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src/Entity/File/Version.php & src/File/Image/BasicThumbnailer.php
namespace Concrete\Core\File\Image;
use Concrete\Core\Application\ApplicationAwareInterface;
use Concrete\Core\Application\ApplicationAwareTrait;
use Concrete\Core\Entity\File\File;
use Concrete\Core\Entity\File\StorageLocation\StorageLocation;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\ThumbnailerInterface;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\CustomThumbnail;
use Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation\Configuration\LocalConfiguration;
use Concrete\Core\File\StorageLocation\StorageLocationInterface;
use Concrete\Core\Http\ResponseAssetGroup;
use Exception;
use Image;
use Imagine\Image\Box;
use Imagine\Image\ImageInterface;
use Imagine\Image\Point;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\ThumbnailFormatService;
class BasicThumbnailer implements ThumbnailerInterface, ApplicationAwareInterface
use ApplicationAwareTrait;
* The currently configured JPEG compression level.
* @var int|null
protected $jpegCompression = null;
* The currently configured PNG compression level.
* @var int|null
protected $pngCompression = null;
* The currently configured format of the generated thumbnails.
* @var string|null
protected $thumbnailsFormat = null;
* @var StorageLocationInterface
private $storageLocation;
public function __construct(StorageLocationInterface $storageLocation = null)
$this->storageLocation = $storageLocation;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::getStorageLocation()
public function getStorageLocation()
if ($this->storageLocation === null) {
$orm = $this->app['database/orm']->entityManager();
/* @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface $orm */
$storageLocation = $orm->getRepository(StorageLocation::class)->findOneBy(['fslIsDefault' => true]);
if ($storageLocation) {
$this->storageLocation = $storageLocation;
return $this->storageLocation;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::setStorageLocation()
public function setStorageLocation(StorageLocationInterface $storageLocation)
$this->storageLocation = $storageLocation;
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::setJpegCompression()
public function setJpegCompression($level)
if (is_int($level) || is_float($level) || (is_string($level) && is_numeric($level))) {
$this->jpegCompression = min(max((int) $level, 0), 100);
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::getJpegCompression()
public function getJpegCompression()
if ($this->jpegCompression === null) {
$this->jpegCompression = $this->app->make(BitmapFormat::class)->getDefaultJpegQuality();
return $this->jpegCompression;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::setPngCompression()
public function setPngCompression($level)
if (is_int($level) || is_float($level) || (is_string($level) && is_numeric($level))) {
$this->pngCompression = min(max((int) $level, 0), 9);
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::getPngCompression()
public function getPngCompression()
if ($this->pngCompression === null) {
$this->pngCompression = $this->app->make(BitmapFormat::class)->getDefaultPngCompressionLevel();
return $this->pngCompression;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::setThumbnailsFormat()
public function setThumbnailsFormat($thumbnailsFormat)
$thumbnailsFormat = strtolower(trim((string) $thumbnailsFormat));
if ($thumbnailsFormat !== ThumbnailFormatService::FORMAT_AUTO) {
if (!$this->app->make(BitmapFormat::class)->isFormatValid($thumbnailsFormat)) {
$thumbnailsFormat = BitmapFormat::FORMAT_JPEG;
$this->thumbnailsFormat = $thumbnailsFormat;
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::getThumbnailsFormat()
public function getThumbnailsFormat()
if ($this->thumbnailsFormat === null) {
return $this->thumbnailsFormat;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::create()
public function create($mixed, $savePath, $width, $height, $fit = false, $format = false)
if ($format === false) {
$format = $this->getThumbnailsFormat();
switch ($format) {
case ThumbnailFormatService::FORMAT_AUTO:
$format = $this->app->make(ThumbnailFormatService::class)->getAutomaticFormatForFile($savePath);
$thumbnailOptions = [
'jpeg_quality' => $this->getJpegCompression(),
'png_compression_level' => $this->getPngCompression(),
$filesystem = $this->getStorageLocation()->getFileSystemObject();
if ($mixed instanceof ImageInterface) {
$image = $mixed;
} else {
$image = Image::open($mixed);
if ($fit) {
$thumb = $this->resizeInPlace($image, new Box($width, $height), ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND);
$thumb->get($format, $thumbnailOptions)
} else {
if ($height < 1) {
$thumb = $this->resizeInPlace($image,$image->getSize()->widen($width));
} elseif ($width < 1) {
$thumb = $this->resizeInPlace($image ,$image->getSize()->heighten($height));
} else {
$thumb = $this->resizeInPlace($image ,new Box($width, $height));
$thumb->get($format, $thumbnailOptions)
* This function is a copy of the core thumbnail() function,
* modified to allow thumbnailing without making a copy in memory first as it is not always needed depending on the context.
* @param ImageInterface $image The image to be resized
* @param Box $size The size of the image
* @param string $mode
* @param string $filter
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return ImageInterface
public function resizeInPlace(ImageInterface $image, Box $size, $mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET, $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED)
if ($mode !== ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET &&
$mode !== ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid mode specified');
$imageSize = $image->getSize();
$ratios = [
$size->getWidth() / $imageSize->getWidth(),
$size->getHeight() / $imageSize->getHeight(),
// if target width is larger than image width
// AND target height is longer than image height
if ($size->contains($imageSize)) {
return $image;
if ($mode === ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET) {
$ratio = min($ratios);
} else {
$ratio = max($ratios);
if ($mode === ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND) {
if (!$imageSize->contains($size)) {
$size = new Box(
min($imageSize->getWidth(), $size->getWidth()),
min($imageSize->getHeight(), $size->getHeight())
} else {
$imageSize = $image->getSize()->scale($ratio);
$image->resize($imageSize, $filter);
$image->crop(new Point(
max(0, round(($imageSize->getWidth() - $size->getWidth()) / 2)),
max(0, round(($imageSize->getHeight() - $size->getHeight()) / 2))
), $size);
} else {
if (!$imageSize->contains($size)) {
$imageSize = $imageSize->scale($ratio);
$image->resize($imageSize, $filter);
} else {
$imageSize = $image->getSize()->scale($ratio);
$image->resize($imageSize, $filter);
return $image;
* Checks thumbnail resolver for filename, schedule for creation via ajax if necessary.
* @param File|string $obj file instance of path to a file
* @param int|null $maxWidth
* @param int|null $maxHeight
* @param bool $crop
* @return \stdClass
private function returnThumbnailObjectFromResolver($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop = false)
return $this->processThumbnail(true, $obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop);
* Checks filesystem for thumbnail and if file doesn't exist will create it immediately.
* concrete5's default behavior from the beginning up to 8.1.
* @param File|string $obj file instance of path to a file
* @param int|null $maxWidth
* @param int|null $maxHeight
* @param bool $crop
* @return \stdClass
private function checkForThumbnailAndCreateIfNecessary($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop = false)
return $this->processThumbnail(false, $obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop);
* @param bool $async
* @param File|string $obj
* @param int|null $maxWidth
* @param int|null $maxHeight
* @param bool $crop
* @return \stdClass
private function processThumbnail($async, $obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop)
if ($obj instanceof File) {
$storage = $obj->getFileStorageLocationObject();
} else {
$storage = $this->getStorageLocation();
$filesystem = $storage->getFileSystemObject();
$configuration = $storage->getConfigurationObject();
$version = null;
$fh = $this->app->make('helper/file');
if ($async) {
$assetGroup = ResponseAssetGroup::get();
$baseFilename = '';
$extension = '';
if ($obj instanceof File) {
try {
$fr = $obj->getFileResource();
$fID = $obj->getFileID();
$extension = $fh->getExtension($fr->getPath());
$baseFilename = md5(implode(':', [$fID, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop, $fr->getTimestamp()]));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = new \stdClass();
$result->src = '';
return $result;
} else {
$extension = $fh->getExtension($obj);
// We hide the warning from filemtime() because it will only throw the warning on remote files, and we
// don't care too much about that
$baseFilename = md5(implode(':', [$obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop, @filemtime($obj)]));
$thumbnailFormat = $this->getThumbnailsFormat();
if ($thumbnailFormat === ThumbnailFormatService::FORMAT_AUTO) {
$thumbnailFormat = $this->app->make(ThumbnailFormatService::class)->getAutomaticFormatForFileExtension($extension);
$thumbnailExtension = $this->app->make(BitmapFormat::class)->getFormatFileExtension($thumbnailFormat);
$filename = $baseFilename . '.' . $thumbnailExtension;
$abspath = '/cache/thumbnails/' . $filename;
if ($async && $obj instanceof File) {
$customThumb = new CustomThumbnail($maxWidth, $maxHeight, $abspath, $crop);
$path_resolver = $this->app->make('Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Path\Resolver');
$path_resolver->getPath($obj->getVersion(), $customThumb);
} else {
if (!$filesystem->has($abspath)) {
$created = false;
try {
if ($obj instanceof File) {
$image = !is_callable([$fr, 'exists']) || $fr->exists() ? \Image::load($fr->read()) : null;
} else {
$image = \Image::open($obj);
if ($image) {
$created = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($created === false) {
$result = new \stdClass();
$result->src = '';
return $result;
$thumb = new \stdClass();
$thumb->src = $configuration->getPublicURLToFile($abspath);
// this is a hack, but we shouldn't go out on the network if we don't have to. We should probably
// add a method to the configuration to handle this. The file storage locations should be able to handle
// thumbnails.
if ($configuration instanceof LocalConfiguration) {
$dimensionsPath = $configuration->getRootPath() . $abspath;
} else {
$dimensionsPath = $thumb->src;
try {
$dimensions = @getimagesize($dimensionsPath);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$dimensions = false;
$thumb->width = ($dimensions === false) ? null : $dimensions[0];
$thumb->height = ($dimensions === false) ? null : $dimensions[1];
return $thumb;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see ThumbnailerInterface::getThumbnail()
public function getThumbnail($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop = false)
$config = $this->app->make('config');
if ($config->get('concrete.misc.basic_thumbnailer_generation_strategy') == 'async') {
return $this->returnThumbnailObjectFromResolver($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop);
} else {
return $this->checkForThumbnailAndCreateIfNecessary($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop);
* @deprecated
public function outputThumbnail($mixed, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $alt = null, $return = false, $crop = false)
$thumb = $this->getThumbnail($mixed, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $crop);
$html = '<img class="ccm-output-thumbnail" alt="' . $alt . '" src="' . $thumb->src . '" width="' . $thumb->width . '" height="' . $thumb->height . '" />';
if ($return) {
return $html;
} else {
echo $html;
namespace Concrete\Core\Entity\File;
use Concrete\Core\Attribute\AttributeKeyInterface;
use Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category\FileCategory;
use Concrete\Core\Attribute\ObjectInterface;
use Concrete\Core\Attribute\ObjectTrait;
use Concrete\Core\Database\Connection\Connection;
use Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\FileValue;
use Concrete\Core\Entity\File\StorageLocation\StorageLocation;
use Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion as FileVersionEvent;
use Concrete\Core\File\Exception\InvalidDimensionException;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\BitmapFormat;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Path\Resolver;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Thumbnail;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\ThumbnailFormatService;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Type;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Version as ThumbnailTypeVersion;
use Concrete\Core\File\Importer;
use Concrete\Core\File\Menu;
use Concrete\Core\File\Type\TypeList as FileTypeList;
use Concrete\Core\Http\FlysystemFileResponse;
use Concrete\Core\Http\Request;
use Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\Application;
use Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\Manager\ResolverManagerInterface;
use Concrete\Core\User\UserInfoRepository;
use DateTime;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Exception;
use Imagine\Exception\NotSupportedException;
use Imagine\Image\Box;
use Imagine\Image\ImageInterface;
use Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface;
use Imagine\Image\Metadata\ExifMetadataReader;
use League\Flysystem\AdapterInterface;
use League\Flysystem\Cached\CachedAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException;
use League\Flysystem\MountManager;
use League\Flysystem\Util;
use Page;
use Permissions;
use stdClass;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag;
use Throwable;
use User;
use Imagine\Image\Point;
* Represents a version of a file.
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(
* name="FileVersions",
* indexes={
* @ORM\Index(name="fvFilename", columns={"fvFilename"}),
* @ORM\Index(name="fvExtension", columns={"fvExtension"}),
* @ORM\Index(name="fvType", columns={"fvType"})
* }
* )
class Version implements ObjectInterface
use ObjectTrait;
* Update type: file replaced.
* @var int
const UT_REPLACE_FILE = 1;
* Update type: title updated.
* @var int
const UT_TITLE = 2;
* Update type: description updated.
* @var int
* Update type: tags modified.
* @var int
const UT_TAGS = 4;
* Update type: extended attributes changed.
* @var int
* Update type: contents changed.
* @var int
const UT_CONTENTS = 6;
* Update type: file version renamed.
* @var int
const UT_RENAME = 7;
* The associated File instance.
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="File", inversedBy="versions")
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="fID", referencedColumnName="fID")
* @var \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\File
protected $file;
* The progressive file version identifier.
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @var int
protected $fvID = 0;
* The name of the file.
* @ORM\Column(type="string")
* @var string
protected $fvFilename = null;
* The path prefix used to store the file in the file system.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
* @var string
protected $fvPrefix;
* The date/time when the file version has been added.
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
* @var \DateTime
protected $fvDateAdded;
* The date/time when the file version has been approved.
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
* @var \DateTime
protected $fvActivateDateTime;
* Is this version the approved one for the associated file?
* @ORM\Column(type="boolean")
* @var bool
protected $fvIsApproved = false;
* The ID of the user that created the file version.
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @var int
protected $fvAuthorUID = 0;
* The ID of the user that approved the file version.
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @var int
protected $fvApproverUID = 0;
* The size (in bytes) of the file version.
* @ORM\Column(type="bigint")
* @var int
protected $fvSize = 0;
* The title of the file version.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
* @var string|null
protected $fvTitle = null;
* The description of the file version.
* @ORM\Column(type="text", nullable=true)
* @var string|null
protected $fvDescription = null;
* The extension of the file version.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
* @var string|null
protected $fvExtension = null;
* The tags assigned to the file version (separated by a newline character - '\n').
* @ORM\Column(type="text", nullable=true)
* @var string|null
protected $fvTags = null;
* The type of the file version.
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @var int
protected $fvType = 0;
* Does this file version has a thumbnail to be used for file listing?
* @ORM\Column(type="boolean")
* @var bool
protected $fvHasListingThumbnail = false;
* Does this file version has a thumbnail to be used used for details?
* @ORM\Column(type="boolean")
* @var bool
protected $fvHasDetailThumbnail = false;
* The currently loaded Image instance.
* @var \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface|false|null null: still not loaded; false: load failed; ImageInterface otherwise
private $imagineImage = null;
* Initialize the instance.
public function __construct()
$this->fvDateAdded = new DateTime();
$this->fvActivateDateTime = new DateTime();
* Add a new file version.
* You should call refreshAttributes in order to update the size, extension, type and other attributes.
* @param \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\File $file the File instance associated to this version
* @param string $filename The name of the file
* @param string $prefix the path prefix used to store the file in the file system
* @param array $data Valid array keys are {
* @var int|null $uID the ID of the user that creates the file version (if not specified or empty: we'll assume the currently user logged in user)
* @var string $fvTitle the title of the file version
* @var string $fvDescription the description of the file version
* @var string $fvTags the tags to be assigned to the file version (separated by newlines and/or commas)
* @var bool $fvIsApproved Is this version the approved one for the associated file? (default: true)
* }
* @return static
public static function add(File $file, $filename, $prefix, $data = [])
$data += [
'uID' => 0,
'fvTitle' => '',
'fvDescription' => '',
'fvTags' => '',
'fvIsApproved' => true,
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$em = $app->make(EntityManagerInterface::class);
$dh = $app->make('date');
$date = new DateTime($dh->getOverridableNow());
$uID = (int) $data['uID'];
if ($uID < 1) {
if (User::isLoggedIn()) {
$uID = (int) (new User())->getUserID();
} else {
$uID = 0;
$fv = new static();
$fv->file = $file;
$fv->fvID = 1;
$fv->fvFilename = (string) $filename;
$fv->fvPrefix = $prefix;
$fv->fvDateAdded = $date;
$fv->fvActivateDateTime = $date;
$fv->fvIsApproved = (bool) $data['fvIsApproved'];
$fv->fvAuthorUID = $uID;
$fv->fvApproverUID = $uID;
$fv->fvTitle = (string) $data['fvTitle'];
$fv->fvDescription = (string) $data['fvDescription'];
$fv->fvTags = self::cleanTags((string) $data['fvTags']);
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($fv);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_add', $fve);
return $fv;
* Normalize the tags separator, remove empty tags.
* @param string $tagsStr The list of tags, delimited by '\n', '\r' or ','
* @return string
public static function cleanTags($tagsStr)
$tagsArray = explode("\n", str_replace(["\r", ','], "\n", $tagsStr));
$cleanTags = [];
foreach ($tagsArray as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
if ($tag !== '') {
$cleanTags[] = $tag;
//the leading and trailing line break char is for searching: fvTag like %\ntag\n%
return isset($cleanTags[0]) ? "\n" . implode("\n", $cleanTags) . "\n" : '';
* Set the associated File instance.
* @param \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\File $file
public function setFile(File $file)
$this->file = $file;
* Get the associated File instance.
* @return \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\File
public function getFile()
return $this->file;
* Get the ID of the associated file instance.
* @return int
public function getFileID()
return $this->file->getFileID();
* Set the progressive file version identifier.
* @param int $fvID
public function setFileVersionID($fvID)
$this->fvID = (int) $fvID;
* Get the progressive file version identifier.
* @return int
public function getFileVersionID()
return $this->fvID;
* Rename the file.
* @param string $filename
public function rename($filename)
$storage = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject();
if ($storage !== null) {
$filename = (string) $filename;
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$cf = $app->make('helper/concrete/file');
$oldFilename = $this->fvFilename;
$path = $cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $oldFilename);
$newPath = $cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $filename);
$filesystem = $storage->getFileSystemObject();
if ($filesystem->has($path)) {
$filesystem->rename($path, $newPath);
$this->fvFilename = $filename;
if ($this->fvTitle == $oldFilename) {
$this->fvTitle = $filename;
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($this);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_rename', $fve);
* Update the filename and the path prefix of the file.
* @param string $filename The new name of file
* @param string $prefix The new path prefix
public function updateFile($filename, $prefix)
$this->fvFilename = $filename;
$this->fvPrefix = $prefix;
* Set the name of the file.
* @param string $filename
public function setFilename($filename)
$this->fvFilename = $filename;
* Get the name of the file.
* @return string
public function getFileName()
return $this->fvFilename;
* Get the path prefix used to store the file in the file system.
* @return string
public function getPrefix()
return $this->fvPrefix;
* Get the date/time when the file version has been added.
* @return \DateTime
public function getDateAdded()
return $this->fvDateAdded;
* Get the date/time when the file version has been activated (or NULL if the file version is not approved).
* @return \DateTime|null
public function getActivateDateTime()
return $this->fvIsApproved ? $this->fvActivateDateTime : null;
* Mark this file version as approved (and disapprove all the other versions of the file).
* The currently logged in user (if any) will be stored as the approver.
public function approve()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
foreach ($this->file->getFileVersions() as $fv) {
$fv->fvIsApproved = false;
$this->fvIsApproved = true;
$this->fvActivateDateTime = new DateTime();
if (User::isLoggedIn()) {
$uID = (int) (new User())->getUserID();
if ($uID > 0) {
$this->fvApproverUID = $uID;
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($this);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_approve', $fve);
$fo = $this->getFile();
$app->make('cache/request')->delete('file/version/approved/' . $this->getFileID());
* Mark this file version as not approved.
public function deny()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$this->fvIsApproved = false;
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($this);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_deny', $fve);
$app->make('cache/request')->delete('file/version/approved/' . $this->getFileID());
* Is this version the approved one for the associated file?
* @return bool
public function isApproved()
return $this->fvIsApproved;
* Get the ID of the user that created the file version.
* @return int
public function getAuthorUserID()
return $this->fvAuthorUID;
* Get the username of the user that created the file version (or "Unknown").
* @return string
public function getAuthorName()
if ($this->fvAuthorUID) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$ui = $app->make(UserInfoRepository::class)->getByID($this->fvAuthorUID);
} else {
$ui = null;
return $ui === null ? t('(Unknown)') : $ui->getUserDisplayName();
* Get the ID of the user that approved the file version.
* @return int
public function getApproverUserID()
return $this->fvApproverUID;
* Get the username of the user that approved the file version (or "Unknown").
* @return string
public function getApproverName()
if ($this->fvApproverUID) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$ui = $app->make(UserInfoRepository::class)->getByID($this->fvApproverUID);
} else {
$ui = null;
return $ui === null ? t('(Unknown)') : $ui->getUserDisplayName();
* Get the file size of the file (in bytes).
* @return int
public function getFullSize()
return $this->fvSize;
* Get the formatted file size.
* @return string
* @example 123 KB
public function getSize()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
return $app->make('helper/number')->formatSize($this->fvSize, 'KB');
* Update the title of the file.
* @param string $title
public function updateTitle($title)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$this->fvTitle = $title;
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($this);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_update_title', $fve);
* Get the title of the file version.
* @return null|string
public function getTitle()
return $this->fvTitle;
* Update the description of the file.
* @param string $descr
public function updateDescription($descr)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$this->fvDescription = $descr;
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($this);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_update_description', $fve);
* Get the description of the file version.
* @return null|string
public function getDescription()
return $this->fvDescription;
* Get the extension of the file version.
* @return null|string
public function getExtension()
return $this->fvExtension;
* Update the tags associated to the file.
* @param string $tags List of tags separated by newlines and/or commas
public function updateTags($tags)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$tags = self::cleanTags($tags);
$this->fvTags = $tags;
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($this);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_update_tags', $fve);
* Get the tags assigned to the file version (as a list of strings).
* @return string[]
public function getTagsList()
$tags = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", trim($this->getTags())));
$clean_tags = [];
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
if ($tag !== '') {
$clean_tags[] = $tag;
return $clean_tags;
* Get the tags assigned to the file version (one tag per line - lines are separated by '\n').
* @return null|string
public function getTags()
return $this->fvTags;
* Get the mime type of the file if known.
* @return string|false
public function getMimeType()
try {
$fre = $this->getFileResource();
$result = $fre->getMimetype();
} catch (FileNotFoundException $x) {
$result = false;
return $result;
* Get the type of the file.
* @return \Concrete\Core\File\Type\Type
public function getTypeObject()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$fh = $app->make('helper/file');
$ext = $fh->getExtension($this->fvFilename);
$ftl = FileTypeList::getType($ext);
return $ftl;
* Get the name of the file type.
* @return string
public function getType()
$ftl = $this->getTypeObject();
return $ftl->getName();
* Get the localized name of the file type.
* @return string
public function getDisplayType()
$ftl = $this->getTypeObject();
return $ftl->getDisplayName();
* Get the localized name of the generic category type.
* @return string
public function getGenericTypeText()
$to = $this->getTypeObject();
return $to->getGenericDisplayType();
* Log updates to files.
* @param int $updateTypeID One of the Version::UT_... constants
* @param int $updateTypeAttributeID the ID of the attribute that has been updated (if any - useful when $updateTypeID is UT_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE)
public function logVersionUpdate($updateTypeID, $updateTypeAttributeID = 0)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$db = $app->make(Connection::class);
'INSERT INTO FileVersionLog (fID, fvID, fvUpdateTypeID, fvUpdateTypeAttributeID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)',
* Get an array containing human-readable descriptions of everything that happened to this file version.
* @return string[]
public function getVersionLogComments()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$db = $app->make(Connection::class);
$updates = [];
$ga = $db->fetchAll(
'SELECT fvUpdateTypeID, fvUpdateTypeAttributeID FROM FileVersionLog WHERE fID = ? AND fvID = ? ORDER BY fvlID ASC',
[$this->getFileID(), $this->getFileVersionID()]
foreach ($ga as $a) {
switch ($a['fvUpdateTypeID']) {
case self::UT_REPLACE_FILE:
$updates[] = t('File');
case self::UT_TITLE:
$updates[] = t('Title');
case self::UT_DESCRIPTION:
$updates[] = t('Description');
case self::UT_TAGS:
$updates[] = t('Tags');
case self::UT_CONTENTS:
$updates[] = t('File Content');
case self::UT_RENAME:
$updates[] = t('File Name');
$val = $db->fetchColumn(
'SELECT akName FROM AttributeKeys WHERE akID = ?',
if ($val !== false) {
$updates[] = $val;
return array_values(array_unique($updates));
* Get the path to the file relative to the webroot (may not exist).
* Return NULL if the file storage location is invalid.
* If the storage location does not support relative paths, you'll get the URL to the file (or the download URL if the file is not directly accessible).
* @return string|null
* @example /application/files/0000/0000/0000/file.png
public function getRelativePath()
$url = null;
$fsl = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject();
if ($fsl !== null) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$cf = $app->make('helper/concrete/file');
$configuration = $fsl->getConfigurationObject();
if ($configuration->hasRelativePath()) {
$url = $configuration->getRelativePathToFile($cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $this->fvFilename));
if ($configuration->hasPublicURL() && !$url) {
$url = $configuration->getPublicURLToFile($cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $this->fvFilename));
if (!$url) {
$url = (string) $this->getDownloadURL();
return $url;
* Get an URL that points to the file on disk (if not available, you'll get the result of the getDownloadURL method).
* Return NULL if the file storage location is invalid.
* If the file is not directly accessible, you'll get the download URL.
* @return string|null
public function getURL()
$url = null;
$fsl = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject();
if ($fsl !== null) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$cf = $app->make('helper/concrete/file');
$configuration = $fsl->getConfigurationObject();
if ($configuration->hasPublicURL()) {
$url = $configuration->getPublicURLToFile($cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $this->fvFilename));
if (!$url) {
$url = (string) $this->getDownloadURL();
return $url;
* Get an URL that can be used to download the file.
* This passes through the download_file single page.
* @return \League\URL\URLInterface
public function getDownloadURL()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$urlResolver = $app->make(ResolverManagerInterface::class);
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$cID = $c instanceof Page && !$c->isError() ? $c->getCollectionID() : 0;
return $urlResolver->resolve(['/download_file', $this->getFileID(), $cID]);
* Get an URL that can be used to download the file (it will force the download of all file types, even if the browser can display them).
* @return \League\URL\URLInterface
public function getForceDownloadURL()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$cID = $c instanceof Page && !$c->isError() ? $c->getCollectionID() : 0;
$urlResolver = $app->make(ResolverManagerInterface::class);
return $urlResolver->resolve(['/download_file', 'force', $this->getFileID(), $cID]);
* Get a Response instance that will force the browser to download the file, even if the browser can display it.
* @return \Concrete\Core\Http\Response
public function buildForceDownloadResponse()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$fre = $this->getFileResource();
$fs = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$response = new FlysystemFileResponse($fre->getPath(), $fs);
return $response;
* Check if there is a viewer for the type of the file.
* @return bool
public function canView()
$to = $this->getTypeObject();
return (string) $to->getView() !== '';
* Check if there is an editor for the type of the file.
* @return bool
public function canEdit()
$to = $this->getTypeObject();
return (string) $to->getEditor() !== '';
* Create a new (unapproved) copy of this file version.
* The new Version instance will have the current user as the author (if available), and a new version ID.
* @return Version
public function duplicate()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$em = $app->make(EntityManagerInterface::class);
$qq = $em->createQuery('SELECT max(v.fvID) FROM \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\Version v where v.file = :file');
$qq->setParameter('file', $this->file);
$fvID = $qq->getSingleScalarResult();
$fv = clone $this;
$fv->fvID = $fvID;
$fv->fvIsApproved = false;
$fv->fvDateAdded = new DateTime();
if (User::isLoggedIn()) {
$uID = (int) (new User())->getUserID();
if ($uID !== 0) {
$fv->fvAuthorUID = $uID;
foreach ($this->getAttributes() as $value) {
$value = clone $value;
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($fv);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_duplicate', $fve);
return $fv;
* Duplicate the underlying file and assign its new position to this instance.
public function duplicateUnderlyingFile()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$importer = new Importer();
$fi = $app->make('helper/file');
$cf = $app->make('helper/concrete/file');
$filesystem = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$fileName = $this->getFileName();
do {
$prefix = $importer->generatePrefix();
$path = $cf->prefix($prefix, $fileName);
} while ($filesystem->has($path));
$fileContents = $this->getFileResource()->read();
$mimeType = Util::guessMimeType($fileName, $fileContents);
'visibility' => AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC,
'mimetype' => $mimeType,
$this->updateFile($fileName, $prefix);
* Delete this version of the file.
* @param bool $deleteFilesAndThumbnails should we delete the actual file and the thumbnails?
public function delete($deleteFilesAndThumbnails = false)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$db = $app->make(Connection::class);
$em = $app->make(EntityManagerInterface::class);
$category = $this->getObjectAttributeCategory();
foreach ($this->getAttributes() as $attribute) {
$db->executeQuery('DELETE FROM FileVersionLog WHERE fID = ? AND fvID = ?', [$this->getFileID(), $this->fvID]);
if ($deleteFilesAndThumbnails) {
$types = Type::getVersionList();
foreach ($types as $type) {
try {
$fsl = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$fre = $this->getFileResource();
if ($fsl->has($fre->getPath())) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
* Get an abstract object to work with the actual file resource (note: this is NOT a concrete5 File object).
* @throws \League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException
* @return \League\Flysystem\File
public function getFileResource()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$cf = $app->make('helper/concrete/file');
$fs = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$fo = $fs->get($cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $this->fvFilename));
return $fo;
* Update the contents of the file.
* @param string $contents The new content of the file
* @param bool $rescanThumbnails Should thumbnails be rescanned as well?
public function updateContents($contents, $rescanThumbnails = true)
$storage = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject();
if ($storage !== null) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$cf = $app->make('helper/concrete/file');
$path = $cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $this->fvFilename);
$filesystem = $storage->getFileSystemObject();
try {
if ($filesystem->has($path)) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException $x) {
$filesystem->write($path, $contents);
$fve = new FileVersionEvent($this);
$app->make(EventDispatcherInterface::class)->dispatch('on_file_version_update_contents', $fve);
* Get the contents of the file.
* @return string|null return NULL if the actual file does not exist or can't be read
public function getFileContents()
$result = null;
$fsl = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject();
if ($fsl !== null) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$cf = $app->make('helper/concrete/file');
try {
$result = $fsl->getFileSystemObject()->read($cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $this->fvFilename));
if ($result === false) {
$result = null;
} catch (FileNotFoundException $x) {
return $result;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \Concrete\Core\Attribute\ObjectInterface::getObjectAttributeCategory()
* @return \Concrete\Core\Attribute\Category\FileCategory
public function getObjectAttributeCategory()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
return $app->make(FileCategory::class);
* Rescan all the attributes of this file version.
* This will run any type-based import routines, and store those attributes, generate thumbnails, etc...
* @param bool $rescanThumbnails Should thumbnails be rescanned as well?
* @return null|int Return one of the \Concrete\Core\File\Importer::E_... constants in case of errors, NULL otherwise.
public function refreshAttributes($rescanThumbnails = true)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$storage = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject();
if ($storage !== null) {
$fs = $storage->getFileSystemObject();
$adapter = $fs->getAdapter();
if ($adapter instanceof CachedAdapter) {
$cache = $adapter->getCache();
$cf = $app->make('helper/concrete/file');
$path = Util::normalizePath($cf->prefix($this->fvPrefix, $this->fvFilename));
$em = $app->make(EntityManagerInterface::class);
$fh = $app->make('helper/file');
$ext = $fh->getExtension($this->fvFilename);
$ftl = FileTypeList::getType($ext);
$cl = $ftl->getCustomInspector();
if ($cl !== null) {
$this->fvGenericType = $ftl->getGenericType();
try {
$fsr = $this->getFileResource();
if (!$fsr->isFile()) {
return Importer::E_FILE_INVALID;
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
return Importer::E_FILE_INVALID;
$this->fvExtension = $ext;
$this->fvType = $ftl->getGenericType();
if ($this->fvTitle === null) {
$this->fvTitle = $this->getFileName();
$this->fvSize = $fsr->getSize();
if ($rescanThumbnails) {
$f = $this->getFile();
* Get the list of attributes associated to this file version.
* @return \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\FileValue[]
public function getAttributes()
return $this->getObjectAttributeCategory()->getAttributeValues($this);
* {@inheritdoc}
* @see \Concrete\Core\Attribute\ObjectInterface::getAttributeValueObject()
* @return \Concrete\Core\Entity\Attribute\Value\FileValue|null
public function getAttributeValueObject($ak, $createIfNotExists = false)
if (!($ak instanceof AttributeKeyInterface)) {
$ak = $ak ? $this->getObjectAttributeCategory()->getAttributeKeyByHandle((string) $ak) : null;
if ($ak === null) {
$result = null;
} else {
$result = $this->getObjectAttributeCategory()->getAttributeValue($ak, $this);
if ($result === null && $createIfNotExists) {
$result = new FileValue();
return $result;
* Get an \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface representing the image.
* @return \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface|null return NULL if the image coulnd't be read, an ImageInterface otherwise
public function getImagineImage()
if (null === $this->imagineImage) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$resource = $this->getFileResource();
$mimetype = $resource->getMimeType();
$imageLibrary = $app->make(ImagineInterface::class);
switch ($mimetype) {
case 'image/svg+xml':
case 'image/svg-xml':
case 'text/plain':
if ($imageLibrary instanceof \Imagine\Gd\Imagine) {
try {
$imageLibrary = $app->make('image/imagick');
} catch (Exception $x) {
$this->imagineImage = false;
} catch (Throwable $x) {
$this->imagineImage = false;
if (null === $this->imagineImage) {
$metadataReader = $imageLibrary->getMetadataReader();
if (!$metadataReader instanceof ExifMetadataReader) {
if ($app->make('config')->get('concrete.file_manager.images.use_exif_data_to_rotate_images')) {
try {
$imageLibrary->setMetadataReader(new ExifMetadataReader());
} catch (NotSupportedException $e) {
try {
$this->imagineImage = $imageLibrary->load($resource->read());
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
$this->imagineImage = false;
return $this->imagineImage ?: null;
* Does the \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface instance have already been loaded?
* @return bool
public function hasImagineImage()
return $this->imagineImage ? true : false;
* Unload the loaded Image instance.
public function releaseImagineImage()
$this->imagineImage = null;
* Create missing thumbnails (or re-create all the thumbnails).
* @param bool $deleteExistingThumbnails Set to true to delete existing thumbnails (they will be re-created from scratch)
* @return bool return true on success, false on failure (file is not an image, problems during image processing, ...)
public function refreshThumbnails($deleteExistingThumbnails)
$result = false;
if ($this->fvType == \Concrete\Core\File\Type\Type::T_IMAGE) {
try {
$image = $this->getImagineImage();
if ($image) {
$imageWidth = (int) $this->getAttribute('width') ?: (int) $image->getSize()->getWidth();
$imageHeight = (int) $this->getAttribute('height') ?: (int) $image->getSize()->getHeight();
$types = Type::getVersionList();
$file = $this->getFile();
$fsl = null;
foreach ($types as $type) {
if ($type->shouldExistFor($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $file)) {
if ($deleteExistingThumbnails) {
} else {
if ($fsl === null) {
$fsl = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$path = $type->getFilePath($this);
try {
$exists = $fsl->has($path);
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
$exists = false;
if ($exists) {
} else {
// delete the file if it exists
$result = true;
} catch (\Imagine\Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
} catch (\Imagine\Exception\RuntimeException $e) {
return $result;
protected $prevHeight = null;
protected $prevWidth = null;
* Generate a thumbnail for a specific thumbnail type version.
* @param \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Version $type
public function generateThumbnail(ThumbnailTypeVersion $type)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$config = $app->make('config');
$bitmapFormat = $app->make(BitmapFormat::class);
$filesystem = $this->getFile()
$height = $type->getHeight();
$width = $type->getWidth();
if (!empty($this->prevHeight) && !empty($height) && $this->prevHeight < $height) {
} elseif (!empty($this->width) && !empty($width) && $this->prevWidth < $width) {
$image = $this->getImagineImage();
if ($height && $width) {
$size = new Box($width, $height);
$this->prevWidth = $width;
$this->prevHeight = $height;
} elseif ($width) {
$size = $image->getSize()->widen($width);
$this->prevHeight = null;
$this->prevWidth = $width;
} else {
$size = $image->getSize()->heighten($height);
$this->prevWidth = null;
$this->prevHeight = $height;
// isCropped only exists on the CustomThumbnail type
if (method_exists($type, 'isCropped') && $type->isCropped()) {
$thumbnailMode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND;
} else {
switch ($type->getSizingMode()) {
case Type::RESIZE_EXACT:
$thumbnailMode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND;
$thumbnailMode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET;
$imageForThumbnail = $image;
if ($type->isUpscalingEnabled()) {
$imageSize = $image->getSize();
if ($size->contains($imageSize) && $imageSize->getWidth() !== $size->getWidth() && $imageSize->getHeight() !== $size->getHeight()) {
if (($imageSize->getWidth() / $imageSize->getHeight()) >= ($size->getWidth() / $size->getHeight())) {
$newImageSize = $imageSize->heighten($size->getHeight());
} else {
$newImageSize = $imageSize->widen($size->getWidth());
$imageForThumbnail = $image->resize($newImageSize);
$thumbnail = $this->resizeInPlace($imageForThumbnail, $size, $thumbnailMode);
$thumbnailPath = $type->getFilePath($this);
$thumbnailFormat = $app->make(ThumbnailFormatService::class)->getFormatForFile($this);
$mimetype = $bitmapFormat->getFormatMimeType($thumbnailFormat);
$thumbnailOptions = $bitmapFormat->getFormatImagineSaveOptions($thumbnailFormat);
$thumbnail->get($thumbnailFormat, $thumbnailOptions),
'visibility' => AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC,
'mimetype' => $mimetype,
new \Concrete\Core\File\Event\ThumbnailGenerate($thumbnailPath, $type)
if ($type->getHandle() == $config->get('concrete.icons.file_manager_listing.handle') && !$this->fvHasListingThumbnail) {
$this->fvHasListingThumbnail = true;
if ($type->getHandle() == $config->get('concrete.icons.file_manager_detail.handle') && !$this->fvHasDetailThumbnail) {
$this->fvHasDetailThumbnail = true;
* This function is a copy of the core thumbnail() function,
* modified to allow thumbnailing without making a copy in memory first as it is not always needed depending on the context.
* @param ImageInterface $image The image to be resized
* @param Box $size The size of the image
* @param string $mode
* @param string $filter
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return ImageInterface
public function resizeInPlace(ImageInterface $image, Box $size, $mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET, $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED)
if ($mode !== ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET &&
$mode !== ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid mode specified');
$imageSize = $image->getSize();
$ratios = [
$size->getWidth() / $imageSize->getWidth(),
$size->getHeight() / $imageSize->getHeight(),
// if target width is larger than image width
// AND target height is longer than image height
if ($size->contains($imageSize)) {
return $image;
if ($mode === ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET) {
$ratio = min($ratios);
} else {
$ratio = max($ratios);
if ($mode === ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND) {
if (!$imageSize->contains($size)) {
$size = new Box(
min($imageSize->getWidth(), $size->getWidth()),
min($imageSize->getHeight(), $size->getHeight())
} else {
$imageSize = $image->getSize()->scale($ratio);
$image->resize($imageSize, $filter);
$image->crop(new Point(
max(0, round(($imageSize->getWidth() - $size->getWidth()) / 2)),
max(0, round(($imageSize->getHeight() - $size->getHeight()) / 2))
), $size);
} else {
if (!$imageSize->contains($size)) {
$imageSize = $imageSize->scale($ratio);
$image->resize($imageSize, $filter);
} else {
$imageSize = $image->getSize()->scale($ratio);
$image->resize($imageSize, $filter);
return $image;
* Import an existing file as a thumbnail type version.
* @param \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Version $version
* @param string $path
public function importThumbnail(ThumbnailTypeVersion $version, $path)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$config = $app->make('config');
$thumbnailPath = $version->getFilePath($this);
$filesystem = $this->getFile()
try {
if ($filesystem->has($thumbnailPath)) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($path);
$mimeType = Util::guessMimeType($path, $fileContents);
'visibility' => AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC,
'mimetype' => $mimeType,
if ($version->getHandle() == $config->get('concrete.icons.file_manager_listing.handle')) {
$this->fvHasListingThumbnail = true;
if ($version->getHandle() == $config->get('concrete.icons.file_manager_detail.handle')) {
$this->fvHasDetailThumbnail = true;
* Get the URL of a thumbnail type.
* If the thumbnail is smaller than the image (or if the file does not satisfy the Conditional Thumbnail criterias) you'll get the URL of the image itself.
* Please remark that the path is resolved using the default core path resolver: avoid using this method when you have access to the resolver instance.
* @param \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Version|string $type the thumbnail type version (or its handle)
* @return string|null return NULL if the thumbnail does not exist and the file storage location is invalid
* @example /application/files/thumbnails/file_manager_listing/0000/0000/0000/file.png
public function getThumbnailURL($type)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$path = null;
if (!($type instanceof ThumbnailTypeVersion)) {
$type = ThumbnailTypeVersion::getByHandle($type);
if ($type !== null) {
$imageWidth = (int) $this->getAttribute('width');
$imageHeight = (int) $this->getAttribute('height');
$file = $this->getFile();
if ($type->shouldExistFor($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $file)) {
$path_resolver = $app->make(Resolver::class);
$path = $path_resolver->getPath($this, $type);
if (!$path) {
$url = $this->getURL();
$path = $url ? (string) $url : null;
return $path;
* Get the list of all the thumbnails.
* @throws \Concrete\Core\File\Exception\InvalidDimensionException
* @return \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Thumbnail[]
public function getThumbnails()
$thumbnails = [];
$imageWidth = (int) $this->getAttribute('width');
$imageHeight = (int) $this->getAttribute('height');
if ($imageWidth < 1 || $imageHeight < 1) {
throw new InvalidDimensionException($this->getFile(), $this, t('Invalid dimensions.'));
$types = Type::getVersionList();
$file = $this->getFile();
foreach ($types as $type) {
if ($type->shouldExistFor($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $file)) {
$thumbnailPath = $type->getFilePath($this);
$location = $file->getFileStorageLocationObject();
$configuration = $location->getConfigurationObject();
$filesystem = $location->getFileSystemObject();
if ($filesystem->has($thumbnailPath)) {
$thumbnails[] = new Thumbnail($type, $configuration->getPublicURLToFile($thumbnailPath));
return $thumbnails;
* Get the HTML that renders the thumbnail for the details (a generic type icon if the thumbnail does not exist).
* Return the thumbnail for an image or a generic type icon for a file.
* @return string
public function getDetailThumbnailImage()
if ($this->fvHasDetailThumbnail) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$config = $app->make('config');
$type = Type::getByHandle($config->get('concrete.icons.file_manager_detail.handle'));
$result = '<img src="' . $this->getThumbnailURL($type->getBaseVersion()) . '"';
if ($config->get('concrete.file_manager.images.create_high_dpi_thumbnails')) {
$result .= ' data-at2x="' . $this->getThumbnailURL($type->getDoubledVersion()) . '"';
$result .= ' />';
} else {
$result = $this->getTypeObject()->getThumbnail();
return $result;
* Get the HTML that renders the thumbnail for the file listing (a generic types icon if the thumbnail does not exist).
* @return string
public function getListingThumbnailImage()
if ($this->fvHasListingThumbnail) {
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$config = $app->make('config');
$type = Type::getByHandle($config->get('concrete.icons.file_manager_listing.handle'));
$result = '<img class="ccm-file-manager-list-thumbnail" src="' . $this->getThumbnailURL($type->getBaseVersion()) . '"';
if ($config->get('concrete.file_manager.images.create_high_dpi_thumbnails')) {
$result .= ' data-at2x="' . $this->getThumbnailURL($type->getDoubledVersion()) . '"';
$result .= ' />';
} else {
return $this->getTypeObject()->getThumbnail();
return $result;
* Delete the thumbnail for a specific thumbnail type version.
* @param \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Version|string $type the thumbnail type version (or its handle)
public function deleteThumbnail($type)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$config = $app->make('config');
if (!($type instanceof ThumbnailTypeVersion)) {
$type = ThumbnailTypeVersion::getByHandle($type);
$fsl = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$path = $type->getFilePath($this);
try {
if ($fsl->has($path)) {
new \Concrete\Core\File\Event\ThumbnailDelete($path, $type)
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
if ($type->getHandle() == $config->get('concrete.icons.file_manager_listing.handle') && $this->fvHasListingThumbnail) {
$this->fvHasListingThumbnail = false;
if ($type->getHandle() == $config->get('concrete.icons.file_manager_detail.handle') && $this->fvHasDetailThumbnail) {
$this->fvHasDetailThumbnail = false;
* Move the thumbnail of a specific thumbnail type version to a new storage location.
* @param \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Version|string $type the thumbnail type version (or its handle)
* @param StorageLocation $location The destination storage location
public function updateThumbnailStorageLocation($type, StorageLocation $location)
if (!($type instanceof ThumbnailTypeVersion)) {
$type = ThumbnailTypeVersion::getByHandle($type);
$fsl = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$path = $type->getFilePath($this);
$manager = new MountManager([
'current' => $fsl,
'new' => $location->getFileSystemObject(),
try {
$manager->move('current://' . $path, 'new://' . $path);
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
* Copy the thumbnail of a specific thumbnail type version from another file version (useful for instance when duplicating a file).
* @param \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Version|string $type the thumbnail type version (or its handle)
* @param Version $source The File Version instance to copy the thumbnail from
public function duplicateUnderlyingThumbnailFiles($type, Version $source)
if (!($type instanceof ThumbnailTypeVersion)) {
$type = ThumbnailTypeVersion::getByHandle($type);
$new = $this->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$current = $source->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$newPath = $type->getFilePath($this);
$currentPath = $type->getFilePath($source);
$manager = new MountManager([
'current' => $current,
'new' => $new,
try {
$manager->copy('current://' . $currentPath, 'new://' . $newPath);
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
* Get a representation of this Version instance that's easily serializable.
* @return stdClass A \stdClass instance with all the information about a file (including permissions)
public function getJSONObject()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$urlResolver = $app->make(ResolverManagerInterface::class);
$r = new stdClass();
$fp = new Permissions($this->getFile());
$r->canCopyFile = $fp->canCopyFile();
$r->canEditFileProperties = $fp->canEditFileProperties();
$r->canEditFilePermissions = $fp->canEditFilePermissions();
$r->canDeleteFile = $fp->canDeleteFile();
$r->canReplaceFile = $fp->canEditFileContents();
$r->canEditFileContents = $fp->canEditFileContents();
$r->canViewFileInFileManager = $fp->canRead();
$r->canRead = $fp->canRead();
$r->canViewFile = $this->canView();
$r->canEditFile = $this->canEdit();
$r->url = $this->getURL();
$r->urlInline = (string) $urlResolver->resolve(['/download_file', 'view_inline', $this->getFileID()]);
$r->urlDownload = (string) $urlResolver->resolve(['/download_file', 'view', $this->getFileID()]);
$r->title = $this->getTitle();
$r->genericTypeText = $this->getGenericTypeText();
$r->description = $this->getDescription();
$r->fileName = $this->getFileName();
$r->resultsThumbnailImg = $this->getListingThumbnailImage();
$r->fID = $this->getFileID();
$r->treeNodeMenu = new Menu($this->getfile());
return $r;
* @deprecated Use buildForceDownloadResponse
public function forceDownload()
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$response = $this->buildForceDownloadResponse();
* @deprecated
* @param int $level
* @return bool
public function hasThumbnail($level)
switch ($level) {
case 1:
return $this->fvHasListingThumbnail;
case 2:
return $this->fvHasDetailThumbnail;
return false;
* @deprecated use refreshThumbnails(true) instead
* @return bool
public function rescanThumbnails()
return $this->refreshThumbnails(true);
* Save the instance changes.
* @param bool $flush Flush the EM cache?
protected function save($flush = true)
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
$em = $app->make(EntityManagerInterface::class);
if ($flush) {
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