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Last active July 26, 2017 19:22
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High level overview how to write a React app, and overview of tricky .bind and this.props

Thinking in React

Notes from reading:

Big idea implementation:

  1. Break UI into component hierarchy

    • Child components should be children in hierarchies
  2. Build a static version

    • No interactivity
    • Don't use state at all!

    -Build bottom-up or top-down

    • Simpler? top-down
    • Larger? bottom-up, write tests as you build
  3. Identify Minimal (but complete) Representation of UI State

    - DRY: Don't repeat yourself
    - It's NOT state if:
    	- passed in from a parent via props
    	- remains unchanged over time
    	- can compute it based on any other state or props in your component
  4. Identify where your state should live

    - Identify which component *mutates* or owns this state
    - Highest common owner should hold the state
    - Can't identify? Make a new component simply for holding the state
  5. Add Inverse Data Flow

    - components should only update their own state	
    - Example: search for products, filteredProducts changes as searchBar input changes

Bind in React

Why do you have to use bind?

"When using ES6 classes, React does not automatically bind the member functions inside the component." Source:


handleClick = () => {


constructor(props) {


handleClick() {

State and Lifecycle

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