function some(promisesOrValues,howMany,onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress){checkCallbacks(2,arguments);return when(promisesOrValues,function(promisesOrValues){var toResolve,toReject,values,reasons,deferred,fulfillOne,rejectOne,progress,len,i;len=promisesOrValues.length>>>0;toResolve=Math.max(0,Math.min(howMany,len));values=[];toReject=len-toResolve+1;reasons=[];deferred=defer();if(!toResolve){deferred.resolve(values)}else{progress=deferred.progress;rejectOne=function(reason){reasons.push(reason);if(!--toReject){fulfillOne=rejectOne=noop;deferred.reject(reasons)}};fulfillOne=function(val){values.push(val);if(!--toResolve){fulfillOne=rejectOne=noop;deferred.resolve(values)}};for(i=0;i<len;++i){if(i in promisesOrValues){when(promisesOrValues[i],fulfiller,rejecter,progress)}}}return deferred.then(onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress);function rejecter(reason){rejectOne(reason)}function fulfiller(val){fulfillOne(val)}})}function any(promisesOrValues,onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress){function unwrapSingleResult(val){return onFulfilled?onFulfilled(val[0]):val[0]}return some(promisesOrValues,1,unwrapSingleResult,onRejected,onProgress)}function all(promisesOrValues,onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress){checkCallbacks(1,arguments);return map(promisesOrValues,identity).then(onFulfilled,onRejected,onProgress)}function join(){return map(arguments,identity)}function map(promise,mapFunc){return when(promise,function(array){var results,len,toResolve,resolve,i,d;toResolve=len=array.length>>>0;results=[];d=defer();if(!toResolve){d.resolve(results)}else{resolve=function resolveOne(item,i){when(item,mapFunc).then(function(mapped){results[i]=mapped;if(!--toResolve){d.resolve(results)}},d.reject)};for(i=0;i<len;i++){if(i in array){resolve(array[i],i)}else{--toResolve}}}return d.promise})}function reduce(promise,reduceFunc){var,1);return when(promise,function(array){var total;total=array.length;args[0]=function(current,val,i){return when(current,function(c){return when(val,function(value){return reduceFunc(c,value,i,total)})})};return reduceArray.apply(array,args)})}function chain(promiseOrValue,resolver,resolveValue){var useResolveValue=arguments.length>2;return when(promiseOrValue,function(val){val=useResolveValue?resolveValue:val;resolver.resolve(val);return val},function(reason){resolver.reject(reason);return rejected(reason)},resolver.progress)}function processQueue(queue,value){var handler,i=0;while(handler=queue[i++]){handler(value)}}function checkCallbacks(start,arrayOfCallbacks){var arg,i=arrayOfCallbacks.length;while(i>start){arg=arrayOfCallbacks[--i];if(arg!=null&&typeof arg!="function"){throw new Error("arg "+i+" must be a function")}}}function noop(){}slice=[].slice;reduceArray=[].reduce||function(reduceFunc){var arr,args,reduced,len,i;i=0;arr=Object(this);len=arr.length>>>0;args=arguments;if(args.length<=1){for(;;){if(i in arr){reduced=arr[i++];break}if(++i>=len){throw new TypeError}}}else{reduced=args[1]}for(;i<len;++i){if(i in arr){reduced=reduceFunc(reduced,arr[i],i,arr)}}return reduced};function identity(x){return x}return when})})(typeof 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when.resolve(args)}})});define("troopjs-core/component/base",["../event/emitter"],function ComponentModule(Emitter){var COUNT=0;var INSTANCE_COUNT="instanceCount";var Component=Emitter.extend(function Component(){this[INSTANCE_COUNT]=COUNT++},{instanceCount:COUNT,displayName:"core/component"});Component.prototype.toString=function(){var self=this;return self.displayName+"@"+self[INSTANCE_COUNT]};return Component});define("troopjs-core/pubsub/hub",["compose","../component/base"],function HubModule(Compose,Component){var from=Compose.from;return Compose.create(Component,{displayName:"core/pubsub/hub",subscribe:from(Component,"on"),unsubscribe:from(Component,"off"),publish:from(Component,"emit"),republish:from(Component,"reemit")})});define("troopjs-core/component/gadget",["./base","when","../pubsub/hub"],function GadgetModule(Component,when,hub){var UNDEFINED;var NULL=null;var FUNCTION=Function;var ARRAY_PROTO=Array.prototype;var ARRAY_SLICE=ARRAY_PROTO.slice;var 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callbacks=self[SIGNALS][signal];var length=callbacks?callbacks.length:0;var index=0;function next(_args){args=_args||args;return length>index?when(callbacks[index++].apply(self,args),next):when.resolve(args)}try{return next()}catch(e){return when.reject(e)}},publish:function publish(){return PUBLISH.apply(hub,arguments)},subscribe:function subscribe(){var self=this;var args=arguments;,1,0,self);SUBSCRIBE.apply(hub,args);return self},unsubscribe:function unsubscribe(){var self=this;var args=arguments;,1,0,self);UNSUBSCRIBE.apply(hub,args);return self},start:function start(){var self=this;var _signal=self.signal;var args=arguments;,"initialize");return _signal.apply(self,args).then(function(){args[0]="start";return _signal.apply(self,args)})},stop:function stop(){var self=this;var _signal=self.signal;var args=arguments;,"stop");return _signal.apply(self,args).then(function(){args[0]="finalize";return _signal.apply(self,args)})}})});define("troopjs-core/component/service",["./gadget"],function ServiceModule(Gadget){return Gadget.extend({displayName:"core/component/service"})});define("troopjs-data/query/component",["troopjs-core/component/base"],function QueryModule(Component){var UNDEFINED;var TRUE=true;var FALSE=false;var OBJECT=Object;var ARRAY=Array;var CONSTRUCTOR="constructor";var LENGTH="length";var OP="op";var OP_ID="!";var OP_PROPERTY=".";var OP_PATH=",";var OP_QUERY="|";var TEXT="text";var RAW="raw";var RESOLVED="resolved";var _ID="id";var _EXPIRES="expires";var _COLLAPSED="collapsed";var _AST="_ast";var _QUERY="_query";var RE_TEXT=/("|')(.*?)\1/;var TO_RAW="$2";var RE_RAW=/!(.*[!,|.\s]+.*)/;var TO_TEXT="!'$1'";return Component.extend(function Query(query){var self=this;if(query!==UNDEFINED){self[_QUERY]=query}},{displayName:"data/query/component",parse:function parse(query){var self=this;delete self[_AST];query=self[_QUERY]=query||self[_QUERY]||"";var i;var l;var c;var 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