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Last active September 18, 2018 06:15
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Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm, Boyer-Moore algorithm, and Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorighm.
def kmp(text, pattern):
def generate_table(ptn):
tbl = [0] * len(ptn)
left = 0
for right in range(1, len(ptn)):
tbl[right] = left
if ptn[left] == ptn[right]:
left += 1
left = 0
return tbl
table = generate_table(pattern)
cur = 0
ptn_p = 0
while cur < len(text) and ptn_p < len(pattern):
if text[cur] == pattern[ptn_p]:
cur += 1
ptn_p += 1
elif ptn_p == 0:
cur += 1
ptn_p = table[ptn_p]
if ptn_p == len(pattern):
return cur - len(pattern)
return -1
def bmh(text, pattern):
table = {}
length = len(pattern)
for i, char in enumerate(pattern):
table[char] = length - i - 1
def count_to_move(text_rightmost):
if text_rightmost in table:
return max(1, table[text_rightmost])
return length
cur = 0
while cur <= len(text)-len(pattern):
# cur_end = cur + len(pattern) - 1
found = True
to_move = count_to_move(text[cur+len(pattern)-1])
if text[cur+len(pattern)-1] != pattern[len(pattern)-1]:
cur += to_move
for i in range(len(pattern)-2, -1, -1):
if text[cur+i] != pattern[i]:
found = False
cur += to_move
if found:
return cur
return -1
def bm(text, pattern):
table = {}
length = len(pattern)
for i, char in enumerate(pattern):
table[char] = length - i - 1
cur = 0
while cur <= len(text)-len(pattern):
found = True
for i in range(len(pattern)-1, -1, -1):
if text[cur+i] != pattern[i]:
found = False
if text[cur+i] in table:
cur += max(1, table[text[cur+i]])
cur += length
if found:
return cur
return -1
def naive(text, pattern):
cur = 0
while cur <= len(text)-len(pattern):
found = True
for i in range(len(pattern)):
if text[cur+i] != pattern[i]:
found = False
if found:
return cur
cur += 1
return -1
if __name__ == '__main__':
text = 'abcabcabcdabc'
pattern = 'abcdabc'
print(naive(text, pattern))
print(bm(text, pattern))
print(bmh(text, pattern))
print(kmp(text, pattern))
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