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Last active January 31, 2020 23:53
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Proposed lang file changes for Unique Enchantments 1.12.2 - 1.8
enchantment.uniquee.berserk.desc=The lower your health, the higher your damage.
enchantment.uniquee.all=Ameliorated Sharpness
enchantment.uniquee.all.desc=An advanced version of Sharpness.
enchantment.uniquee.undead=Ameliorated Smite
enchantment.uniquee.undead.desc=An advanced version of Smite.
enchantment.uniquee.arthropods=Ameliorated Bane of Arthropods
enchantment.uniquee.arthropods.desc=An advanced version of Bane of Arthropods.
enchantment.uniquee.vitae.desc=Grants you more health.
enchantment.uniquee.swift.desc=Grants you quicker movement speed.
enchantment.uniquee.sages_blessing=Sage's Blessing
enchantment.uniquee.sages_blessing.desc=Increases XP gain per enchantment level.
enchantment.uniquee.ender_eyes=Ender Eyes
enchantment.uniquee.ender_eyes.desc=Endermen won't attack you for looking at them.
enchantment.uniquee.focus_impact=Focus Impact
enchantment.uniquee.focus_impact.desc=Grants weapons with slow attack speed increasingly greater damage.
enchantment.uniquee.bone_crusher=Bone Crusher
enchantment.uniquee.bone_crusher.desc=Increases the amount of damage done to Skeletons, and improves their drops.
enchantment.uniquee.ranged.desc=Increases reach, but will reduce damage and mining speed when the bonus reach is in use.
enchantment.uniquee.treasurers_eyes=Treasurer's Eyes
enchantment.uniquee.treasurers_eyes.desc=Allows you to see enchantment effects on entities.
enchantment.uniquee.swiftblade=Swift Blade
enchantment.uniquee.swiftblade.desc=Grants weapons with quick attack speed increasingly greater damage.
enchantment.uniquee.spartanweapon=Spartan Weapon
enchantment.uniquee.spartanweapon.desc=You deal bonus pierce damage when wielding a shield.
enchantment.uniquee.perpetualstrike=Perpetual Strike
enchantment.uniquee.perpetualstrike.desc=Your damage increases with every consecutive hit on the same target.
enchantment.uniquee.climate_tranquility=Climate Tranquility
enchantment.uniquee.climate_tranquility.desc=In particularly hot or cold biomes, your weapon will counteract the temperature with the opposing element.
enchantment.uniquee.momentum.desc=Uninterrrupted mining increases your mining speed per block.
enchantment.uniquee.ender_mending=Ender Mending
enchantment.uniquee.ender_mending.desc=Advanced version of Mending, will store excess experience in the tool. Ender Mending will split its experience to every valid item.
enchantment.uniquee.smart_ass=Smart Ass
enchantment.uniquee.smart_ass.desc=When mining Gravel, Sand, or Logs, you will break the top block first.
enchantment.uniquee.warriorsgrace=Warrior's Grace
enchantment.uniquee.warriorsgrace.desc=Killing a foe replenishes durability with the enemy's health. The greater the foe, the greater the benefit.
enchantment.uniquee.naturesgrace=Nature's Grace
enchantment.uniquee.naturesgrace.desc=Standing near Flowers or Leaves will restore health when the player is out of combat.
enchantment.uniquee.fastfood=Fast Food
enchantment.uniquee.fastfood.desc=Non-hostile living creatures will no longer drop items, but their deaths will restore your hunger.
enchantment.uniquee.endermarksmen=Ender Marksman
enchantment.uniquee.endermarksmen.desc=Hitting a target restores bow durability and returns your arrow.
enchantment.uniquee.cloudwalker=Cloud Walker
enchantment.uniquee.cloudwalker.desc=Allows you to sneak midair to stop a fall. However, doing this will still cause damage based on how far you fell before sneaking.
enchantment.uniquee.aresblessing=Ares' Blessing
enchantment.uniquee.aresblessing.desc=With this enchantment, killing blows from enemies will be absorbed by your armor, consuming durability. However, damage from other sources will still be deadly.
enchantment.uniquee.alchemistsgrace=Alchemist's Grace
enchantment.uniquee.alchemistsgrace.desc=Landing a hit on an enemy grants you beneficial potion effects depending on enchantent level.
enchantment.uniquee.ecological.desc=Standing near trees will slowly recover the durability of your tool.
enchantment.uniquee.phoenixs_blessing=Phoenix's Blessing
enchantment.uniquee.phoenixs_blessing.desc=Upon death, your Totem of Undying will resurrect you with full health and hunger.
enchantment.uniquee.midas_blessing=Midas Blessing
enchantment.uniquee.midas_blessing.desc=Shift+Right-click an anvil to store Gold Ingots in your tool. When mining any type of gem, your gold reserves will be depleted in order to increase your drops.
enchantment.uniquee.ifrits_grace=Ifrit's Grace
enchantment.uniquee.ifrits_grace.desc=Feed your tool Lava by Shift+Right-clicking it on an anvil with the items in your inventory. The power stored in this tool will smelt mined blocks.
enchantment.uniquee.icarus_aegis=Icarus Aegis
enchantment.uniquee.icarus_aegis.desc=Store feathers in your Elytra by Shift+Right-clicking it onto an anvil with feathers in your inventory. Then, your wings will consume the feathers and prevent gliding-related fall damage.
enchantment.uniquee.ender_librarian=Ender Librarian
enchantment.uniquee.ender_librarian.desc=A map imbued with this enchantment can be right-clicked in order to teleport to a random place within that map. This consumes the item.
enchantment.uniquee.demeters_soul=Demeter's Soul
enchantment.uniquee.demeters_soul.desc=Shift+Right-click a seed to claim it. Marked seeds will produce only one crop at a time, but it will be automatically harvested and stored in your Ender Chest.
enchantment.uniquee.pestilences_odium=Pestilence's Odium
enchantment.uniquee.pestilences_odium.desc=Non-hostile creatures in your area will be continuously damaged, but will drop no loot upon death.
enchantment.uniquee.deaths_odium=Death's Odium
enchantment.uniquee.deaths_odium.desc=Dying while having this curse on your gear will reduce your base HP. Lost HP can be temporarily regained as long as the cursed item remains equipped.
"//Simple": true,
"enchantment.uniquee.berserk": "Berserker",
"enchantment.uniquee.berserk.desc": "The lower your health, the higher your damage.",
"enchantment.uniquee.all": "Ameliorated Sharpness",
"enchantment.uniquee.all.desc": "An advanced version of Sharpness.",
"enchantment.uniquee.undead": "Ameliorated Smite",
"enchantment.uniquee.undead.desc": "An advanced version of Smite.",
"enchantment.uniquee.arthropods": "Ameliorated Bane of Arthropods",
"enchantment.uniquee.arthropods.desc": "An advanced version of Bane of Arthropods.",
"enchantment.uniquee.vitae": "Vitae",
"enchantment.uniquee.vitae.desc": "Grants you more health.",
"enchantment.uniquee.swift": "Swift",
"enchantment.uniquee.swift.desc": "Grants you quicker movement speed.",
"enchantment.uniquee.sages_blessing": "Sage's Blessing",
"enchantment.uniquee.sages_blessing.desc": "Increases XP gain per enchantment level.",
"enchantment.uniquee.ender_eyes": "Ender Eyes",
"enchantment.uniquee.ender_eyes.desc": "Endermen won't attack you for looking at them.",
"enchantment.uniquee.focus_impact": "Focus Impact",
"enchantment.uniquee.focus_impact.desc": "Grants weapons with slow attack speed increasingly greater damage.",
"enchantment.uniquee.bone_crusher": "Bone Crusher",
"enchantment.uniquee.bone_crusher.desc": "Increases the amount of damage done to Skeletons, and improves their drops.",
"enchantment.uniquee.ranged": "Range",
"enchantment.uniquee.ranged.desc": "Increases reach, but will reduce damage and mining speed when the bonus reach is in use.",
"enchantment.uniquee.treasurers_eyes": "Treasurer's Eyes",
"enchantment.uniquee.treasurers_eyes.desc": "Allows you to see enchantment effects on entities.",
"//Complex": true,
"enchantment.uniquee.swiftblade": "Swift Blade",
"enchantment.uniquee.swiftblade.desc": "Grants weapons with quick attack speed increasingly greater damage.",
"enchantment.uniquee.spartanweapon": "Spartan Weapon",
"enchantment.uniquee.spartanweapon.desc": "You deal bonus piercing damage when wielding a shield.",
"enchantment.uniquee.perpetualstrike": "Perpetual Strike",
"enchantment.uniquee.perpetualstrike.desc": "Your damage increases with every consecutive hit on the same target.",
"enchantment.uniquee.climate_tranquility": "Climate Tranquility",
"enchantment.uniquee.climate_tranquility.desc": "In particularly hot or cold biomes, your weapon will counteract the temperature with the opposing element on attacks.",
"enchantment.uniquee.momentum": "Momentum",
"enchantment.uniquee.momentum.desc": "Uninterrrupted mining increases your mining speed per block.",
"enchantment.uniquee.ender_mending": "Ender Mending",
"enchantment.uniquee.ender_mending.desc": "Advanced version of Mending, will store excess experience in the tool. Ender Mending will split its experience to every valid item.",
"enchantment.uniquee.smart_ass": "Smart Ass",
"enchantment.uniquee.smart_ass.desc": "When mining Gravel, Sand, or Logs, you will break the top block first.",
"//Unique": true,
"enchantment.uniquee.warriorsgrace": "Warrior's Grace",
"enchantment.uniquee.warriorsgrace.desc": "Killing a foe replenishes durability with the enemy's health. The greater the foe, the greater the benefit.",
"enchantment.uniquee.naturesgrace": "Nature's Grace",
"enchantment.uniquee.naturesgrace.desc": "Standing near Flowers or Leaves will restore health when the player is out of combat.",
"enchantment.uniquee.fastfood": "Fast Food",
"enchantment.uniquee.fastfood.desc": "Non-hostile living creatures will no longer drop items, but their deaths will restore your hunger.",
"enchantment.uniquee.endermarksmen": "Ender Marksman",
"enchantment.uniquee.endermarksmen.desc": "Hitting a target restores bow durability and returns your arrow.",
"enchantment.uniquee.cloudwalker": "Cloud Walker",
"enchantment.uniquee.cloudwalker.desc": "Allows you to sneak midair to stop a fall. However, doing this will still cause damage based on how far you fell before sneaking.",
"enchantment.uniquee.aresblessing": "Ares' Blessing",
"enchantment.uniquee.aresblessing.desc": "With this enchantment, killing blows from enemies will be absorbed by your armor, consuming durability. However, damage from other sources will still be deadly.",
"enchantment.uniquee.alchemistsgrace": "Alchemist's Grace",
"enchantment.uniquee.alchemistsgrace.desc": "Hitting an Enemy will grant you Potion Effects",
"enchantment.uniquee.ecological": "Ecological",
"enchantment.uniquee.ecological.desc": "Standing near trees will slowly recover the durability of your tool.",
"enchantment.uniquee.phoenixs_blessing": "Phoenix's Blessing",
"enchantment.uniquee.phoenixs_blessing.desc": "Upon death, your Totem of Undying will resurrect you with full health and hunger.",
"enchantment.uniquee.midas_blessing": "Midas Blessing",
"enchantment.uniquee.midas_blessing.desc": "Shift+Right-click an anvil to store Gold Ingots in your tool. When mining any type of gem, your gold reserves will be depleted in order to increase your drops.",
"enchantment.uniquee.ifrits_grace": "Ifrit's Grace",
"enchantment.uniquee.ifrits_grace.desc": "Feed your tool Lava by Shift+Right-clicking it on an anvil with the items in your inventory. The power stored in this tool will smelt mined blocks.",
"enchantment.uniquee.jokers_blessing": "Joker's Blessing",
"enchantment.uniquee.jokers_blessing.desc": "Consume Experience, to double all drops.",
"enchantment.uniquee.icarus_aegis": "Icarus Aegis",
"enchantment.uniquee.icarus_aegis.desc": "Store feathers in your Elytra by Shift+Right-clicking it onto an anvil with feathers in your inventory. Then, your wings will consume the feathers and prevent gliding-related fall damage.",
"enchantment.uniquee.ender_librarian": "Ender Librarian",
"enchantment.uniquee.ender_librarian.desc": "A map imbued with this enchantment can be right-clicked in order to teleport to a random place within that map. When a Treasure Map is imbued with this enchantment, it will teleport you closer to the riches. Teleportation consumes the map item.",
"enchantment.uniquee.demeters_soul": "Demeter's Soul",
"enchantment.uniquee.demeters_soul.desc": "Shift+Right-click a seed to claim it. Marked seeds will produce only one crop at a time, but it will be automatically harvested and stored in your Ender Chest.",
"//Curse": true,
"enchantment.uniquee.pestilences_odium": "Pestilence's Odium",
"enchantment.uniquee.pestilences_odium.desc": "Non-hostile creatures in your area will be continuously damaged, but will drop no loot upon death.",
"enchantment.uniquee.deaths_odium": "Death's Odium",
"enchantment.uniquee.deaths_odium.desc": "Dying while having this curse on your gear will reduce your base HP. Lost HP can be temporarily regained as long as the cursed item remains equipped.",
"//Potion": true,
"potion.uniquee.uniquepestilences_odium": "Pestilence's Odium",
"//Tooltips": true,
"": "Stored Gold: %s",
"": "Stored Lava: %s",
"": "Stored Feathers: %s",
"": "Stored Repairs: %s",
"": "Added Crop To Auto Harvester",
"": "Removed Crop From Auto Harvester"
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