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Created November 15, 2020 23:39
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# Source:
the :mod:`matrix_factorization` module includes some algorithms using matrix
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
cimport numpy as np # noqa
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
from .algo_base import AlgoBase
from .predictions import PredictionImpossible
from ..utils import get_rng
class SVD(AlgoBase):
"""The famous *SVD* algorithm, as popularized by `Simon Funk
<>`_ during the Netflix
Prize. When baselines are not used, this is equivalent to Probabilistic
Matrix Factorization :cite:`salakhutdinov2008a` (see :ref:`note
<unbiased_note>` below).
The prediction :math:`\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set as:
.. math::
\hat{r}_{ui} = \mu + b_u + b_i + q_i^Tp_u
If user :math:`u` is unknown, then the bias :math:`b_u` and the factors
:math:`p_u` are assumed to be zero. The same applies for item :math:`i`
with :math:`b_i` and :math:`q_i`.
For details, see equation (5) from :cite:`Koren:2009`. See also
:cite:`Ricci:2010`, section 5.3.1.
To estimate all the unknown, we minimize the following regularized squared
.. math::
\sum_{r_{ui} \in R_{train}} \left(r_{ui} - \hat{r}_{ui} \\right)^2 +
\lambda\\left(b_i^2 + b_u^2 + ||q_i||^2 + ||p_u||^2\\right)
The minimization is performed by a very straightforward stochastic gradient
.. math::
b_u &\\leftarrow b_u &+ \gamma (e_{ui} - \lambda b_u)\\\\
b_i &\\leftarrow b_i &+ \gamma (e_{ui} - \lambda b_i)\\\\
p_u &\\leftarrow p_u &+ \gamma (e_{ui} \\cdot q_i - \lambda p_u)\\\\
q_i &\\leftarrow q_i &+ \gamma (e_{ui} \\cdot p_u - \lambda q_i)
where :math:`e_{ui} = r_{ui} - \\hat{r}_{ui}`. These steps are performed
over all the ratings of the trainset and repeated ``n_epochs`` times.
Baselines are initialized to ``0``. User and item factors are randomly
initialized according to a normal distribution, which can be tuned using
the ``init_mean`` and ``init_std_dev`` parameters.
You also have control over the learning rate :math:`\gamma` and the
regularization term :math:`\lambda`. Both can be different for each
kind of parameter (see below). By default, learning rates are set to
``0.005`` and regularization terms are set to ``0.02``.
.. _unbiased_note:
.. note::
You can choose to use an unbiased version of this algorithm, simply
.. math::
\hat{r}_{ui} = q_i^Tp_u
This is equivalent to Probabilistic Matrix Factorization
(:cite:`salakhutdinov2008a`, section 2) and can be achieved by setting
the ``biased`` parameter to ``False``.
n_factors: The number of factors. Default is ``100``.
n_epochs: The number of iteration of the SGD procedure. Default is
biased(bool): Whether to use baselines (or biases). See :ref:`note
<unbiased_note>` above. Default is ``True``.
init_mean: The mean of the normal distribution for factor vectors
initialization. Default is ``0``.
init_std_dev: The standard deviation of the normal distribution for
factor vectors initialization. Default is ``0.1``.
lr_all: The learning rate for all parameters. Default is ``0.005``.
reg_all: The regularization term for all parameters. Default is
lr_bu: The learning rate for :math:`b_u`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
lr_bi: The learning rate for :math:`b_i`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
lr_pu: The learning rate for :math:`p_u`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
lr_qi: The learning rate for :math:`q_i`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_bu: The regularization term for :math:`b_u`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_bi: The regularization term for :math:`b_i`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_pu: The regularization term for :math:`p_u`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_qi: The regularization term for :math:`q_i`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
random_state(int, RandomState instance from numpy, or ``None``):
Determines the RNG that will be used for initialization. If
int, ``random_state`` will be used as a seed for a new RNG. This is
useful to get the same initialization over multiple calls to
``fit()``. If RandomState instance, this same instance is used as
RNG. If ``None``, the current RNG from numpy is used. Default is
verbose: If ``True``, prints the current epoch. Default is ``False``.
pu(numpy array of size (n_users, n_factors)): The user factors (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
qi(numpy array of size (n_items, n_factors)): The item factors (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
bu(numpy array of size (n_users)): The user biases (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
bi(numpy array of size (n_items)): The item biases (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
def __init__(self, n_factors=100, n_epochs=20, biased=True, init_mean=0,
init_std_dev=.1, lr_all=.005,
reg_all=.02, lr_bu=None, lr_bi=None, lr_pu=None, lr_qi=None,
reg_bu=None, reg_bi=None, reg_pu=None, reg_qi=None,
random_state=None, verbose=False):
self.n_factors = n_factors
self.n_epochs = n_epochs
self.biased = biased
self.init_mean = init_mean
self.init_std_dev = init_std_dev
self.lr_bu = lr_bu if lr_bu is not None else lr_all
self.lr_bi = lr_bi if lr_bi is not None else lr_all
self.lr_pu = lr_pu if lr_pu is not None else lr_all
self.lr_qi = lr_qi if lr_qi is not None else lr_all
self.reg_bu = reg_bu if reg_bu is not None else reg_all
self.reg_bi = reg_bi if reg_bi is not None else reg_all
self.reg_pu = reg_pu if reg_pu is not None else reg_all
self.reg_qi = reg_qi if reg_qi is not None else reg_all
self.random_state = random_state
self.verbose = verbose
def fit(self, trainset):, trainset)
return self
def sgd(self, trainset):
# OK, let's breath. I've seen so many different implementation of this
# algorithm that I just not sure anymore of what it should do. I've
# implemented the version as described in the BellKor papers (RS
# Handbook, etc.). Mymedialite also does it this way. In his post
# however, Funk seems to implicitly say that the algo looks like this
# (see reg below):
# for f in range(n_factors):
# for _ in range(n_iter):
# for u, i, r in all_ratings:
# err = r_ui - <p[u, :f+1], q[i, :f+1]>
# update p[u, f]
# update q[i, f]
# which is also the way
# implemented it.
# Funk: "Anyway, this will train one feature (aspect), and in
# particular will find the most prominent feature remaining (the one
# that will most reduce the error that's left over after previously
# trained features have done their best). When it's as good as it's
# going to get, shift it onto the pile of done features, and start a
# new one. For efficiency's sake, cache the residuals (all 100 million
# of them) so when you're training feature 72 you don't have to wait
# for predictRating() to re-compute the contributions of the previous
# 71 features. You will need 2 Gig of ram, a C compiler, and good
# programming habits to do this."
# A note on cythonization: I haven't dived into the details, but
# accessing 2D arrays like pu using just one of the indices like pu[u]
# is not efficient. That's why the old (cleaner) version can't be used
# anymore, we need to compute the dot products by hand, and update
# user and items factors by iterating over all factors...
# user biases
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] bu
# item biases
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] bi
# user factors
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] pu
# item factors
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] qi
cdef int u, i, f
cdef double r, err, dot, puf, qif
cdef double global_mean = self.trainset.global_mean
cdef double lr_bu = self.lr_bu
cdef double lr_bi = self.lr_bi
cdef double lr_pu = self.lr_pu
cdef double lr_qi = self.lr_qi
cdef double reg_bu = self.reg_bu
cdef double reg_bi = self.reg_bi
cdef double reg_pu = self.reg_pu
cdef double reg_qi = self.reg_qi
rng = get_rng(self.random_state)
bu = np.zeros(trainset.n_users, np.double)
bi = np.zeros(trainset.n_items, np.double)
pu = rng.normal(self.init_mean, self.init_std_dev,
(trainset.n_users, self.n_factors))
qi = rng.normal(self.init_mean, self.init_std_dev,
(trainset.n_items, self.n_factors))
if not self.biased:
global_mean = 0
for current_epoch in range(self.n_epochs):
if self.verbose:
print("Processing epoch {}".format(current_epoch))
for u, i, r in trainset.all_ratings():
# compute current error
dot = 0 # <q_i, p_u>
for f in range(self.n_factors):
dot += qi[i, f] * pu[u, f]
err = r - (global_mean + bu[u] + bi[i] + dot)
# update biases
if self.biased:
bu[u] += lr_bu * (err - reg_bu * bu[u])
bi[i] += lr_bi * (err - reg_bi * bi[i])
# update factors
for f in range(self.n_factors):
puf = pu[u, f]
qif = qi[i, f]
pu[u, f] += lr_pu * (err * qif - reg_pu * puf)
qi[i, f] += lr_qi * (err * puf - reg_qi * qif)
self.bu = bu = bi
self.pu = pu
self.qi = qi
def estimate(self, u, i):
# Should we cythonize this as well?
known_user = self.trainset.knows_user(u)
known_item = self.trainset.knows_item(i)
if self.biased:
est = self.trainset.global_mean
if known_user:
est += self.bu[u]
if known_item:
est +=[i]
if known_user and known_item:
est +=[i], self.pu[u])
if known_user and known_item:
est =[i], self.pu[u])
raise PredictionImpossible('User and item are unknown.')
return est
class SVDpp(AlgoBase):
"""The *SVD++* algorithm, an extension of :class:`SVD` taking into account
implicit ratings.
The prediction :math:`\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set as:
.. math::
\hat{r}_{ui} = \mu + b_u + b_i + q_i^T\\left(p_u +
|I_u|^{-\\frac{1}{2}} \sum_{j \\in I_u}y_j\\right)
Where the :math:`y_j` terms are a new set of item factors that capture
implicit ratings. Here, an implicit rating describes the fact that a user
:math:`u` rated an item :math:`j`, regardless of the rating value.
If user :math:`u` is unknown, then the bias :math:`b_u` and the factors
:math:`p_u` are assumed to be zero. The same applies for item :math:`i`
with :math:`b_i`, :math:`q_i` and :math:`y_i`.
For details, see section 4 of :cite:`Koren:2008:FMN`. See also
:cite:`Ricci:2010`, section 5.3.1.
Just as for :class:`SVD`, the parameters are learned using a SGD on the
regularized squared error objective.
Baselines are initialized to ``0``. User and item factors are randomly
initialized according to a normal distribution, which can be tuned using
the ``init_mean`` and ``init_std_dev`` parameters.
You have control over the learning rate :math:`\gamma` and the
regularization term :math:`\lambda`. Both can be different for each
kind of parameter (see below). By default, learning rates are set to
``0.005`` and regularization terms are set to ``0.02``.
n_factors: The number of factors. Default is ``20``.
n_epochs: The number of iteration of the SGD procedure. Default is
init_mean: The mean of the normal distribution for factor vectors
initialization. Default is ``0``.
init_std_dev: The standard deviation of the normal distribution for
factor vectors initialization. Default is ``0.1``.
lr_all: The learning rate for all parameters. Default is ``0.007``.
reg_all: The regularization term for all parameters. Default is
lr_bu: The learning rate for :math:`b_u`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
lr_bi: The learning rate for :math:`b_i`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
lr_pu: The learning rate for :math:`p_u`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
lr_qi: The learning rate for :math:`q_i`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
lr_yj: The learning rate for :math:`y_j`. Takes precedence over
``lr_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_bu: The regularization term for :math:`b_u`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_bi: The regularization term for :math:`b_i`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_pu: The regularization term for :math:`p_u`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_qi: The regularization term for :math:`q_i`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
reg_yj: The regularization term for :math:`y_j`. Takes precedence
over ``reg_all`` if set. Default is ``None``.
random_state(int, RandomState instance from numpy, or ``None``):
Determines the RNG that will be used for initialization. If
int, ``random_state`` will be used as a seed for a new RNG. This is
useful to get the same initialization over multiple calls to
``fit()``. If RandomState instance, this same instance is used as
RNG. If ``None``, the current RNG from numpy is used. Default is
verbose: If ``True``, prints the current epoch. Default is ``False``.
pu(numpy array of size (n_users, n_factors)): The user factors (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
qi(numpy array of size (n_items, n_factors)): The item factors (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
yj(numpy array of size (n_items, n_factors)): The (implicit) item
factors (only exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
bu(numpy array of size (n_users)): The user biases (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
bi(numpy array of size (n_items)): The item biases (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
def __init__(self, n_factors=20, n_epochs=20, init_mean=0, init_std_dev=.1,
lr_all=.007, reg_all=.02, lr_bu=None, lr_bi=None, lr_pu=None,
lr_qi=None, lr_yj=None, reg_bu=None, reg_bi=None, reg_pu=None,
reg_qi=None, reg_yj=None, random_state=None, verbose=False):
self.n_factors = n_factors
self.n_epochs = n_epochs
self.init_mean = init_mean
self.init_std_dev = init_std_dev
self.lr_bu = lr_bu if lr_bu is not None else lr_all
self.lr_bi = lr_bi if lr_bi is not None else lr_all
self.lr_pu = lr_pu if lr_pu is not None else lr_all
self.lr_qi = lr_qi if lr_qi is not None else lr_all
self.lr_yj = lr_yj if lr_yj is not None else lr_all
self.reg_bu = reg_bu if reg_bu is not None else reg_all
self.reg_bi = reg_bi if reg_bi is not None else reg_all
self.reg_pu = reg_pu if reg_pu is not None else reg_all
self.reg_qi = reg_qi if reg_qi is not None else reg_all
self.reg_yj = reg_yj if reg_yj is not None else reg_all
self.random_state = random_state
self.verbose = verbose
def fit(self, trainset):, trainset)
return self
def sgd(self, trainset):
# user biases
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] bu
# item biases
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] bi
# user factors
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] pu
# item factors
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] qi
# item implicit factors
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] yj
cdef int u, i, j, f
cdef double r, err, dot, puf, qif, sqrt_Iu, _
cdef double global_mean = self.trainset.global_mean
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] u_impl_fdb
cdef double lr_bu = self.lr_bu
cdef double lr_bi = self.lr_bi
cdef double lr_pu = self.lr_pu
cdef double lr_qi = self.lr_qi
cdef double lr_yj = self.lr_yj
cdef double reg_bu = self.reg_bu
cdef double reg_bi = self.reg_bi
cdef double reg_pu = self.reg_pu
cdef double reg_qi = self.reg_qi
cdef double reg_yj = self.reg_yj
bu = np.zeros(trainset.n_users, np.double)
bi = np.zeros(trainset.n_items, np.double)
rng = get_rng(self.random_state)
pu = rng.normal(self.init_mean, self.init_std_dev,
(trainset.n_users, self.n_factors))
qi = rng.normal(self.init_mean, self.init_std_dev,
(trainset.n_items, self.n_factors))
yj = rng.normal(self.init_mean, self.init_std_dev,
(trainset.n_items, self.n_factors))
u_impl_fdb = np.zeros(self.n_factors, np.double)
for current_epoch in range(self.n_epochs):
if self.verbose:
print(" processing epoch {}".format(current_epoch))
for u, i, r in trainset.all_ratings():
# items rated by u. This is COSTLY
Iu = [j for (j, _) in trainset.ur[u]]
sqrt_Iu = np.sqrt(len(Iu))
# compute user implicit feedback
u_impl_fdb = np.zeros(self.n_factors, np.double)
for j in Iu:
for f in range(self.n_factors):
u_impl_fdb[f] += yj[j, f] / sqrt_Iu
# compute current error
dot = 0 # <q_i, (p_u + sum_{j in Iu} y_j / sqrt{Iu}>
for f in range(self.n_factors):
dot += qi[i, f] * (pu[u, f] + u_impl_fdb[f])
err = r - (global_mean + bu[u] + bi[i] + dot)
# update biases
bu[u] += lr_bu * (err - reg_bu * bu[u])
bi[i] += lr_bi * (err - reg_bi * bi[i])
# update factors
for f in range(self.n_factors):
puf = pu[u, f]
qif = qi[i, f]
pu[u, f] += lr_pu * (err * qif - reg_pu * puf)
qi[i, f] += lr_qi * (err * (puf + u_impl_fdb[f]) -
reg_qi * qif)
for j in Iu:
yj[j, f] += lr_yj * (err * qif / sqrt_Iu -
reg_yj * yj[j, f])
self.bu = bu = bi
self.pu = pu
self.qi = qi
self.yj = yj
def estimate(self, u, i):
est = self.trainset.global_mean
if self.trainset.knows_user(u):
est += self.bu[u]
if self.trainset.knows_item(i):
est +=[i]
if self.trainset.knows_user(u) and self.trainset.knows_item(i):
Iu = len(self.trainset.ur[u]) # nb of items rated by u
u_impl_feedback = (sum(self.yj[j] for (j, _)
in self.trainset.ur[u]) / np.sqrt(Iu))
est +=[i], self.pu[u] + u_impl_feedback)
return est
class NMF(AlgoBase):
"""A collaborative filtering algorithm based on Non-negative Matrix
This algorithm is very similar to :class:`SVD`. The prediction
:math:`\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set as:
.. math::
\hat{r}_{ui} = q_i^Tp_u,
where user and item factors are kept **positive**. Our implementation
follows that suggested in :cite:`NMF:2014`, which is equivalent to
:cite:`Zhang96` in its non-regularized form. Both are direct applications
of NMF for dense matrices :cite:`NMF_algo`.
The optimization procedure is a (regularized) stochastic gradient descent
with a specific choice of step size that ensures non-negativity of factors,
provided that their initial values are also positive.
At each step of the SGD procedure, the factors :math:`f` or user :math:`u`
and item :math:`i` are updated as follows:
.. math::
p_{uf} &\\leftarrow p_{uf} &\cdot \\frac{\\sum_{i \in I_u} q_{if}
\\cdot r_{ui}}{\\sum_{i \in I_u} q_{if} \\cdot \\hat{r_{ui}} +
\\lambda_u |I_u| p_{uf}}\\\\
q_{if} &\\leftarrow q_{if} &\cdot \\frac{\\sum_{u \in U_i} p_{uf}
\\cdot r_{ui}}{\\sum_{u \in U_i} p_{uf} \\cdot \\hat{r_{ui}} +
\lambda_i |U_i| q_{if}}\\\\
where :math:`\lambda_u` and :math:`\lambda_i` are regularization
This algorithm is highly dependent on initial values. User and item factors
are uniformly initialized between ``init_low`` and ``init_high``. Change
them at your own risks!
A biased version is available by setting the ``biased`` parameter to
``True``. In this case, the prediction is set as
.. math::
\hat{r}_{ui} = \mu + b_u + b_i + q_i^Tp_u,
still ensuring positive factors. Baselines are optimized in the same way as
in the :class:`SVD` algorithm. While yielding better accuracy, the biased
version seems highly prone to overfitting so you may want to reduce the
number of factors (or increase regularization).
n_factors: The number of factors. Default is ``15``.
n_epochs: The number of iteration of the SGD procedure. Default is
biased(bool): Whether to use baselines (or biases). Default is
reg_pu: The regularization term for users :math:`\lambda_u`. Default is
reg_qi: The regularization term for items :math:`\lambda_i`. Default is
reg_bu: The regularization term for :math:`b_u`. Only relevant for
biased version. Default is ``0.02``.
reg_bi: The regularization term for :math:`b_i`. Only relevant for
biased version. Default is ``0.02``.
lr_bu: The learning rate for :math:`b_u`. Only relevant for biased
version. Default is ``0.005``.
lr_bi: The learning rate for :math:`b_i`. Only relevant for biased
version. Default is ``0.005``.
init_low: Lower bound for random initialization of factors. Must be
greater than ``0`` to ensure non-negative factors. Default is
init_high: Higher bound for random initialization of factors. Default
is ``1``.
random_state(int, RandomState instance from numpy, or ``None``):
Determines the RNG that will be used for initialization. If
int, ``random_state`` will be used as a seed for a new RNG. This is
useful to get the same initialization over multiple calls to
``fit()``. If RandomState instance, this same instance is used as
RNG. If ``None``, the current RNG from numpy is used. Default is
verbose: If ``True``, prints the current epoch. Default is ``False``.
pu(numpy array of size (n_users, n_factors)): The user factors (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
qi(numpy array of size (n_items, n_factors)): The item factors (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
bu(numpy array of size (n_users)): The user biases (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
bi(numpy array of size (n_items)): The item biases (only
exists if ``fit()`` has been called)
def __init__(self, n_factors=15, n_epochs=50, biased=False, reg_pu=.06,
reg_qi=.06, reg_bu=.02, reg_bi=.02, lr_bu=.005, lr_bi=.005,
init_low=0, init_high=1, random_state=None, verbose=False):
self.n_factors = n_factors
self.n_epochs = n_epochs
self.biased = biased
self.reg_pu = reg_pu
self.reg_qi = reg_qi
self.lr_bu = lr_bu
self.lr_bi = lr_bi
self.reg_bu = reg_bu
self.reg_bi = reg_bi
self.init_low = init_low
self.init_high = init_high
self.random_state = random_state
self.verbose = verbose
if self.init_low < 0:
raise ValueError('init_low should be greater than zero')
def fit(self, trainset):, trainset)
return self
def sgd(self, trainset):
# user and item factors
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] pu
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] qi
# user and item biases
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] bu
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] bi
# auxiliary matrices used in optimization process
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] user_num
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] user_denom
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] item_num
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2] item_denom
cdef int u, i, f
cdef double r, est, l, dot, err
cdef double reg_pu = self.reg_pu
cdef double reg_qi = self.reg_qi
cdef double reg_bu = self.reg_bu
cdef double reg_bi = self.reg_bi
cdef double lr_bu = self.lr_bu
cdef double lr_bi = self.lr_bi
cdef double global_mean = self.trainset.global_mean
# Randomly initialize user and item factors
rng = get_rng(self.random_state)
pu = rng.uniform(self.init_low, self.init_high,
size=(trainset.n_users, self.n_factors))
qi = rng.uniform(self.init_low, self.init_high,
size=(trainset.n_items, self.n_factors))
bu = np.zeros(trainset.n_users, np.double)
bi = np.zeros(trainset.n_items, np.double)
if not self.biased:
global_mean = 0
for current_epoch in range(self.n_epochs):
if self.verbose:
print("Processing epoch {}".format(current_epoch))
# (re)initialize nums and denoms to zero
user_num = np.zeros((trainset.n_users, self.n_factors))
user_denom = np.zeros((trainset.n_users, self.n_factors))
item_num = np.zeros((trainset.n_items, self.n_factors))
item_denom = np.zeros((trainset.n_items, self.n_factors))
# Compute numerators and denominators for users and items factors
for u, i, r in trainset.all_ratings():
# compute current estimation and error
dot = 0 # <q_i, p_u>
for f in range(self.n_factors):
dot += qi[i, f] * pu[u, f]
est = global_mean + bu[u] + bi[i] + dot
err = r - est
# update biases
if self.biased:
bu[u] += lr_bu * (err - reg_bu * bu[u])
bi[i] += lr_bi * (err - reg_bi * bi[i])
# compute numerators and denominators
for f in range(self.n_factors):
user_num[u, f] += qi[i, f] * r
user_denom[u, f] += qi[i, f] * est
item_num[i, f] += pu[u, f] * r
item_denom[i, f] += pu[u, f] * est
# Update user factors
for u in trainset.all_users():
n_ratings = len(trainset.ur[u])
for f in range(self.n_factors):
user_denom[u, f] += n_ratings * reg_pu * pu[u, f]
pu[u, f] *= user_num[u, f] / user_denom[u, f]
# Update item factors
for i in trainset.all_items():
n_ratings = len([i])
for f in range(self.n_factors):
item_denom[i, f] += n_ratings * reg_qi * qi[i, f]
qi[i, f] *= item_num[i, f] / item_denom[i, f]
self.bu = bu = bi
self.pu = pu
self.qi = qi
def estimate(self, u, i):
# Should we cythonize this as well?
known_user = self.trainset.knows_user(u)
known_item = self.trainset.knows_item(i)
if self.biased:
est = self.trainset.global_mean
if known_user:
est += self.bu[u]
if known_item:
est +=[i]
if known_user and known_item:
est +=[i], self.pu[u])
if known_user and known_item:
est =[i], self.pu[u])
raise PredictionImpossible('User and item are unknown.')
return est
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