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Created May 15, 2014 22:05
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* -------
* OP_SETABC(a,b,c)
* frame->A = frame[a] etc
* set "segments" for each a, b, c (-1 do not set anything for given letter)
* arguments must refer to valid TT_TAGGED tables.
* OP_GETT(a,b,c)
* A[a] = B[b][C[c]] if table
* OR A[a] = B[b](->self,C[c]) if function call
* OP_SETT(a=val,b=tab,c=key)
* B[b][C[c]] = A[a]
* any invalid table operation will trigger global exception frame
* which should deal with it further (ie. metatables)
* OP_EQ(a,b,c)
* if (!memcmp(b,c,8)) goto a;
* does binary equation test and if equal, jumps.
* OP_TEST(jmplong,val)
* if val is true, jump.
* OP_RET(unused,func,arg) returns from a function, optionally performing a tailcall
* math ops:
* non-integer values trigger exceptions.
* OP_LT(dst,b,c) substract b-c, if b<c, jump.
* OP_+{BAND,BOR,BXOR,BSHL,BSHR,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,MOD} = 11 math ops of OP_*(a,b,c)
#define MKH(v) ((v.u>>32)^(v.u&0xffffffffLL))
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
enum {
OP_setabc, OP_gett, OP_sett, OP_eq, OP_test, OP_ret, OP_lt,
OP_band, OP_bor, OP_bxor, OP_bshl, OP_bshr, OP_add, OP_sub, OP_mul, OP_div, OP_mod };
/* tagged doubles are 0xffff000T<val>
* T cane be one of TT:
#define TT_TAGGED 0 /* the table has tagged values OR doubles */
#define TT_OBJECT 1 /* string, userdata ... can have meta ... NULL OBJECT is NULL */
#define TT_SYMBOL 2
#define TT_BOOL 3 /* bitmap in table */
#define TT_INT32 4
#define TT_UINT32 5
#define TT_UINT8 6
#define TT_UCHAR 7
#define TF_IMMUTABLE 8 /* an immutable flag when used in array ptr */
#define TF_FUNCTION (TF_IMMUTABLE+TT_BOOL) /* this combination is used to denote a method call */
#define CT_VM 0 /* call the virtual machine - function call (set frame) */
#define CT_VMJUMP 1 /* new PC value (useful for jump tables, args & values ignored) */
#define CT_DIRECT 2 /* call direct C function */
/* tagvalue size in bits. physical array size is always
* aligned to 64 bits though
#if 0
#define REALPTR(p) ((void *) (((unsigned long) (v_exec)) + ((long) ((p) & (~15)))))
#define shortptr_t int32_t
#define REALPTR(p) ((void *)((p) & (~15)))
#define shortptr_t intptr_t
struct Tvalue_t;
struct Tframe_t;
typedef union {
uint8_t u8;
uint32_t u32; /* we deal here with bitops, too */
int32_t i32;
shortptr_t ptr; /* for pointer types */
uint8_t b:1;
} Uvalue;
typedef struct {
union {
uint32_t callflags:2; /* call flags */
uint32_t len; /* only if ->tt != TF_CALL */
shortptr_t freelist;
union {
uint32_t flags:4; /* TT_* | TF_ addresses must be aligned to 16 bits */
shortptr_t data; /* pointer to table if len */
shortptr_t self;/* parent closure / bounding frame / class / "self" */
} Tobject;
struct Tvalue_t {
uint32_t taghi:29; /* holds 0xffff */
uint16_t tag:3; /* holds TT_ */
Uvalue val;
typedef struct Tvalue_t Tvalue;
typedef struct Tframe_t Tframe;
struct Tframe_t {
Tobject otable; /* table referring to the following as tagvals start -> finfo */
/* these are 32bit on i386, 64bit on amd64 */
Tobject *Freelist; /* freelist we belong to, externally represented as TT_OBJECT + TT_TAGGED */
uint32_t *Opcodes; /* opcodes for this function */
uint32_t *Savedip; /* saved ip of parent */
Tframe *Parent; /* the actual parent frame */
Tframe *Exception; /* exception handler, should not be ever entered twice. */
unsigned long Nargs; /* number of args ve expect */
Tvalue *A, *B, *C; /* frame context */
/* public */
#define F_SELF 0
Tvalue this; /* refers to self (points to otable above) */
#define F_BOUNDING 1
Tvalue self; /* set by during the call, bounding frame */
#define F_ARG 2
Tvalue arg; /* set during the call, the argument passed. */
// Tvalue finfo;
#define F_GLOBAL 3
Tvalue globals;
#define F_CONSTS 4
Tvalue consts;
Tvalue locals[]; /* locals */
#define OPCODE ((uint8_t*)pc)[0]
#define Ar ((uint8_t*)pc)[1]
#define Asr ((int8_t*)pc)[1]
#define Br ((uint8_t*)pc)[2]
#define Cr ((uint8_t*)pc)[3]
#define SKIPOP() { pc++; }
#define CONT() { SKIPOP(); goto continued; }
int v_exec(Tframe *cframe)
Tframe *frame = NULL;
uint32_t *pc = NULL;
//assert(!cframe->Parent); /* must NOT be in use */
/* save parent */
cframe->Savedip = pc;
cframe->Parent = frame;
/* and set active frame to 'cframe' */
frame = cframe;
/* reset ABC to locals */
frame->A = frame->B = REALPTR(frame->;
frame->C = REALPTR(frame->A[F_CONSTS].val.ptr); /* consts */
/* this is to be done by the allocator
frame->self.taghi = 0xffff;
frame->self.tag = TT_OBJECT;
frame->self.val.o = &frame->otable;
frame->a = frame->b = frame->c = frame->self; */
pc = (void*) frame->Opcodes;
#define GETREG(name) Tvalue name##v = frame->name[name##r]
#define CHECKNUM(Xv) if (Xv.tag < TT_INT32) goto except;
while (1) {
switch (OPCODE) {
/* OP_+{BAND,BOR,BXOR,BSHL,BSHR,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,MOD} = 11 math ops of OP_*(a,b,c) */
#define M(op,wtf) \
case OP_##op: { \
frame->A[Ar] = Bv; \
frame->A[Ar].val.u32 wtf##= Cv.val.u32; \
CONT(); \
#undef M
* OP_lt: dst,b,c
case OP_lt: {
if (Bv.val.u32 < Cv.val.u32)
pc += Asr;
* OP_test: jmplong,c
case OP_test: {
if (Cv.val.u32)
pc += *((int16_t *)(&Ar));
* OP_eq: jmp,b,c
case OP_eq: {
if (*(uint64_t *)&Bv == *(uint64_t *)&Cv)
pc += Asr;
* OP_setabc: a,b,c
case OP_setabc: {
int i;
shortptr_t *f = REALPTR(frame->;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int reg = ((int8_t*)pc)[1+i];
if (reg>0) ((Tvalue **)&frame->A)[i] = REALPTR(f[reg]);
/* if (Ar!=255) { frame->A = REALPTR(f[Ar]); };
if (Br!=255) { frame->B = REALPTR(f[Br]); };
if (Cr!=255) { frame->C = REALPTR(f[Cr]); };*/
* OP_sett: val, tab, key
case OP_sett:{
if (Bv.tag != TT_OBJECT)
goto except;
Tobject *o = REALPTR(Bv.val.ptr);
/* must be indexing by integer value */
if (Cv.tag < TT_UINT32)
goto except;
int idx = Cv.val.i32;
unsigned len = o->len;
/* negative index? */
if (Cv.tag == TT_INT32 && idx < 0) {
idx += len;
if (idx < 0)
goto except;
/* index must be valid */
if (idx >= ((unsigned)len))
goto except;
if (Av.tag != o->flags)
goto except;
void *p = REALPTR(o->data);
if (Av.tag == TT_TAGGED) {
((Tvalue *) p)[idx] = Av;
} else {
if (Av.tag >= TT_UINT8) {
((uint8_t *)p)[idx] = Av.val.u8;
} else if (Av.tag == TT_BOOL) {
(((uint32_t *)p)[idx/32] |= (Av.val.b<<(idx%32)));
} else { /* TT_UINT32 */
((uint32_t *)p)[idx] = Av.val.u32;
* OP_gett: dst, tab, key
case OP_gett: {
if (Bv.tag != TT_OBJECT)
goto except;
Tobject *o = REALPTR(Bv.val.ptr);
if (o->flags == TF_FUNCTION) {
/* actually doing a method call */
Tobject *freelist = REALPTR(o->freelist);
Tframe **frames = REALPTR(freelist->data);
// assert(freelist->len>0);
/* no frames available -> bail out to allocator (will restart the instruction later) */
if (freelist->len == 1)
goto except;
/* ok, take one frame from the freelist */
cframe = frames[--freelist->len];
cframe->self.val.ptr = o->self & (~15); /* both are short pointers. make it TT_TAGGED */
cframe->arg = Cv;
cframe->globals = frames[0]->globals; /* reset globals ptr as env might have changed */
SKIPOP(); /* will return to the next opcode */
goto go_frame;
/* must be indexing by integer value */
if (Cv.tag < TT_UINT32)
goto except;
int idx = Cv.val.i32;
unsigned len = o->len;
/* negative index? */
if (Cv.tag == TT_INT32 && idx < 0) {
idx += len;
if (idx < 0)
goto except;
/* index must be valid */
if (idx >= ((unsigned)len))
goto except;
/* now, according the type width, copy the object */
void *p = REALPTR(o->data);
int tag = o->flags & 7;
if (tag == TT_TAGGED) {
frame->A[Ar] = ((Tvalue *) p)[idx];
} else {
Tvalue ret = { taghi: 0x1fffffff, tag: tag };
if (tag >= TT_UINT8) {
ret.val.u32 = ((uint8_t *)p)[idx];
} else if (tag == TT_BOOL) {
ret.val.u32 = (((uint32_t *)p)[idx/32] & (1<<(idx%32)));
} else { /* TT_UINT32 */
ret.val.u32 = ((uint32_t *)p)[idx];
frame->A[Ar] = ret;
} // TT_GETT
} // switch
} // while
cframe = frame->Exception;
goto go_frame;
} // v_exec
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