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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Save kaustavha/f2ba6aded5d946813eef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
generator runner
# This script, when placed inside the meteor-kitchen-examples root project folder
# Can be used to run all the examples and generate output for jade, coffee and plain from json and yaml
fs = require 'fs'
{spawn} = require 'child_process'
path = require 'path'
async = require 'async'
dir = fs.readdirSync(__dirname)
dir = dir.filter((e, i, a) -> if e.indexOf('.') is -1 then return e)
humandirs = dir.filter((e, i, a) -> if e.indexOf('human') isnt -1 then return e)
dir = dir.filter((e, i, a) -> if e.indexOf('human') is -1 then return e)
iter = (e, cb) ->
console.log("Processing #{e}")
yamlconfig = "#{e}.yaml"
jsonconfig = "#{e}.json"
cwd = path.join(__dirname, e)
spawnConfig = {cwd: cwd, uid: 0}
out = path.join(cwd, e)
outjc = out + '_jade_coffee'
outjcyaml = outjc + '_yaml'
outyaml = out + '_yaml'
debug = 'debug_'
mkyamlstore = ''
mkyamljcstore = ''
mkjsonstore = ''
mkjsonjcstore = ''
done = 0
handleEnd = (type, store) ->
fs.writeFileSync("#{cwd}/debug_#{type}_#{e}.txt", store)
if done is 3 then cb() else done++
# yaml
mkyaml = spawn('meteor-kitchen', [yamlconfig, "#{outyaml}"], spawnConfig)
mkyamlstore += "Spawning: meteor-kitchen #{yamlconfig} #{outyaml} \n"
mkyaml.stdout.on('data', (d) -> mkyamlstore += d)
mkyaml.on('close', -> handleEnd('yaml', mkyamlstore))
#yaml -> jade & coffescript
mkyamljc = spawn('meteor-kitchen', ['-jc', yamlconfig, "#{outjcyaml}"], spawnConfig)
mkyamljcstore += "Spawning: meteor-kitchen -jc #{yamlconfig} #{outjcyaml} \n"
mkyamljc.stdout.on('data', (d) -> mkyamljcstore += d)
mkyamljc.on('close', -> handleEnd('yaml_jc', mkyamljcstore))
# json -> jade & coffescript
mkjsonjc = spawn('meteor-kitchen', ['-jc', jsonconfig, "#{outjc}"], spawnConfig)
mkjsonjcstore += "Spawning: meteor-kitchen -jc #{jsonconfig} #{outjc} \n"
mkjsonjc.stdout.on('data', (d) -> mkjsonjcstore += d)
mkjsonjc.on('close', -> handleEnd('json_jc', mkjsonjcstore))
# json
mkjson = spawn('meteor-kitchen', [jsonconfig, "#{out}"], spawnConfig)
mkjsonstore += "Spawning: meteor-kitchen -jc #{jsonconfig} #{out} \n"
mkjson.stdout.on('data', (d) -> mkjsonstore += d)
mkjson.on('close', -> handleEnd('json', mkjsonjcstore))
callback = () ->
humandirs.forEach((e, i, a) ->
console.log("Processing #{e}")
cwd = path.join(__dirname, e)
data = ''
outputfilepath = path.join(cwd, e)
inputfilepath = path.join(cwd, "#{e}.txt")
mkhuman = spawn('meteor-kitchen', [inputfilepath, outputfilepath], {cwd: cwd, uid: 0})
data += "Spawning: meteor-kitchen #{inputfilepath} #{outputfilepath} \n"
mkhuman.stdout.on('data', (d) -> data += d)
mkhuman.on('close', -> fs.writeFileSync("#{cwd}/debug.txt", data))
async.eachSeries(dir, iter, callback)
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