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Created January 12, 2016 01:02
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plane estimation
vec4 plane3points(vec3 u,vec3 v,vec3 w)
//the function returns a 4-vector with the plane equation coefficients
//assuming the form ax + by + cz + d = 0
vec4 res;
vec3 p1,p2,n;
vec d;
p1 = normalise(v - u);
p2 = normalise(w - u);
n = normalise(cross(p1,p2));
d = - dot(n,u);
res = join_vert(n,d);
//cout << res <<endl;
return res;
vec4 leasqPlane(vector<vec3> pointList,string repNam,uword ijpt=0)
vec4 res,Xo;
mat data,P,Pinf,A,B,M,mvcXa,mvcLa,mvcV,mvcW;
vec Lb,W,X,Xa,K,V,La;
double vp;
if (pointList.size() >= 3)
{Xo = plane3points(,,;}
Pinf = eye(3,3)*10000;
if (pointList.size() < 3)
res = {0,0,1,0};
else if (pointList.size() == 3)
res = Xo;
ofstream out(repNam);
//vetor Lb
data = ones(pointList.size(),3);
for (uword i0 = 0; i0 < pointList.size();i0++)
data.row(i0) =;
Lb = vectorise(data.t());
//matriz dos pesos
P = eye(Lb.n_elem,Lb.n_elem);
if (ijpt != 0)
//em caso de que haja um ponto a ser injuncionado
// P.submat(ijpt*3-2,ijpt*3-2,ijpt*3,ijpt*3) = Pinf;
P.submat(ijpt*3-3,ijpt*3-3,ijpt*3-1,ijpt*3-1) = Pinf;
//matriz jacobiana A (parametros)
A = ones<mat>(pointList.size(),4);
for (uword i = 0; i < pointList.size();i++)
//matriz jacobiana B (observacoes)
B = zeros<mat>(pointList.size(),Lb.n_elem);
uword j = 0;
for (uword i2 = 0;i2 < pointList.size();i2++)
j += 3;
W = zeros<vec>(pointList.size());
for (uword i3 = 0;i3 < pointList.size();i3++)
W(i3) = dot(A.row(i3),Xo);
M = B * P.i() * B.t();
X = - inv(A.t()*M.i()*A)*(A.t()*M.i()*W);
Xa = Xo + X;
K = -M.i()*(A*X+W);
V = P.i() * B.t() * K;
La = Lb+V;
vp = as_scalar( V.t() * P * V / (Lb.n_elem - Xo.n_elem) );
mvcXa = vp * inv(A.t()*M.i()*A);
mvcLa = vp*(inv(P)+inv(P)*B.t()*inv(M)*A*inv(A.t()*inv(M)*A)*A.t()*inv(M)*B*inv(P)-inv(P)*B.t()*inv(M)*B*inv(P));
mvcV = vp*P.i()-mvcLa;
mvcW = vp*M;
res = Xa;
//normalizing the plane equations
res.rows(0,2) = normalise(Xa.rows(0,2));
res(3) = - dot(normalise(Xa.rows(0,2)),La.rows(0,2));
data.print(out,"dados de entrada: ");out<<endl;
res.print(out,"coeficientes do plano estimado: ");out<<endl;
V.print(out,"resíduos: ");out<<endl;
out << "var. posteriori: " << vp << endl<<endl;
mvcXa.print(out,"MVC dos parametros ajustados");out<<endl;
mvcLa.print(out,"MVC das observações ajustadas");out<<endl;
cout<< res<<endl;
return res;
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