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Last active February 13, 2024 09:18
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Just enough Clojure data logging with Logback and LogstashEncoder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration>
<configuration debug="true">
<import class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"/>
<import class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder"/>
<import class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"/>
<import class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter"/>
<import class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy"/>
<import class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder"/>
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="PatternLayoutEncoder">
<pattern>%date %-5level [%thread] %logger{20} - %msg {%mdc}%n</pattern>
<appender name="stash" class="RollingFileAppender">
<filter class="ThresholdFilter">
<rollingPolicy class="TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<encoder class="LogstashEncoder" />
<logger name="kws.api" level="debug"/>
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
<appender-ref ref="stash"/>
[ :as log]
[ :as log-impl])
(:import (org.slf4j MDC)))
(defn mdc-put
"Puts given value under given key in the current MDC."
[k v]
(when (some? k) (MDC/put (name k) (str v))))
(defn mdc-remove
"Removes given key from the current MDC."
(when (some? k) (MDC/remove (name k))))
(defn mdc-put-all
"Puts all entries of given map into the current MDC.
Keys with null values are removed from the current MDC."
(when-let [m (not-empty m)]
(doseq [e m]
(if-some [v (val e)]
(mdc-put (key e) v)
(mdc-remove (key e))))))
(defn mdc-remove-all
"Removes all entries of given map from the current MDC."
(when-let [m (not-empty m)]
(doseq [k (keys m)]
(mdc-remove k))))
(defmacro with-context
"Wraps a body of expressions with a given map of data in the current MDC."
[ctx & body]
`(let [ctx# ~ctx]
(if (not (map? ctx#))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "with-context requires a map"))
(mdc-put-all ctx#)
(mdc-remove-all ctx#))))))
(defn mdc-propagate
"Returns a new function from a given function f.
This new function will run with a copy of the current MDC."
(let [ctx (MDC/getCopyOfContextMap)]
(fn [& args]
(when ctx (MDC/setContextMap ctx))
(apply f args))))
(defmacro log*
[logger level msg & {:as m}]
`(let [m# ~m
ex# (:exception m#)
ctx# (if ex# (dissoc m# :exception) m#)]
(mdc-put-all ctx#)
(if (instance? Throwable ex#)
(let [xdata# (ex-data ex#)]
(when xdata# (mdc-put-all xdata#))
(log/log* ~logger ~level ex# ~msg)
(when xdata# (mdc-remove-all xdata#)))
(log/log* ~logger ~level nil ~msg))
(mdc-remove-all ctx#)))
(defmacro log
"Logs a message and keyvals at the given log level."
([level msg]
`(log/log ~level ~msg))
([level msg & keyvals]
`(let [logger# (log-impl/get-logger log/*logger-factory* ~*ns*)]
(when (log-impl/enabled? logger# ~level)
(log* logger# ~level ~msg ~@keyvals)))))
(defmacro trace
"Logs a message and keyvals at :trace level."
[msg & keyvals]
`(log :trace ~msg ~@keyvals))
(defmacro debug
"Logs a message and keyvals at :debug level."
[msg & keyvals]
`(log :debug ~msg ~@keyvals))
(defmacro info
"Logs a message and keyvals at :info level."
[msg & keyvals]
`(log :info ~msg ~@keyvals))
(defmacro warn
"Logs a message and keyvals at :warn level."
[msg & keyvals]
`(log :warn ~msg ~@keyvals))
(defmacro error
"Logs a message and keyvals at :error level."
[msg & keyvals]
`(log :error ~msg ~@keyvals))
(defmacro fatal
"Logs a message and keyvals at :fatal level."
[msg & keyvals]
`(log :fatal ~msg ~@keyvals))
;; Example API usage
;; Pros:
;; - Easy logstash usage
;; - Easy configuration with logback.xml (ex: only messages higher than debug go to json file)
;; - Simple API with message and key-values
;; - Show ex-data key-values
;; Cons:
;; - Uses "flat" Slf4j MDC string for key-values, so everything is a string in json file
(info "hello")
;; (text) => hello {}
;; (json) => {"message":"hello", ...}
(info :server/start)
;; (text) => :server/start {}
;; (json) => {"message":":server/start", ...}
(info "hello" :exception (ex-info "boom" {}))
;; (text) => "hello {}"
;; [...stacktrace]
;; (json) => {"message":"hello", "stack_trace":"[...]", ...}
(info :server/start :port 80 :timeout 800)
(info :server/start :port 80 {:timeout 800})
(info :server/start {:port 80 :timeout 800})
;; (text) => :server/start {port=80, timeout=800}
;; (json) => {"message":":server/start", "port":"80", "timeout":"800", ...}
(info :client/by-id :user-id 123 :exception (ex-info "boom" {:status 500}))
;; (text) => :client/by-id {user-id=80, status=500}
;; [...stacktrace]
;; (json) => {"message":":client/by-id", "user-id":"123", "status":"500",
;; "stack_trace":"[...]", ...}
(with-context {:user-id 12}
(info :client-order/by-id :order-id 74))
;; (text) => :client-order/by-id {user-id=12, order-id=74}
;; (json) => {"message":":client-order/by-id", "user-id":"12", "order-id":"74", ...}
(with-context {:user-id 11}
;; MDC is not propagated to other threads!
@(future-call #(info :call/back :r 1)))
;; (text) => :call/back {r=1}
;; (json) => {"message":":call/back", "r":"1", ...}
(with-context {:user-id 11}
;; explicitly propagate MDC to an other thread
@(future-call (mdc-propagate #(info :call/back :r 1))))
;; (text) => :call/back {r=1, user-id=11}
;; (json) => {"message":":call/back", "r":"1", "user-id":"11", ...}
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