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Created March 5, 2014 08:24
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package main
import (
type Position struct {
X, Y int
type Line []string
var (
preprocessDone bool = false
selectedDirtIdx int = -1
dirtsCoordinates []Position
func printNextMove(position *Position) {
coordinate := dirtsCoordinates[selectedDirtIdx]
if position.X == coordinate.X && position.Y == coordinate.Y {
dirtsCoordinates = append(dirtsCoordinates[:selectedDirtIdx], dirtsCoordinates[selectedDirtIdx+1:]...)
selectedDirtIdx = -1
} else if position.X > coordinate.X {
} else if (coordinate.Y > coordinate.Y) || (position.Y > coordinate.Y && position.X == coordinate.X) {
} else if position.X < coordinate.X {
} else {
func findAllDirts(field *[]Line) {
for i, line := range *field {
for j, place := range line {
if place == "d" {
dirtsCoordinates = append(dirtsCoordinates, Position{i, j})
preprocessDone = true
func findClosestDirt(position *Position) {
var (
min_idx, dist, dist_x, dist_y int
min_dist int = 9
for i := 0; i < len(dirtsCoordinates); i++ {
coordinate := dirtsCoordinates[i]
if position.X > coordinate.X {
dist_x = position.X - coordinate.X
} else {
dist_x = coordinate.X - position.X
if position.Y > coordinate.Y {
dist_y = position.Y - coordinate.Y
} else {
dist_y = coordinate.Y - position.Y
dist = dist_x + dist_y
if dist < min_dist {
min_idx = i
min_dist = dist
selectedDirtIdx = min_idx
func nextMove(position *Position, field *[]Line) {
if preprocessDone == false {
if selectedDirtIdx == -1 {
func main() {
var (
line string
position *Position = &Position{}
field []Line = make([]Line, 5)
fmt.Scanf("%d", &position.X)
fmt.Scanf("%d", &position.Y)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
fmt.Scanf("%s", &line)
field[i] = strings.Split(line, "")
nextMove(position, &field)
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