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Created April 11, 2017 18:06
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/// <reference types="react" />
declare namespace MaterialUI {
type ReactEl = React.ReactChild | null | boolean
export interface MuiTheme {
palette: {
primary?: string,
accent?: string,
error?: string,
[key: string]: any,
export interface MuiThemeProviderProps {
theme?: MuiTheme,
export class MuiThemeProvider extends React.Component<MuiThemeProviderProps, {}> {}
export interface ButtonProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {
accent?: boolean,
className?: string,
compact?: boolean,
component?: React.ReactType,
contrast?: boolean,
disabled?: boolean,
fab?: boolean,
focusRipple?: boolean,
href?: string,
primary?: boolean,
raised?: boolean,
ripple?: boolean,
export class Button extends React.Component<ButtonProps, {}> {}
export interface AppBarProps {
accent?: boolean,
className?: string,
primary?: boolean,
export class AppBar extends React.Component<AppBarProps, {}> {}
export interface DialogProps {
className?: string,
fullScreen?: boolean,
ignoreBackdropClick?: boolean,
ignoreEscapeKeyUp?: boolean,
maxWidth?:'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'sm',
onBackdropClick?: () => void,
onEnter?: () => void,
onEntering?: () => void,
onEntered?: () => void,
onEscapeKeyUp?: () => void,
onExit?: () => void,
onExiting?: () => void,
onExited?: () => void,
onRequestClose?: () => void,
open?: boolean,
paperClassName?: string,
transition?: any,
transitionDuration?: number,
export class Dialog extends React.Component<DialogProps, {}> {}
export interface DialogActionsProps {
className?: string,
export class DialogActions extends React.Component<DialogActionsProps, {}> {}
export interface DialogContentProps {
className?: string,
export class DialogContent extends React.Component<DialogContentProps, {}> {}
export interface DialogContentTextProps {
className?: string,
export class DialogContentText extends React.Component<DialogContentTextProps, {}> {}
export interface DialogTitleProps {
className?: string,
export class DialogTitle extends React.Component<DialogTitleProps, {}> {}
export interface TextProps {
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify',
className?: string,
colorInherit?: boolean,
component?: string,
gutterBottom?: boolean,
noWrap?: boolean,
paragraph?: boolean,
secondary?: boolean,
type?: 'display4' | 'display3' | 'display2' | 'display1' | 'headline' | 'title' | 'subheading' | 'body2' | 'body1' | 'caption' | 'button' | 'body1',
export class Text extends React.Component<TextProps, {}> {}
export interface TextFieldProps {
disabled?: boolean,
error?: boolean,
id?: string,
inputClassName?: string,
inputProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>,
label?: ReactEl,
labelClassName?: string,
required?: boolean,
type?: string,
value?: any,
export class TextField extends React.Component<TextFieldProps, {}> {}
export interface TextFieldLabelProps {
disableAnimation?: boolean,
className?: string,
error?: boolean,
focused?: boolean,
required?: boolean,
shrink?: boolean,
export class TextFieldLabel extends React.Component<TextFieldLabelProps, {}> {}
export interface InputProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<any> {
className?: string,
component?: string,
disabled?: boolean,
error?: boolean,
inputClassName?: string,
type?: string,
disableUnderline?: boolean,
value?: any,
export class Input extends React.Component<InputProps, {}> {}
export interface InputLabelProps {
animated?: boolean,
className?: string,
error?: boolean,
focused?: boolean,
required?: boolean,
shrink?: boolean,
export class InputLabel extends React.Component<InputLabelProps, {}> {}
export interface MenuProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<any> {
anchorEl?: HTMLElement,
className?: string,
onEnter?: () => void,
onEntering?: () => void,
onEntered?: () => void,
onExit?: () => void,
onExiting?: () => void,
onExited?: () => void,
onRequestClose?: () => void,
open?: boolean,
transitionDuration?: string,
export class Menu extends React.Component<MenuProps, {}> {}
export interface MenuItemProps {
className?: string,
component?: React.ReactType,
selected?: boolean,
onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void,
[key: string]: any;
export class MenuItem extends React.Component<MenuItemProps, {}> {}
export interface CardProps {
className?: string,
raised?: boolean,
export class Card extends React.Component<CardProps, {}> {}
export interface CardActionsProps {
className?: string,
disableActionSpacing?: boolean,
export class CardActions extends React.Component<CardActionsProps, {}> {}
export interface CardContentProps {
className?: string,
export class CardContent extends React.Component<CardContentProps, {}> {}
export interface CardMediaProps {
className?: string,
export class CardMedia extends React.Component<CardMediaProps, {}> {}
export interface CardHeaderProps {
className?: string,
avatar?: ReactEl,
subheader?: ReactEl,
title?: ReactEl,
export class CardHeader extends React.Component<CardHeaderProps, {}> {}
export interface IconProps {
accent?: boolean,
action?: boolean,
className?: string,
contrast?: boolean,
disabled?: boolean,
error?: boolean,
primary?: boolean,
export class Icon extends React.Component<IconProps, {}> {}
export interface IconButtonProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {
accent?: boolean,
className?: string,
contrast?: boolean,
disabled?: boolean,
iconClassName?: string,
ripple?: boolean,
export class IconButton extends React.Component<IconButtonProps, {}> {}
export interface ListProps {
className?: string,
component?: React.ReactType,
disablePadding?: boolean,
subheader?: ReactEl,
export class List extends React.Component<ListProps, {}> {}
export interface ListItemProps {
className?: string,
component?: React.ReactType,
button?: boolean,
dense?: boolean,
divider?: boolean,
disableGutters?: boolean,
onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void,
export class ListItem extends React.Component<ListItemProps, {}> {}
export interface ListItemIconProps {
className?: string,
export class ListItemIcon extends React.Component<ListItemIconProps, {}> {}
export interface ListItemSecondaryActionProps {
className?: string,
export class ListItemSecondaryAction extends React.Component<ListItemSecondaryActionProps, {}> {}
export interface ListItemTextProps {
className?: string,
inset?: boolean,
primary?: ReactEl,
secondary?: ReactEl,
export class ListItemText extends React.Component<ListItemTextProps, {}> {}
export interface ListSubheaderProps {
className?: string,
inset?: boolean,
primary?: boolean,
export class ListSubheader extends React.Component<ListSubheaderProps, {}> {}
export interface CircularProgressProps {
className?: string,
mode?: 'determinate' | 'indeterminate' | 'indeterminate',
size?: number,
value?: number,
export class CircularProgress extends React.Component<CircularProgressProps, {}> {}
export interface LayoutProps {
className?: string,
component?: React.ReactType,
container?: boolean,
item?: boolean,
xs?: boolean | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,
sm?: boolean | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,
md?: boolean | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,
lg?: boolean | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,
xl?: boolean | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12,
align?: 'flex-start' | 'center' | 'flex-end' | 'stretch' | 'flex-start',
direction?: 'row' | 'row-reverse' | 'column' | 'column-reverse',
gutter?: 0 | 8 | 16 | 24 | 40,
justify?: 'center' | 'flex-end' | 'space-between' | 'space-around' | 'flex-start'
wrap?: 'nowrap' | 'wrap' | 'wrap-reverse'
export class Layout extends React.Component<LayoutProps, {}> {}
export interface ToolbarProps {
className?: string;
guttres?: boolean;
export class Toolbar extends React.Component<ToolbarProps, {}> {}
export interface AvatarProps {
alt?: string,
className?: string,
component?: React.ReactType,
sizes?: string,
src?: string,
srcSet?: string,
export class Avatar extends React.Component<AvatarProps, {}> {}
export interface PaperProps {
className?: string,
elevation?: number,
disableRipple?: boolean,
export class Paper extends React.Component<PaperProps, {}> {}
export interface DividerProps {
absolute?: boolean,
className?: boolean,
inset?: boolean,
light?: boolean,
export class Divider extends React.Component<DividerProps, {}> {}
export interface DrawerProps {
anchor?: 'left' | 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom',
className?: string,
docked?: boolean,
elevation?: number,
enterTransitionDuration?: number,
leaveTransitionDuration?: number,
onRequestClose?: () => void,
open?: boolean,
paperClassName?: string,
export class Drawer extends React.Component<DrawerProps, {}> {}
declare module 'material-ui/Button' {
export import Button = MaterialUI.Button
export import ButtonProps = MaterialUI.ButtonProps
export default Button
declare module 'material-ui/AppBar' {
export import AppBar = MaterialUI.AppBar
export import AppBarProps = MaterialUI.AppBarProps
export default AppBar
declare module 'material-ui/Dialog' {
export import Dialog = MaterialUI.Dialog
export import DialogProps = MaterialUI.DialogProps
export import DialogActions = MaterialUI.DialogActions
export import DialogActionsProps = MaterialUI.DialogActionsProps
export import DialogContent = MaterialUI.DialogContent
export import DialogContentProps = MaterialUI.DialogContentProps
export import DialogContentText = MaterialUI.DialogContentText
export import DialogContentTextProps = MaterialUI.DialogContentTextProps
export import DialogTitleProps = MaterialUI.DialogTitleProps
export import DialogTitle = MaterialUI.DialogTitle
declare module 'material-ui/Text' {
export import Text = MaterialUI.Text
export import TextProps = MaterialUI.TextProps
export default Text
declare module 'material-ui/TextField' {
export import TextField = MaterialUI.TextField
export import TextFieldProps = MaterialUI.TextFieldProps
export default TextField
declare module 'material-ui/TextFieldLabel' {
export import TextFieldLabel = MaterialUI.TextFieldLabel
export import TextFieldLabelProps = MaterialUI.TextFieldLabelProps
export default TextFieldLabel
declare module 'material-ui/Input' {
export import Input = MaterialUI.Input
export import InputProps = MaterialUI.InputProps
export default Input
declare module 'material-ui/InputLabel' {
export import InputLabel = MaterialUI.InputLabel
export import InputLabelProps = MaterialUI.InputLabelProps
export default InputLabel
declare module 'material-ui/Menu' {
export import Menu = MaterialUI.Menu
export import MenuProps = MaterialUI.MenuProps
export import MenuItem = MaterialUI.MenuItem
export import MenuItemProps = MaterialUI.MenuItemProps
declare module 'material-ui/Card' {
export import Card = MaterialUI.Card
export import CardProps = MaterialUI.CardProps
export import CardActions = MaterialUI.CardActions
export import CardActionsProps = MaterialUI.CardActionsProps
export import CardContent = MaterialUI.CardContent
export import CardContentProps = MaterialUI.CardContentProps
export import CardHeader = MaterialUI.CardHeader
export import CardHeaderProps = MaterialUI.CardHeaderProps
export import CardMedia = MaterialUI.CardMedia
export import CardMediaProps = MaterialUI.CardMediaProps
declare module 'material-ui/Icon' {
export import Icon = MaterialUI.Icon
export import IconProps = MaterialUI.IconProps
export default Icon
declare module 'material-ui/IconButton' {
export import IconButton = MaterialUI.IconButton
export import IconButtonProps = MaterialUI.IconButtonProps
export default IconButton
declare module 'material-ui/List' {
export import List = MaterialUI.List
export import ListProps = MaterialUI.ListProps
export import ListItem = MaterialUI.ListItem
export import ListItemProps = MaterialUI.ListItemProps
export import ListItemIcon = MaterialUI.ListItemIcon
export import ListItemIconProps = MaterialUI.ListItemIconProps
export import ListItemSecondaryAction = MaterialUI.ListItemSecondaryAction
export import ListItemSecondaryActionProps = MaterialUI.ListItemSecondaryActionProps
export import ListItemText = MaterialUI.ListItemText
export import ListItemTextProps = MaterialUI.ListItemTextProps
export import ListSubheader = MaterialUI.ListSubheader
export import ListSubheaderProps = MaterialUI.ListSubheaderProps
declare module 'material-ui/Progress' {
export import CircularProgress = MaterialUI.CircularProgress
export import CircularProgressProps = MaterialUI.CircularProgressProps
declare module 'material-ui/utils/customPropTypes' {
var options: { muiRequired: any }
export default options
declare module 'material-ui/styles/colors' {
export const black = '#000000'
export const white = '#ffffff'
export const transparent = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
export const fullBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)'
export const darkBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)'
export const lightBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)'
export const minBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)'
export const faintBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)'
export const fullWhite = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'
export const darkWhite = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87)'
export const lightWhite = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.54)'
export const red: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const pink: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const purple: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const deepPurple: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const indigo: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const blue: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const lightBlue: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const cyan: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const teal: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const green: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const lightGreen: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const lime: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const yellow: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const amber: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const orange: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const deepOrange: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const brown: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
export const grey: {
50: string,
100: string,
200: string,
300: string,
400: string,
500: string,
600: string,
700: string,
800: string,
900: string,
A100: string,
A200: string,
A400: string,
A700: string,
contrastDefaultColor: string,
declare module 'material-ui/Layout' {
export import Layout = MaterialUI.Layout
export import LayoutProps = MaterialUI.LayoutProps
export default Layout
declare module 'material-ui/Toolbar' {
export import Toolbar = MaterialUI.Toolbar
export import ToolbarProps = MaterialUI.ToolbarProps
export default Toolbar
declare module 'material-ui/styles/theme' {
export function createMuiTheme(config: any): any;
export default createMuiTheme;
declare module 'material-ui/styles/palette' {
export function createPalette(config: any): any;
export default createPalette;
declare module 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider' {
export import MuiThemeProvider = MaterialUI.MuiThemeProvider
export import MuiThemeProviderProps = MaterialUI.MuiThemeProviderProps
export default MuiThemeProvider
declare module 'material-ui/Avatar' {
export import Avatar = MaterialUI.Avatar
export import AvatarProps = MaterialUI.AvatarProps
export default Avatar
declare module 'material-ui/Paper' {
export import Paper = MaterialUI.Paper
export import PaperProps = MaterialUI.PaperProps
export default Paper
declare module 'material-ui/Divider' {
export import Divider = MaterialUI.Divider
export import DividerProps = MaterialUI.DividerProps
export default Divider
declare module 'material-ui/Drawer' {
export import Drawer = MaterialUI.Drawer
export import DrawerProps = MaterialUI.DrawerProps
export default Drawer
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