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Created April 18, 2013 15:02
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Stole this ant from @lidev ;) #ane #ant
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Adobe Native Extension Packager" default="all" basedir=".">
<property name="extensionName" value="UserPhotosExtension"/>
<property name="flexsdk" value="/Users/palebluedot/Documents/Libraries/Flex/flex-"/>
<target name="all" depends="clean,init,ios,compileswc,extractswf,copyfiles,package"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="build"/>
<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="build"/>
<target name="ios">
<!-- TODO: could compile library here also, not just copy it. For now, we're going to have to compile the xcodeproject
manually into the copy file src parameter velow. -->
<mkdir dir="build/ios"/>
<copy file="src-ios/build/Debug-iphoneos/libUserPhotosExtension.a" todir="build/ios"/>
<target name="compileswc">
<fileset dir="src-as3/src" casesensitive="yes" id="classfiles">
<include name="**/*.as"/>
<pathconvert property="classlist" refid="classfiles" pathsep=" " dirsep=".">
<regexpmapper from=".*src.(.*)\.as" to="\1"/>
<exec executable="${flexsdk}/bin/compc" failonerror="true">
<arg line='-source-path src-as3/src'/>
<arg line='-output build/${extensionName}.swc'/>
<arg line='-swf-version=17'/>
<arg line='-external-library-path+="${flexsdk}/frameworks/libs/air/airglobal.swc"'/>
<arg line='-include-classes ${classlist}'/>
<target name="extractswf">
<unzip src="build/${extensionName}.swc" dest="build/ios"/>
<target name="copyfiles">
<copy file="extension.xml" todir="build"/>
<copy file="platformoptions.xml" todir="build"/>
<target name="package">
<exec executable="${flexsdk}/bin/adt" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-package"/>
<arg value="-target"/>
<arg value="ane"/>
<arg value="build/${extensionName}.ane"/>
<arg value="build/extension.xml"/>
<arg line="-swc build/${extensionName}.swc"/>
<arg line="-platform iPhone-ARM -platformoptions build/platformoptions.xml -C build/ios ."/>
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