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Created December 8, 2010 17:42
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script to load csv file into new postgres table
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
from subprocess import call
def load_csv_psql(db, infile, table, tmpdir='/tmp'):
tmpfile = '%s/%s' % (tmpdir, infile)
call(['cp', infile, tmpfile])
columns = map(variablize, file(infile).readline().split(','))
columns = map(lambda v: '%s varchar(128)' % v, columns)
queries = [
'drop table %s;' % table,
'create table %s (%s);' % (table, ','.join(columns)),
"copy %s from '%s' with csv header;" % (table, tmpfile),
'alter table %s add column id serial;' % table,
'alter table %s add primary key (id);' % table,
for q in queries:
call(['rm', tmpfile])
def variablize(text, prefix=''):
if not prefix:
# if no prefix, move any digits or non-word chars to the end
parts = re.match('(^[\W\d]*)(.*$)', text).groups()
text = "%s %s" % (parts[1], parts[0])
text = ("%s %s" % (prefix, text)).strip().lower()
text = re.sub('[\W]', '_', text)
return re.sub('_*$', '', text)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [-t|--table=newtable] [-d|--tmpdir=/tmp] database_name somefile.csv")
parser.add_option('-t', '--table', help='name of new table to create', default='newtable')
parser.add_option('-d', '--tmpdir', help='path to temporary directory which psql has permission to access', default='/tmp')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not len(args) == 2:
parser.error('requires a database name and path to csv file')
db, infile = args
if options.table == 'newtable':
table = variablize(infile)
table = options.table
load_csv_psql(db, infile, table, options.tmpdir)
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mindyng commented May 21, 2021

still useful 11 years later :) . though Python has changed a bit. so make sure you alter:

line 11: --> next(fh)
line 22: file(infile) to open(infile)

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