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Last active July 9, 2019 04:35
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Frequently Asked Javascript Interview Questions
Function.prototype.bind1 = function (scope) {
let fn = this
let prefixArgs =, 1)
return function() {
let suffixArgs =
let args = prefixArgs.concat(suffixArgs)
return fn.apply(scope, args)
// Ex 1: Create a function with a preset leading argument
function list() {
// arguments is an array-like object. convert arguments to an array.
console.log( list(1, 2, 3) ) // [1, 2, 3]
var leadingThirtysevenList = list.bind1(null, 37)
console.log( leadingThirtysevenList() ) // [37]
console.log( leadingThirtysevenList(1, 2, 3) ) // [37, 1, 2, 3]
// Ex 2: Changing the scope of `this`
var foo = {
x: 3
function bar (){
var boundFunc = bar.bind1(foo)
boundFunc() // 3
let sentence = ''
function say () {
if ( !arguments[0] ) {
let s = sentence
sentence = ''
return s
} else {
sentence += arguments[0] + ' '
// Note: This is not a recursion
return say
console.log( say('Foo')('bar')() ) // => "Foo bar "
console.log( say('Hi')('my')('name')('is')('Foo')() ) // "Hi my name is Foo "
function add10 (a) {
return a + 10
function compound (f) {
return function (b) {
return f(f(b))
console.log( add10(10) ) // 20
console.log( compound(add10)(10) ) // 30
function customSetInterval (cb, interval) {
return setTimeout( () => {
if (typeof cb == 'function') {
// Recurse
customSetInterval(cb, interval)
} else {
console.error(new Error('Expecting a function as a callback'))
}, interval)
function resetCustomSetInterval (id) {
function hello (){
let id = customSetInterval(hello, 1000)
let id2 = customSetInterval('hello', 1000) // [Error: Expecting a function as a callback]
function hexToRGB (hex) {
// remove whitespace from left and rihgt ends
hex = hex.trim()
if (hex.startsWith('#')) {
hex = hex.replace('#', '')
// convert short hand notation (f0f) to the regular notation (ff00ff)
if (hex.length == 3) {
let temp = ''
for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i++)
temp += hex[i] + hex[i]
hex = temp
// check for additional white space between characters (f 0 f)
if (hex.length != 6 ) {
throw new Error(`hexToRGB was called with incorrect hex code.
Valid hex code is either three to four characters long with following characters '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef' `)
// check for valid characters from 0-F
let validHexChars = '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef'
for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i++) {
if ( !validHexChars.includes(hex[i]) ) {
throw new Error(`hexToRGB was called with incorrect hex code.
Valid hex code is either three to four characters long with following characters '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef' `)
let RGB = []
let r = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16)
let g = parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16)
let b = parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16)
return RGB
//console.log( hexToRGB('ff00ff') ) // [255, 0, 255]
//console.log( hexToRGB('#ff00ff') ) // [255, 0, 255]
//console.log( hexToRGB('#f0f') ) // [255, 0, 255]
//console.log( hexToRGB('ff00fff') ) // hextToRGB was called with incorrect hex code. ...
//console.log( hexToRGB('ff00ffg') ) // hextToRGB was called with incorrect hex code. ...
const BOARD_SIZE = 3
// For 3 * 3 board, stateOfTheGame = [row1, row2, row3, col1, col2, col3, diag1, diag2]
let stateOfTheGame = new Array(BOARD_SIZE * 2 + 2)
//Initialize the board with zero
function isTicTacToeWon (row, column, player) {
// We will use -1 for 'ZERO' and +1 for player 'EX'
let point = (player == 'ZERO') ? -1 : 1
// At every step we will have to update the relevant row, column and diagonal
// update row
stateOfTheGame[row] += point
// update column
stateOfTheGame[BOARD_SIZE + column] += point
// update diagonal1
if (row == column) {
stateOfTheGame[2*BOARD_SIZE] += point
// case (2, 2) in 3 * 3 Board
let shouldUpdateDia2 = (BOARD_SIZE + 1) / 2 == column ? true : false;
if (shouldUpdateDia2) {
stateOfTheGame[2*BOARD_SIZE + 1] += point
// update diagonal2
if (row + column == BOARD_SIZE + 1) {
stateOfTheGame[2*BOARD_SIZE + 1] += point
// We finish updating the game board. Let's see if we have a winner or not
let i = stateOfTheGame.indexOf(3)
let j = stateOfTheGame.indexOf(-3)
// If we have 3, -3 in the array it means we have a winner
return (i >= 0 || j >= 0) ? true : false;
console.log( isTicTacToeWon(0, 0, 'ZERO') ) // false
console.log( isTicTacToeWon(0, 1, 'ZERO') ) // false
console.log( isTicTacToeWon(0, 2, 'ZERO') ) // true
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The resetCustomSetInterval function not work in customSetInterval.js line 14 if it has run once. because each setTimeout return a new handle id

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