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Last active December 9, 2021 00:59
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Merge highlight in Vim or Neovim


Merge existing highlight settings in Vim or Neovim.


Put codes in your configuration file, such as .vimrc or init.vim.


highlight Red guifg=#ff0000
highlight Bold gui=bold
MergeHighlight RedBold Red Bold
" same as ↓
" highlight RedBold guifg=#ff0000 gui=bold
command! -nargs=+ -complete=highlight MergeHighlight call s:MergeHighlight(<q-args>)
function! s:MergeHighlight(args) abort "{{{
let l:args = split(a:args)
if len(l:args) < 2
echoerr '[MergeHighlight] At least 2 arguments are required.'
echoerr 'New highlight name and source highlight names.'
" skip 'links' and 'cleared'
execute 'highlight' l:args[0] l:args[1:]
\ ->map({_, val -> substitute(execute('highlight ' . val), '^\S\+\s\+xxx\s', '', '')})
\ ->filter({_, val -> val !~? '^links to' && val !=? 'cleared'})
\ ->join()
" for the envirionments that doesn't support arrow method
" execute 'highlight' l:args[0] join(
" \ filter(
" \ map(
" \ l:args[1:],
" \ {_, val -> substitute(execute('highlight ' . val), '^\S\+\s\+xxx\s', '', '')}
" \ ),
" \ {_, val -> val !~? '^links to' && val !=? 'cleared'}
" \ ))
endfunction "}}}
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