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Created February 22, 2016 18:23
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-- Import Simple Note Folder into Apple Notes.
-- This is based on a script I found to do general note import modified to work with the simplenote web export
-- get a file to import to a note
--set noteFiles to choose folder with prompt "Import which files?"
set noteFiles to every item of (choose file with prompt "Choose the Files you'd like to import:" with multiple selections allowed) as list
-- get the name of the account that you want to add the note to
set accountName to getNameOfTargetAccount()
-- get the name of the folder to add the note to
set folderName to getNameOfTargetFolderOfAccount(accountName)
repeat with noteFile in noteFiles
-- get the note name from the file name
set {noteName, ext} to getFirstLine_andExtension(noteFile)
-- get the file's text as html
if ext is "html" then
set noteText to read noteFile
-- convert the file's contents into html code
set noteText to do shell script "/usr/bin/tail -n +2 " & quoted form of POSIX path of noteFile & " | /usr/bin/textutil -stdin -stdout -convert html" --| /usr/bin/tidy -ibq -utf8 --show-warnings no --force-output yes"
end if
tell application "Notes"
tell account accountName
-- make sure the folder exists
if not (exists folder folderName) then make new folder with properties {name:folderName}
-- add the note to the folder
tell folder folderName
make new note with properties {name:noteName, body:noteText}
end tell
end tell
end tell
end repeat
(****************** SUBROUTINES *****************)
-- this lets you choose which acount you want to target
-- if there's only 1 account then that account name is returned
on getNameOfTargetAccount()
tell application "Notes"
if (count of accounts) is greater than 1 then
set theseAccountNames to the name of every account
set thisAccountName to choose from list theseAccountNames with prompt "Add note to which account?"
if thisAccountName is false then error number -128
set thisAccountName to thisAccountName as text
set thisAccountName to the name of first account
end if
return thisAccountName
end tell
end getNameOfTargetAccount
-- this lets you choose which folder you want to target from an account
-- if there's only 1 folder then that folder name is returned
on getNameOfTargetFolderOfAccount(accountName)
set folderName to missing value
tell application "Notes"
tell account accountName
if (count of folders) is greater than 1 then
set theseFolderNames to the name of every folder
set folderName to choose from list theseFolderNames with prompt "Add note to which folder?"
if folderName is false then error number -128
set folderName to folderName as text
set folderName to the name of first folder
end if
end tell
end tell
return folderName
end getNameOfTargetFolderOfAccount
on getName_andExtension(f)
set f to f as text
set {name:nm, name extension:ex} to info for file f without size
if ex is missing value then
set ex to ""
set nm to text 1 thru ((count nm) - (count ex) - 1) of nm
end if
return {nm, ex}
end getName_andExtension
on getFirstLine_andExtension(f)
set f to f as text
set {name:nm, name extension:ex} to info for file f without size
set theText to read file f
set theList to paragraphs of theText
return {item 1 of theList, ex}
end getFirstLine_andExtension
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