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ChaiNNer with remote backend

Alex Dodge (@Eighty on Discord)

Last Updated: 27 Feb 2023


This document will describe how to run chaiNNer on RunPod and connect to it with a frontend running on your local machine. This way you can take advantage of cloud GPUs.

We're not using any RunPod-specific features, so this general approach should work for any cloud service, with some modifications. This is written assuming you're running Linux. At the end, I'll put some notes about Mac and Windows, as far as I can figure it out.

kato-megumi /
Created March 23, 2020 13:38 — forked from eXenon/
Use scapy as a modifying proxy
Use scapy to modify packets going through your machine.
Based on nfqueue to block packets in the kernel and pass them to scapy for validation
import nfqueue
from scapy.all import *
import os
kato-megumi /
Created November 11, 2018 09:21 — forked from pstuifzand/
Keyboard logger
kato-megumi /
Created August 15, 2018 01:04 — forked from jkullick/
SQLMap Cheat Sheet
# Enumerate databases
sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u "$URL" --dbs

# Enumerate tables
sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u "$URL" -D "$DATABASE" --tables

# Dump table data
sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u "$URL" -D "$DATABASE" -T "$TABLE" --dump
kato-megumi /
Created July 20, 2018 15:27 — forked from 0xBADCA7/
Python cPickle/pickle exploit generator
#!/usr/bin/env python
Vodka goes down the throat better with pickle.
This script generates pickled object representation. Good for CTFs.
Params: [1] function, [2] parameter, [3] pickle type
Sample run:
kato-megumi /
Created May 15, 2018 16:58 — forked from xnohat/
Use bitsadmin to download via the command line on Windows 7 (8?)

Download via the command line on Windows 7

If you want to test your connection or have some other reason to use the command line to download a file, this is how.

See for more information.

Open cmd.exe and use this format:

bitsadmin /transfer debjob /download /priority normal D:\Users\[Username]\Downloads\debian-live-8.7.1-i386-xfce-desktop.iso