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Last active April 13, 2023 17:51
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Commands to keep my app healthy, Brew, rbenv, Ruby and Rails gems-wise.

Open new Terminal

brew update

brew doctor

Get a view of what your terminal knows:

rbenv versions

rbenv version

rbenv global

rbenv local

rbenv shell

gem update --system

gem update rake

gem update bundler

gem update rubygems-bundler

gem outdated

If required, run:

gem update

Now we install Ruby:

$ rbenv install 2.7.7

Open the Gemfile, change ruby to the new version installed.

Open the .ruby-version file and change to new ruby version.

Rubocop gem users, open the .rubocop.yml file, change AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 3.0

$ bundle platform --ruby

$ rbenv rehash

$ rbenv global 2.7.7

$ rbenv local 2.7.7

$ rbenv shell 2.7.7

$ gem install bundler

$ git checkout -b rails6161to617

We are now in the new branch

open /.ruby-version and add only this: 2.7.7 and one blank line below it.

open Gemfile, change Ruby version to new version installed.

change Rails version to new version, save and close, then run

$ gem install rails -v 6.1.7

$ bundle platform --ruby

$ rbenv rehash

$ rails -v

Verify correct location:

$ which gem /Users/YourName/.rbenv/shims/gem


$ which rails
rails: aliased to _rails_command

$ which _rails_command
_rails_command () {
if [ -e "bin/stubs/rails" ]
bin/stubs/rails $@
elif [ -e "bin/rails" ]
bin/rails $@
elif [ -e "script/rails" ]
ruby script/rails $@
elif [ -e "script/server" ]
ruby script/$@
command rails $@

$ bundle

$ bundle update rails

$ rails app:update

$ bundle install

$ bundle outdated

$ bundle exec gem --version # => 3.1.6

$ bundle exec rake --version # => rake, version 13.0.6

$ bundle exec bundler --version # => Bundler version 2.3.26


With $ bundle update, run this with caution.

$ bundle update

and immediately run tests.
chances are, you will have work to do.
better option is to update each individual gem,
after studying any changes made to the gem.

$ ruby -v
ruby 2.7.7p221 (2022-11-24 revision 168ec2b1e5) [x86_64-darwin21]

$ rails -v 6.1.7

$ rails s

$ bundle exec rspec

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