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Last active May 4, 2023 18:34
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Save kaugm/a4fdc06317c659a998ef7df991eb22bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. API Calls via Python
Perform API calls with Python
Ensure body JSON is correct when performing API calls, otherwise the response will be 'bad request'.
import requests
import os
import json
except ModuleNotFoundError:
print("Please ensure proper modules are installed.\npip install requests")
# Get Required Variables for Authentication
TOKEN = os.environ.get('SPOTINST_TOKEN')
if not (TOKEN and ACCOUNT):
print(f"Please set environment variables for token and account id.\n")
class Endpoint:
def __init__(self, url, body=None, account=ACCOUNT):
"""API Endpoint. Account and Token set by default
url: <class 'str'> representing URL endpoint of API
body: <class 'str'> valid JSON dumped into a string
self.url = url
self.body = body
self.query_params = dict({TOKEN: account})
self.headers = dict({
'User-Agent': '_Custom_SDK_Agent',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + TOKEN
def _GET(self):
"""Send a GET request"""
print(f"Sending GET request to {self.url}...\n")
result = requests.get(self.url, params=self.query_params, headers=self.headers)
return self.__HANDLE(result)
def _POST(self):
"""Send a POST request"""
print(f"Sending POST request to {self.url}...\n")
result =, params=self.query_params, data=self.body, headers=self.headers)
return self.__HANDLE(result)
def _PUT(self):
"""Send a POST request"""
print(f"Sending PUT request to {self.url}...\n")
result = requests.put(self.url, params=self.query_params, data=self.body, headers=self.headers)
return self.__HANDLE(result)
def _DELETE(self):
"""Send a POST request"""
print(f"Sending DELETE request to {self.url}...\n")
result = requests.delete(self.url, params=self.query_params, headers=self.headers)
return self.__HANDLE(result)
def __HANDLE(result):
"""Handle response
Returns: <class 'list'> of response items"""
if result.status_code ==
data = json.loads(result.content.decode('utf-8'))
# print(data['response']['items'])
return data['response']['items']
print(f"Error: {result.reason}\n\n{result.text}\n")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reverse engineered Python SDK, as the official Python SDK is not updated to include full API functionality.
Usage: Must write own API calls in the following format.
1. Define base URL
__base_api_url = 'URL'
2. Define any required query parameters (usually account or cluster/group ID) [Optional]
account_id = 'ID'
3. Define body JSON [For PUT and POST requests]
body = json.dumps(
key: value
3. Instantiate Endpoint object with URL [and optionally] body data. I use API purpose as name of Endpoint object. Note if body is required, set as keyword argument
get_users = Endpoint(f"{__base_api_url}/{account_id}, body=body)
4. Call HTTP request method on Endpoint object
# Get List of Users
# __base_user_url = ''
# get_users = Endpoint(__base_user_url, account=ACCOUNT)._GET()
# Get Ocean Cluster - GET
# __base_ocean_url = ''
# ocean_id = 'o-d109430a'
# get_ocean_cluster = Endpoint(f"{__base_ocean_url}/{ocean_id}", account=ACCOUNT)
# get_ocean_cluster._GET()
# List Ocean Clusters - GET
# __base_ocean_url = ''
# account_id = 'act-9f3c19ea'
# get_ocean_clusters = Endpoint(f"{__base_ocean_url}", account=ACCOUNT)
# get_ocean_clusters._GET()
# Update Ocean Cluster - PUT
# __base_ocean_url = ''
# account_id = 'act-9f3c19ea'
# ocean_cluster_id = 'o-a39795cd'
# body = json.dumps({"cluster": {
# "name": "freshworks-test-eks",
# "controllerClusterId": "freshworks-test-eks",
# "capacity": {
# "minimum": 0,
# "maximum": 500,
# "target": 1
# }
# }})
# update_ocean_cluster = Endpoint(f"{__base_ocean_url}/{ocean_cluster_id}", body=body, account=ACCOUNT)
# update_ocean_cluster._PUT()
# Initiate a Roll (Ocean) - POST
# __base_roll_url = ''
# ocean_cluster_id = 'o-a39795cd'
# body = json.dumps({
# "roll": {
# "batchSizePercentage": 20,
# "comment": "Testing reverse engineered Python SDK",
# "respectPdb": True,
# "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100
# }
# })
# initiate_roll = Endpoint(f"{__base_roll_url}/{ocean_cluster_id}/roll", body=body, account=ACCOUNT)
# initiate_roll._POST()
# Get Rightsizing Suggestions - POST
# oceanClusterId = 'o-d109430a'
# __base_rightsizing_url = f'{oceanClusterId}/rightSizing/suggestion'
# get_suggestions = Endpoint(f"{__base_rightsizing_url}", account=ACCOUNT)
# get_suggestions._POST()
# Create Spot Account and Link an AWS Account to Spot
# 1. Create Unlinked Spot Account
# __base_account_url = ''
# NAME = 'Karl-Testing-1'
# body = json.dumps({
# "account": {
# "name": f"{NAME}"
# }
# })
# create_account = Endpoint(f"{__base_account_url}", body=body, account=ACCOUNT)
# spot_account_id = create_account._POST()[0]['id']
# # 2. Create External ID: Change query param to newly created account ID
# __base_account_link_aws_url = ''
# create_external_id = Endpoint(f"{__base_account_link_aws_url}", account=spot_account_id)
# external_id = create_external_id._POST()[0]['externalId']
# # 3. Use external_id and include in Spot Role CloudFormation stack (manual)
# # TODO: Use boto3 to provision CFN stack
# # Return the IAM Role ARN
# # 4. Set Credentials for AWS
# __base_account_credentials_aws_url = ''
# body = json.dumps({
# "credentials": {
# "iamRole": f"{IAM_ROLE_ARN}"
# }
# })
# create_aws_credentials = Endpoint(f"{__base_account_credentials_aws_url}", body=body, account=spot_account_id)
# create_external_id._POST()
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