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Last active June 22, 2024 16:49
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Useful aliases for CTF players #aliases #bash #zsh #linux #CTF #Hackthebox
  • To easily list files giving more information - ll
alias ll='ls -alhF'
  • First, install xclip in your system. This will let you copy output of a command directly to your clipboard. - cat file.txt|c
alias c='xclip -selection clipboard'
  • Change the prompt of your shell. Helps you to keep classify and recognize your terminal windows effectively. You can change colors according to your preference - p dev01>
p() {
	PS1="%B%F{green}➜  %B%F{#03fcd0}% $1 %{$reset_color%}"
  • Startup python SimpleHTTPServer - server 8081. Here if you want to start the server in a specific directory, you can pass the dir as an argument - server 9090 /tmp/
server() {
        if [[ $2 ]];then
                python3 -m http.server $1 --directory $2
                python3 -m http.server $1
  • Generate a script with reverse shells to use. - rs 9001 >
rs() {
  • Connect to a VPN - vpn-up
vpn-up() {
	sudo pkill openvpn
	sudo openvpn /home/kavi/Documents/HTB/lab_kavigihan.ovpn
  • Setup the env. (For HTB players). This will make a directory named after a name you specify and start a webserver in /opt/drop directory. You can put your pspy, like files there. PID of the server is saved in /home/kavi/Documents/HTB/$1/ incase you want to kill the server - htb-init Moderators
htb-init() {
	if [[ $1 ]]; then			
		mkdir -p /home/kavi/Documents/HTB/$1/files
		mkdir -p /home/kavi/Documents/HTB/$1/exploits
		cd /opt/drop
		/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server 8080 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
		echo $! > /home/kavi/Documents/HTB/$1/
		cd /home/kavi/Documents/HTB/$1
		echo 'Usage: htb-init Moderators'
  • Doing a full nmap. nmap-full
nmap-full() {
	nmap -p- -sC -sV -A --min-rate=400 --min-parallelism=512 -vv $1
  • Run ffuf for direcotry busting - ffuf-dir If you want to specify extensions of any other option you can pass them after the URL (ffuf-dir URL -e php -fl 100)
ffuf-dir() {
        ffuf -u $1 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt ${@: 2};
  • Run ffuf for vhost fuzzing - ffuf-vhost domain.local
ffuf-vhost() {
        ffuf -H "Host: FUZZ.$1" -u http://$1 -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt ${@: 2};
  • Start feroxbuster for directory brutforcing - fx ${@: 2};
fx() {
	feroxbuster -u $1 -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-small.txt
  • Start a listener. This is specially for zsh users(specially oh-my-zsh).By default this will start the listener in port 9090, or you could speficy the port you need. lst 9001
lst() {

	if [[ $1 ]]; then
		bash --login -c "nc -lvnp $1"
		bash --login -c "nc -lvnp 9090"
  • Stabilize the shell. This can be used in combination with the above listener.
st() {
    if [[ $1 -eq 1 ]]; then 
        printf "python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\")'\nexport TERM=alacritty\n"|c

    elif [[ $1 -eq 2 ]]; then
        printf "python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\")'\nexport TERM=alacritty\n"|c
        printf 'script -q /dev/null -c /bin/bash\nexport TERM=alacritty\n'|c
    echo "Stablizing commands copied to the clipboard!"
    stty raw -echo;fg

I.e once you get a conntection to your listener, you can background it with Ctrl+z and then issue st to copy the stabilizing commands to your clipboard (Here c alias mentioned above is also used). Then this will isse the stty raw -echo;fg command for you. Then you just have to paste the copied commands and press enter. And now you have a fully stabalized shell!

Another nice automated solution for stabilizing your reverse shell which works for both bash and zsh can be found here

  • Url encode a string - echo asd==|urlencode
urlencode() {
        python3 -c "import sys; from urllib.parse import quote; print(quote(;"
  • URL decode a string - echo 123%3D%3D|urldecode
urldecode() {
        python3 -c "import sys; from urllib.parse import unquote; print(unquote(;"
  • Get the MD5 hash of a string - echo kavi|md5
md5() {
        python3 -c 'import hashlib,sys; print(hashlib.md5('
  • Followings are for tmux users. This will allow you to quickly add notes to the status bar of your tmux session. I.e when you find a user password which you will be using a lot, you can add it here, instead of keeping that in the clipboard or noting it down in a file. - tsa 'admin:pa$$10rd' - this will add the note. tsd - will clear the status bar
tsa() {
	status_bar=$(cat $TMUX_SATUS_BAR)
	tmux set-option -g status-right "$1 $status_bar"
	echo "| $1 $status_bar" > $TMUX_SATUS_BAR

tsd() {
	echo '[#{session_name}]' > $TMUX_SATUS_BAR
	status_bar=$(cat $TMUX_SATUS_BAR)
	tmux set-option -g status-right "$status_bar"

NOTE: For this to work you need to have a variable called TMUX_SATUS_BARpointing to a file which contains the current config for your the right sude if your status bar. For me its [#{session_name}]. For more information, take a look at my .zshrc

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If you have any other suggestions, let me know!

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