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Created February 4, 2014 09:49
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(ns captcha-supplier.core
(:require [ :as io])
(:import [ Config]
[java.util Properties]
[javax.imageio ImageIO]
[java.nio.file WatchService])
(:use [ :only [path]]
[ :only [watch-seq]]))
(def ^:const available-chars "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789")
(defn create-captchas [image-dir n]
(dotimes [i n]
(let [props (Properties.)
config (Config. props)
producer (.getProducerImpl config)
rand-text (clojure.string/join (for [x (range 0 8)] (rand-nth available-chars)))
image-file (io/file image-dir (str rand-text ".jpg"))]
(with-open [out (io/output-stream image-file)]
(ImageIO/write (.createImage producer rand-text)
"jpg" out)))))
(defn- supply-captcha! [image-dir threshold]
(when (< (count (.listFiles image-dir)) threshold)
(create-captchas image-dir 100)))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [image-dir (io/file "captchas")]
(when-not (.exists image-dir) (.mkdirs image-dir))
(supply-captcha! image-dir 1)
(doseq [ev (watch-seq (path (.getAbsolutePath image-dir)) :delete)]
(supply-captcha! image-dir 50))))
(defproject captcha-supplier "0.1.0"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
[info.hoetzel/clj-nio2 "0.1.1"]
[com.github.axet/kaptcha "0.0.9"]]
:aot :all
:main captcha.core)
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