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Created August 11, 2021 13:21
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extern crate base64; // 0.13.0
extern crate sha2; // 0.9.5
use sha2::{Sha256, Sha512, Digest};
macro_rules! bits {
($orig16BitWord:expr, $from:literal, $to:literal) => {{
let mask = ((1 << ($to - $from + 1)) - 1) << $from;
($orig16BitWord & mask) >> $from
fn main() {
let kVersion = Version::kV1;
let kPcp = Pcp::kP2pCluster;
let kEndPointID = "AB12";
let kServiceIDHashBytes = std::str::from_utf8(&[0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c]);
let kEndPointName1 = "RAWK + ROWL!";
let kEndPointName2 = "How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood?";
let kWebRtcState = WebRtcState::kConnectable;
let kFastAdvertisementEndpointName = "Fast Advertise";
let kBluetoothMacAddress = "00:00:E6:88:64:13";
let endpoint_info = kEndPointName2.as_bytes();
// create a Sha256 object
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
let service_id_hash = &hasher.finalize()[..3];
println!("service_id_hash: {:?}", service_id_hash);
fn bluetooth_name_decode(name: &str) {
let decoded = base64::decode(name).expect("Error decoding!");
println!("bytes: {:?}", &decoded);
/* The first 1 byte is supposed to be the version and pcp. */
// The upper 3 bits are supposed to be the version.
let version = bits!(decoded[0], 0, 4);
// The lower 5 bits are supposed to be the Pcp.
let pcp = bits!(decoded[0], 5, 8);
println!("version: {:05b}", version);
println!("pcp: {:05b}", pcp);
// The next 4 bytes are supposed to be the endpoint_id.
let endpoint_id = std::str::from_utf8(&decoded[1..=4]);
// The next 3 bytes are supposed to be the service_id_hash.
let service_id_hash = &decoded[5..=7];
// The next 1 byte is field containning WebRtc state.
let web_rtc_state = decoded[8];
println!("endpoint_id: {:?}", endpoint_id);
println!("service_id_hash: {:?}", service_id_hash);
println!("web_rtc_state: {}", web_rtc_state);
// Next 6 bytes are padding '0'
println!("reserved_padding: {:x?}", &decoded[9..=14]);
let expected_endpoint_info_length = decoded[15];
"expected_endpoint_info_length: {}",
let endpoint_info = &decoded[16..=16 + expected_endpoint_info_length as usize - 1];
println!("endpoint_info: {:?}", std::str::from_utf8(&endpoint_info));
enum Version {
kUndefined = 0,
kV1 = 1,
// Version is only allocated 3 bits in the BluetoothDeviceName, so this
// can never go beyond V7.
enum Pcp {
kUnknown = 0,
kP2pStar = 1,
kP2pCluster = 2,
kP2pPointToPoint = 3,
// PCP is only allocated 5 bits in our data interchange formats, so there can
// never be more than 31 PCP values.
// Represents the WebRtc state that mediums are connectable or not.
enum WebRtcState {
kUndefined = 0,
kConnectable = 1,
kUnconnectable = 2,
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