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Last active June 21, 2020 08:16
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react native api module with axios
import axios, { AxiosInstance, ResponseType, Method, AxiosResponse, AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';
import { storeData, getData } from '../helpers';
export const STORAGE_TOKEN_KEY_NAME = 'token';
const PROTOCOL = 'https://'; // protocols: 'http', 'https'
const BASE_URL = ''; // include just domain or sub domain and domain name.
const LEVEL_ONE_ENDPOINT = 'api/v1/'; // first level uri. include versioning etc.
const TOKEN_PRIFIX = 'token '; // do not remove the space. samples: token, Bearer, etc.
// URL is the server address. it should used only with axios, because it does not have final endpoint.
// add your endpoints here.
export const END_POINTS = {
profile: 'accounts/profile/',
get_token: 'accounts/social-accounts/obtain-token/',
detail: ({ id }) => {
return `lessons/${id}/`;
// axios default config.
const DEFAULT_CONFIG: AxiosRequestConfig = {
baseURL: URL,
responseType: 'json' as ResponseType,
// will include this headers for each request.
'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
// ApiService stuff
// Symbols are completely unique identifiers.
// Just like its primitive counterparts, they can be created using the factory function Symbol() which returns a Symbol.
// The two variables below, singleton and singletonEnforcer are not the same, they are both unique.
// Imagine a really long random string is return by each Symbol() call.
// Simple usage:
// const sym = Symbol()
// const foo = {
// [sym]: 'someValue'
// }
// foo[sym] // 'someValue'
// WARNING: do not export this two variables
const API_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER = Symbol(); // a simple key that pointing to our ApiService.
const SINGLETON_ENFORCER = Symbol(); // a simple key we use it for prevent new initialization.
// ApiService is class that provide token saving and retrieving.
// ApiService design pattern in singleton
class ApiService {
// singleton stuff
constructor(enforcer: Symbol) {
if (enforcer !== SINGLETON_ENFORCER) {
throw new Error('Cannot construct singleton');
this.session = axios.create({ ...DEFAULT_CONFIG });
static get instance(): ApiService {
// token related stuff
private _token = '';
set token(value: string) {
this._token = value;
storeData(STORAGE_TOKEN_KEY_NAME, value);
if (this.onChangeToken !== undefined) {
get token(): string {
return this._token;
onChangeToken: (value: string) => void;
readTokenFromStorage will read token from key, value storage and save it.
@returns void
readTokenFromStorage = () => {
getData(STORAGE_TOKEN_KEY_NAME).then(value => {
this._token = value === null ? '' : value;
if (this.onChangeToken !== undefined && this._token !== '') {
// axios and http request stuff
private session: AxiosInstance;
requestWithToken will send a http request and include token Header Authorization key with token value.
@param {Method} method - http request method -> 'post', 'get', 'put', ...
@param {string} endpoint - api endpoint. endpoint will concatenate with URL
@param {object} data - http request body. this object will be convert to json.
@param {object} customHeaders - set custom http headers.
@param {AxiosRequestConfig} customConfig - set custom axios configuration.
@returns Promise<AxiosResponse>
requestWithToken = <T>(
method: Method,
endpoint: string,
data: object = null,
params: object = null,
customHeaders: object = null,
customConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = null,
): Promise<AxiosResponse<T>> => {
const config = {
headers: {
Authorization: `${TOKEN_PRIFIX}${this._token}`,
let endpoint_url = endpoint;
if (endpoint in END_POINTS) {
endpoint_url = END_POINTS[endpoint];
if (typeof endpoint_url === 'function') {
endpoint_url = endpoint_url({ ...params });
switch (method.toUpperCase()) {
case 'GET':
case 'OPTIONS':
case 'HEAD':
case 'DELETE':
return this.session[method.toLowerCase()](endpoint_url, config);
return this.session[method.toLowerCase()](endpoint_url, data, config);
request will send a http request.
@param {Method} method - http request method -> 'post', 'get', 'put', ...
@param {string} endpoint - api endpoint. endpoint will concatenate with URL
@param {object} data - http request body. this object will be convert to json.
@param {object} customHeaders - set custom http headers.
@param {AxiosRequestConfig} customConfig - set custom axios configuration.
@returns Promise<AxiosResponse>
request = <T>(
method: Method,
endpoint: string,
data: object = null,
params: object = null,
customHeaders: object = null,
customConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = null,
): Promise<AxiosResponse<T>> => {
const config = {
headers: { ...DEFAULT_HEADERS, ...customHeaders },
let endpoint_url = endpoint;
if (endpoint in END_POINTS) {
endpoint_url = END_POINTS[endpoint];
if (typeof endpoint_url === 'function') {
endpoint_url = endpoint_url({ ...params });
switch (method.toUpperCase()) {
case 'GET':
case 'OPTIONS':
case 'HEAD':
case 'DELETE':
return this.session[method.toLowerCase()](endpoint_url, config);
return this.session[method.toLowerCase()](endpoint_url, data, config);
export default ApiService.instance;
export * from './models';
interface ServerResponse {
status: number;
message: string;
content: object;
interface PaginatedServerResponse<T> extends ServerResponse {
content: {
count: number;
next: string;
previous: string;
results: T;
export interface LoginResponse extends ServerResponse {
content: {
token: string;
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katoozi commented Jun 21, 2020

put all files in src/api folder.

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