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Last active September 22, 2021 02:53
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  • Save kavan-mevada/22e05ff2435f2af6510513b3af3a21a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kavan-mevada/22e05ff2435f2af6510513b3af3a21a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// extern crate base64; // 0.13.0
extern crate sha2; // 0.9.5
extern crate test;
mod d_const;
mod tmp2;
use std::{
ops::{BitAnd, Shl, Shr, Sub},
use crate::base64::{chromium_base64_decode_len, chromium_base64_encode_len};
use bluetooth_device_name::bluetooth_device_name;
use libc::strlen;
use sha2::{digest::generic_array::typenum::Integer, Digest, Sha256, Sha512};
macro_rules! LAST {
($k:expr,$n:expr) => {
($k) & ((1 << ($n)) - 1)
macro_rules! MID {
($k:expr,$m:expr,$n:expr) => {
LAST!(($k) >> ($m), (($n) - ($m)))
mod base64;
mod bluetooth_device_name;
pub enum Error {
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
// let kVersion = Version::kV1;
// let kPcp = Pcp::kP2pCluster;
// let kEndPointID = "AB12";
// let kServiceIDHashBytes = std::str::from_utf8(&[0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c]);
// let kEndPointName1 = "RAWK + ROWL!";
// let kEndPointName2 = "How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood?";
// let kWebRtcState = WebRtcState::kConnectable;
// let kFastAdvertisementEndpointName = "Fast Advertise";
// let kBluetoothMacAddress = "00:00:E6:88:64:13";
// TW90byBQb3dlcg==
let str = "Moto Power";
if let Some(encode) = crate::base64::encode("Moto Power") {
// let bluetooth_device_name_string =
// "I0RJT0v8n14AAAAAAAAAJAIHH9Hn7D95JAAvuiKcukWlEkthdmFuJ3MgUGl4ZWwgMiBYTA";
// let bluetooth_device_name_string = "SLAAUMHVe6xCmmUGl4ZWwgMmHhrVBNUBDwAKk";
// bluetooth_device_name::bluetooth_device_name(bluetooth_device_name_string)?;
// 08:D4:6A:41:BC:F9
// I0RJT0v8n14
// 23 44 49 4f 4b fc 9f 5e
// 00100011 01000100 01001001 01001111 01001011 11111100 10011111 01011110
// version_and_pcp_byte -> 00100011 -> 001,00011 -> 1,3 -> v1,pcpv3
// 31 39 32
// 192:168:1:66
// 0a187b089f6aff87d9168841163edc6f1a737cc8e73b10998777e60778541d7f
let data = [
0x23 /* v1, pcpv3 */,
0x44, 0x49, 0x4f, 0x4b, /* endpoint_id */
0xfc, 0x9f, 0x5e, /* service_id_hash */
0x00, /* web_rtc_state */
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* reserved_length */
0x24, /* expected_endpoint_info_length = 36 */
0x02 /* 002 */,
0x07 /* 007 */,
0x1f /* 031 */,
0xd1 /* 209 */,
0xe7 /* 231 */,
0xec /* 236 */,
0x3f /* 063 */,
0x79 /* 121 */,
0x24 /* 036 */,
0x00 /* 000 */,
0x2f /* 047 */,
0xba /* 186 */,
0x22 /* 034 */,
0x9c /* 156 */,
0xba /* 186 */,
0x45 /* 069 */,
0xa5 /* 156 */,
0x12 /* 18 (Decimal) = length_of_endpoint_name */ ,
0x4b /* K */ ,
0x61 /* a */ ,
0x76 /* v */ ,
0x61 /* a */ ,
0x6e /* n */ ,
0x27 /* ' */ ,
0x73 /* s */ ,
0x20 /* space */ ,
0x50 /* P */ ,
0x69 /* i */ ,
0x78 /* x */ ,
0x65 /* e */,
0x6c /* l */,
0x20 /* space */,
0x32 /* 2 */,
0x20 /* space */,
0x58 /* X */,
0x4c /* L */,
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