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Last active September 21, 2015 14:56
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Brainstorming on how to improve forms...

Live updating

We need to facilitate automatic displaying of errors on form inputs. Manually binding errors each time can be a pain. (Possibly make a highorder input to auto-serialize?)

One main goal is to have a minimal and clean API to interact with these forms. Right now we just have onSubmit and onChange as props to the main Form component. If we can keep it that simple, we should. Currently, inputs are dumb. All you need to do to have an input work is for it to have a serialize method. You can pass in validators as props to an input and the form will do all the work. If we want to use higher-order inputs to do auto errors, we would need to have inputs handle their own validation.

We could have an additional prop (or exposed method accessed via ref) which would force errors to be shown. Without looking into it, we would need to store the state of the form internally within the form component then massage the props as we pass them down via cloneWithProps. Not sure how much I like that solution...

onSubmit() {
    // This will run serialize and pass the errors down as props via some vodoo


render() {
    return <Form ref="form" autoValidate />;

Talking through this more, if we have a showErrors and the state is stored internally within the Form, we need a clearErrors function or some similar mechanism to wipe that internal state. Looking goofy already.

Nested Forms

  • Normal forms don't let you do it
  • Not intuitive, you have to set a static property to let the form know how to deal with it
  • Edge-cases when dealing with multiple forms with the same refs

We need more inputs

  • input
  • textarea
  • select
  • datepicker
  • fileuploader

Need to know too much domain knowledge

Between nested forms, unspoken contract between form and input, and how serializing information works, there is far too much information hidden away.

Event bubbling is a pain

Right now you need to know a bit too much information to get inputs to work nicely. It is unclear if you need to pass down onChange and onSubmit to inputs.

Better docs

We need to document this stuff.

Tabular form

It is pretty common to need to have forms based around arrays of data. For example you have an array of people {name, age, eyeColor} and you want one row in your form for each person. Right now it is possible but pretty dirty.

Dynamic forms

Along the lines as tabular forms, we need better documentation and possibly a better mechanism to facilitate dynamic inputs.

Form level validation

With very complex forms, validation happens on several levels: input, form, and server. We can handle input quite easily. We may want to consider making it easier to move validation happening from onSubmit (or something similar) to form level validation similar to inputs.

Change form return value

Right now, calling serialize returns the following:

    fieldValues: { nameOfField: value },
    fieldErrors: { nameOfField: [errors] },
    errors: [flattenedDownErrors],
    valid: boolean

fieldValues and fieldErrors are both objects that mimic the refs of the form. errors is a convenience property that has the flattened down errors from fieldErrors. valid is another convenience property that is just !errors.length.

If we are taking the time to re-visit how we serialize things, maybe we want to change the return value. Perhaps we could us proxies or something else to eliminate the need for fieldErrors.

var x = {
    values: { name: value },
    errors: [],
    valid: boolean
// > value
// > []

One negative to this approach is that you most likely wouldn't be able to simply use values as POJS.

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