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Created September 22, 2017 12:35
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Adding lock mechanism to GCS remote backend by suing pubsub Topics.
Concept is imilar to how we create/delete lock file to acquirs/release lock.
We are using remote state-file in our team.We need this in our team to be able to work in a safer way. Our team is small but still this simple change can improve out ability to work together.
Code changes is small.
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "tf-state-prod"
path = "path/terraform.tfstate"
project = "myproject"
lockTopic = "remote_lock"
Only addition will be __lock_topic__. As far as I understand the change is backward compatible and won't break any existing setup. If this change get accepted I will also work/help on moving GCP out of legacy so this change won't cause any extra burden on your team.
I ran the tests to make sure they are all green. All pass locally against my dev project in google cloud.
Also I ran a separate code against pubsub to check if __create__ can be used as lock mechanism. As far as I can tell it is a serial action and usable for lock.
Adding this change will help me greatly and I am hoping that this method might be useful for others too.
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