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Last active July 9, 2023 11:45
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Bluesky invite code history checker
// deno run invite_history.ts
import AtprotoAPI from "npm:@atproto/api";
const { BskyAgent } = AtprotoAPI;
const service = "";
const agent = new BskyAgent({ service });
const identifier = "YOUR_BLUESKY_IDENTIFIER"; // did or handle
const password = "YOUR_BLUESKY_PASSWORD"; // app-password is available
await agent.login({ identifier, password });
const { data: { codes } } = await
const used = codes.filter((code) => code.uses.length > 0);
console.log({ distributed: codes.length, used: used.length });
for await (const code of used) {
const { usedBy, usedAt } = code.uses[0];
let handle = "";
try {
const { data } = await agent.getProfile({
actor: usedBy,
handle = data.handle;
} catch (_e) {
handle = "deleted";
code: code.code,
createdAt: code.createdAt,
profile: `${usedBy}`,
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