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Last active February 16, 2023 17:59
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Automated tmux session I use when playing htb boxes
if [[ $1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <Box name>"
exit 1
if [[ -d $HTB_DATA_DIR/$1 ]]; then
htb-init $1
tmux new-session -s htb -d -n win1
tmux new-window -t htb -d -n win2
tmux new-window -t htb -d -n win3
tmux new-window -t htb -d -n vpn
tmux select-window -t htb:win1
tmux split-window -h
tmux send-keys "cd $HTB_DATA_DIR/$1; clear" Enter
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "cd $HTB_DATA_DIR/$1; clear" Enter
tmux select-layout main-vertical
tmux select-window -t htb:win2
tmux send-keys "cd $HTB_DATA_DIR/$1; clear" Enter
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "cd $HTB_DATA_DIR/$1; clear" Enter
tmux send-keys -t htb:win3 "cd $HTB_DATA_DIR/$1; clear" Enter
tmux select-window -t htb:vpn
tmux send-keys -t htb:vpn "echo <SUDO_PASS>| sudo -S /usr/sbin/openvpn /home/kavi/Documents/HTB/lab_kavigihan.ovpn" Enter
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys -t htb:vpn "cd $HTB_DATA_DIR/$1/www;/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server 8081" Enter
tmux select-window -t htb:win1
tmux attach -t htb -c $HTB_DATA_DIR/$1
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This creates 4 windows inside the tmux session. The 1st windows will have 3 panes according to the main-vertical layout of tmux. The 2nd pane will have 2 horizontally divided panes. 3rd and 4th windows will have only one pane. In the 4th window, openvpn will be running to connect to the htb's VPN

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