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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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"browser": false,
"node": true,
"predef": ["after", "afterEach", "before", "beforeEach", "describe", "it" ],
"strict": false, // this should unnecessary -- default is false -- but seems to be enabled in some environments
// Katy
// enforcing options
// "camelcase": true, // require camelCase or ALL_UPPER -- this would be nice but we don't control all identifiers (e.g. the ones from jsforce)
"curly": true, // require all blocks be enclosed in curly braces
"eqeqeq": true, // require === and !== vs == and !=
"immed": true, // require IIFE be wrapped in parentheses
"latedef": "nofunc", // must define variables before they are used ("nofunc" means funcs can be defined later)
"newcap": true, // require cap first on objects you can use 'new' on
"trailing": true, // trailing whitespace should be an error
"undef": true, // can't use explicitly undefined variables
"unused": "vars", // warns about unused vars (unless they are function params)
// relaxing options
"lastsemic": true // allows you to omit the last semicolon *inside* single-line functions (not after)
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