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programa, com a implementação das classes e funções para cálculo da leverArm e do boresight
#include <iostream>
#include <armadillo>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
struct GMS
int G,M,S;
double gdec();
double rad();
struct topoPoint
double Hz,Ze,Di;
vec3 XYZ;
bool rad;
void cart();
void translate(vec3 tvec);
void Rotate(mat R);
GMS::GMS (int g,int m,int s)
double GMS::gdec ()
return double(G)+ (double(M)/60) + (double(S)/3600);
double GMS::rad()
double radd = gdec() * (datum::pi/180);
return radd;
struct SMMTleverARM
//to handle with the base from the file
vector<vector<string>> data;
vector<vector<GMS>> hor,zen;
vector<vector<double>> dists;
//the arbitrary-frame surveyed points
vector<vector<topoPoint>> points;
//the planes of the process (coefficients a,b,c,d)
vec4 Hplan,Vplan;
vec4 CEin,CEout,CDin,CDout;
//aux1 is parallel to Hplan
//matrices containing points
mat ptsH,ptsV; //at the sides of the IMU
mat ptsCEin,ptsCEout,ptsCDin,ptsCDout; //points on the parallel circular patterns, on the lens of the cameras
mat ptsOnCEin,ptsOnCEout,ptsOnCDin,ptsOnCDout; //adjusted points
//rotation matrices
mat Rot1 = eye<mat>(3,3);
//the principal vectors, to define the cannonical system
vec3 u,v,w; //u for x,v for y,w for z
//the axis direction of each camera system, in the same convention of the IMU
vec3 xE,yE,zE,xD,yD,zD;
//the axis of each camera system, with the z axis pointing backwards
vec3 Xe,Ye,Ze,Xd,Yd,Zd;
//the difference between the antena top and the center of phase
vec3 PhC = {0,0,-0.0071};
//the lever-arm vectors
vec3 antLA,LcamLA,RcamLA;
//temporary, and auxiliar vectors
vec3 tempE,tempD,aux1e,aux1d,aux_E0,aux_D0;
//the boresight matrices
mat Rimu_LC = eye(3,3),Rimu_RC = eye(3,3),Rimu_LC2 = eye(3,3),Rimu_RC2 = eye(3,3);
//center of the IMU, the mark on the H plane, the mark on the v plane
vec3 imuC,Hm,Vm;
double planesAngle;
SMMTleverARM (string fileName);
vector<vector<string>> readLAFile(string filename);
//the member functions
void horiz();
void zenit();
void distanc();
void avgOBS();
void pointsPrint(string filename);
void translateAll(vec3 tvec);
void rotAll (mat R);
void report();
vec3 onPlanePoint(vec4 plCoef,double x,double y);
//all the function propotypes:
double pdpiH(double,double);
double pdpiV(double,double);
void TptMat (mat *M,vec Tvec);
void RptMat (mat *M,mat R);
vec4 plane3points(vec3 u,vec3 v,vec3 w);
mat topoPointsMat (vector<topoPoint> points,uword first,uword last);
vec4 parallelPlane(vec4 plane1,vec3 pointOnPlane);
vec3 ProjPtOrtPlane(vec3 pt2Proj,vec3 plNorm,vec3 ptOnPlane);
vec4 leasqPlane2(vector<topoPoint> pointList,mat *ptOnPlane,string repNam,uword ijpt=0)
vec4 res,Xo;
mat data,P,Pinf,A,B,M,mvcXa,mvcLa,mvcV,mvcW;
vec Lb,W,X,Xa,K,V,La;
double vp;
if (pointList.size() >= 3)
{Xo = plane3points(,,;}
Pinf = eye(3,3)*10000;
if (pointList.size() < 3)
res = {0,0,1,0};
else if (pointList.size() == 3)
res = Xo;
ofstream out(repNam);
//vetor Lb
data = ones(pointList.size(),3);
for (uword i0 = 0; i0 < pointList.size();i0++)
data.row(i0) =;
Lb = vectorise(data.t());
//matriz dos pesos
P = eye(Lb.n_elem,Lb.n_elem);
if (ijpt != 0)
//em caso de que haja um ponto a ser injuncionado
// P.submat(ijpt*3-2,ijpt*3-2,ijpt*3,ijpt*3) = Pinf;
P.submat(ijpt*3-3,ijpt*3-3,ijpt*3-1,ijpt*3-1) = Pinf;
//matriz jacobiana A (parametros)
A = ones<mat>(pointList.size(),4);
for (uword i = 0; i < pointList.size();i++)
//matriz jacobiana B (observacoes)
B = zeros<mat>(pointList.size(),Lb.n_elem);
uword j = 0;
for (uword i2 = 0;i2 < pointList.size();i2++)
j += 3;
W = zeros<vec>(pointList.size());
for (uword i3 = 0;i3 < pointList.size();i3++)
W(i3) = dot(A.row(i3),Xo);
M = B * P.i() * B.t();
X = - inv(A.t()*M.i()*A)*(A.t()*M.i()*W);
Xa = Xo + X;
K = -M.i()*(A*X+W);
V = P.i() * B.t() * K;
La = Lb+V;
*ptOnPlane = trans(reshape(La,3,pointList.size()));
vp = as_scalar( V.t() * P * V / (Lb.n_elem - Xo.n_elem) );
mvcXa = vp * inv(A.t()*M.i()*A);
mvcLa = vp*(inv(P)+inv(P)*B.t()*inv(M)*A*inv(A.t()*inv(M)*A)*A.t()*inv(M)*B*inv(P)-inv(P)*B.t()*inv(M)*B*inv(P));
mvcV = vp*P.i()-mvcLa;
mvcW = vp*M;
res = Xa;
// Xo.raw_print(out,"Xo");
// X.raw_print(out,"X");
// Xa.raw_print(out,"Xa:");
// res.raw_print(out," b ");
// out <<"Xo+X: "<<endl<<std::setprecision(30)<< Xo+X<<endl;
//normalizing the plane equations
res.rows(0,2) = normalise(Xa.rows(0,2));
res(3) = - dot(normalise(Xa.rows(0,2)),La.rows(0,2));
// res.print(out," a ");
data.print(out,"dados de entrada: ");out<<endl;
res.print(out,"coeficientes do plano estimado: ");out<<endl;
V.print(out,"resíduos: ");out<<endl;
out << "var. posteriori: " << vp << endl<<endl;
mvcXa.print(out,"MVC dos parametros ajustados");out<<endl;
mvcLa.print(out,"MVC das observações ajustadas");out<<endl;
//cout<< res<<endl;
return res;
void leasq2ParallelPlanes(vec4 *plane1,vec4 *plane2,mat points1,mat points2,mat *ptOnPlane1,mat *ptOnPlane2,string repNam,uword n=5,double e=.000001)
vec5 Xo,X,Xa;
mat data,P,A,B,M,mvcXa,mvcLa,mvcV,mvcW,ptsOnPlanes;
vec Lb,W,K,V,La,temp5,temp6;
double vp;
vec4 temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4;
uword iter;
ofstream out(repNam);
Xo.rows(0,3) = plane3points(trans(points1.row(0)),trans(points1.row(1)),trans(points1.row(2)) );
Xo(4) = - dot(Xo.rows(0,2),points2.row(0));
//vetor Lb
data = join_vert(points1,points2);
Lb = vectorise(data.t());
//matriz dos pesos
P = eye(Lb.n_elem,Lb.n_elem);
//matriz jacobiana A (parametros)
A = zeros<mat>(data.n_rows,Xo.n_elem);
B = zeros<mat>(data.n_rows,Lb.n_elem);
W = zeros<vec>(data.n_rows);
A.submat(0,0,data.n_rows-1,data.n_cols-1) = data;
for (uword i = 0; i < data.n_rows;i++)
if (i < points1.n_rows)
{ A(i,3) = 1; }
{ A(i,4) = 1; }
for(uword it = 0;it < n;it ++)
uword j = 0;
for (uword i2 = 0;i2 < data.n_rows;i2++)
j += 3;
temp1.rows(0,2) = trans( data.row(i2) );
temp2.rows(0,2) = Xo.rows(0,2);
if(i2 < points1.n_rows)
W(i2) = dot(temp1,temp2);
M = B * P.i() * B.t();
X = - inv(A.t()*M.i()*A)*(A.t()*M.i()*W);
Xa = Xo + X;
Xo = Xa;
iter = it;
if (arma::max(arma::abs(X)) < e)
{ break; }
K = -M.i()*(A*X+W);
V = P.i() * B.t() * K;
La = Lb+V;
ptsOnPlanes = trans(reshape(La,data.n_cols,data.n_rows));
*ptOnPlane1 = ptsOnPlanes.rows(0,points1.n_rows-1);
*ptOnPlane2 = ptsOnPlanes.rows(points1.n_rows,data.n_rows-1);
temp3.rows(0,2) = normalise(Xa.rows(0,2));
temp3(3)= - dot(La.rows(0,2),normalise(Xa.rows(0,2)));
temp4 = temp3;
temp4(3)= - dot(La.rows(La.n_elem-3,La.n_elem-1),normalise(Xa.rows(0,2)));
*plane1 = temp3;
*plane2 = temp4;
vp = as_scalar( V.t() * P * V / (Lb.n_elem - Xo.n_elem) );
mvcXa = vp * inv(A.t()*M.i()*A);
mvcLa = vp*(inv(P)+inv(P)*B.t()*inv(M)*A*inv(A.t()*inv(M)*A)*A.t()*inv(M)*B*inv(P)-inv(P)*B.t()*inv(M)*B*inv(P));
mvcV = vp*P.i()-mvcLa;
mvcW = vp*M;
points1.raw_print(out,"dados de entrada (primeiro plano): ");out<<endl;
points2.raw_print(out,"dados de entrada (segundo plano): ");out<<endl;
out << iter <<" iterações necessárias" <<endl<<endl;
Xa.raw_print(out," vetor Xa (pré-normalização)");out<<endl;
temp3.raw_print(out,"coeficientes do primeiro plano estimado: ");out<<endl;
temp4.raw_print(out,"coeficientes do segundo plano estimado: ");out<<endl;
V.raw_print(out,"resíduos: ");out<<endl;
out << "var. posteriori: " << vp << endl<<endl;
mvcXa.raw_print(out,"MVC dos parametros ajustados");out<<endl;
mvcLa.raw_print(out,"MVC das observações ajustadas");out<<endl;
struct Sphere
vec3 center;
double r;
mat onSpherePts;
Sphere(mat points,string repNam,uword n=20,double e=.000001);
Sphere::Sphere(mat data,string repNam,uword n,double e)
vec4 Xo,X,Xa;
mat P,A,B,M,mvcXa,mvcLa,mvcV,mvcW,ptsOnPlanes;
vec Lb,W,K,V,La,temp5,temp6,aux;
double vp;
vec4 temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4;
uword iter;
ofstream out(repNam);
for (uword i = 0;i < aux.n_rows;i++)
aux(i) = norm(data.row(i) - mean(data));
Xo.rows(1,3) = trans(mean(data));
Xo(0) = mean(aux);
//vetor Lb
Lb = vectorise(data.t());
//matriz dos pesos
P = eye(Lb.n_elem,Lb.n_elem);
//matriz jacobiana A (parametros)
A = zeros<mat>(data.n_rows,Xo.n_elem);
B = zeros<mat>(data.n_rows,Lb.n_elem);
W = zeros<vec>(data.n_rows);
for(uword it = 0;it < n;it ++)
uword j = 0;
for (uword i2 = 0;i2 < data.n_rows;i2++)
A(i2,0) = - 2 * Xo(0);
A(i2,1) = 2 * (Xo(1) - data(i2,0));
A(i2,2) = 2 * (Xo(2) - data(i2,1));
A(i2,3) = 2 * (Xo(3) - data(i2,2));
B(i2,j) = - 2 * (Xo(1) - data(i2,0));
B(i2,1+j)= - 2 * (Xo(2) - data(i2,1));
B(i2,2+j)= - 2 * (Xo(3) - data(i2,2));
j += 3;
W(i2) = std::pow((data(i2,0) - Xo(1)),2) + std::pow((data(i2,1) - Xo(2)),2) +
std::pow((data(i2,2) - Xo(3)),2) - std::pow(Xo(0),2);
M = B * P.i() * B.t();
X = - inv(A.t()*M.i()*A)*(A.t()*M.i()*W);
Xa = Xo + X;
Xo = Xa;
iter = it;
if (arma::max(arma::abs(X)) < e)
{ break; }
K = -M.i()*(A*X+W);
V = P.i() * B.t() * K;
La = Lb+V;
onSpherePts = trans(reshape(La,data.n_cols,data.n_rows));
vp = as_scalar( V.t() * P * V / (Lb.n_elem - Xo.n_elem) );
mvcXa = vp * inv(A.t()*M.i()*A);
mvcLa = vp*(inv(P)+inv(P)*B.t()*inv(M)*A*inv(A.t()*inv(M)*A)*A.t()*inv(M)*B*inv(P)-inv(P)*B.t()*inv(M)*B*inv(P));
mvcV = vp*P.i()-mvcLa;
mvcW = vp*M;
data.raw_print(out,"dados de entrada :");out<<endl;
out << iter <<" iterações necessárias" <<endl<<endl;
Xa.raw_print(out,"parametros ajustados (r,XC,YC,ZC)");out<<endl;
V.raw_print(out,"resíduos: ");out<<endl;
out << "var. posteriori: " << vp << endl<<endl;
mvcXa.raw_print(out,"MVC dos parametros ajustados");out<<endl;
mvcLa.raw_print(out,"MVC das observações ajustadas");out<<endl;
//assignment to the object variables
r = Xo(0);
center = Xo.rows(1,3);
int main()
SMMTleverARM job("data.tcl");
return 0;
vector<vector<string>> SMMTleverARM::readLAFile(string filename)
//to read a file of the raw data of the Lever Arm surveying
ifstream in(filename);
vector<vector<string>> res;
vector<string> A,B,C,D,E;
//to control
int state = 0;
string line;
while (std::getline(in,line))
if (line.find("COD:[A") != -1)
state = 1;continue;
if (line.find("COD:[B") != -1)
state = 2;continue;
if (line.find("COD:[C") != -1)
state =3 ;continue;
if (line.find("COD:[D") != -1)
state =4 ;continue;
if (line.find("COD:[E") != -1)
state =5 ;continue;
if (state == 1)
//cout << stoi(line.substr(23,3))<<endl;
if (state == 2)
if (state == 3)
if (state ==4 )
if (state == 5)
//cout<<A.size()<<" "<< B.size()<<" "<<C.size()<<" "<<D.size()<<" "<<E.size()<<endl;
return res;
SMMTleverARM::SMMTleverARM (string fileName)
// the constructor, all the modifying functions must have their calls here.
data = readLAFile(fileName);
//the two planes
Vplan = leasqPlane2(,&ptsV,"plano_vert.txt",2);
Hplan = leasqPlane2(,&ptsH,"plano_hor.txt",2);
//the angle between them
planesAngle = std::acos(dot(Vplan.rows(0,2),Hplan.rows(0,2))) * (180/datum::pi);
//the marks on the IMU surface
Hm = trans(ptsH.row(2));
Vm = trans(ptsV.row(2));
//the normal of the Hplan, is also the third direction (w),
//but at first, is needed some test
w = Hplan.rows(0,2);
if(w(2)<0) //the z component, needs to be positive, due to the z axis of the total station
{w *= -1;}
//the aux1 plane
//aux1.rows(0,2) = w;
//aux1(3) = - dot(w,Vm);
//IMU center with the intersection of the plane (aux1) and the line (point Hm and direction w)
//imuC = Hm + (dot(w,(Vm-Hm)))* w; //do not delete the old implementation
imuC = ProjPtOrtPlane(Hm,w,Vm);
//the first principal direction (u)
u = normalise(Vm - imuC);
//the second principal direction(v)
v = normalise(cross(w,u));
//first, translating the origin to the calculated center of the IMU
//composing the first rotation matrice
Rot1 = Rot1.t();
//rotating all to the imu BF
//imuC += -imuC;
//creating matrices with the points, from topoPoints;
ptsCDin = topoPointsMat(,0,4);
ptsCDout = topoPointsMat(,5,9);
ptsCEin = topoPointsMat(,0,4);
ptsCEout = topoPointsMat(,5,9);
//the pair of parallel planes, one for each camera
//creating a sphere for each camera, to measure the center
Sphere Rsphere(join_vert(ptsOnCDin,ptsOnCDout),"Rsphere.txt");
Sphere Lsphere(join_vert(ptsOnCEin,ptsOnCEout),"Lsphere.txt");
//Y of each camera direction (with same convention)
//due to the IMU bf and the cameras position, the y component needs to be positive
// to point forward the camera axis
yE = normalise(CEin.rows(0,2));
if (yE(1) < 0 ) { yE *= -1;}
yD = normalise(CDin.rows(0,2));
if (yD(1) < 0 ) { yD *= -1;}
//we'll need points perfectly on the plane, and to have this guarantee:
//each one are obtained by the plane equation, with z=f(x,y)
aux1d = onPlanePoint(CDin,ptsOnCDin(ptsOnCDin.n_rows-1,0),ptsOnCDin(ptsOnCDin.n_rows-1,1));
aux1e = onPlanePoint(CEin,ptsOnCEin(ptsOnCEin.n_rows-1,0),ptsOnCEin(ptsOnCEin.n_rows-1,1));
aux_D0 = onPlanePoint(CDin,ptsOnCDin(0,0),ptsOnCDin(0,1));
aux_E0 = onPlanePoint(CEin,ptsOnCEin(0,0),ptsOnCEin(0,1));
//projecting the center of spheres on the inner plane of the rings on the camera lenses
tempD = ProjPtOrtPlane(,yD,aux1d);
tempE = ProjPtOrtPlane(,yE,aux1e);
//calculating the z direction, for each camera
zE = normalise(aux_E0 - tempE);
zD = normalise(aux_D0 - tempD);
//and, finally the x direction
xE = normalise(cross(yE,zE));
xD = normalise(cross(yD,zD));
//we can describe the axes in the camera conventional convention (z axis pointing from the CP to the focal plane)
Xe = xE;Ye = zE;Ze = -yE;
Xd = xD;Yd = zD;Zd = -yD;
//with the axis, we can have the boresight matrices:
//first with the same convention of the IMU:
Rimu_LC2.row(0) = trans(xE);
Rimu_LC2.row(1) = trans(yE);
Rimu_LC2.row(2) = trans(zE);
Rimu_RC2.row(0) = trans(xD);
Rimu_RC2.row(1) = trans(yD);
Rimu_RC2.row(2) = trans(zD);
//then with the camera usual convention
Rimu_LC.row(0) = trans(Xe);
Rimu_LC.row(1) = trans(Ye);
Rimu_LC.row(2) = trans(Ze);
Rimu_RC.row(0) = trans(Xd);
Rimu_RC.row(1) = trans(Yd);
Rimu_RC.row(2) = trans(Zd);
//now, the lever-arm
//antenna lever-arm: just the point at the antena top, and the offset from there to the PhC
antLA = ( + PhC;
//the lever-arm of the two cameras:
RcamLA =;
LcamLA =;
void SMMTleverARM::avgOBS()
vector<topoPoint> temp;
double hA,zA,dA=0,hB,zB,dB,hC,zC,dC,hD,zD,dD,hE,zE,dE,hF,zF,dF,hG,zG,dG,hH,zH,dH,hI,zI,dI,hJ,zJ,dJ;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hor.size();i++)
if (i == 0)
hA = (pdpiH(hor[i][0].gdec(),hor[i][1].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][2].gdec(),hor[i][3].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][4].gdec(),hor[i][5].gdec())) / 3;
zA = (pdpiV(zen[i][0].gdec(),zen[i][1].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][2].gdec(),zen[i][3].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][4].gdec(),zen[i][5].gdec())) / 3;
for (unsigned int j = 0;j < dists[i].size();j++)
dA += dists[i][j]/6;
topoPoint ANT(hA,zA,dA,false);
//cout <<hA<<" "<<zA<<" "<<dA<<endl;
//cout <<hA<<" "<<zA<<" "<<dA<<endl;
if (i == 1)
hA = (pdpiH(hor[i][0].gdec(),hor[i][5].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][10].gdec(),hor[i][15].gdec())) / 2;
hB = (pdpiH(hor[i][1].gdec(),hor[i][6].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][11].gdec(),hor[i][16].gdec())) / 2;
hC = (pdpiH(hor[i][2].gdec(),hor[i][7].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][12].gdec(),hor[i][17].gdec())) / 2;
hD = (pdpiH(hor[i][3].gdec(),hor[i][8].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][13].gdec(),hor[i][18].gdec())) / 2;
hE = (pdpiH(hor[i][4].gdec(),hor[i][9].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][14].gdec(),hor[i][19].gdec())) / 2;
zA = (pdpiV(zen[i][0].gdec(),zen[i][5].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][10].gdec(),zen[i][15].gdec())) / 2;
zB = (pdpiV(zen[i][1].gdec(),zen[i][6].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][11].gdec(),zen[i][16].gdec())) / 2;
zC = (pdpiV(zen[i][2].gdec(),zen[i][7].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][12].gdec(),zen[i][17].gdec())) / 2;
zD = (pdpiV(zen[i][3].gdec(),zen[i][8].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][13].gdec(),zen[i][18].gdec())) / 2;
zE = (pdpiV(zen[i][4].gdec(),zen[i][9].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][14].gdec(),zen[i][19].gdec())) / 2;
dA = (dists[i][0]+dists[i][5]+dists[i][10]+dists[i][15]) / 4;
dB = (dists[i][1]+dists[i][6]+dists[i][11]+dists[i][16]) / 4;
dC = (dists[i][2]+dists[i][7]+dists[i][12]+dists[i][17]) / 4;
dD = (dists[i][3]+dists[i][8]+dists[i][13]+dists[i][18]) / 4;
dE = (dists[i][4]+dists[i][9]+dists[i][14]+dists[i][19]) / 4;
topoPoint A(hA,zA,dA,false);temp.push_back(A);
topoPoint B(hB,zB,dB,false);temp.push_back(B);
topoPoint C(hC,zC,dC,false);temp.push_back(C);
topoPoint D(hD,zD,dD,false);temp.push_back(D);
topoPoint E(hE,zE,dE,false);temp.push_back(E);
// cout <<hA<<" "<<zA<<" "<<dA<<endl;
if (i == 2)
hA = (pdpiH(hor[i][0].gdec(),hor[i][5].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][10].gdec(),hor[i][15].gdec())) / 2;
hB = (pdpiH(hor[i][1].gdec(),hor[i][6].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][11].gdec(),hor[i][16].gdec())) / 2;
hC = (pdpiH(hor[i][2].gdec(),hor[i][7].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][12].gdec(),hor[i][17].gdec())) / 2;
hD = (pdpiH(hor[i][3].gdec(),hor[i][8].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][13].gdec(),hor[i][18].gdec())) / 2;
hE = (pdpiH(hor[i][4].gdec(),hor[i][9].gdec()) +
pdpiH(hor[i][14].gdec(),hor[i][19].gdec())) / 2;
zA = (pdpiV(zen[i][0].gdec(),zen[i][5].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][10].gdec(),zen[i][15].gdec())) / 2;
zB = (pdpiV(zen[i][1].gdec(),zen[i][6].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][11].gdec(),zen[i][16].gdec())) / 2;
zC = (pdpiV(zen[i][2].gdec(),zen[i][7].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][12].gdec(),zen[i][17].gdec())) / 2;
zD = (pdpiV(zen[i][3].gdec(),zen[i][8].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][13].gdec(),zen[i][18].gdec())) / 2;
zE = (pdpiV(zen[i][4].gdec(),zen[i][9].gdec()) +
pdpiV(zen[i][14].gdec(),zen[i][19].gdec())) / 2;
dA = (dists[i][0]+dists[i][5]+dists[i][10]+dists[i][15]) / 4;
dB = (dists[i][1]+dists[i][6]+dists[i][11]+dists[i][16]) / 4;
dC = (dists[i][2]+dists[i][7]+dists[i][12]+dists[i][17]) / 4;
dD = (dists[i][3]+dists[i][8]+dists[i][13]+dists[i][18]) / 4;
dE = (dists[i][4]+dists[i][9]+dists[i][14]+dists[i][19]) / 4;
topoPoint A(hA,zA,dA,false);temp.push_back(A);
topoPoint B(hB,zB,dB,false);temp.push_back(B);
topoPoint C(hC,zC,dC,false);temp.push_back(C);
topoPoint D(hD,zD,dD,false);temp.push_back(D);
topoPoint E(hE,zE,dE,false);temp.push_back(E);
// cout <<hA<<" "<<zA<<" "<<dA<<endl;
if (i == 3)
topoPoint EXTRA(hor[i][0].gdec(),zen[i][0].gdec(),dists[i][0],false);
hA = pdpiH(hor[i][1].gdec(),hor[i][11].gdec());
hB = pdpiH(hor[i][2].gdec(),hor[i][12].gdec());
hC = pdpiH(hor[i][3].gdec(),hor[i][13].gdec());
hD = pdpiH(hor[i][4].gdec(),hor[i][14].gdec());
hE = pdpiH(hor[i][5].gdec(),hor[i][15].gdec());
hF = pdpiH(hor[i][6].gdec(),hor[i][16].gdec());
hG = pdpiH(hor[i][7].gdec(),hor[i][17].gdec());
hH = pdpiH(hor[i][8].gdec(),hor[i][18].gdec());
hI = pdpiH(hor[i][9].gdec(),hor[i][19].gdec());
hJ = pdpiH(hor[i][10].gdec(),hor[i][20].gdec());
zA = pdpiV(zen[i][1].gdec(),zen[i][11].gdec());
zB = pdpiV(zen[i][2].gdec(),zen[i][12].gdec());
zC = pdpiV(zen[i][3].gdec(),zen[i][13].gdec());
zD = pdpiV(zen[i][4].gdec(),zen[i][14].gdec());
zE = pdpiV(zen[i][5].gdec(),zen[i][15].gdec());
zF = pdpiV(zen[i][6].gdec(),zen[i][16].gdec());
zG = pdpiV(zen[i][7].gdec(),zen[i][17].gdec());
zH = pdpiV(zen[i][8].gdec(),zen[i][18].gdec());
zI = pdpiV(zen[i][9].gdec(),zen[i][19].gdec());
zJ = pdpiV(zen[i][10].gdec(),zen[i][20].gdec());
dA = (dists[i][1]+dists[i][11]) / 2;
dB = (dists[i][2]+dists[i][12]) / 2;
dC = (dists[i][3]+dists[i][13]) / 2;
dD = (dists[i][4]+dists[i][14]) / 2;
dE = (dists[i][5]+dists[i][15]) / 2;
dF = (dists[i][6]+dists[i][16]) / 2;
dG = (dists[i][7]+dists[i][17]) / 2;
dH = (dists[i][8]+dists[i][18]) / 2;
dI = (dists[i][9]+dists[i][19]) / 2;
dJ = (dists[i][10]+dists[i][20]) / 2;
topoPoint A(hA,zA,dA,false);temp.push_back(A);
topoPoint B(hB,zB,dB,false);temp.push_back(B);
topoPoint C(hC,zC,dC,false);temp.push_back(C);
topoPoint D(hD,zD,dD,false);temp.push_back(D);
topoPoint E(hE,zE,dE,false);temp.push_back(E);
topoPoint F(hF,zF,dF,false);temp.push_back(F);
topoPoint G(hG,zG,dG,false);temp.push_back(G);
topoPoint H(hH,zH,dH,false);temp.push_back(H);
topoPoint I(hI,zI,dI,false);temp.push_back(I);
topoPoint J(hJ,zJ,dJ,false);temp.push_back(J);
// cout <<hA<<" "<<zA<<" "<<dA<<endl;
if (i == 4)
topoPoint EXTRA(hor[i][0].gdec(),zen[i][0].gdec(),dists[i][0],false);
hA = pdpiH(hor[i][1].gdec(),hor[i][11].gdec());
hB = pdpiH(hor[i][2].gdec(),hor[i][12].gdec());
hC = pdpiH(hor[i][3].gdec(),hor[i][13].gdec());
hD = pdpiH(hor[i][4].gdec(),hor[i][14].gdec());
hE = pdpiH(hor[i][5].gdec(),hor[i][15].gdec());
hF = pdpiH(hor[i][6].gdec(),hor[i][16].gdec());
hG = pdpiH(hor[i][7].gdec(),hor[i][17].gdec());
hH = pdpiH(hor[i][8].gdec(),hor[i][18].gdec());
hI = pdpiH(hor[i][9].gdec(),hor[i][19].gdec());
hJ = pdpiH(hor[i][10].gdec(),hor[i][20].gdec());
zA = pdpiV(zen[i][1].gdec(),zen[i][11].gdec());
zB = pdpiV(zen[i][2].gdec(),zen[i][12].gdec());
zC = pdpiV(zen[i][3].gdec(),zen[i][13].gdec());
zD = pdpiV(zen[i][4].gdec(),zen[i][14].gdec());
zE = pdpiV(zen[i][5].gdec(),zen[i][15].gdec());
zF = pdpiV(zen[i][6].gdec(),zen[i][16].gdec());
zG = pdpiV(zen[i][7].gdec(),zen[i][17].gdec());
zH = pdpiV(zen[i][8].gdec(),zen[i][18].gdec());
zI = pdpiV(zen[i][9].gdec(),zen[i][19].gdec());
zJ = pdpiV(zen[i][10].gdec(),zen[i][20].gdec());
dA = (dists[i][1]+dists[i][11]) / 2;
dB = (dists[i][2]+dists[i][12]) / 2;
dC = (dists[i][3]+dists[i][13]) / 2;
dD = (dists[i][4]+dists[i][14]) / 2;
dE = (dists[i][5]+dists[i][15]) / 2;
dF = (dists[i][6]+dists[i][16]) / 2;
dG = (dists[i][7]+dists[i][17]) / 2;
dH = (dists[i][8]+dists[i][18]) / 2;
dI = (dists[i][9]+dists[i][19]) / 2;
dJ = (dists[i][10]+dists[i][20]) / 2;
topoPoint A(hA,zA,dA,false);temp.push_back(A);
topoPoint B(hB,zB,dB,false);temp.push_back(B);
topoPoint C(hC,zC,dC,false);temp.push_back(C);
topoPoint D(hD,zD,dD,false);temp.push_back(D);
topoPoint E(hE,zE,dE,false);temp.push_back(E);
topoPoint F(hF,zF,dF,false);temp.push_back(F);
topoPoint G(hG,zG,dG,false);temp.push_back(G);
topoPoint H(hH,zH,dH,false);temp.push_back(H);
topoPoint I(hI,zI,dI,false);temp.push_back(I);
topoPoint J(hJ,zJ,dJ,false);temp.push_back(J);
// cout <<hA<<" "<<zA<<" "<<dA<<endl;
void SMMTleverARM::pointsPrint(string filename)
ofstream outFile(filename);
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < points.size();ii++)
for (unsigned jj = 0;jj < points[ii].size();jj++)
outFile << points[ii][jj].XYZ(0) <<" ";
outFile << points[ii][jj].XYZ(1) <<" ";
outFile << points[ii][jj].XYZ(2) << endl;
void SMMTleverARM::horiz()
vector<GMS> temp;
int g,m,s;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size() ; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0;j < data[i].size();j++)
g = stoi(data[i][j].substr(23,3)); m = stoi(data[i][j].substr(27,2)); s = stoi(data[i][j].substr(29,2));
GMS temp2(g,m,s);
void SMMTleverARM::zenit()
vector<GMS> temp;
int g,m,s;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size() ; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0;j < data[i].size();j++)
g = stoi(data[i][j].substr(35,3)); m = stoi(data[i][j].substr(39,2)); s = stoi(data[i][j].substr(41,2));
GMS temp2(g,m,s);
// cout<<temp2.gdec()<<endl;
void SMMTleverARM::distanc()
vector<double> temp;
double temp2;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size() ; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0;j < data[i].size();j++)
temp2 = stod(data[i][j].substr(47,10));
// cout<<temp2<<endl;
topoPoint::topoPoint(double h,double z,double di,bool isRad)
rad = isRad;
void topoPoint::cart()
double X,Y,Z;
if (rad)
X = std::sin(Ze) * std::sin(Hz) * Di;
Y = std::sin(Ze) * std::cos(Hz) * Di;
Z = std::cos(Ze) * Di;
X = std::sin(Ze*(datum::pi/180)) * std::sin(Hz*(datum::pi/180)) * Di;
Y = std::sin(Ze*(datum::pi/180)) * std::cos(Hz*(datum::pi/180)) * Di;
Z = std::cos(Ze*(datum::pi/180)) * Di;
vec3 temp = {X,Y,Z};
XYZ = temp;
double pdpiH(double h1,double h2)
if (h1 > h2)
return (h1+h2+180)/2;
return (h1+h2-180)/2;
double pdpiV(double v1,double v2)
if (v1 < v2)
return (v1-v2+360)/2;
return (v2-v1+360)/2;
vec4 plane3points(vec3 u,vec3 v,vec3 w)
//the function returns a 4-vector with the plane equation coefficients
//assuming the form ax + by + cz + d = 0
vec4 res;
vec3 p1,p2,n;
vec d;
p1 = normalise(v - u);
p2 = normalise(w - u);
n = normalise(cross(p1,p2));
d = - dot(n,u);
res = join_vert(n,d);
//cout << res <<endl;
return res;
void topoPoint::translate(vec3 tvec)
XYZ += tvec;
void topoPoint::Rotate(mat R)
XYZ = R * XYZ;
void TptMat (mat *M,vec Tvec)
mat temp = *M;
if(temp.n_cols == Tvec.n_elem)
for (uword i = 0;i < temp.n_rows;i++)
temp.row(i) = trans(trans(temp.row(i)) + Tvec );
cout << "nada realizado, tamanho de colunas da matriz diferente do numero de elementos do vetor dado"<<endl;
*M = temp;
void RptMat (mat *M,mat R)
mat temp = *M;
if( (temp.n_cols == R.n_cols) & (R.n_cols == R.n_rows) )
for (uword i = 0;i < temp.n_rows;i++)
temp.row(i) = trans(R*trans(temp.row(i)));
cout << "nada realizado, tamanho de colunas da matriz diferente do numero de colunas da matriz dada"<<endl;
cout<<"ou a matriz fornecida não é quadrada"<<endl;
*M = temp;
void SMMTleverARM::translateAll(vec3 tvec)
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < points.size();i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < points[i].size();j++)
void SMMTleverARM::rotAll (mat R)
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < points.size();i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < points[i].size();j++)
mat topoPointsMat (vector<topoPoint> points,uword first,uword last)
mat res;
uword nlin = last - first + 1;
for (uword i = first; i < last+1;i++)
res.row(i-first) = trans(;
// cout << i <<endl;
// cout<<res<<endl;
return res;
vec4 parallelPlane(vec4 plane1,vec3 pointOnPlane)
vec4 res;
vec3 n = normalise(plane1.rows(0,2));
res.rows(0,2) = n;
res(3) = - dot(n,pointOnPlane);
return res;
vec3 ProjPtOrtPlane(vec3 pt2Proj,vec3 plNorm,vec3 ptOnPlane)
return pt2Proj + (dot(normalise(plNorm),ptOnPlane-pt2Proj)) * normalise(plNorm);
vec3 onPlanePoint(vec4 plCoef,double x,double y)
vec3 res;
res(0) = x;res(1) = y;
res(2) = - (plCoef(0)*x+plCoef(1)*y+plCoef(3))/plCoef(2);
return res;
void SMMTleverARM::report()
ofstream out("report.txt");
out << "Relatório de Saída do Processamento da ";
out<< "determinação dos parâmetros de orientação relativa" <<endl;
out<<"do Sistema de Mapeamento Móvel Terrestre do LAPE"<<endl<<endl<<endl;
out << "Lever Arm (no body-frame da IMU) --------------------------------"<<endl<<endl;
out<< "IMU -> Antena"<<endl;
out << "X(m): " <<antLA(0)<< " | Y(m): " <<antLA(1)<< " | Z(m): " <<antLA(2)<<endl<<endl;
out<< "IMU -> Câmera Esquerda"<<endl;
out << "X(m): " <<LcamLA(0)<< " | Y(m): " <<LcamLA(1)<< " | Z(m): " <<LcamLA(2)<<endl<<endl;
out<< "IMU -> Câmera Direita"<<endl;
out << "X(m): " <<RcamLA(0)<< " | Y(m): " <<RcamLA(1)<< " | Z(m): " <<RcamLA(2)<<endl<<endl<<endl;
out<< "Matrizes do Boresight (cossenos diretores): "<<endl<<endl;
Rimu_LC.raw_print(out,"IMU (BF) -> Câmera Esquerda (BF)");out<<endl;
Rimu_RC.raw_print(out,"IMU (BF) -> Câmera Direita (BF)");out<<endl<<endl;
out<< "Matrizes do Boresight (cossenos diretores, mesma convenção da IMU): "<<endl<<endl;
Rimu_LC2.raw_print(out,"IMU (BF) -> Câmera Esquerda (BF)");out<<endl;
Rimu_RC2.raw_print(out,"IMU (BF) -> Câmera Direita (BF)");out<<endl<<endl;
out<<"no último caso, os angulos formados com os eixos do BF da IMU: "<<endl<<endl;
out<<"IMU (BF) -> Câmera Esquerda (BF)"<<endl<<arma::acos(Rimu_LC2)*(180/datum::pi)<<endl<<endl;
out<<"IMU (BF) -> Câmera Direita (BF)"<<endl<<arma::acos(Rimu_RC2)*(180/datum::pi)<<endl;
out<<endl<<"testes de consistência dos resultados"<<endl;
out<<"as matrizes de rotação deverão, ao ser multiplicadas por sua transposta, serem iguais a matriz identidade"<<endl<<endl;
out<<"Rtopo_imu * Rtopo_imu.t()"<<endl<<Rot1 * Rot1.t()<<endl;
out<<"Rimu_LC * Rimu_LC.t()"<<endl<<Rimu_LC * Rimu_LC.t()<<endl;
out<<"Rimu_RC * Rimu_RC.t()"<<endl<<Rimu_RC * Rimu_RC.t()<<endl;
out<<"Rimu_LC2 * Rimu_LC2.t()"<<endl<<Rimu_LC2 * Rimu_LC2.t()<<endl;
out<<"Rimu_RC2 * Rimu_RC2.t()"<<endl<<Rimu_RC2 * Rimu_RC2.t()<<endl;
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