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Created May 30, 2020 18:00
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import io
import nbt # sudo python3 -m pip install NBT
import os
class BitReader:
def __init__(self, data, size): = data
self.size = size = len( * self.size
self.index = 0
def get_bit(self):
assert self.index <
div, mod = divmod(self.index, self.size)
# print(self.index, self.size, div, mod)
result = ([div] >> (self.size - 1 - mod)) & 1
self.index += 1
return result
def get_bits(self, size):
result = 0
for _ in range(size):
result = result << 1 | self.get_bit()
return result
class BitWriter:
def __init__(self, size): = []
self.size = size
self.index = 0
def write_bit(self, value):
if self.index == len( * self.size:
div, mod = divmod(self.index, self.size)
bit_pos = self.size - 1 - mod[div] =[div] | (value << bit_pos)
self.index += 1
def write_int(self, value, size):
for index in range(size):
bit_pos = size - 1 - index
self.write_bit((value >> bit_pos) & 1)
def compliment(self, value):
return value-(1<<(value.bit_length()))
def get(self):
return [
value if value < 2 ** 63 else self.compliment(value)
for value in
class Chunk:
def get_palette_index_size(count):
# for index in [3, 8, 15, 16, 24, 31, 32, 33]: print(index, get_palette_index_size(index))
size = 4
while 2 ** size - 1 < count:
size += 1
return size
def load(cls, nbt_chunk):
layers = {}
for section in nbt_chunk["Level"]["Sections"]:
palette = {}
if "Palette" not in section:
for index, item in enumerate(section["Palette"]):
palette[index] = item["Name"].value
palette_size = len(section["Palette"])
palette_index_size = cls.get_palette_index_size(palette_size)
bit_reader = BitReader(section["BlockStates"].value, size=64)
yy_offset = section["Y"].value * 16
for yy in range(16):
layer = {}
for xx in range(16):
for zz in range(16):
palette_index = bit_reader.get_bits(palette_index_size)
layer[(xx, zz)] = palette[palette_index]
layers[yy_offset + yy] = layer
return cls(nbt_chunk, layers)
def __init__(self, nbt_chunk, layers):
# print(nbt_chunk.pretty_tree())
self._nbt_chunk = nbt_chunk
self._layers = layers
def serialize(self):
air_block = "minecraft:air"
buffer = io.BytesIO()
sections = nbt.nbt.TAG_List(type=nbt.nbt.TAG_Compound)
for subchunk_y in range(16):
section = nbt.nbt.TAG_Compound()
section["Y"] = nbt.nbt.TAG_Short(subchunk_y)
palette = {}
for offset_y in range(16):
yy = subchunk_y * 16 + offset_y
if yy not in self._layers:
if air_block not in palette:
palette[air_block] = len(palette)
for xx in range(16):
for zz in range(16):
value = self._layers[yy][(xx, zz)]
if value not in palette:
palette[value] = len(palette)
section["Palette"] = nbt.nbt.TAG_List(type=nbt.nbt.TAG_Compound)
for value, index in sorted(palette.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1]):
block = nbt.nbt.TAG_Compound()
block["Name"] = nbt.nbt.TAG_String(value, "Name")
section["Palette"].insert(index, block)
palette_index_size = self.get_palette_index_size(len(palette))
bit_writer = BitWriter(size=64)
for offset_y in range(16):
yy = subchunk_y * 16 + offset_y
if yy in self._layers:
for xx in range(16):
for zz in range(16):
palette_index = palette[self._layers[yy][(xx, zz)]]
bit_writer.write_int(palette_index, palette_index_size)
for xx in range(16):
for zz in range(16):
palette_index = palette[air_block]
bit_writer.write_int(palette_index, palette_index_size)
block_states = nbt.nbt.TAG_Long_Array()
block_states.value = bit_writer.get()
section["BlockStates"] = block_states
sections.insert(subchunk_y, section)
self._nbt_chunk["Sections"] = sections
# return self._nbt_chunk["Sections"].pretty_tree()
return buffer.getvalue()
def get_block(self, xx, yy, zz):
return self._layers[yy][(xx, zz)]
def set_block(self, xx, yy, zz, value):
self._layers[yy][(xx, zz)] = value
def __str__(self):
result = ""
width = 10
for yy in range(8):
result += f"Layer {yy}\n"
if yy not in self._layers:
result += "Skipped\n\n"
for xx in range(16):
for zz in range(16):
name = self._layers[yy][(xx, zz)][10:] # remove "minecraft:"
result += name[:width-1].ljust(width, " ")
result += "\n"
result += "\n"
return result
class World:
def load(cls, path):
nbt_world =
return cls(nbt_world)
def __init__(self, nbt_world):
self._nbt_world = nbt_world
self._chunks = {}
def get_chunk(self, cx, cz):
key = (cx, cz)
if key not in self._chunks:
self._chunks[key] = Chunk.load(self._nbt_world.get_nbt(cx, cz))
return self._chunks[key]
def get_block(self, x, y, z):
xd, xm = divmod(x, 16)
zd, zm = divmod(z, 16)
self.get_chunk(xd, zd)
prefix = "/Users/kaustubh/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/"
save_name = "Hacky Creative"
location = os.path.join(prefix, save_name)
if True:
world = World.load(location)
chunk = world.get_chunk(0, 0)
# chunk.set_block(0, 0, 0, "minecraft:stone")
nbt_chunk = nbt.nbt.NBTFile(buffer=io.BytesIO(chunk.serialize()))
world =, save_name))
chunk_nbt = world.get_nbt(0, 0)
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