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Last active December 2, 2019 16:30
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intended to translate from one CRS to another in C language
// #include <stdio.h>
#include <C:\OSGeo4W64\include\ogr_srs_api.h>
2019 Kaue de Moraes Vestena
Intended for integration in C code
struct lat_lgt
// struct to store the result for the version 1
double lat;
double lgt;
struct lat_lgt transform_lat_lgt_v1(double E,double N,int dest_EPSG)
Transform a pair of projected E,N coordinates from a Coordinate Reference System to WGS84 Longitude,Latitude
E : input X coordinate
Y : input Y coordinate
dest_EPSG : EPSG code for the source CRS
for more infos about EPSG codes, visit: and the wikipedia article
// basic declarations
struct lat_lgt result;
double lat,lgt,h;
// GDAL declarations
OGRSpatialReferenceH DEST_CRS,WGS84_T;
DEST_CRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
WGS84_T = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
// creating the spatial references
// the transformer object
OGRCoordinateTransformationH the_transf = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation(WGS84_T,DEST_CRS);
// doing the transformation
OCTTransform(the_transf, 1, &lgt, &lat, &h); = lat;
result.lgt = lgt;
return result;
double Es = 670862.352;
double Ns = 7185074.028;
int UTM22S_SIRGAS = 31982;
lat_lgt transformed = transform_lat_lgt_v1(Es,Ns,UTM22S_SIRGAS)
************* : -25.44151
transformed.lgt : -49.30082
char *transform_lat_lgt_v2(char *E,char *N,char *dest_EPSG)
Transform a pair of projected E,N coordinates from a Coordinate Reference System to WGS84 Longitude,Latitude
second version that calls GDAL CLI tool, so we don't need to import any libraries
E : input X coordinate AS C-STR
Y : input Y coordinate AS C-STR
dest_EPSG : EPSG code for the source CRS AS C-STR
for more infos about EPSG codes, visit: and the wikipedia article
// printf("%s %s %s",E,N,dest_EPSG);
// predeclarations
char buffer [500];
char *outstr = malloc(100);
int cx;
// formatting the string containing the command
cx = snprintf(buffer,499,"echo %s %s | gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:%s -t_srs EPSG:4326 -output_xy",E,N,dest_EPSG);
// popen command to store output of command line tool
FILE *fp;
fp = popen(buffer,"r");
//passing from popen stream to string
while (fgets(outstr, 500, fp) != NULL)
// nothing to do inside
return outstr;
sample run:
char strE[] = "670862.352" ;
char strN[] = "7185074.028";
char strEPSG[] = "31982";
char *out;
out = transform_lat_lgt_v2(strE,strN,strEPSG);
printf("%s", out);
should print:
-49.3008152048423 -25.4415134529186
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