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Created July 28, 2012 05:33
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sample for jison
/* description: Parses end executes mathematical expressions. */
/* lexical grammar */
\s+ /* skip whitespace */
[0-9]+("."[0-9]+)?\b return 'NUMBER'
"*" return '*'
"/" return '/'
"-" return '-'
"+" return '+'
"^" return '^'
"!" return '!'
"%" return '%'
"(" return '('
")" return ')'
"PI" return 'PI'
"E" return 'E'
<<EOF>> return 'EOF'
. return 'INVALID'
/* operator associations and precedence */
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%left '^'
%right '!'
%right '%'
%left UMINUS
%start expressions
%% /* language grammar */
: e EOF
{ return $1; }
: e '+' e
{$$ = new (require("./calc_node")).Add($1, $3);}
| e '-' e
{$$ = new (require("./calc_node")).Sub($1, $3);}
| e '*' e
{$$ = new (require("./calc_node")).Mul($1, $3);}
| e '/' e
{$$ = new (require("./calc_node")).Div($1, $3);}
| e '^' e
{$$ = new (require("./calc_node")).Pow($1, $3);}
| e '!'
{$$ = new (require("./calc_node")).Factorial($1);}
| e '%'
{$$ = new (require("./calc_node")).Percentage($1);}
| '-' e %prec UMINUS
{$$ = new (require("./calc_node")).Minus($2);}
| '(' e ')'
{$$ = $2;}
{$$ = Number($1);}
| E
{$$ = (require("./calc_node")).E;}
| PI
{$$ = (require("./calc_node")).PI;}
# See
# Jison入門!!!
# $ node -f
# v0.8.4
# $ coffee -v
# CoffeeScript version 1.3.3
# $ jison calc.json # generate cakc.js
# $ cat testcalc
# 1 + 2
# $ coffee
# ========== 1 + 2
# <Add>
# left: 1
# right: 2
# ========== 1 * 2 + PI
# <Add>
# left: <Mul>
# left: 1
# right: 2
# right: <Object>
# value: 3.141592653589793
toString = (obj, indent = "") ->
s = '<' + ((if obj then else '')) + '>'
for key of obj
if obj.hasOwnProperty(key)
val = obj[key]
s += "\n#{indent}#{key}: "
if typeof val is 'object'
s += toString(val, indent + ' ')
else if typeof val is 'function'
s +=
s += val or ''
s += "\n#{indent}#{obj}" if typeof obj is 'number'
exec = (input) ->
args = process.argv.slice(1)
input = require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').resolve(args[1]), 'utf8')
x = exec(input)
console.log "========== #{input}"
console.log toString(x)
input = '1 * 2 + PI'
x = exec(input)
console.log "========== #{input}"
console.log toString(x)
function Add(x, y) { this.left = x; this.right = y; }
function Sub(x, y) { this.left = x; this.right = y; }
function Mul(x, y) { this.left = x; this.right = y; }
function Div(x, y) { this.left = x; this.right = y; }
function Pow(x, y) { this.left = x; this.right = y; }
function Factorial(x) { this.value = x; }
function Percentage(x) { this.value = x; }
function Minus(x) { this.value = x; }
E = { value : Math.E };
PI = { value : Math.PI };
module.exports.Add = Add;
module.exports.Sub = Sub;
module.exports.Mul = Mul;
module.exports.Div = Div;
module.exports.Pow = Pow;
module.exports.Factorial = Factorial;
module.exports.Percentage = Percentage;
module.exports.Minus = Minus;
module.exports.E = E;
module.exports.PI = PI;
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